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Lt 24a, 1888 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888

White, Mary

Healdsburg, California

February 6, 1888

Previously unpublished.

Dear Mary:

We thought best to have Sister Webster come up now, for it may be we cannot get to St. Helena before the last of this week or the first of next week. We feel anxious to hear how you are getting along. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 1

When I come, I will bring you a little Angelica wine and sweet wine and some apples I have purchased from Pecks. There is a heavy frost on the ground this morning. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 2

I wish you would say to Anna Loughborough that if she can make it so that Sister Webster can have a little room all by herself it will be a great favor to her. She has some difficulty with the bladder which causes her to get up many times in the night. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 3

We think of you all and every pleasant day wish we were on the way to St. Helena, but Marian [Davis] holds onto us now, for her writings are of that character that she must have the judgment of Will [White] and myself, so that we are held here at present, although we want to go. I want to see Ella [White] and the baby very much. May Walling does not come. Neither do we see Addie Walling yet, but we expect to see both any day. Addie writes that her father has broken his leg, and this detains her some longer. She seems to think that there is considerable attachment between Miss Walters and her father. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 4

She, Aggie Walters, waits on her father as nurse. She calls herself a superior nurse but Addie thinks she would prefer someone else to nurse her. We think we shall have warm weather soon. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 5

We do not fail to pray for you every night, and we believe that the Lord will work in your behalf, and we hope you will cling to the promises and not let the enemy weaken your faith. Jesus lives, Jesus reigns. He says, “Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you; for whosoever asketh receiveth, and whosoever knocketh, it shall be opened unto him.” See Matthew 7:7, 8. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 6

Now, continue to trust, to believe. The Lord’s promises are verity and truth, and the Lord will honor His promise. I hope we shall see you soon. I hope Ella will try to be pleasant and cheerful and not whine, as when I was there before. I hope she will be Jesus’ little one, mind quickly and have self-control, for then she can please Jesus. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 7

Love to all the household. 5LtMs, Lt 24a, 1888, par. 8
