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Christ (Part 18 of 18) TopIndex .Christ.12856

on appetite TopIndex .Christ.12856

almost overpowering Con 40:1 TopIndex .Christ.12857

met after a long fast HP 194:2 TopIndex .Christ.12858

withstood with man’s nature HP 194:6 TopIndex .Christ.12859

intemperance not defended when understanding TMK 314:3 TopIndex .Christ.12860

overcome by divine power FLB 219:3 TopIndex .Christ.12861

personal application not made of, by many Con 63:3 TopIndex .Christ.12862

possible as a man (important question) 3SM 129:3 TopIndex .Christ.12863

prepared Him to succor us TDG 14:3 TopIndex .Christ.12864

proportional to His superior character Con 31:1; TMK 291:2 TopIndex .Christ.12865

reality of, TopIndex .Christ.12866

as ours are to us UL 195:3 TopIndex .Christ.12867

He was free to yield 3SM 131:3 TopIndex .Christ.12868

resisted UL 195 TopIndex .Christ.12869

in the strength of divinity TDG 151:4 TopIndex .Christ.12870

Satan TopIndex .Christ.12871

claimed sanctification at 3SM 199:1 TopIndex .Christ.12872

knew importance of consequences of TMK 33:2 TopIndex .Christ.12873

recognized in HP 350:2 TopIndex .Christ.12874

tempts us just as in Con 63:3 TopIndex .Christ.12875

thought he could succeed in UL 357:6 TopIndex .Christ.12876

was controlled during, by Scripture TMK 210:2 TopIndex .Christ.12877

Satan’s failure in Con 78:2 TopIndex .Christ.12878

strength of, according to Satan’s object Con 78:2 TopIndex .Christ.12879

stronger and fiercer than met by Adam TDG 215:4 TopIndex .Christ.12880

suffering endured during; we can endure too Con 77:1 TopIndex .Christ.12881

surroundings of, compared with Adam’s Con 37:2 TopIndex .Christ.12882

to believe suffering unnecessary as for Isaac Con 39:0 TopIndex .Christ.12883

to demonstrate His claims to Satan HP 255:2 TopIndex .Christ.12884

to doubt His own divinity Con 40:2 TopIndex .Christ.12885

to feel forsaken by God UL 90:5 TopIndex .Christ.12886

to prove His divinity Con 39:2, 84:3 TopIndex .Christ.12887

to speak hastily OHC 291:4 TopIndex .Christ.12888

to win the world by compromise UL 195:2 TopIndex .Christ.12889

to work a miracle to satisfy His hunger Con 40:2 TopIndex .Christ.12890

true to His purpose in AG 27:5 TopIndex .Christ.12891

victory gained for human race in UL 189:4 TopIndex .Christ.12892

vulnerability in 3SM 129:2 TopIndex .Christ.12893

weakness and infirmities shown in HP 256:3 TopIndex .Christ.12894

when weakest HP 256:2 TopIndex .Christ.12895

Word of God was His only weapon for TDG 215:4 TopIndex .Christ.12896

temptation resisted as, resisted to conquer as He did TMK 34:5 TopIndex .Christ.12897

