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Highlights Te-SG 49

This section presents the challenge of temperance, with an appeal for all to do their duty--now. Consider these points: Te-SG 49.2

1. In what ways is modern society paralleling the days just prior to the Flood?

Te-SG 49.3

2. What role should ministers be playing in the temperance movement?

Te-SG 49.4

3. In what ways does my local church involve the young people in temperance ministry?

Te-SG 49.5

4. How can we tie together temperance work and evangelism?

Te-SG 49.6

5. How can our medical centers become temperance centers also?

Te-SG 49.7

6. Since Ellen White urged using the pen as an effective temperance tool, consider how your church is using Listen, Smoke Signals, and other temperance literature prepared by the Adventist church. Te-SG 49.8