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FACC 373
Agnostics, Modern, Followers of Plato31
Ammonius Saccas, Fanatical philosophy of220-225
Ammonius Saccas, Christian teachers, especially Origen, followers of224, 225
Ammonius Saccas, Philosophy of, wisdom run mad225
Ammonius Saccas, Frauds necessary to philosophy of225
Apostles, Their testimony rejected by some in the churches51
Apostles, Teaching of the113-124
Apostles, Teaching of the, History of113, 114
Apostles, Teaching of the, Not apostolic114
Apostles, Teaching of the, When written114, 116
Apostles, Teaching of the, Childishness of114, 122
Apostles, Teaching of the, Tainted by heresy and incompetency114
Apostles, Teaching of the, Conflicting opinions concerning116-118
Apostles, Teaching of the, Summary of opinions of116-118
Apostles, Teaching of the, Lord’s day, supposed mention of,118
Apostles, Teaching of the, Extracts from118-124
Apostles, Teaching of the, Inconsistency of those who credit,119
Apostles, Teaching of the, Actually no mentioning of Lord’s day in119
Apostles, Teaching of the, Fasting on Wednesday and Friday commanded by121
Apostles, Teaching of the, Its perversion of baptism122
Apostles, Teaching of the, Stealing recommended by123
Apostles, Teaching of the, Atonement for sin by money taught in124
Apostasy, Paul’s prediction of212
Apostasy, Progress of in first century after apostles243, 244
Aristotle, Taught the expediency of abortion14
Asceticism, Growth of in the church280
FACC 374
Asceticism, Vice a result of281, 282
Asceticism, Growth of283
Asceticism, Platonic philosophy responsible for283
Atonement, Supposed to be gained by martyrdom109, 110
Aurelian, Sun-worship in time of315
Babylonians, Prostitution required by11, 12
Bacon, Rule of for guarding against error43
Baptism, Perverted in Teaching of the Apostles122
Baptism, Perversion of in Tertullian’s time200
Baptism, Tertullian on200, 210-213
Baptism, Perversion of256-263
Baptism of the dead257
Baptism, Character of heathen mysteries given to it257, 258
Baptism, Water of consecrated258
Baptism, Sanctifying power attributed to waters of258
Baptism, Sign of cross in connection with257-259
Baptism, Candidates undressed for260-263
Barnabas, Epistle of74-83
Barnabas, Epistle of, a forgery74
Barnabas, Epistle of, uncertainty of authorship74, 75
Barnabas, Epistle of, statement concerning Sabbath78
Barnabas, Epistle of, about unclean beasts81
Bible, How shown to be true40
Bible, The only standard of right and wrong56
Bible, Precepts of, neglected by Justin Martyr152, 153
Bible, Justin Martyr’s figurative interpretation of154, 155
Bishop of Rome, Exaltation of292, 331-336
Bishops of Rome, Extravagantly lauded by Ignatius110, 111
Bishop of Rome, Rival of Emperor331
Bishop of Rome, Opulence of335
Bishop of Rome, Method of electing336
Bishop, Power of337
Bishop, Heathen elected to office of338-341
Blindness of heathen, Cause of28
Blood atonement, Origin of Mormon doctrine of109, 110
Calf-worship by Israelites,—Sun-worship309, 312, 313
Carson, Existing religious customs, Statement concerning252
Catholic Church, Clement of Alexandria highly esteemed by,173
FACC 375
Catholic Church, Clement of Alexandria never swerved from,173
Catholic Church, a growth of error329, 330
Catholic Church, Fathers, the head of330
Ceremonies, Great increase of299
Charms and Divination, Use of in church269
Christians taken from depraved heathenism26
Christian converts, Dangers to which they were exposed50
Christian Ordinances, Perversion of in 2nd century253-255
Christian Religion, Impaired by philosophy68
Christ, The only true pattern55
Church, The True, Christ the head of52, 53
Church, Who constitute the true53, 54
Church, Influence of Fathers upon66
Church, Early, Shepherd of Hermas inspired book86
Church, Early, immorality in276-281
Christmas, Not of divine appointment300
Christmas, How introduced into the church301-303
Christmas, Heathen origin of301, 302