tenderness of, TopIndex .Christ.12898

appreciation for, is evidence of rebirth TDG 99:4 TopIndex .Christ.12899

disciples in storm watched in TDG 110:6 TopIndex .Christ.12900

poem quoted relating, to John 16:12 OHC 211:4 TopIndex .Christ.12901

revealed, TopIndex .Christ.12902

by His followers HP 293:2 TopIndex .Christ.12903

if He abides in the heart TDG 192:5 TopIndex .Christ.12904

students to be shown 1MCP 190:2 TopIndex .Christ.12905

testimony for, TopIndex .Christ.12906

about His saving power OHC 76:5 TopIndex .Christ.12907

borne by maintaining allegiance to God TMK 352:3 TopIndex .Christ.12908

theme of Christian is, and Him crucified PM 285:0 TopIndex .Christ.12909

themes of, newly presented to minds TMK 340:2 TopIndex .Christ.12910

thinks of us individually and knows every need RC 109:5 TopIndex .Christ.12911

thoughtfulness of, TopIndex .Christ.12912

shown by miracle at Cana TDG 366:5 TopIndex .Christ.12913

to be copied HP 296:4 TopIndex .Christ.12914

thoughts about / contemplation of / dwelling on TopIndex .Christ.12915

and talk about; thoughts to be higher 2MCP 663:1 TopIndex .Christ.12916

at end and beginning of the day OHC 116:2 TopIndex .Christ.12917

becoming like Him by RC 65:6 TopIndex .Christ.12918

by hearing words of praise FLB 236:5 TopIndex .Christ.12919

charmed away from self TMK 136:2 TopIndex .Christ.12920

cherished to understand truth LHU 237:4 TopIndex .Christ.12921

fill those beholding and being changed 3SM 170:0 TopIndex .Christ.12922

fixed on Him HP 62:3 TopIndex .Christ.12923

follow obedience of 1MCP 69:2 TopIndex .Christ.12924

for truth to be imparted 1MCP 314:3 TopIndex .Christ.12925

habit of TMK 247:4 TopIndex .Christ.12926

in His Holy place FLB 205:7 TopIndex .Christ.12927

in human robe with subdued glory HP 201:5 TopIndex .Christ.12928

instead of dwelling on others’ defects TDG 300:3 TopIndex .Christ.12929

more UL 37:5 TopIndex .Christ.12930

necessary for grace in the life RC 308:4 TopIndex .Christ.12931

neglected 3SM 185:2 TopIndex .Christ.12932

on His characteristics LHU 238:5; OHC 111:5 TopIndex .Christ.12933

Satan takes advantage of disunion when, lacking TDG 141:3 TopIndex .Christ.12934

value revealed by TMK 97:2 TopIndex .Christ.12935

when mind emptied of frivolity OHC 115:4 TopIndex .Christ.12936

See also Christ, minds TopIndex .Christ.12937

throne of, TopIndex .Christ.12938

awaiting exaltation to RC 214:8 TopIndex .Christ.12939

believers exalted to, by His humility OHC 366:5 TopIndex .Christ.12940

cross endured to give us the glories of HP 43:4 TopIndex .Christ.12941

descent from LHU 40:4 TopIndex .Christ.12942

was not climax of humiliation TMK 339:3 TopIndex .Christ.12943

elevated to, TopIndex .Christ.12944

by beholding Him TMK 96:4 TopIndex .Christ.12945

by overcoming as He did TMK 33:2 TopIndex .Christ.12946

in the heart; self must die UL 200:6 TopIndex .Christ.12947

time of, not wasted in/with, TopIndex .Christ.12948

dissipating pleasures OHC 59:4 TopIndex .Christ.12949

explaining science 1MCP 245:3 TopIndex .Christ.12950

seekers of ease and pleasure OHC 180:4 TopIndex .Christ.12951

time with, Mary’s choice for OHC 281:3 TopIndex .Christ.12952

trade learned by UL 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.12953

training by, TopIndex .Christ.12954

for the higher grade above HP 58:5 TopIndex .Christ.12955

to be His co-laborers OHC 182:4 TopIndex .Christ.12956

transforms sinners to enjoy heaven HP 282:2 TopIndex .Christ.12957

See also Christ, school of TopIndex .Christ.12958

transformed by, See Christ, change by TopIndex .Christ.12959

trap(s) set for, TopIndex .Christ.12960

by lawyer asking about eternal life FW 42:3 TopIndex .Christ.12961

revealed by His answers TDG 143:4 TopIndex .Christ.12962

treasure TopIndex .Christ.12963

of heaven not recognized in, by Israel TMK 58 TopIndex .Christ.12964

to those who find Him OHC 13:2 TopIndex .Christ.12965

worth selling all for LHU 232:2 TopIndex .Christ.12966

treasures TopIndex .Christ.12967

of eternity at command of LHU 37:3 TopIndex .Christ.12968

received by, to convince of God’s love TMK 338:3 TopIndex .Christ.12969

treatment of, TopIndex .Christ.12970

as a sinner that we might be treated as righteous HP 15:6 TopIndex .Christ.12971

by us as we treat His children RC 206:2 TopIndex .Christ.12972

showed how world would treat God HP 357:4 TopIndex .Christ.12973

showed strength of human reason LHU 152:3 TopIndex .Christ.12974

See also Christ, taunted TopIndex .Christ.12975

trial of, TopIndex .Christ.12976

condemnation at, although not found guilty LHU 257:3 TopIndex .Christ.12977

self-control shown in TMK 139:2 TopIndex .Christ.12978

trials may be taken to HP 269:4; OHC 54:3 TopIndex .Christ.12979

trials of, TopIndex .Christ.12980

and tempted as we are RC 16:5 TopIndex .Christ.12981

as a building stone by human perversity OHC 54:3 TopIndex .Christ.12982

every soul known by TMK 53:5 TopIndex .Christ.12983

His children known by TMK 51:3 TopIndex .Christ.12984

met daily without failure or discouragement RC 37:4 TopIndex .Christ.12985

nights of prayer essential preparation for Mar 85:5 TopIndex .Christ.12986

shared, bring rejoicing OHC 265:4 TopIndex .Christ.12987

triumph of, See Christ, victory of TopIndex .Christ.12988

trophies of, washed in the blood of the Lamb HP 211:5 TopIndex .Christ.12989

troubles and griefs may be told to HP 273:4 TopIndex .Christ.12990

true to His word; He will never falsify Himself TDG 364:5 TopIndex .Christ.12991

trust, TopIndex .Christ.12992

God to establish us in OHC 24:2 TopIndex .Christ.12993

secure only in, in the last days Mar 197:4 TopIndex .Christ.12994

wisdom of; Satan’s character revealed 3SM 414:3 TopIndex .Christ.12995

trust in, TopIndex .Christ.12996

all the time HP 275:5 TopIndex .Christ.12997

always; advisers may try to confuse TDG 191:3 TopIndex .Christ.12998

and He will lift you to a noble standard OHC 206:4 TopIndex .Christ.12999

and honor brings blessings TDG 189:5 TopIndex .Christ.13000

as Saviour when He is our King and we obey FW 16:2 TopIndex .Christ.13001

despite corruption in the earth TDG 91:2 TopIndex .Christ.13002

encouraged HP 117:6 TopIndex .Christ.13003

for one who loved Him 2MCP 810:1 TopIndex .Christ.13004

failure never experienced while having 2MCP 473:2 TopIndex .Christ.13005

for guidance UL 320:6 TopIndex .Christ.13006

for peace, grace and pardon TDG 63:3 TopIndex .Christ.13007

for yourself; how can you educate others? 3SM 151:3 TopIndex .Christ.13008

gives a sense of security AG 259:3 TopIndex .Christ.13009

He wants UL 212:5 TopIndex .Christ.13010

His blessing on health principles bring success 3SM 296:2 TopIndex .Christ.13011

important irrespective of emotional atmosphere 2MCP 812:0 TopIndex .Christ.13012

in darkness, TopIndex .Christ.13013

and light as our living Saviour TMK 142:2 TopIndex .Christ.13014

as in light LHU 280:2 TopIndex .Christ.13015

instead of TopIndex .Christ.13016

in your own heart OHC 64:3 TopIndex .Christ.13017

worrying 2MCP 466:3 TopIndex .Christ.13018

intelligence and thoughtfulness strengthened by TMK 135:4 TopIndex .Christ.13019

keeping Him by our side HP 254:4 TopIndex .Christ.13020

learned TDG 104:3 TopIndex .Christ.13021

while forming characters for heaven OHC 61:4 TopIndex .Christ.13022

less than in human friends TDG 158:3 TopIndex .Christ.13023

mothers would find rest by RC 171:2 TopIndex .Christ.13024

rather than self UL 141:3 TopIndex .Christ.13025

recommended to a depressed woman 2MCP 807:1 TopIndex .Christ.13026

tests will come; vehemence wounds yourself 2MCP 578:4 TopIndex .Christ.13027

though tried as by fire TMK 277:2 TopIndex .Christ.13028

See also Christ, dependence on TopIndex .Christ.13029

truth TopIndex .Christ.13030

came from the very heart of UL 229:3 TopIndex .Christ.13031

central to Bible study TMK 208:2 TopIndex .Christ.13032

communicated through, is present truth LHU 153:2 TopIndex .Christ.13033

flowed constantly from HP 175:3 TopIndex .Christ.13034

gems of, TopIndex .Christ.13035

given by, to be gathered up OHC 211:3 TopIndex .Christ.13036

reset by, when found mixed with error LHU 259:4 TopIndex .Christ.13037

in the heart brings being into captivity of 1MCP 324:3 TopIndex .Christ.13038

known by, without a shadow TDG 135:4 TopIndex .Christ.13039

not suppressed by UL 145:4 TopIndex .Christ.13040

opened by, in simplicity and power VSS 87:1 TopIndex .Christ.13041

presented by, TopIndex .Christ.13042

because He was truth TDG 72:3 TopIndex .Christ.13043

from billowy cloud, is truth today TDG 195:3 TopIndex .Christ.13044

in simple language TMK 50:3 TopIndex .Christ.13045

to appeal to all intellects VSS 102:0 TopIndex .Christ.13046

received from, and imparted to others TDG 229:5 TopIndex .Christ.13047

revealed in words and life of RC 113:2 TopIndex .Christ.13048

scattered by, as golden grains OHC 207:6 TopIndex .Christ.13049

(seekers for) become like UL 103:5 TopIndex .Christ.13050

spoken by, effective UL 58:3 TopIndex .Christ.13051

turning TopIndex .Christ.13052

away from, having great possessions FW 70:4 TopIndex .Christ.13053

to, in trust HP 51:2 TopIndex .Christ.13054

unacknowledged in the world He created HP 40:5 TopIndex .Christ.13055

unappreciated even by His own family UL 54:5 TopIndex .Christ.13056

unbelievers learn faith in, by ones with self-denial CME 25:0 TopIndex .Christ.13057

