Another Millerite Adventist, Orlando Squires, began publication of the Voice of the Shepherd in Utica, New York, during March 1845. This paper spiritualized almost every tangible aspect of Christian belief. These included rejecting a literal heaven,36 Orlando Squires, “Where is Heaven?” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, pp. 4, 5. C. H. Fenton, “The Harvest of the Earth,” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, p. 1. S. Fenton, “The Resurrection,” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, p. 8. Orlando Squires, “This Same Jesus,” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, p. 5.
Ellen White's third major vision, in which she was shown the new earth (spring 1845), directly countered the spiritualizing view. She was transported to the future and walked with Jesus and the saints in the earth made new. There were literal trees, grass, animals, and food. Jesus was a real person, as were the resurrected saints.40 White, Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 52-55.