Christmas, How observed302
Christmas, Chief of festivals303
Christmas, Sunday of less importance than303
Clarke, Adam, Testimony concerning the Fathers59
Clement, A poor expositor of Scripture60
Clement of Alexandria165-183
Clement of Alexandria, Statements concerning165-169, 172-174
Clement of Alexandria, Paganism and Christianity confounded by165, 168
Clement of Alexandria, Fanciful interpreter166-169
Clement of Alexandria, Speculative philosopher166, 167
Clement of Alexandria, Scriptures, wretched perverter of167, 168
Clement of Alexandria, Philosophy, chief defender of167
Clement of Alexandria, Taught identity of Christianity and Greek philosophy168
Clement of Alexandria, Absurdly allegorized Scripture169
Clement of Alexandria, Ten commandments allegorized by169
Clement of Alexandria, Ignorant of Scripture169
Clement of Alexandria, Plato, called a prophet by169
FACC 376
Clement of Alexandria, Extracts from170-183
Clement of Alexandria, Starving of children, an advocate of,170
Clement of Alexandria, Senseless interpretation, specimens of171, 172, 174, 175
Clement of Alexandria, Peter’s tribute money, absurd exposition of171
Clement of Alexandria, Claimed philosophy to be preparation for faith in Christ172
Clement of Alexandria, Quoted Scripture inaccurately172
Clement of Alexandria, Great repute of in Catholic Church173, 179
Clement of Alexandria, False science in writings of173
Clement of Alexandria, Frivolous and fanciful speculation in writings of173
Clement of Alexandria, Tabernacle mystically explained by174, 175
Clement of Alexandria, Lord’s day, statement concerning176, 178
Clement of Alexandria, Sabbath, statement concerning177
Clement of Alexandria, Words without sense, use of177
Clement of Alexandria, Probation after death, teacher of178, 179
Clement of Alexandria, Fanciful speculation, specimen of180-182
Clement of Alexandria, Christian literature, Founder of182
Clement of Alexandria, Scripture meaning declared hidden by183
Clement of Rome, Epistle of93-96
Clement of Rome on Resurrection, Foolish argument for94, 95
Community of Women, Plato’s teaching concerning36
Confessors, Definition of291
Confessors, Veneration paid to291
Corinth, Errors in church of49
Constantine, Sun-worship of317, 318, 325
Constantine, Sunday edict of318, 319, 323, 326
Constantine’s Edict, First Law for Sunday319
Constantine, Desired to be worshiped320, 325
Constantine, Religious convictions, lack of320
Constantine, Double-dealing nature of321, 322
FACC 377
Constantine, Heathenism of322, 323, 325
Constantine’s Sunday edict, Pagan nature of318, 323
Constantine, Prayer composed by, for his soldiers327
Constantine, Edict of concerning Arius344
Controversy, Fathers used falsehoods in65
Council of Laodicea, Canon of concerning Sunday298
Council of Laodicea, Canon of concerning promiscuous bathing299
Coxe Bishop, Opinion of apostolic Fathers72
Dead, Prayers to in second century273
Deception, Practiced by Fathers65, 66
Diocletian, Sun-worship in time of316
Elagabalus, Design of, to make the sun the central object of adoration315
Episcopal Chair, Methods of obtaining336
Epistles Forged in Paul’s day104
Epistle of Barnabas74-83
Epistle of Barnabas, A forgery74-77
Epistle of Barnabas, Authorship uncertain74-77
Epistle of Barnabas, The apostle not author of75-78
Epistle of Barnabas, All sorts of absurd fancies found in76
Epistle of Barnabas, Author of possessed little genius75
Epistle of Barnabas, Silly interpretations in75, 80-82
Epistle of Barnabas, Interpretation puerile and absurd77
Epistle of Barnabas, Extracts from73-83
Epistle of Barnabas, Testimony concerning Sabbath78, 79
Epistle of Barnabas, Egotism of author of80
Epistle of Barnabas, Fanciful and absurd intrepretation of Scripture81, 82
Epistle of Barnabas, Absurd fancy concerning the hyena82
Epistle of Clement93-96
Epistle of Ignatius97-112
Epistle of Ignatius, Cause perplexities to critics100
Epistle of Ignatius, number100