uncertain ideas not uttered by TMK 98:4 TopIndex .Christ.13058

understanding by, TopIndex .Christ.13059

also pity, forgiveness and grace RC 170:6 TopIndex .Christ.13060

for all sorrows TSB 47:3 TopIndex .Christ.13061

for each person UL 332:6 TopIndex .Christ.13062

for our trials UL 303:3 TopIndex .Christ.13063

for our weakness AG 14:4 TopIndex .Christ.13064

for you HP 176:3 TopIndex .Christ.13065

of poverty TMK 43:5 TopIndex .Christ.13066

understanding of, See also Christ, knowledge of; Christ, solicitude TopIndex .Christ.13067

unity (with one another), TopIndex .Christ.13068

and peace of church dear to heart of UL 106:3 TopIndex .Christ.13069

based on love of UL 279:6 TopIndex .Christ.13070

exemplified by mingling of nationalities UL 281:3 TopIndex .Christ.13071

results from drawing near to UL 110:2 TopIndex .Christ.13072

See also Christ, division; Unity TopIndex .Christ.13073

unity of, with the Father, revealed the Father TMK 38:5 TopIndex .Christ.13074

unlikeness to, TopIndex .Christ.13075

seen before the cross; hatred for sin LHU 297:6 TopIndex .Christ.13076

strength to overcome for those seeing their OHC 117:3 TopIndex .Christ.13077

unrecognized although commissioned by God UL 67:3 TopIndex .Christ.13078

unrest banished from those who follow HP 262:4 TopIndex .Christ.13079

unseen TopIndex .Christ.13080

Guest, few behold Him as OHC 55:2 TopIndex .Christ.13081

now but His Holy Spirit is always near TMK 57:5 TopIndex .Christ.13082

unselfishness honors HP 57:2 TopIndex .Christ.13083

uplifting, TopIndex .Christ.13084

as the Redeemer UL 100:3 TopIndex .Christ.13085

by humble workers noted by God TMK 123:3 TopIndex .Christ.13086

by redeemed ones LHU 230:5 TopIndex .Christ.13087

constantly HP 187:4 TopIndex .Christ.13088

purifies the heart LHU 297:5 TopIndex .Christ.13089

value of, TopIndex .Christ.13090

discerned when worldly rubbish swept away TMK 58:2 TopIndex .Christ.13091

treasures of, increase as experience is sought 3SM 187:0 TopIndex .Christ.13092

valuing, See Christ, prizing TopIndex .Christ.13093

victory/triumph of, TopIndex .Christ.13094

advantage for the Christian HP 260:5 TopIndex .Christ.13095

constant although tried in every way RC 349:4 TopIndex .Christ.13096

demands more contemplation FLB 219:3 TopIndex .Christ.13097

explaining, while gloomy 2MCP 812:0 TopIndex .Christ.13098

for everyday life UL 22:6 TopIndex .Christ.13099

for humanity gained through temptation AG 164:3 TopIndex .Christ.13100

for us TDG 120:5 TopIndex .Christ.13101

praised Mar 317:6 TopIndex .Christ.13102

revealed in the Bible TMK 192:2 TopIndex .Christ.13103

to be seen clearly OHC 20:3 TopIndex .Christ.13104

given as our advantage as we unite with Him HP 251:5 TopIndex .Christ.13105

gives us courage in trial RC 219:8 TopIndex .Christ.13106

in temptation calls for adoration and glory 3SM 130:2 TopIndex .Christ.13107

is our salvation; He is our substitute FW 74:4 TopIndex .Christ.13108

not substitute for personal victory Con 64:1 TopIndex .Christ.13109

placed us on vantage ground HP 260:5; TDG 318:3 TopIndex .Christ.13110

places of pleasure were not chosen for Con 71:2 TopIndex .Christ.13111

strength against temptation through TMK 314:4 TopIndex .Christ.13112

through submission and faith in God HP 256:4 TopIndex .Christ.13113

while under fiercest temptation on the cross RC 60:2 TopIndex .Christ.13114

victory through Con 72:0 TopIndex .Christ.13115

as Conqueror HP 98:5 TopIndex .Christ.13116

assured through resistance HP 251:5 TopIndex .Christ.13117

for those who walk humbly and learn UL 367:5 TopIndex .Christ.13118

His all-powerful name TMK 269:2 TopIndex .Christ.13119

His strength FLB 79:6 TopIndex .Christ.13120

our priest, intercessor and offering 1MCP 32:1 TopIndex .Christ.13121

over self OHC 184:6 TopIndex .Christ.13122

realizing weakness HP 252:4 TopIndex .Christ.13123

requires His help OHC 82:6 TopIndex .Christ.13124

yet to be accomplished; Satan hinders AG 27:5 TopIndex .Christ.13125

view(s) of, TopIndex .Christ.13126

need to be broader TDG 290:2 TopIndex .Christ.13127

(practical) needed for genuine knowledge OHC 30:4 TopIndex .Christ.13128

Satan eclipses, for those not dwelling on Him RC 82:2 TopIndex .Christ.13129

Satan tries to block RC 21:4 TopIndex .Christ.13130

Satan’s power to eclipse, gone OHC 136:6 TopIndex .Christ.13131

to be higher UL 136:4 TopIndex .Christ.13132

virtues of, TopIndex .Christ.13133

cultivated, OHC 99:5 TopIndex .Christ.13134

to reflect His character TDG 261:4 TopIndex .Christ.13135

needed in daily life UL 311:4 TopIndex .Christ.13136

not practiced because His character not known LHU 76:6 TopIndex .Christ.13137

practiced by overcomers UL 290:7 TopIndex .Christ.13138

practicing, making Him your daily pattern TMK 233:2 TopIndex .Christ.13139

we are nothing without TMK 109:4 TopIndex .Christ.13140

visits those in hard places for His sake TDG 159:6 TopIndex .Christ.13141

visualize, praying for us HP 76:2 TopIndex .Christ.13142

voice of, TopIndex .Christ.13143

calm; balm on the wounded spirit VSS 71:2 TopIndex .Christ.13144

faith that overcomes hears, offering victory TMK 166:5 TopIndex .Christ.13145

heard TopIndex .Christ.13146

as He communes with patriarch and prophet TMK 8:3 TopIndex .Christ.13147

now HP 363:2 TopIndex .Christ.13148

open the heart door to Him TDG 11:5 TopIndex .Christ.13149

inviting reapers to enter the kingdom Mar 317:3 TopIndex .Christ.13150

