The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4 - Contents
- Illustrations and Charts
- I. Setting the Stage for Coming Events
- II. “Left-Wing” and “Right-Wing” Protestantism
- III. State Churches Constitute “Right-Wing” Group
- IV. The Inadequacy of the Colonial Churches
- V. “Great Awakening” of Mid-Eighteenth Century
- VI. America Achieves Separation of Church and State
- VII. The Dual Revolt Against Calvinism
- VIII. New American Arminian Denominations
- I. Ebbing Spirituality Precedes Revival
- II. The Great Revival Molds the Nation
- III. Camp Meetings Develop on the Frontier
- IV. Primitive Camp Meetings and Primitive Emotions
- V. Tied in With Millennial Expectancy
- VI. Revivalism and Development of Hymnody
- VII. Uplifting Songs of the Great Revival
- VIII. Overtone of Prophecy Heard in Songs of the Day
- IX. Social Experiments and Strange Utopias
- I. Century Ends With Upsurge in Prophetic Study
- II. Ogden-Striking Papal Portrait Painted in Revelation
- III. National Fast Day Evokes Sermons on Prophecy
- IV. M’Corkle-1260 Years From Justinian to French Revolution
- V. Belknap-France’s Conquering March to Be Checked
- VI. Father Thayer-Challenges Protestant Position on Antichrist
- VII. Mason-Christianity to Be Established by “Spiritual Revolution”
- VIII. Livingston-Prophetic Outline Nearing Consummation
- IX. Bacon-Second Beast (of Revelation 13) Has Protestant Connotations
- X. Farnham-Pathfinder for Oncoming Expositions
- I. Turn of Century Marks Transition Hour
- II. Leaders Emphasize Prophetic Significance of Times
- III. Baptist Association Stresses Expectancy of Latter Days
- IV. Nott Predicates Missionary Sermon on Prophecy
- V. McFarland Presses on Prophetic Signs of Times
- VI. King-Ends Both 1260 and 2300 Years About 1866
- VII. Romeyn—Final Overthrow of Papacy Prophesied
- VIII. Morse-Prophecy Fulfilling Before Our Eyes
- IX. Beecher-Signs Herald the Millennial Day
- X. Griffin-Millennium Scheduled at End of 1335 Years
- I. Compilation of French Revolution Predictions
- II. King and Bicheno Look to French Revolution
- III. Commentary and Dictionary Reprints Mold Views on Prophecy
- IV. British Commentaries Reprinted in America
- V. Jenks (Congregationalist)—Produces Popular American Commentary
- VI. Other Foreign Works Drawn Upon
- I. Basic Prophetic Principles Become Axiomatic
- II. Fundamental Principles Considered Established
- III. Dual Shift in Prophetic Emphasis Marks Nineteenth Century
- IV. Relationship of the 2300 Years and the 70 Weeks
- V. Davis-First American to Begin Periods Jointly
- VI. 70 Weeks Clue to 2300-Year Terminus in 1843
- VII. The Prophetic Symbols of Revelation 13
- VIII. Davis’ View of Last Things
- IX. “Robertson” Pamphlet-Indiana Reprint of Davis
- X. Widespread Expectancy of Crisis About 1844
- I. Harriet Livermore-Expects World’s Climax in 1847
- II. Prophetic Themes Are Put Into Verse
- III. Anti-Catholic Literature Also Draws on Prophecy
- IV. Catholicism’s Attempt to Counter Protestant Interpretation
- V. Founder of Christadelphians a Constant Expounder
- VI. Discordant Notes Heard in Prophetic Chorus
- I. Worldwide Emphasis Develops for 1843-1847
- II. Mexican Magistrate’s Remarkable Time—prophecy Interpretation
- III. Burwell (Canada)—Also Ends 2300 Years in 1847
- IV. Scott (Baptist)—Crisis Approaching in 1843-1844
