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Laban - Lightning TCR .Laban.1

Laban TCR .Laban.1

(brother of Rebekah) Genesis 24:29; Genesis 29:16; Genesis 31:1; Genesis 31:26; Genesis 31:51; TCR .Laban.3

Labour TCR .Labour.1

Hard, as punishment Exodus 1:11-14; Joshua 9:27; Judges 16:21; TCR .Labour.3

Manual, done by women Exodus 35:25; Ruth 2:7; 1 Samuel 8:13; Proverbs 31:13; Proverbs 31:24; TCR .Labour.4

Troubles TCR .Labour.5

(general references to) Matthew 20:11; Matthew 20:12; Matthew 21:33-35; Mark 12:1-9; TCR .Labour.6

Woman's TCR .Labour.7

Manual Labour Exodus 35:25; Ruth 2:7; 1 Samuel 8:13; Proverbs 31:13; Proverbs 31:24; TCR .Labour.8

As Housekeepers Genesis 27:9; 1 Samuel 8:13; Proverbs 31:15; Luke 10:40; TCR .Labour.9

Various Other fields of Activity TCR .Labour.10

In Beautifying the tabernacle Exodus 35:25; TCR .Labour.11

acting as judges Judges 4:4; Judges 5:7; TCR .Labour.12

motherly duties 1 Samuel 2:19; 2 Kings 4:20; TCR .Labour.13

meeting an emergency and saving her household 1 Samuel 25:18; TCR .Labour.14

Philanthropy Acts 9:36; TCR .Labour.15

serving the church Romans 16:1; Romans 16:6; Philippians 4:3; TCR .Labour.16

Worldly, sometimes disappointing Ecclesiastes 1:3; Ecclesiastes 1:14; Ecclesiastes 2:11; Ecclesiastes 4:8; Ecclesiastes 5:16; Isaiah 55:2; Habakkuk 2:13; John 6:27; TCR .Labour.17

Labour Troubles TCR .Labour Troubles.1

(general references to) Matthew 20:11; Matthew 20:12; Matthew 21:33-35; Mark 12:1-9; TCR .Labour Troubles.3

Labour Unions TCR .Labour Unions.1

Labour Unions Acts 19:25-28; TCR .Labour Unions.2

Labourers, Spiritual TCR .Labourers, Spiritual.1

Prayer for the Increase of Matthew 9:37; Matthew 9:38; Matthew 20:8; TCR .Labourers, Spiritual.3

Great Opportunity Afforded to John 4:35; John 4:36; 1 Corinthians 3:9; TCR .Labourers, Spiritual.4

Worthy of Reward 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Timothy 5:18; TCR .Labourers, Spiritual.5

Lachish TCR .Lachish.1

(a town of Judah) Joshua 10:31; Joshua 12:11; 2 Kings 14:19; 2 Kings 18:14; Jeremiah 34:7; Micah 1:13; TCR .Lachish.3

Lack of Insight TCR .Lack of Insight.1

Lack of Insight Matthew 16:11; Matthew 16:22; Luke 24:21; John 3:4; John 6:60; John 20:2; John 21:4; TCR .Lack of Insight.2

Ladder, Jacob's TCR .Ladder, Jacob's.1

Ladder, Jacob's Genesis 28:12; TCR .Ladder, Jacob's.2

Lake of Fire TCR .Lake of Fire.1

Lamb of God TCR .Lamb of God.1

(Christ the) Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:19; Revelation 5:6; Revelation 6:1; Revelation 7:9; Revelation 12:11; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 14:1; Revelation 15:3; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:9; Revelation 21:22; TCR .Lamb of God.3

Lamb, Christ The TCR .Lamb, Christ The.1

Lamb, Christ The Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:19; Revelation 5:6; Revelation 6:1; Revelation 7:9; Revelation 12:11; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 14:1; Revelation 15:3; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:9; Revelation 21:22; TCR .Lamb, Christ The.2

Lambs TCR .Lambs.1

(for offerings) Exodus 29:39; Leviticus 3:7; Leviticus 4:32; Leviticus 5:6; Numbers 6:12; TCR .Lambs.3

Lambs of the Fold TCR .Lambs of the Fold.1

Carried in Christ's Bosom Isaiah 40:11; TCR .Lambs of the Fold.3

Reward for Attention to Matthew 10:42; TCR .Lambs of the Fold.4

Precious to the Heavenly Father Matthew 18:14; TCR .Lambs of the Fold.5

To be Nourished by the Ministry John 21:15; TCR .Lambs of the Fold.6

Lame, The TCR .Lame, The.1

Lame, The Leviticus 21:18; 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 5:8; Matthew 15:31; Matthew 21:14; Luke 7:22; Acts 3:2; Acts 14:8; TCR .Lame, The.2