Epistle of Ignatius, Eight universally admitted to be forgeries101
Epistle of Ignatius, Authenticity and genuineness doubtful101, 106
FACC 378
Epistle of Ignatius, All frauds103
Epistle of Ignatius, Condemned by Calvin108
Epistle of Ignatius, More trustworthy edition very much interpolated107
Epistle of Ignatius, Mutilated by “pious” frauds107
Epistle of Ignatius, Abominable trash108
Epistle of Ignatius, Extracts from108-112
Error, Natural to human heart42
Error, Bacon’s rule for guarding against43
Error in church at Corinth49
Errors of fact and doctrine in Fathers60
Exorcism, Baptism preceded by257, 258
Facts, Historical, denied by Justin Martyr149
Falsehoods, Writings of Fathers contain64, 65, 85
Fasting on Wednesday and Friday commanded by teaching of the apostles121
Fathers, Who so called58
Fathers, Claim made for them58
Fathers, How their teachings should be judged58
Fathers, The abettors of every heresy in church59
Fathers, Most foolish opinions sustained by59
Fathers, To whom they are valuable60
Fathers, Loss of their writings not to be deplored60
Fathers, Direct meaning of Scriptures neglected by60
Fathers, To obscure true meaning of Scripture their chief study60
Fathers, Writings rife with errors60
Fathers, Writings of, unreliable as to matters of fact and of doctrine60
Fathers, Add nothing to our understanding of Scripture61
Fathers, Ignorant of Scripture61
Fathers, Their interpretation warped by Paganism61
Fathers, Antichristian practices of62
Fathers, Refuted error and superstition by error and superstition62
Fathers, Advanced doctrines unwarranted by Scripture63
Fathers, Determined to be wiser than God63
Fathers, Flimsy arguments of63
FACC 379
Fathers, Bad masters in morals64
Fathers, Had no clear conception of virtue and vice64
Fathers, Things positively false in writings of64
Fathers, Opinions of all sects sustained by64
Fathers, Falsehoods used in controversies of65
Fathers, Taught that deception was commendable66
Fathers, Desired victory rather than truth65
Fathers, Exalted heathen philosophy67
Fathers, Study of philosophy recommended by67
Fathers, Their expositions of Scripture childish70
Fathers, Vagaries of70
Fathers, Apostolic, Who so called72
Fathers, Apostolic, Unlike New Testament writers72, 73
Fathers, Apostolic, Uncertainty of writings73
Fathers, The Pope the mouthpiece of330
Festivals, Pagan, Christian festivals modeled after247
Festivals, Pagan, Character of248
Festivals, Heathen, why adopted by the church303
Figurative Interpretation of Bible by Justin Martyr154, 155
Forgeries, Practiced by the most orthodox66
Forgery, Epistle of Barnabas a74-77
Forgery of Paul’s name in epistle to Thessalonians104
Frauds, “Pious” used by Fathers65, 85
Frauds, “Pious” use of by Christian teachers274, 275
Friday, Observed as holiday by early churches297
Gods of Heathen, Patterns of vice, 18, 19; Disrespect to them was treason20, 21
Good Friday, Observed by early church297, 300
Gospels, Four, Puerile reason for by Irenaeus133, 134
Greek Philosophy, Church controlled by271
Gregory Thaumaturgus, Church corrupted by247
Heathen, Described by Paul9-13
Heathen Mysteries12, 13
Heathen, Taught their children vice13
Heathen Philosophers, Immorality of14-16
Heathen of all classes consumed in practice of abominable and unnamable vice16
Heathen, Licentiousness of, 11-19, 25; No real conception of sin or holiness22
FACC 380
Heathenism, A school of vice, 11; State religion20
Heathenism, Prostitution a part of its worship12
Heathen Customs, introduced into church247, 250, 251
Heathen Philosophy, adopted in order to attract heathen270, 271
Heathen Festivals, Why adopted by church303
Heathen Marriage, Corruption of17, 23, 25
Heathen, Deified emperors and vile persons24
Heathen, Cause of their blindness28
Hercules, Ancient sun-god309-311
Hermas, What is known of84, 85
Hermas, Shepherd of81-92
Hermas, Shepherd of, Foolish and insipid84
Hermas, Wild disordered fanatic85