keynote of the universe HP 248:5 TopIndex .Christ.13151

listening to, requires silence in the heart OHC 37:5 TopIndex .Christ.13152

melody and calmness in; sentences understood VSS 397:3 TopIndex .Christ.13153

musical, distinct and never strained VSS 71:1 TopIndex .Christ.13154

of assurance RC 356:5 TopIndex .Christ.13155

remembered by John on Isle of Patmos TMK 360:2 TopIndex .Christ.13156

richer than any music; inviting us to heaven Mar 245:3 TopIndex .Christ.13157

sweeter than any music ever heard 3SM 388:2 TopIndex .Christ.13158

unrecognized by listening to strange voice TMK 212:2 TopIndex .Christ.13159

was as the voice of God TMK 38:5 TopIndex .Christ.13160

voice used to exalt, and to magnify the Word TMK 345:3 TopIndex .Christ.13161

waiting of, TopIndex .Christ.13162

before the throne for our prayers UL 155:5 TopIndex .Christ.13163

to reveal His glory and thoughts of bliss LHU 361:4 TopIndex .Christ.13164

walking TopIndex .Christ.13165

as, holding His arm and partaking of His spirit TMK 298:6 TopIndex .Christ.13166

close to, in path of self-denial OHC 132:4 TopIndex .Christ.13167

walking in, TopIndex .Christ.13168

footsteps of UL 329:2 TopIndex .Christ.13169

does not require visiting Palestine HP 225:3 TopIndex .Christ.13170

the strength and grace of TMK 309:4 TopIndex .Christ.13171

walking of, TopIndex .Christ.13172

in paths of Nazareth HP 214:2 TopIndex .Christ.13173

on sea, subject for Ellen White after boating excursion TDG 110:3 TopIndex .Christ.13174

on this earth apparently alone UL 67:2 TopIndex .Christ.13175

on water OHC 56:2 TopIndex .Christ.13176

walking with, TopIndex .Christ.13177

and be complete UL 314:6 TopIndex .Christ.13178

as salvation; not by works LHU 40:3 TopIndex .Christ.13179

conflict and suffering in, but peace LHU 98:5 TopIndex .Christ.13180

daily privilege of OHC 97:5 TopIndex .Christ.13181

Ellen White longed to be one who will be TDG 117:3 TopIndex .Christ.13182

in character and purpose RC 347:6 TopIndex .Christ.13183

is not walking in the shadow HP 262:4 TopIndex .Christ.13184

joy in HP 62:2 TopIndex .Christ.13185

means believing He walks with you TDG 225:7 TopIndex .Christ.13186

rejoicing is for those RC 124:3 TopIndex .Christ.13187

sensing God’s character and requirements FW 54:0 TopIndex .Christ.13188

trusting as a child TMK 250:2 TopIndex .Christ.13189

walls/obstructions TopIndex .Christ.13190

beaten down by UL 166:4 TopIndex .Christ.13191

of exclusion demolished by OHC 245:4 TopIndex .Christ.13192

wants, See Christ, desire of TopIndex .Christ.13193

warning by, TopIndex .Christ.13194

against false Christs in last days TDG 164:4 TopIndex .Christ.13195

against wily foe UL 19:5 TopIndex .Christ.13196

and friendship for Peter TDG 259:3 TopIndex .Christ.13197

to break spell ensnaring people HP 308:3 TopIndex .Christ.13198

warning needed for those unready to meet PM 281:3 TopIndex .Christ.13199

watch, pray and work while looking to RC 119:2 TopIndex .Christ.13200

watched TopIndex .Christ.13201

by crafty men during His ministry TDG 143:4 TopIndex .Christ.13202

disciples all through storm TDG 110:6 TopIndex .Christ.13203

See also Christ, spies TopIndex .Christ.13204

watches TopIndex .Christ.13205

and teaches us what to do UL 242:2 TopIndex .Christ.13206

human family with interest HP 278:2 TopIndex .Christ.13207

over mothers’ interest TMK 39:3 TopIndex .Christ.13208

over us although we cannot see Him LHU 376:5 TopIndex .Christ.13209

water given by, from following Bible FLB 21:5 TopIndex .Christ.13210

way TopIndex .Christ.13211

of God to be followed by, as our example HP 255:4 TopIndex .Christ.13212

to heaven made known by TMK 82:4 TopIndex .Christ.13213

we must go has been traveled by RY 155:1 TopIndex .Christ.13214

way of, TopIndex .Christ.13215

prepared in the time of the loud cry Mar 218:4 TopIndex .Christ.13216

to be prepared HP 167:3 TopIndex .Christ.13217

See also Christ, methods of TopIndex .Christ.13218

wealth given for service of RC 269:2 TopIndex .Christ.13219

weariness TopIndex .Christ.13220

in toil yet showed no impatience HP 214:4 TopIndex .Christ.13221

often experienced by TDG 143:3 TopIndex .Christ.13222

welcome and benediction of, as saints enter city of God 3SM 431:2 TopIndex .Christ.13223

wept TopIndex .Christ.13224

at the sight of woe OHC 198:3 TopIndex .Christ.13225

over Jerusalem just before His crucifixion TDG 109:4 TopIndex .Christ.13226

whisper of, sensitive soul responds to TMK 361:4 TopIndex .Christ.13227

wickedness of humanity seen at feet of 2MCP 781:2 TopIndex .Christ.13228

wilderness chosen by, as a place for contemplation HP 252:2 TopIndex .Christ.13229

will TopIndex .Christ.13230

(human) emancipated by OHC 104:3 TopIndex .Christ.13231

of His Father followed by HP 147:4 TopIndex .Christ.13232

will of, TopIndex .Christ.13233

accomplished by influences Christ provides HP 278:4 TopIndex .Christ.13234

becomes our will as self dies TMK 55:3 TopIndex .Christ.13235

captivity to, required to enter God’s kingdom RC 22:4 TopIndex .Christ.13236

Christian’s will conforms to HP 33:2 TopIndex .Christ.13237

commendation for those striving to do PM 89:2 TopIndex .Christ.13238

communicated to Jews, but they rejected Him TDG 31:3 TopIndex .Christ.13239

controlled by; peculiarities of others borne TDG 262:5 TopIndex .Christ.13240

controls one in union with Him HP 187:3 TopIndex .Christ.13241

ever with God’s will, although tempted in all points OHC 107:3 TopIndex .Christ.13242