- V. Wolff Proclaims Advent Faith to American Congress
- VI. Rogers Reprints Leading British Advent Awakening Expositions
- VII. Premillennial Position of the “American Millenarian”
- I. Ramsey of Philadelphia-Ardent Presbyterian Premillennialist
- II. Episcopalian Shimeall-Advent in 1847; Consummation in 1868
- III. McGregor of Maine-Ends “the Time” About 1843-1847
- IV. Rector College President Also Looks to 1843-1847
- V. Ohio College President Maintains Premillennial Positions
- VI. Kentucky College President Expects End in 1843-1847
- VII. Robinson of Cincinnati-Likewise Awaits End in 1847
- I. The World Must Be Warned of Coming Events
- II. Prophetic “Evidences” Outlined for Andrus Early in 1831
- III. Miller’s First Sermon Based on Daniel 7 and 8
- IV. Intimate Glimpses Afforded by Personal Letters
- V. Miller Becomes a Full-Time Preacher in 1834
- VI. “Text Books” Disclose Amazing Accomplishments
- VII. Initial License in 1833; Broader Certificate in 1835
- I. Characteristics of General and Local Conferences
- II. Significance of Local Conferences, Covering 1842-1844
- III. First General Conference Inaugurates New Advance
- IV. Significance of the Conference Report
- V. Ward’s Expositions Match Those of Miller
- VI. Jones-Logical Secretary of First Conference
- VII. Epitome of Jones’s Fundamental Beliefs
- I. Second Conference at Lowell in Christian Church
- II. Second Advent Library a Major Contribution
- III. Typical Millerite Messages at This Time
- IV. The “Turk” One of Litch’s Favorite Subjects
- V. Litch Places “Trial Judgment” Before Second Advent
- VI. Prophetic Setting for the Coining Kingdom
- VII. Portland-Unity of View Really Remarkable
- VIII. Grove Meetings in God’s Great Out-of-Doors
- I. New York City Comes of Age
- II. Broadway Tabernacle-Center of Revival and Reform
- III. Fourth Conference in Large Broadway Tabernacle
- IV. Fifth Conference in Miller’s Home Town
- V. Four Smaller Conferences in Four States
- VI. Momentum Slower in New York City
- VII. Advent Cause Established in Philadelphia
- VIII. Boston Conference Launches Charts and Camp Meetings
- IX. Last of General Conferences Held in Boston
- I. Remarkable Range of Periodicals and Editors
- II. Bliss-Able Editor of “Signs of the Times”
- III. Southard-Successful Editor of “Midnight Cry”
- IV. Fleming-Guides “Glad Tidings” Acceptably
- V. Marsh-From Christian Editor to Millerite Editor
- VI. Hutchinson-Canadian Representative and Editor
- VII. Hale-Stout Defender of the Advent Faith
- VIII. Whiting-Scholarly Translator of New Testament
- I. Sabine-Long a Student of Bible Prophecy
- II. Cole-First Massachusetts Minister to Embrace Millerism
- III. Cook-Appeals to Baptist Ministry Through Prophecies
- IV. Brown-Struggle of Soul Gives Way to Peace
- V. Bernard-Explicitly Declares His Convictions
- VI. Hawley-Cites Supporting Witnesses of the Centuries
- VII. Galusha-Casts in Lot With Miller Movement
- I. “Christian” Journals Become Proponents of Millerism
- II. Editor of “Palladium” Yields Post for Faith
- III. Colored Ministers Join in Heralding Advent
- IV. Women’s Voices Tell the Advent Story
- V. Feminine Pens Promote and Defend
- VI. Hervey-Discusses Two Advents and Prophecies
- VII. Like the Swirling Leaves of Autumn
- VIII. Extension Movement Spread to Ends of Earth
- IX. Millerite Movement Penetrates Great Britain