Hermas, Shepherd of, immorality inculcated by86, 91
Holidays of the church296, 297
Holidays, How celebrated at first247
Holiness an unmeaning term to heathen22
Idolatry a religion of obscenity13
Ignatian Epistles, All frauds103
Ignatian Epistles, More trustworthy edition very much interpolated107
Ignatian Epistles, Mutilated by pious fraud107
Ignatian Epistles, All condemned by Calvin108
Ignatian Epistles, Abominable trash108
Ignatian Epistles, Extracts from108-112
Ignatius, Epistles of97-112
Ignatius, Supposed testimony concerning Sabbath97
Ignatius, Information concerning, very meager99
Ignatius, Letters of cause great perplexity to critics100
Ignatius, Epistles of, How many100
Ignatius, Crazy fanatic, puerile boaster103
Ignatius, Epistles of, Eight universally regarded as spurious101
Ignatius, Epistles of, Authenticity and genuineness doubtful101, 106
Ignatius, Desire of for martyrdom108-110
Ignatius, Extravagant praise of bishop110, 111
FACC 381
Ignatius, Absurd idea of concerning Virgin Mary111
Ignatius, senseless egotism, specimen of112
Images, use of, among Christians267
Imagination, The commanding feature of Plato’s intellect32
Immorality of heathen philosophers14
Immorality in early church49, 50, 51, 276-281
Incense, Use of in church300
Irenaeus, Testimonies concerning125-130
Irenaeus, Ignorance of142, 143
Irenaeus, Absurd interpretation of Scripture by143, 144
Irenaeus, Influence of blighting to Christianity145
Irenaeus, Uncertainty of information concerning125
Irenaeus, Writings of, of very little value125
Irenaeus, Puerilities in writings of126
Irenaeus, Pupil of Papias126
Irenaeus, Folly of Papias, preceptor of126, 127
Irenaeus, Most unsafe authority127
Irenaeus, Writings of, wretchedly translated128
Irenaeus, Writings of, very involved and prolix128
Irenaeus, Conjectural translation of writings of128, 129
Irenaeus, Exaltation of ecclesiastics by130
Irenaeus, Upbuilding of Roman hierarchy130, 131
Irenaeus, Obedience to Church of Rome taught by131-133
Irenaeus, Puerile reasoning about four gospels133, 134
Irenaeus, Fit companion for Barnabas134
Irenaeus, Ridiculous interpretation of commands concerning clean and unclean beasts134, 135
Irenaeus, Testimony of, concerning Sunday136
Irenaeus, The Sabbath, uncertain reference to137
Irenaeus, Perpetuity of the law taught by137, 138
Irenaeus, Purgatory, doctrine of taught by138
Irenaeus, Scripture authority not enhanced by138
Irenaeus, Resurrection and immortality, testimony on139
Irenaeus, Speculation concerning age of Jesus139-141
Irenaeus, Writings of almost unintelligible142
Irenaeus, Senseless theory of, concerning name of Jesus142
Justin Martyr146-164
FACC 382
Justin Martyr, Testimony concerning60, 63, 146-149
Justin Martyr, Extracts from149-163
Justin Martyr, Personal history of146
Justin Martyr, Philosopher’s gown worn after professed conversion147
Justin Martyr, Always a pagan147, 148, 149
Justin Martyr, Equivocal and contradictory allusions to Christian doctrine148
Justin Martyr, Confused views of gospel doctrines148
Justin Martyr, Sought to harmonize Christianity with Platonic philosophy148
Justin Martyr, Ignorance of148
Justin Martyr, Wanting in discernment148
Justin Martyr, Loose, fanciful, and puerile reasoning of148, 149
Justin Martyr, First to bring Platonic philosophy and Christianity in contact149
Justin Martyr, Historical facts denied by149
Justin Martyr, Testimony concerning Sunday149, 150
Justin Martyr, Perversion of Lord’s Supper151
Justin Martyr, Not a believer in Sunday sacredness151
Justin Martyr, A no-Sabbath man151-153
Justin Martyr, Scripture precepts denied by152, 153
Justin Martyr, Sabbath observance, his idea of152, 153
Justin Martyr, Abolition of law, taught by153
Justin Martyr, Incorrect quoter of the Scripture153, 154
Justin Martyr, Interpretation of Bible, mode of154, 155
Justin Martyr, Direct Scripture statements denied by154
Justin Martyr, Sunday argument, a sample of155