exercised to save souls OHC 107:2 TopIndex .Christ.13243

hearts attuned to, here OHC 61:4 TopIndex .Christ.13244

law for Christian TMK 163:3 TopIndex .Christ.13245

many set own standard and do not submit to 1MCP 41:1 TopIndex .Christ.13246

nourished by the divine OHC 107:2 TopIndex .Christ.13247

obedience to UL 141:4 TopIndex .Christ.13248

our wills change into HP 337:3 TopIndex .Christ.13249

peace HP 249:2 TopIndex .Christ.13250

power available to do UL 271:5 TopIndex .Christ.13251

same as Adam’s in Eden OHC 107:3 TopIndex .Christ.13252

striving to do, discouragement for ones who are TMK 243:4 TopIndex .Christ.13253

submission to, TopIndex .Christ.13254

See also Christ, submission to TopIndex .Christ.13255

yields fruits of righteousness AG 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.13256

swallowed up in His Father’s; He was calm TDG 263:4 TopIndex .Christ.13257

talents subject to OHC 8:4 TopIndex .Christ.13258

temptation might have been yielded to by OHC 107:3 TopIndex .Christ.13259

transferred to those who put their trust in Him TMK 78:4 TopIndex .Christ.13260

understanding ways and TDG 31:6 TopIndex .Christ.13261

See also God, will of; Will (human decision-making power) TopIndex .Christ.13262

winsomeness of, required in soul winning TMK 218:5 TopIndex .Christ.13263

wisdom of, TopIndex .Christ.13264

and authority Pharisees could not interpret UL 221:2 TopIndex .Christ.13265

and righteousness, seeking HP 122:4 TopIndex .Christ.13266

can apply unfailing remedy for life UL 266:4 TopIndex .Christ.13267

guides in unerring counsel TDG 151:3 TopIndex .Christ.13268

revealed only by accepting His word TDG 112:6 TopIndex .Christ.13269

trust in, not in self AG 260:2 TopIndex .Christ.13270

when we need it TDG 361:6 TopIndex .Christ.13271

wisdom of righteousness of, neglected in seeking salvation TMK 112:2 TopIndex .Christ.13272

with, See Christ, presence of TopIndex .Christ.13273

withholding from, OHC 263:5 TopIndex .Christ.13274

complaining of the way 2MCP 811:1 TopIndex .Christ.13275

without, TopIndex .Christ.13276

evil is all you can do 3SM 196:2 TopIndex .Christ.13277

we are not safe; unguarded souls deceived TMK 286:3 TopIndex .Christ.13278

witness by, to universe of the goodness of the law UL 90:2 TopIndex .Christ.13279

witnessing for, TopIndex .Christ.13280

as we come to the cross; commending Him RC 17:6 TopIndex .Christ.13281

difficulties of, pass away TDG 372:3 TopIndex .Christ.13282

or confining efforts to those of same faith PM 285:2 TopIndex .Christ.13283

See also Christ, representatives of; Souls, salvation of TopIndex .Christ.13284

woman’s best friend, as Bible examples show RC 170:5 TopIndex .Christ.13285

women working with, above reproach; work not hindered 3SM 374:3 TopIndex .Christ.13286

Word of God / Scriptures, TopIndex .Christ.13287

leads to knowing UL 103:5 TopIndex .Christ.13288

provides banquet for those who accept RC 128:4 TopIndex .Christ.13289

reveals HP 134:4; LHU 261:3 TopIndex .Christ.13290

teaching by, continues from heaven Mar 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.13291

treasured in heart of UL 54:6 TopIndex .Christ.13292

words TopIndex .Christ.13293

disparaging His children heard by UL 280:6 TopIndex .Christ.13294

may eclipse view of HP 175:2 TopIndex .Christ.13295

that grieve, not indulged when He is Sanctifier TMK 250:5 TopIndex .Christ.13296

to point those around you to OHC 291:2 TopIndex .Christ.13297

weighed with tenderness of, powerful witness TDG 68:4 TopIndex .Christ.13298

word(s) of, TopIndex .Christ.13299

abiding in us UL 303:4 TopIndex .Christ.13300

acts and, revealed compassion UL 145:3 TopIndex .Christ.13301

always appropriate and effective TMK 178:3 TopIndex .Christ.13302

appearance of ones heeding, as having been with Him TMK 336:3 TopIndex .Christ.13303