- X. Breaks Into Daily Press Reports
- XI. Gunner-Marshals Evidence of Last Times
- I. Charts and Diagrams Used to Expound Prophecy
- II. Numerous Early Charts Precede “1843” Standard
- III. “Cry” Carries Lucid Chart of Daniel’s Prophecies
- IV. Himes’s Composite Chart of Daniel’s Visions
- V. Litch’s Chart in “Trumpet of Alarm”
- VI. French Improves Diagrams of Daniel’s Periods
- VII. Prophetic Exposition on the “1843” Broadside
- VIII. Fitch’s “1843 Chart” Becomes Standard in 1842-1843
- II. Opposition Brings on Separation From Churches
- III. The Call to Separate Reluctantly Issued
- IV. Proscription Grows in Religious Bodies
- V. Fitch Starts Call to “Come Out”
- VI. Editor of “Maine Wesleyan Journal” Casts in Lot
- VII. “Bath Resolutions” Forbid Dissemination of Adventism
- VIII. Smith Dismissed by Maine Ecclesiastics for Beliefs
- IX. Stockman-Forfeiture of Benefits Threatened
- X. Ladd-Likewise Expelled Without Charge of Misconduct
- XI. 100,000 Leave the Various Communions
- I. 1843 and 1844 Phases in Comparison and Contrast
- II. How Miller First Fixed Upon the Year “1843”
- III. Historical Development of Early Time Calculations
- IV. Close of “1843” Shifted to New Moon of April
- V. Crucifixion Date Corrected to A.D. 31
- VI. Emergence of “Seventh Month” Movement Positions
- VII. Snow-Initiator of Seventh-Month Movement
- VIII. Storrs-“Go Forth!” Is “Cry at Midnight”
- IX. Storrs Holds to Standard Outlines of Daniel
- I. The Tragedy and Grief of Disappointment
- II. Outburst of Public Indignation Against Himes
- III. Miller Declares Faith in Imminent Advent Unaltered
- IV. Vindicate Positions in “Address to the Public”
- V. Second Address Encourages Believers
- VI. Opponents Disagree Fatally Among Themselves
- VII. Positions of Opponents Flayed by Non-Millerite Scholars
- VIII. Every Fundamental Sustained by Some Critics
- IX. Exact Time Clearly a Mistake; but Advent Near
- X. Year-Day Principle Stands Unimpeached
- XI. 70 Weeks Still Key to 2300 Years
- XII. Stand on Imminent Premillennial Advent Platform
- XIII. Five-Year Circle of Disputed Time
- I. New Concept of Sanctuary Explains Disappointment
- II. Significance of the Bitter-Sweet Book
- III. Startling Parallel to Disciple Disappointment
- IV. Intensive Group Study Continues for Months
- V. The Aftermath of the Two Disappointments
- VI. Edson-First to Catch Glimpse of Sanctuary Light
- VII. Crosier-Writer of Epochal “Sanctuary” Article
- VIII. Group Sees Striking Parallel With Disciple Disappointment
- IX. Sanctuary Service Prefigures Work of Redemption
- X. Scapegoat-Symbol of Satan’s Banishment
- XI. Further Proclamation Forecast in Prophecy
- XII. Periodical Articles Carry “Light” to Adventists
- XIII. Important Conference Convened at Edson’s Place
- I. Continental European Agitation Transferred to America
- II. Ramos Mexia Introduces Sabbath into Argentina
- III. Like a Voice in the Desert of Apostasy
- IV. Ramos Mexia, the Protestant; Lacunza, the Catholic
- V. Ramos Mexia Protestant in Theology
- VI. Lancastrian Schools Spread Biblical Knowledge
- VII. Irreconcilable Conflict Between Castaneda and Ramos Mexia
- VIII. Makes Sabbath-Sunday Issue the Heart of Conflict
- IX. The Case for Ramos Mexia Summed Up
- X. Scottish Begg-Blends Advent, Prophecies, and Sabbath
- I. Seventh Day Baptists Appoint Days of Fasting and Prayer