Justin Martyr, Ark, eight persons in the, a type of “eight days”155, 156
Justin Martyr, Sign of cross, all power ascribed to by 156-161
Justin Martyr, Statement that Amalek was conquered, not
through prayer of Moses, but by sign of cross156, 157
Justin Martyr, Prophecy concerning Joseph, exposition of157, 158
Justin Martyr, Scripture, narrow view of158-161, 163
Justin Martyr, Sign of cross, claimed that all heathen reverenced160
FACC 383
Justin Martyr, Heathen, his puerile methods of arguing with160, 161
Justin Martyr, Necromancy, a believer in161, 162
Justin Martyr, Contradictory positions taken by161-163
Justin Martyr, Soul and body, necessity of each other, shown by162
Justin Martyr, Far-fetched and absurd figures of Christ163
Justin Martyr, Jacob’s marriage a type of Christ, claimed by163
Justin Martyr, Evidently not Bible student164
Killen on Ignatian epistles102, 105, 108
Language of Heathen incapable of expressing moral ideas22
Laodicea, Council of, canon concerning Sunday298
Laodicea, Council of, canon on promiscuous bathing299
Law of God, Abolition of, taught by Justin Martyr153
Law, Perpetuity of, taught by Irenaeus137, 138
Lord’s Day, The, in epistles of Ignatius97-99
Lord’s Day, The, really no mention of by Ignatius97-99
Lord’s Day, Supposed mention of in Teaching of Apostles118
Lord’s Day, Actually not found in Teaching of Apostles119
Lord’s Day, Clement of Alexandria’s statement concerning176, 178
Lord’s Day, Origen’s mention of232
Lord’s Supper, Perversion of in time of Justin Martyr151
Lord’s Supper, Justin Martyr’s statement concerning celebration of151
Lycurgus, Allowed the exposure of children14
Marriage, Looseness of relation among heathen17, 23, 25
Martyrdom, Desire for by Ignatius108-110
Martyrdom, Fanatical idea concerning109, 110
Martyrdom, Substituted for baptism288
Martyrdom, Atonement for sins obtained by288, 289
Martyrs, Pilgrimages to tombs of283, 284
Martyrs, Worship of284
Martyrs, Prayers addressed to291
Martyrs, Elevated to place of heathen demi-gods286-292
Martyrs, Exaggerated honor paid to288
FACC 384
Midwifery of the mind34
Miracles, False, produced by relics290
Monkery, Turtullian an abettor of192
Monkery, A promoter of vice281
Montanus, Sketch of187
Montanism, Description of187
Montanus, Tertullian a follower of191
Natural Inclination, Depravity of42, 43
Necromancy, Justin Martyr a believer in161, 162
Neo-Platonism, Origen a devotee of218, 223
Neo-Platonism, Account of219-223
Neo-Platonism, Religion obscured by223
Neo-Platonism, Spiritualism identical with223
Neo-Platonism, Superstition nourished by224
Neo-Platonism, Monkery fostered by224
Obstetrical Procedure, Plato’s theory of35
Origen, Statements concerning217-231
Origen, Birth of217
Origen, Writings of, mutilated and garbled217
Origen, Neo-Platonism, devotee of218
Origen, Heathen science and Christian faith reconciled by218
Origen, A wild allegorizer219
Origen, Clearest teaching muddled by219
Origen, Spiritualism introduced into the church by223
Origen, Church filled with false philosophy by225
Origen, Quotations from231-241
Origen, Literal Scripture narrative disparaged by226
Origen, The law allegorized by226
Origen, Doctrine of works of supererogation taught by27
Origen, Chief of Christian interpreters of third century227
Origen, Found in Scripture retreat for all errors and idle fancies227
Origen, Biblical history, turned into fables by227
Origen, Contradictory nature of works of230, 231
Origen, Untrustworthy interpreter231
Origen, Christian mysticism, father of231
Origin, Pre-existence of souls taught by231
FACC 385
Origen, Sabbath, statement concerning232
Origen, Sabbath, allegorized by232
Origen, Lord’s day, mentioned by232
Origen, Reasonableness of Scripture denied by233
Origen, Scripture declared to contain falsehood by234, 235
Origen, Infidelity of worst type upheld by233-236
Origen, Scripture allegorizing specimen of236
Origen, False science, specimen of237, 238