are words of God 3SM 176:2 TopIndex .Christ.13304

attractive; Pharisees hated Him VSS 77:4 TopIndex .Christ.13305

authority in; spirit and life LHU 37:2 TopIndex .Christ.13306

“Be thou clean” need to be heard HP 106:4 TopIndex .Christ.13307

believing, brings hope HP 144:4 TopIndex .Christ.13308

implicitly to know that He pardons TDG 89:3 TopIndex .Christ.13309

Bible contains; apply them TDG 204:5 TopIndex .Christ.13310

to make us wise TDG 99:2 TopIndex .Christ.13311

brace every soul for duty and trial HP 50:2 TopIndex .Christ.13312

bread TopIndex .Christ.13313

for our souls RC 138:2 TopIndex .Christ.13314

of life for all; to refuse it is death SW 52:1 TopIndex .Christ.13315

bring peace, happiness, and assurance forever OHC 329:5 TopIndex .Christ.13316

brought conviction UL 236:4 TopIndex .Christ.13317

charmed officers sent to take Him VSS 78:0 TopIndex .Christ.13318

cherish OHC 120:4 TopIndex .Christ.13319

children heard, and, TopIndex .Christ.13320

mothers repeated them HP 63:4 TopIndex .Christ.13321

remembered UL 57:5 TopIndex .Christ.13322

conviction attended, speaking about Himself LHU 226:5 TopIndex .Christ.13323

doing UL 66:5 TopIndex .Christ.13324

drinking in OHC 99:4 TopIndex .Christ.13325

earnest but never pitched to unnatural key TMK 207:3 TopIndex .Christ.13326

eating, TopIndex .Christ.13327

as eternal life to us TDG 12:2 TopIndex .Christ.13328

gives spiritual vitality HP 137:3 TopIndex .Christ.13329

Ellen White instructed to bear UL 160:5 TopIndex .Christ.13330

engraved on the soul; we are His witnesses TDG 96:6 TopIndex .Christ.13331

eternal life in, spoken from Simon’s boat UL 288:2 TopIndex .Christ.13332

faith encouraged by LHU 90:7 TopIndex .Christ.13333

feed on, and knowledge will expand TMK 201:3 TopIndex .Christ.13334

fell with power on thirsty souls HP 181:3 TopIndex .Christ.13335

first many ever heard HP 225:4 TopIndex .Christ.13336

for us today TMK 51:3 TopIndex .Christ.13337

gave comfort, blessing and understanding to all TMK 155:3 TopIndex .Christ.13338

gift of bread from heaven 3SM 202:2 TopIndex .Christ.13339

guidance from, instead of impression 3SM 404:4 TopIndex .Christ.13340

He longed for humans to honor TDG 189:3 TopIndex .Christ.13341

He spoke, as he had to the prophets LHU 261:3 TopIndex .Christ.13342

He wanted His people to receive TDG 109:5 TopIndex .Christ.13343

healed, cast out demons, stilled the sea, etc. HP 134:4 TopIndex .Christ.13344

heaven attempted in wrong way without TDG 266:3 TopIndex .Christ.13345

highest possible instruction TMK 188:5 TopIndex .Christ.13346

hope and life-giving power in 3SM 238:3 TopIndex .Christ.13347

hope and sympathy in LHU 90:2 TopIndex .Christ.13348

illustrated by lilies UL 98:3 TopIndex .Christ.13349

in Noah’s day through human agency TDG 278:4 TopIndex .Christ.13350

influence and power in TDG 41:3 TopIndex .Christ.13351

intellectuals and ignorant affected by TMK 189:4 TopIndex .Christ.13352

Jews with prejudice tried to neutralize 3SM 82:2 TopIndex .Christ.13353

last, impressed disciples with their trust HP 317:2 TopIndex .Christ.13354

life, comfort, and hope OHC 98:4 TopIndex .Christ.13355

live on 2MCP 669:2 TopIndex .Christ.13356

made into life by power of the UL 347:3 TopIndex .Christ.13357

(message) prefaced by deeds of ministry SW 36 TopIndex .Christ.13358

never fanciful or sentimental UL 313:3 TopIndex .Christ.13359

never gave needless pain UL 145:4 TopIndex .Christ.13360

obeyed easier if mind impressed by hearing more OHC 281:4 TopIndex .Christ.13361

perfection by receiving; let us strive for it TDG 257:7 TopIndex .Christ.13362

power of God unto salvation OHC 101:4 TopIndex .Christ.13363

powerful because His heart was pure HP 237:3 TopIndex .Christ.13364

practice of, TopIndex .Christ.13365

enables doing what no philosophy can TMK 100:5 TopIndex .Christ.13366

lacking; curse coming on church VSS 303:1 TopIndex .Christ.13367

predicted as full of power and authority RC 16:6 TopIndex .Christ.13368

present, whenever possible HP 363:3 TopIndex .Christ.13369

of, provisions in, may be freely partaken of OHC 148:3 TopIndex .Christ.13370

purest; never comical VSS 104:2 TopIndex .Christ.13371

receiving, TopIndex .Christ.13372

as man of counsel TDG 112:6 TopIndex .Christ.13373

is consuming His flesh and blood OHC 209:2 TopIndex .Christ.13374

teaches us to claim His merits HP 23:3 TopIndex .Christ.13375

remembered TopIndex .Christ.13376

by Simon who carried His cross CC 325:4 TopIndex .Christ.13377

when hearers saw things of nature TMK 51:2 TopIndex .Christ.13378

repeat, which offer living water TMK 337:4 TopIndex .Christ.13379

respect for, as the Holy Spirit impresses UL 144:4 TopIndex .Christ.13380

rulers did not receive UL 304:5 TopIndex .Christ.13381

Satan repulsed by; Christ chose them carefully TDG 265:5 TopIndex .Christ.13382

significance of, deeper than appears LHU 106:4 TopIndex .Christ.13383

simple/plain UL 145:4 TopIndex .Christ.13384

and received by unprejudiced ones VSS 84:1 TopIndex .Christ.13385

enough for a child to understand TDG 283:3 TopIndex .Christ.13386

even to the unlearned UL 325:3 TopIndex .Christ.13387

soul filled with treasures of LHU 284:3 TopIndex .Christ.13388

spoken for people of all ages UL 303:7 TopIndex .Christ.13389

strengthen spiritual life OHC 208:4 TopIndex .Christ.13390

study and act on TDG 234:5 TopIndex .Christ.13391

taught by the Holy Spirit TDG 292:3 TopIndex .Christ.13392

thought needed to understand UL 368:2 TopIndex .Christ.13393

treasure in, but given wrong construction UL 236:2 TopIndex .Christ.13394

truth of, shown by revealing His character PM 259:6 TopIndex .Christ.13395

truth practiced by receiving TDG 118:7 TopIndex .Christ.13396

unable to do, of ourselves RC 55:4 TopIndex .Christ.13397

understanding, TopIndex .Christ.13398

increased by eating LHU 115:6 TopIndex .Christ.13399

of, depends on spiritual knowledge TMK 191:4 TopIndex .Christ.13400

world to be shown the truth of TDG 304:4 TopIndex .Christ.13401

See also Christ, voice of TopIndex .Christ.13402

work for, TopIndex .Christ.13403

applause should not be the object of TDG 227:3 TopIndex .Christ.13404

becomes all-absorbing UL 296:2 TopIndex .Christ.13405

broader than attending to self UL 62:4 TopIndex .Christ.13406

churches not prepared for TDG 100:2 TopIndex .Christ.13407

consecration to, TopIndex .Christ.13408

because He died for us TDG 315:3 TopIndex .Christ.13409

putting away strife TDG 326:4 TopIndex .Christ.13410

everywhere; kindness influences for truth OHC 302:5 TopIndex .Christ.13411

feeling ready for, while neglecting little things TDG 144:3 TopIndex .Christ.13412