- II. Washington, New Hampshire-Where Sabbath and Advent Unite
- III. Rachel Oakes Preston-Brings Sabbath to Washington Group
- IV. Wheeler-First Adventist Minister to Accept Sabbath
- V. Preble-Introduces Sabbath to Bates and Andrews
- VI. William Farnsworth-First Washingtonian to Declare Acceptance
- VII. Bates-Writer of First (1846) Sabbath Tract
- VIII. Scope and Emphasis of Bates’s Sabbath Tract
- IX. Sabbath Draws Strength From Sanctuary Setting
- X. Andrews-First Missionary; Author of Sabbath History
- XI. Honest Hewitt-First Sabbath Convert in Michigan
- I. Evidence of the Gift Found in the Writings
- II. The Four Determining Factors Enumerated
- III. Meeting the Test of Fulfilled Predictions
- IV. Streams of Published Light to Encircle Globe
- V. Rochester “Rappings” to Become World encircling Delusion
- VI. Troubles and Disasters Predicted for Cities
- VII. World War Cataclysms Predicted Back in 1890
- VIII. Difficulties in Travel to Hedge Up Evangelism
- IX. Speed to Characterize Final Movements
- X. Powerful Engines of Destruction to Be Invented
- XI. Jets of Light to Encircle the Earth
- XII. Adventists Not Pessimists but Bible Optimists
- I. The Scope of the Six Sabbath Conferences
- II. Disciples’ Disappointment Parallels Their Own
- III. Sevenfold Scope of Conference Studies
- IV. Formulating a Harmonious System of Truth
- V. Main Millerite Prophetic Positions Simply Reaffirmed
- VI. Edson View of Sanctuary Definitely Adopted
- VII. Sabbath Issue the Overshadowing Topic
- VIII. Prophetic Gift Restored in Remnant Hour
- IX. Concurrence of Fulfillments Identifies “Remnant”
- I. Rhodes and Nichols—Produce Earliest Sabbatarian Chart
- II. Otis Nichols’ Interpretation of Key Positions
- III. Bates-Pagan Rome, Papal Europe, and Protestant America
- IV. 1863 White Chart Becomes the Standard Exposition
- V. Edson—Fundamental Emphasis on Revelation 13 to 17
- VI. Arnold—Agrees on Major Points, Differs on Minor
- VII. Holt-Saints in Heaven; Earth Desolate During Millennium
- VIII. Case-Protestant Union of Church and State
- IX. Cottrell-Writes on “Mark” and “Rappings”
- I. Andrews-Author of Able “History of the Sabbath”
- II. Thumbnail Sketch of Andrews’ Interpretation
- III. America Seen in Symbol of Revelation 13:12-18
- IV. Gives Systematic Exposition on Three Messages
- V. Cornell-Assembles Witness of Eminent Expositors
- VI. Waggoner-Editor of Western “Signs of the Times”
- VII. Loughborough-Chronicler of Pioneer Days
- VIII. Haskell-Father of Tract Societies and the Bible Work
- I. Uriah Smith-Systematic Expositor of Prophecy
- II. Early Expositions in Smith’s Formative Period
- III. Mature Harmony of Prophecies Developed
- IV. Systematic Exposition of Daniel Emerges
- V. The Apocalypse Completes the Prophetic Picture
- VI. Gage-Papacy the Last Power of Daniel 11
- VII. Educator Bell-Produces Systematic Lessons on Prophecies
- VIII. Comprehensive Coverage of the Major Prophecies
- I. Prophecy’s Fundamental Place in the Adventist Faith
- II. Truth Trodden Down Under Apostasy to Be Restored
- III. Significance of Keeping the “Faith of Jesus”
- IV. Larger Intent of Cleansing of Sanctuary Dawns
- V. The Consciousness of a Great Commission
- VI. Prophecy Adds Depth and Meaning to Doctrine
- VII. Provides Sound Platform for Intelligent Faith
- Acknowledgments