Origen, Conversion of the devil foretold by237
Origen, Father of Universalism239, 240
Origen, Punishment of wicked spiritualized by240, 241
Pagan Temples mere brothels11, 21
Pagan Festivals, Scenes of licentiousness21
Pagan Prayers21
Pagan Ideas in church, how brought in165, 166
Pagan Literati, Influence of in church280
Pagan Festivals, Character of248
Pagan Mysteries, How brought into the church245, 246
Papal Assumption, Growth of329-344
Papal Hierarchy, Established before time of Constantine335
Papias, Preceptor of Irenaeus126
Papias, Monstrous and fabulous inventions of126, 127
Papias, Egregious liar127
Persecution of Jews and Christians, reason of20, 21
Persecution, Religious, sanctioned by Constantine343, 344
Perversion of Christian ordinances253-255
Philosophy, Pagan, Clement of Alexandria addicted to166, 167
Philosophizing, Passion for by Christian teachers166
Philosophy, Chiefly defended by Clement of Alexandria167
Philosophy, Greek identified with Christianity by Clement of Alexandria168
Philosophers Countenanced vicious practices,11, 13, 14-18;
lived most vicious lives, 15; considered all religions equally false or equally true24
Philosophy of Heathen, Led to atheism and despair24
Philosophy of Plato, Negative30
Philosophy, Greek, church controlled by271
FACC 386
Philosophy of Plato, Church corrupted by271
Philosophy, Claimed by Clement of Alexandria to be preparation for faith in Christ172
Philosophy, Necessary to Christianity, claimed by Clement of Alexandria172
Philosophy, Heathen, adopted by church to attract the heathen269, 270
Philosophy, Church filled with by Origen225
Philosophy, Platonic, interwoven with Christianity by Justin Martyr148, 149
Philosopher’s Gown, Worn by Justin Martyr147, 148
Philosopher’s Gown, Signification of147
Philosopher’s Gown, Survival of in Christian pulpits147
Philosophers, Why they missed the truth41
Philosophers, Heathen, exalted by Fathers67
Philosophers, Christianity impaired by68
“Pious” Frauds, Adoption of by church teachers274, 275
Platonic Philosophy, Asceticism fostered by281
Plato, Called evangelical prophet by Clement of Alexandria 169
Platonic Philosophy, Acceptance of resulted in doctrine of purgatory272
Plato, Quoted as prophet by Clement of Alexandria176
Plato, Advocated child murder, 14, 37; commended swearing, 15; advocated lying, 16; the father of philosophy, 29; birth and education of, 29; worshiped after death as a god, 30; his treatises all negative, 30; had no fixed principles, 31; imagination the chief faculty of intellect, 31; taught the pre-existence of souls, 33, 34; his “Republic,” immorality in, 35, 36; taught community of women, 36; advocated promiscuous intercourse of sexes, 37; why he missed the truth41
Plato, Philosophy of, adopted by Christian teachers148
Plato, His philosophy adhered to by Justin Martyr148
Pope, The mouthpiece of the Fathers330
Priests of Heathenism openly taught licentiousness, 19;
taught that the gods allowed sensual gratification20
Prayers, of Heathen21
FACC 387
Prostitution, Commanded by law12
Probation after Death, Clement of Alexandria advocate of178, 179
Pre-existence of Souls, Taught by Plato33, 34
Purgatory, Doctrine of, taught in Shepherd of Hermas88
Purgatory, Doctrine of, taught by Irenaeus138
Purgatory, Tertullian taught doctrine of214, 215
Purgatory, Origen taught doctrine of239, 240
Purgatory and Prayers for Dead, Popularity of in church in second century272-274
Religious Rites, Nearly all of human invention252
Relics, Traffic in284
Religion, Displaced by superstition284, 285
Relic and Martyr Worship286-291
Relics, Worship of290
Relics, Miracles worked by290
Resurrection, Phoenix, adduced by Clement of Rome as proof of94, 95
Rome, Moral condition of in time of Christ23, 24
Rome, Supremacy of bishop of331-336
Rome, Obedience to church of, taught by Irenaeus131-133
Rome, Withholding Scripture from people, authority for183
Sabbath, Supposed testimony of Ignatius on97