first in importance TDG 161:2 TopIndex .Christ.13413

glory by conversion of sinners the object of HP 68:5 TopIndex .Christ.13414

not to be dictatorial, severe or antagonistic 1MCP 40:3 TopIndex .Christ.13415

tame compared with His sacrifice 1MCP 245:4 TopIndex .Christ.13416

thoroughness in TDG 161:2 TopIndex .Christ.13417

thought control prepares for HP 164:3 TopIndex .Christ.13418

to be done HP 131:4 TopIndex .Christ.13419

See also Christ, service for TopIndex .Christ.13420

work given/assigned by, TopIndex .Christ.13421

to everyone HP 224:3 TopIndex .Christ.13422

to laborers with Him TDG 358:7 TopIndex .Christ.13423

work in us done by TDG 140:4 TopIndex .Christ.13424

work of, TopIndex .Christ.13425

apparent defeat of; Greeks came to Jesus then UL 110:3 TopIndex .Christ.13426

as a Shepherd LHU 215:3 TopIndex .Christ.13427

as carpenter TopIndex .Christ.13428

compared with doing miracles HP 214:3; UL 67:3 TopIndex .Christ.13429

uninfluenced by world TDG 143:3 TopIndex .Christ.13430

begun TopIndex .Christ.13431

at age 12 HP 128:2 TopIndex .Christ.13432

by consecration of humble trade HP 214:3 TopIndex .Christ.13433

carried on / continued UL 165:3, 165:3 TopIndex .Christ.13434

by His disciples TMK 163:3 TopIndex .Christ.13435

for humanity both in heaven and earth TMK 363:4 TopIndex .Christ.13436

claiming merits of, is personal FLB 123:3 TopIndex .Christ.13437

completed on earth LHU 208:2 TopIndex .Christ.13438

confined to a narrow compass while on earth UL 165:5 TopIndex .Christ.13439

constant progress in UL 305:2 TopIndex .Christ.13440

constantly in His home HP 213:2 TopIndex .Christ.13441

convincing His disobedient people TDG 109:6 TopIndex .Christ.13442

copy OHC 180:4 TopIndex .Christ.13443

disarming claims of Satan’s control 3SM 139:3 TopIndex .Christ.13444

drawing souls to Him is dearest TMK 56:2 TopIndex .Christ.13445

earnest; His followers follow Him OHC 224:5 TopIndex .Christ.13446

Ellen White spoke of, instead of her discouragement OHC 312:3 TopIndex .Christ.13447

entrusted to those who walk and work with God HP 240:6 TopIndex .Christ.13448

followers also to do UL 173:7 TopIndex .Christ.13449

for humanity continues TDG 283:5 TopIndex .Christ.13450

for salvation remembered after temple visit TDG 59:3 TopIndex .Christ.13451

for souls laid on the purchased ones LHU 208:5 TopIndex .Christ.13452

for the one depending on Him HP 64:4 TopIndex .Christ.13453

from moving to repentance to receiving in glory LHU 348:2 TopIndex .Christ.13454

given to disciples; we are His representatives PM 119:2 TopIndex .Christ.13455

God’s messengers are to take up TDG 30:4 TopIndex .Christ.13456

gospel truths are jewels as in 3SM 198:4 TopIndex .Christ.13457

great but done in simple places LHU 167:6 TopIndex .Christ.13458

greater in heaven with His Father UL 165:3 TopIndex .Christ.13459

helping the needy OHC 180:4 TopIndex .Christ.13460

in an atmosphere of love for God LHU 221:3 TopIndex .Christ.13461

in lowly walks of life HP 224:3 TopIndex .Christ.13462

in us does not destroy our powers but sanctifies them TDG 219:3 TopIndex .Christ.13463

interest in, awakened by seventy disciples TDG 113:2 TopIndex .Christ.13464

large scale of UL 330:2 TopIndex .Christ.13465

lifting mankind into a holy atmosphere LHU 135:6 TopIndex .Christ.13466

made effectual by Spirit OHC 150:3 TopIndex .Christ.13467

meditate on, to grow in grace LHU 237:3 TopIndex .Christ.13468

not confined to one place TDG 107:5; UL 330:2 TopIndex .Christ.13469

not divided; He came to do His Father’s will 3SM 135:3 TopIndex .Christ.13470

obstructions to, He can remove UL 265:3 TopIndex .Christ.13471

on earth, TopIndex .Christ.13472

no sacrifice too great to accomplish HP 128:2 TopIndex .Christ.13473

not extended to heathen UL 165:2 TopIndex .Christ.13474

perfected in heaven TDG 341:2 TopIndex .Christ.13475

plans for future and present without neglecting small matters TDG 279:4 TopIndex .Christ.13476

restoration of humanity needed like CME 23:0 TopIndex .Christ.13477

revealed His glory UL 229:4 TopIndex .Christ.13478

sanctification and peace for His people OHC 327:4 TopIndex .Christ.13479

Satan TopIndex .Christ.13480

schemes to make, of none effect TDG 312:2 TopIndex .Christ.13481

tried to counteract, in every way TDG 256:3 TopIndex .Christ.13482

Satan’s power over people to be broken by FLB 312:3 TopIndex .Christ.13483

self-worth sensed when doing HP 173:3 TopIndex .Christ.13484

seventy did work like, telling about kingdom TDG 113:6 TopIndex .Christ.13485

showed His mission to be divine UL 145:3 TopIndex .Christ.13486

showing the required excellence of character OHC 211:2 TopIndex .Christ.13487

successful by trust and communion with His Father RC 228:5 TopIndex .Christ.13488

through, TopIndex .Christ.13489

humanity accomplishes much OHC 146:2 TopIndex .Christ.13490

those who rely wholly on Him CME 26:1 TopIndex .Christ.13491

to be understood to cooperate with Him TMK 104:4 TopIndex .Christ.13492

truth separated from error in VSS 96:3 TopIndex .Christ.13493

weariness not found in, when love is in heart TDG 52:2 TopIndex .Christ.13494

with His hands to help sustain the family UL 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.13495

work placed in hands of, never neglected HP 64:6 TopIndex .Christ.13496

worker (Christ as), TopIndex .Christ.13497

(lowly) in Judea, mechanic to represent TMK 324:4 TopIndex .Christ.13498

(unselfish) not seeking riches, fame or ease TMK 155:4 TopIndex .Christ.13499

workers TopIndex .Christ.13500

in error to be directed to PM 136:1 TopIndex .Christ.13501

in publishing house counseled to follow PM 83:3 TopIndex .Christ.13502

revealing, in word, spirit, ministry, etc. TDG 311:3 TopIndex .Christ.13503

souls (helpless) of SDA, to be hung on PM 66:1 TopIndex .Christ.13504

to reveal virtues of, by association SW 33:2 TopIndex .Christ.13505

with God to represent, to the people RC 258:5 TopIndex .Christ.13506

work of, done by, when restful time taken with Him OHC 116:5 TopIndex .Christ.13507

