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Lt 49, 1893 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893

Prescott, Brother and Sister [W. W.]


October 2, 1893

Previously unpublished.

Dear Brother and Sister Prescott:

We have had a special burden of testimony to bear for the youth, and for the entire church, in regard to the manner in which they spend their holidays and the use they make of their money and of their time; and then there comes over from America a journal from Battle Creek filled with a description of their games played on the school grounds, as if it was essential that this particular knowledge should be transported to this country. And then when we have so few facilities furnished us, so little help in workers and of means, I am in great perplexity. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 1

I expected to hear that a great work was done after the descent of the Holy Spirit, that there would be a going forth filled with zeal and love and deep devotion by the students to do real, good, through, well-organized efforts, under instructors, teaching them how to work to be a blessing to others. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 2

There are ways that the time of the students can be employed that their young zeal and youthful ardor can be used to glorify God. Thus was it in the school of the prophets. All their powers were trained and consecrated to service. Here is education that we shall need in the day of trial coming upon us as a thief in the night, stealing unawares. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Revelation 3:2-4. Ephesians 6:10-18; Philippians 2:12-16; Titus 2:6-8, 11-15. I write you, referring to these scriptures. [I] have not time to write them out in full. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 3

I want to say, I have seen Satan triumphing over the entering into his devices in games, plans which he will use to decoy souls to their everlasting ruin. Jesus also I saw looking with sadness upon His heritage, saying. “Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?” [Jeremiah 13:20.] Let us heed the words of warning given us. The great day of the Lord is upon us; it “cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinner thereof out of it.” [Isaiah 13:9.] Ezekiel 9. Let us consider these chapters. Zechariah 3. These are the things that are soon to be transacted and every soul needs to be preparing for these events. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 4

I feel so ashamed that at the very heart of the work shall be the very things transacted that in influence lead to the forgetting of God, rather than to the remembrance of God. The example is carried to other countries, and we must meet and combat the influence, and our work made very much harder. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 5

Many seem to have such exalted ideas of Battle Creek—that if they can only get to Battle Creek they are next to heaven; then after they see and become so disappointed, they have things to say which we try to correct and yet can not do it as we ought to be able to do it. We are afraid the lessons of education obtained in mixing the silver with the dross in practice, the wine with the water, will be in its effects similar to the wine of Babylon. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 6

O, I see, I sense the danger. I am weighed down with sorrow. And yet if people have crowded patronage, I fear that they will interpret this as the evidence that they must keep on enlarging, adding building to building. God will, just as surely as they continue in this way, do to Battle Creek as He did to the Jews, let a scourge come upon them in Battle Creek that will drive them out, and send them humbled in spirit to work and walk in humble paths, that as they shall draw nigh to God, the light shall not be confined largely to one location; but the standard of truth shall be lifted in many places nigh and far off. 8LtMs, Lt 49, 1893, par. 7