Sabbath, Origen’s views of232
Sabbath, Literal nature of disbelieved by Origen232
Sabbath, Existence of any denied by Justin Martyr151-153
Sabbath Observance, Justin Martyr’s ideas of152, 153
Sabbath, Uncertain reference to by Irenaeus137
Sabbath, Tertullian’s testimony on197-199
Sabbath, Clement of Alexandria’s statement concerning177
Sabbath, Change of gradually brought about295, 296
Sabbath, Observed by early Christians296, 297
Saints, Catholic, character of287, 288
Saints, Catholic, filthiness of287, 288
Science, Definition of true37
Science, What is it? 38; Science, foundation of39
Scripture, True meaning of obscured by Fathers60
Scripture, Double meaning of taught by Fathers60
FACC 388
Scripture, Knowledge of not increased by Fathers62
Scriptures, Childish expositions of Fathers70
Scripture, Tertullian a slighter of201
Scripture, Tertullian’s fanciful interpretation of205, 206
Scripture, Origen denied reasonableness of233
Scripture, Said by Origen to contain falsehoods234, 235
Scripture, Misquotation of by Justin Martyr153, 154
Scripture Statements, Justin Martyr’s denial of154
Scripture, Narrow view of by Justin Martyr158-160
Scriptures, Perverted by philosophizing teachers167
Scripture, Inaccurately quoted by Clement of Alexandria172
Scripture, Meaning of declared to be hidden, by Clement183
Scripture, Tertullian a perverter of185, 186
Shepherd of Hermas84-92
Shepherd of Hermas, Author of forged dialogues84
Shepherd of Hermas, Full of folly, superstition, and nonsense84
Shepherd of Hermas, Author a willful cheat85
Shepherd of Hermas, Author a wild, disordered fanatic85
Shepherd of Hermas, A fictitious work85
Shepherd of Hermas, Tone of Christianity in first centuries reflected by86
Shepherd of Hermas, Opinion of early church concerning86
Shepherd of Hermas, Quoted as Scripture by Fathers88
Shepherd of Hermas, Extracts from86-91
Shepherd of Hermas, Immorality inculcated by86, 90, 91
Shepherd of Hermas, Taught doctrine of purgatory88
Shepherd of Hermas, Doctrine of works of supererogation found in89
Shepherd of Hermas, Study of tended to foster licentiousness90-92
Shepherd of Hermas, One result of his teaching281
Sign of the Cross, All power ascribed to by Justin Martyr156-161
Sign of the Cross, Justin Martyr’s claim that the Israelites conquered by it157, 158
Sign of the Cross, Tertullian on200, 202-206
Sign of the Cross, Baptism preceded by257-259
FACC 389
Sign of the Cross, Frequency of its use264
Sign of the Cross, Considered as charm264, 265
Sign of the Cross, Pagan origin of265, 266
Slavery among the heathen15, 23
Socrates, Commended profanity, 15; practiced unnatural crimes15, 19
Sodomy practiced even by the philosophers11-15
Spiritualism, Brought into church by Origen223
Spiritualism, Early adoption of by the church273
Sunday, Testimony of Justin Martyr concerning149, 150
Sunday, Testimony concerning by Irenaeus136
Sunday, Refraining from kneeling on136
Sunday, Tertullian’s statements concerning195, 196
Sunday, Mosheim’s statement concerning292, 293
Sunday, Christian at Work on294, 296
Sunday, S. S. Times on295
Sunday, Wild holiday of Pagan times318
Sunday Law, Constantine’s, pagan nature of318
Sunday as a Holiday, Origin of196
Sunday, Not of apostolic origin294
Sunday, Gradually and silently introduced295
Sunday, Dr. Scott’s testimony concerning295
Sunday, Decree of council of Laodicea concerning298
Sunday, Devoted to sun by pagans318, 319
Sunday, Christmas more highly esteemed than303
Sunday, First law in favor of319
Sunday, Constantine’s relation to318-327
Sun-worship, Tertullian authority for195, 196
Sun-worship and Sunday304-328
Sun-worship, Scripture mention of305, 313
Sun-worship, How regarded by the Lord305
Sun-worship, Universality of305-312
Sun-worship, Abominations of306, 307, 309, 311, 312
Sun-worship, Religion of licentiousness307, 309, 311
Sun-worship among Romans312, 314-319
Sun-worship in time of Elagabalus314, 315
Sun-worship in time of Aurelian315