Lamech TCR .Lamech.1

(son of Methuselah) Genesis 5:25; 1 Chronicles 1:3; Luke 3:36; TCR .Lamech.3

Lamentations TCR .Lamentations.1

Examples of TCR .Lamentations.3

For Jacob Genesis 50:10; TCR .Lamentations.4

For Jephthah's daughter Judges 11:40; TCR .Lamentations.5

For King Saul 2 Samuel 1:17; TCR .Lamentations.6

For Josiah 2 Chronicles 35:25; TCR .Lamentations.7

For the Jews Esther 4:1; TCR .Lamentations.8

For the slaughtered innocents Matthew 2:18; TCR .Lamentations.9

For Christ Luke 23:27; TCR .Lamentations.10

For Stephen Acts 8:2; TCR .Lamentations.11

For the Miseries of Israel Jeremiah 4:8; Jeremiah 6:26; Jeremiah 7:29; Ezekiel 19:1; Joel 1:8; Amos 5:1; Micah 2:4; TCR .Lamentations.12

Land TCR .Land.1

Belongs to God Exodus 19:5; Leviticus 25:23; 1 Chronicles 29:14; Psalms 24:1; Psalms 50:10; Psalms 60:7; Psalms 89:11; Haggai 2:8; TCR .Land.3

Leased Matthew 21:33-41; Mark 12:1-9; TCR .Land.4

Laws of Inheritance Numbers 27:8; Numbers 33:54; Numbers 36:7; Deuteronomy 21:16; Ezekiel 46:16; TCR .Land.5

Measure TCR .Land.6

Land Measure TCR .Land.7

A cubit = 1.824 ft TCR .Land.8

2000 cubits = 0.5 miles = 1Sabbath day's journey TCR .Land.9

24 miles = 1 day's journey TCR .Land.10

In consulting these tables it must be remembered that authorities differ as to exact figures TCR .Land.11

Of Promise, Canaan TCR .Land.12

Promised to Abraham Genesis 12:7; Genesis 13:15; Genesis 15:7; Genesis 15:18; Genesis 17:8; Genesis 50:24; Exodus 6:8; Leviticus 20:24; Numbers 14:8; Deuteronomy 6:10; Deuteronomy 31:20; Joshua 5:6; Judges 2:1; TCR .Land.13

Polluted, by sin Leviticus 18:25; Numbers 35:34; Psalms 106:38; Isaiah 24:5; Jeremiah 2:7; Jeremiah 3:2; Jeremiah 16:18; Micah 2:10; TCR .Land.14

Priests had None Numbers 18:20; Numbers 26:62; Deuteronomy 10:9; Deuteronomy 12:12; Deuteronomy 14:27; Deuteronomy 18:2; Joshua 13:14; Joshua 14:3; Joshua 18:7; Ezekiel 44:28; Ezekiel 45:4; TCR .Land.15

Purchased Genesis 33:19; Proverbs 31:16; Jeremiah 32:9; Matthew 27:7; Luke 14:18; Acts 1:18; TCR .Land.16

To Rest TCR .Land.17

(one year in seven, year of release) Exodus 23:11; Leviticus 25:4; Deuteronomy 15:1; Deuteronomy 31:10; Jeremiah 34:14; TCR .Land.18

Sold Genesis 23:15; Genesis 47:20; Ruth 4:3; 2 Samuel 24:24; TCR .Land.19

Landmarks TCR .Landmarks.1

(not to be removed) Deuteronomy 19:14; Deuteronomy 27:17; Job 24:2; Proverbs 22:28; Proverbs 23:10; Hosea 5:10; TCR .Landmarks.3

Languages Confounded TCR .Languages Confounded.1

Languages Confounded Genesis 11:9; TCR .Languages Confounded.2

Laodicea TCR .Laodicea.1

(a town in Phrygia) Colossians 2:1; Colossians 4:13; Revelation 1:11; Revelation 3:14; TCR .Laodicea.3

Larger Life TCR .Larger Life.1

Larger Life 2 Samuel 22:37; 1 Kings 4:29; 1 Chronicles 4:10; Psalms 18:36; Psalms 118:5; Isaiah 54:2; John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 6:11; Ephesians 3:17; Ephesians 3:18; Ephesians 3:19; TCR .Larger Life.2