workers for, TopIndex .Christ.13508

character traits of 3SM 237:1 TopIndex .Christ.13509

entering into His joy is reward of RC 257:2 TopIndex .Christ.13510

in many ways of; He calls people PM 278:2 TopIndex .Christ.13511

rejoice in beholding fruit of their labor RC 257:5 TopIndex .Christ.13512

under His command; all may be TDG 228:4 TopIndex .Christ.13513

workers with, TopIndex .Christ.13514

armor for success as RC 352:2 TopIndex .Christ.13515

by unbroken communion HP 53:4 TopIndex .Christ.13516

carrying out the laws of His kingdom TDG 288:4 TopIndex .Christ.13517

effort needed by PM 133:0 TopIndex .Christ.13518

in hearts have consecration in small duties PM 85:0 TopIndex .Christ.13519

near God’s throne HP 371:5 TopIndex .Christ.13520

sacrifice to give the message TDG 272:4 TopIndex .Christ.13521

time to be 1MCP 245:2 TopIndex .Christ.13522

working with, TopIndex .Christ.13523

for the salvation of your own soul TSB 51:3 TopIndex .Christ.13524

improves experience, mind and conscience OHC 306:3 TopIndex .Christ.13525

showing character after divine similitude TMK 305:3 TopIndex .Christ.13526

stewardship always means TDG 349:4 TopIndex .Christ.13527

works of, TopIndex .Christ.13528

done in Him OHC 184:2 TopIndex .Christ.13529

people lead to accept Him by TDG 275:2 TopIndex .Christ.13530

performed with quiet dignity and ease TDG 263:4 TopIndex .Christ.13531

recorded by humans guided by His Spirit RC 132:4 TopIndex .Christ.13532

world TopIndex .Christ.13533

cannot discern, so they cannot discern truth FW 92:0 TopIndex .Christ.13534

did not know or appreciate TMK 310:4 TopIndex .Christ.13535

drawn into embrace of, at the cross HP 33:5 TopIndex .Christ.13536

inability of, to see, disciples could not understand TDG 142:4 TopIndex .Christ.13537

increasingly opposes UL 365:3 TopIndex .Christ.13538

knows not HP 254:4 TopIndex .Christ.13539

loses attraction beside loveliness of LHU 280:6 TopIndex .Christ.13540

needs to see, in His saints HP 313:4 TopIndex .Christ.13541

not in partnership with HP 168:2 TopIndex .Christ.13542

notices those who have been with, by their works TMK 312:4 TopIndex .Christ.13543

summoned to listen to UL 236:4 TopIndex .Christ.13544

treasures of, belong to, by creation and redemption UL 29:2 TopIndex .Christ.13545

worldly TopIndex .Christ.13546

attractions draw attention from, but press on TDG 374:3 TopIndex .Christ.13547

cares of, never took the time of heavenly things HP 214:4 TopIndex .Christ.13548

customs control those not wholly on side of HP 168:3 TopIndex .Christ.13549

things allowed to intercept faint view of TMK 371:3 TopIndex .Christ.13550

worrying TopIndex .Christ.13551

avoided by taking trouble to 2MCP 466:1 TopIndex .Christ.13552

yourself out of the arms of TMK 285:5 TopIndex .Christ.13553

worship of self dishonors TDG 40:3 TopIndex .Christ.13554

worshiped by angels at resurrection and ascension LHU 102 TopIndex .Christ.13555

worthiness of, TopIndex .Christ.13556

saves us but we must repent and believe OHC 351:4 TopIndex .Christ.13557

See also Christ, qualified TopIndex .Christ.13558

wounded by TopIndex .Christ.13559

differences; read John 17 TDG 369:4 TopIndex .Christ.13560

sin, but believe when you ask for forgiveness 3SM 196:3 TopIndex .Christ.13561

wrath/vengeance of, TopIndex .Christ.13562

against teaching human doctrines VSS 95:2 TopIndex .Christ.13563

coming Mar 55:4 TopIndex .Christ.13564

terrible to scorners of His grace TMK 356:4 TopIndex .Christ.13565

See also God, wrath of; Revenge TopIndex .Christ.13566

wrath of God endured by, for us 3SM 132:2 TopIndex .Christ.13567

yearning for the excellence of OHC 61:2 TopIndex .Christ.13568

yielding to, See Christ, acceptance of TopIndex .Christ.13569

yoke of, TopIndex .Christ.13570

accepting, means pledging life service HP 201:4 TopIndex .Christ.13571

advantages and opportunities for those wearing TDG 358:4 TopIndex .Christ.13572

ask God if you are unwilling to wear TMK 297:4 TopIndex .Christ.13573

behavior while wearing, must not disgrace Him OHC 174:3 TopIndex .Christ.13574

binds in happy, willing service TMK 121:3 TopIndex .Christ.13575

blessings realized only by those wearing HP 53:3 TopIndex .Christ.13576

burdens, necessary, borne by TMK 120:2 TopIndex .Christ.13577

easy but is not life of selfish indulgence TMK 120:6 TopIndex .Christ.13578

easy through love for Him UL 85:4 TopIndex .Christ.13579

entire submission signified by HP 236:2 TopIndex .Christ.13580

honor of becoming like Christ by wearing TMK 134:5 TopIndex .Christ.13581

invitation to take, brings happiness TDG 304:3 TopIndex .Christ.13582

light because of transformation of character LHU 221:2 TopIndex .Christ.13583

love covenant better fulfilled by wearing HP 162:3 TopIndex .Christ.13584

made to appear galling by Satan UL 376:3 TopIndex .Christ.13585

meaning of wearing HP 53:5 TopIndex .Christ.13586

obedience, restraint and service in TDG 288:3 TopIndex .Christ.13587

others not bound with yokes by those accepting TDG 111:5 TopIndex .Christ.13588

patience, gentleness, long-suffering in UL 359:4 TopIndex .Christ.13589

purpose shown by those wearing TDG 284:2 TopIndex .Christ.13590

restraint of Holy Spirit VSS 147 TopIndex .Christ.13591

self-respect in wearing, increases influence TDG 70:2 TopIndex .Christ.13592

taking, instead of manufacturing oppressive one TMK 293:3 TopIndex .Christ.13593

wearing / yoking up with AG 324:6; RC 347:6 TopIndex .Christ.13594

at His invitation; always show meekness 2MCP 634:1 TopIndex .Christ.13595

doing His work Mar 63:2 TopIndex .Christ.13596

drawing together showing love 3SM 16:2 TopIndex .Christ.13597

means pulling together 3SM 26:1 TopIndex .Christ.13598

positively necessary HP 266:5 TopIndex .Christ.13599

youth TopIndex .Christ.13600

may be inspired to lead souls to OHC 309:6 TopIndex .Christ.13601

temptations and cogitations of, understood by OHC 57:4 TopIndex .Christ.13602

(youthful disciples of), to arouse OHC 282:5 TopIndex .Christ.13603

youth of, TopIndex .Christ.13604

described TDG 59 TopIndex .Christ.13605

good workmanship during LHU 38:3 TopIndex .Christ.13606

had begun when Passover attended LHU 31:2 TopIndex .Christ.13607

not secluded UL 57:2 TopIndex .Christ.13608

not wasted in indolence or sensual pleasure OHC 59:2 TopIndex .Christ.13609

poverty experienced in TDG 143:3 TopIndex .Christ.13610

zeal of, not lessened HP 234:2 TopIndex .Christ.13611

See also Messiah; Redeemer TopIndex .Christ.13612