Sun-worship in time of Diocletian316
FACC 390
Sun-worship by Constantine317, 318, 325
Sun, Confounded by Christians with Son of Righteousness317, 319
Sun-god, Various representations of306-312
Superstition, Religion displaced by284, 285
Supererogatory Merit, Doctrine of taught in Shepherd of Hermas89
Supererogation, Doctrine of works of, taught by Origen227
“Teaching of the Apostles”113-124
Teaching of the Apostles, History of113, 114
Teaching of the Apostles, Not apostolic114
Teaching of the Apostles, When written114, 116
Teaching of the Apostles, Childishness of114, 122
Teaching of the Apostles, Tainted by heresy and incompetency114
Teaching of the Apostles, Summary of opinions on116-118
Teaching of the Apostles, Conflicting opinions concerning116-118
Teaching of the Apostles, Lord’s day, supposed mention of, 118
Teaching of the Apostles, Extracts from118-124
Teaching of the Apostles, Inconsistency of those who credit119
Teaching of the Apostles, Actually no mention of Lord’s day in119
Teaching of the Apostles, Fasting on Friday and Wednesday commanded by121
Teaching of the Apostles, On baptism122
Teaching of the Apostles, Stealing recommended by123
Teaching of the Apostles, Atonement of sins by money taught in124
Tertullian, Gloomy fanatic69
Tertullian, Voluminous writer184
Tertullian, Personal characteristics of184, 186
Tertullian, Passionate nature of184
Tertullian, Exaggeration dealt in by184, 191
Tertullian, Untrustworthy as to matters of fact184
Tertullian, Superstitious and bigoted185
Tertullian, Scripture perverted by185, 186
FACC 391
Tertullian, Birth and conversion of185
Tertullian, Catholic theology founded by185
Tertullian, Absurdity preferred to reason, by186
Tertullian, Illogical190
Tertullian, Untrustworthiness of190
Tertullian, Salvation by faith not understood by190
Tertullian, Ungoverned imagination of191
Tertullian, Monkery, a father of192
Tertullian, Moral laxity favored by192
Tertullian, Prayers to dead, taught by192
Tertullian, Critical sagacity lacked by193
Tertullian, Fiery nature of193
Tertullian, Sunday, statements concerning195, 196
Tertullian, Sun-worshiper195, 196
Tertullian, Sabbath-keeping, statements concerning197-199
Tertullian, Sabbath, disbeliever in a197
Tertullian, Sabbath law not abolished, testimony to198
Tertullian, Scripture perverted by198, 199
Tertullian, Trine immersion taught by200
Tertullian, Statements concerning69, 148, 184-192
Tertullian, Quotations from192-215
Tertullian, A Montanist186, 191
Tertullian, Insanity of189
Tertullian, An infatuated author189
Tertullian, Catholicity of189
Tertullian, Baptism, statement concerning perversion of200
Tertullian, Offerings for the dead, practiced by200
Tertullian, Sign of the cross, used by200, 202-206
Tertullian, Scripture ignored by201
Tertullian, Heathenism and Christianity, identified by204, 205
Tertullian, Scripture, fanciful interpretation of205, 206, 208
Tertullian, Material Cross, his devotion to204-206, 213
Tertullian, Speculative writer207
Tertullian, Soul, belief concerning207, 208, 209
Tertullian, Childish nonsense of208, 209
Tertullian, Science, ignorance of209
Tertullian, Holy water, believer in211-213
Tertullian, Baptism, fanciful ideas of211-213
FACC 392
Tertullian, Ignorance of148
Tertullian, On prayer214
Tertullian, Doctrine of Purgatory taught by214, 215
Tertullian, Unchristian fanaticism of216
Theodosius, Superstition of287
Tradition, False concerning age of Jesus139-141
Tradition, Unsatisfactory nature of141, 142
Tradition, Bower’s statement of the value of252
Trine Immersion, Taught by Tertullian200
Truth of the Bible, How demonstrated40
Universalism taught by Origen239, 240
Victory, Rather than truth, the object of Fathers65
Vagaries, Indulged in by Fathers70
Women, Immorality of, among heathen17
Women, Community of taught by Plato36
Wickedness of heathen world chargeable to the philosophers42
Works of Supererogation, Taught in Shepherd of Hermas89