Lasciviousness TCR .Lasciviousness.1

Lasciviousness Numbers 25:6; John 8:3; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Ephesians 4:19; Jude 1:7; TCR .Lasciviousness.2

Last Day, The TCR .Last Day, The.1

Last Day, The John 6:39; John 11:24; John 12:48; TCR .Last Day, The.2

Last Days TCR .Last Days.1

(of time) Isaiah 2:2; Daniel 2:28; Daniel 12:9; Micah 4:1; Acts 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:1; 2 Peter 3:3; TCR .Last Days.3

Last Judgment TCR .Last Judgment.1

(General References to) Matthew 25:31; Matthew 25:32; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27; 2 Peter 2:9; 2 Peter 3:7; 1 John 4:17; Jude 1:14; Jude 1:15; Revelation 20:12; TCR .Last Judgment.3

Last to Be First TCR .Last to Be First.1

Laughter TCR .Laughter.1

(Joy Manifested in) Proverbs 14:13; Ecclesiastes 2:2; Ecclesiastes 7:3; Ecclesiastes 7:6; Luke 6:25; James 4:9; TCR .Laughter.3

Laver TCR .Laver.1

Laver Exodus 30:18; Exodus 38:8; Exodus 40:7; TCR .Laver.2

Law TCR .Law.1

Bondage of TCR .Law.3

Book of the Deuteronomy 31:26; Joshua 1:8; 2 Kings 22:8; 2 Kings 23:2; 2 Chronicles 17:9; Nehemiah 8:8; Galatians 3:10; TCR .Law.4

Ceremonial Abolished in Christ Ephesians 2:15; Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 7:18; Hebrews 8:13; Hebrews 10:1; Hebrews 12:27; TCR .Law.5

Despised 2 Chronicles 36:16; Psalms 78:10; Isaiah 5:24; Isaiah 30:9; Jeremiah 6:19; Jeremiah 9:13; Hosea 4:6; Amos 2:4; Mark 7:9; TCR .Law.6

Impartiality of Exodus 12:49; Leviticus 24:22; Numbers 9:14; Numbers 15:16; TCR .Law.7

In the Heart Psalms 37:31; Psalms 40:8; Jeremiah 31:33; Jeremiah 32:40; Romans 2:15; Romans 7:22; 2 Corinthians 3:3; Hebrews 8:10; Hebrews 10:16; TCR .Law.8

Insufficient Romans 3:19; Romans 8:3; Galatians 2:19; Ephesians 2:15; Hebrews 7:19; TCR .Law.9

Keeping of Enjoined Deuteronomy 17:19; Joshua 23:6; 1 Chronicles 22:12; Proverbs 28:7; TCR .Law.10

Mosaic TCR .Law.11

(the ten commandments) Exodus 20:1; Exodus 32:16; Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 4:13; Deuteronomy 5:7; Deuteronomy 10:4; Joshua 8:32; TCR .Law.12

Perfection of the Divine Psalms 19:7; Psalms 119:142; Romans 7:12; Romans 7:14; 1 Timothy 1:8; TCR .Law.13

Purpose of Romans 3:20; Romans 5:20; Romans 7:7; Galatians 3:19; Galatians 3:24; 1 Timothy 1:9; TCR .Law.14

The Public Reading of Deuteronomy 31:11; Joshua 8:35; 2 Kings 23:2; Nehemiah 8:3; Nehemiah 8:18; Nehemiah 13:1; Jeremiah 36:6; TCR .Law.15

Lawgiver TCR .Lawgiver.1

God as Isaiah 33:22; Isaiah 51:4; James 4:12; TCR .Lawgiver.3

Moses as Exodus 34:32; Deuteronomy 4:44; Deuteronomy 33:4; John 1:17; John 7:19; Acts 7:38; TCR .Lawgiver.4

Laws of Inheritance TCR .Laws of Inheritance.1

Laws of Inheritance Numbers 27:8; Numbers 33:54; Numbers 36:7; Deuteronomy 21:16; Ezekiel 46:16; TCR .Laws of Inheritance.2

Lawsuits TCR .Lawsuits.1

(Litigation to be avoided) Proverbs 25:8; Matthew 5:25; Matthew 5:40; 1 Corinthians 6:1; TCR .Lawsuits.3

Lawyers TCR .Lawyers.1

Lawyers Luke 10:25; Luke 11:46; Luke 14:3; Titus 3:13; TCR .Lawyers.2

Laying On of Hands TCR .Laying On of Hands.1

In Consecration of Offerings Leviticus 1:4; Leviticus 3:2; Leviticus 4:15; Leviticus 16:21; TCR .Laying On of Hands.3

