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Lt 27a, 1888 5LtMs, Lt 27a, 1888

White, Mary

Reno, Nevada

May 29, 1888

Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 383.

Dear Mary:

I was more glad than I can express to receive your letter from Burrough Valley. You must know that I became very anxious before receiving your letter. I feared greatly that you might be sick, but what a relief to find that you arrived at your destination and were able to write me as you have done. Willie sent word by Sara [McEnterfer] that I had better go to Oakland and see the closing up of my book. If I go, this of course will delay me a few days. I will try to get letters in season that you can meet me. I was real anxious to know how Brother Sawyer liked Burrough Valley; but I may know all in good time. 5LtMs, Lt 27a, 1888, par. 1

We shall leave here Sunday night next for Oakland and shall arrive there 10 a.m. next day. Our meeting is small, but I have felt freedom in bearing my testimony and think it was really needed here. 5LtMs, Lt 27a, 1888, par. 2

In regard to the fruit, we have quite a considerable amount on hand, and I will write to have a small trunk filled with fruit and sent to Oakland, so do not buy any fruit till I come. If you think it is best for me to bring my adjustable lounge or any other thing that you think may be wanted from Healdsburg, just say the word. You will have to write to Healdsburg because you will see it takes some time to get a letter from Burrough Valley. It is a roundabout way to get communications from even Fresno here, and worse from Burrough Valley. Whether you write or not, I shall write today for fruit to be sent to Oakland. 5LtMs, Lt 27a, 1888, par. 3