In Ordination or Consecration of Men for Service Numbers 8:10; Numbers 27:18; Deuteronomy 34:9; Acts 6:6; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Timothy 5:22; 2 Timothy 1:6; TCR .Laying On of Hands.4

In Blessing Genesis 48:14; Matthew 19:15; Mark 10:16; TCR .Laying On of Hands.5

In Healing Mark 6:5; Mark 7:32; Mark 16:18; Luke 4:40; Luke 13:13; Acts 28:8; TCR .Laying On of Hands.6

Lazarus TCR .Lazarus.1

The Beggar Luke 16:20; TCR .Lazarus.3

Brother of Martha and Mary John 11:1; John 11:14; John 11:43; John 12:2; John 12:10; TCR .Lazarus.4

Lead TCR .Lead.1

(a mineral) Exodus 15:10; Numbers 31:22; Job 19:24; Jeremiah 6:29; Ezekiel 22:18; TCR .Lead.3

Leader, Divine TCR .Leader, Divine.1

(How and where he leads his People) TCR .Leader, Divine.3

In Difficult Places, for testing Deuteronomy 8:2; TCR .Leader, Divine.4

Like a Mother Bird teaching her Young to Fly Deuteronomy 32:11; Deuteronomy 32:12; TCR .Leader, Divine.5

In a Plain Path Psalms 27:11; Psalms 60:9; TCR .Leader, Divine.6

Like a Shepherd Psalms 77:20; TCR .Leader, Divine.7

No Place beyond the Reach of his Hand Psalms 139:9; Psalms 139:10; Proverbs 20:24; Isaiah 63:14; TCR .Leader, Divine.8

Steadily toward the Cross Mark 10:32; TCR .Leader, Divine.9

To the Border of the Unseen Luke 24:50; Luke 24:51; TCR .Leader, Divine.10

Leaders TCR .Leaders.1

Humble, examples of TCR .Leaders.3

Moses Exodus 3:11; TCR .Leaders.4

Gideon Judges 6:15; TCR .Leaders.5

King Saul 1 Samuel 9:21; TCR .Leaders.6

King David 1 Samuel 18:18; TCR .Leaders.7

King Solomon 1 Kings 3:7; TCR .Leaders.8

Isaiah Isaiah 6:5; TCR .Leaders.9

Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:6; TCR .Leaders.10

John the Baptist Matthew 3:14; TCR .Leaders.11

Religious TCR .Leaders.12

PRIESTS TCR .Leaders.13

General references to Genesis 14:18; Exodus 18:1; Exodus 24:5; Joshua 3:6; 2 Chronicles 11:13; 2 Chronicles 29:16; TCR .Leaders.14

Laws in Regard to Exodus 29:1; Exodus 40:15; Leviticus 10:9; Leviticus 21:1; Ezra 7:24; Nehemiah 7:65; TCR .Leaders.15

Should be Holy Exodus 19:22; Leviticus 10:3; Leviticus 21:6; Leviticus 22:9; 2 Chronicles 6:41; Isaiah 52:11; Malachi 2:7; TCR .Leaders.16

Corrupt Condemned TCR .Leaders.17

Idolatrous, examples of Judges 17:5; 1 Samuel 5:5; 1 Kings 12:31; 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 10:11; 2 Kings 11:18; 2 Kings 23:5; 2 Kings 23:20; TCR .Leaders.18

Dues of TCR .Leaders.19

Food of Exodus 29:32; Leviticus 6:16; Leviticus 7:6; Leviticus 7:15; Leviticus 8:31; Leviticus 10:12; Leviticus 10:17; Leviticus 24:9; Numbers 18:31; TCR .Leaders.20

Inheritance of Numbers 18:20; Numbers 26:62; Deuteronomy 10:9; Deuteronomy 12:12; Deuteronomy 14:27; Deuteronomy 18:2; Joshua 13:14; Joshua 14:3; Joshua 18:7; Ezekiel 44:28; Ezekiel 45:4; TCR .Leaders.21

High Priests Exodus 28:1; Leviticus 21:10; Zechariah 3:1; Hebrews 5:5; Hebrews 9:7; TCR .Leaders.22

Garments of TCR .Leaders.23

PROPHETS TCR .Leaders.24

General References to Numbers 12:6; 1 Samuel 10:11; 1 Kings 18:4; 2 Chronicles 20:20; 2 Chronicles 36:16; Psalms 74:9; Psalms 105:15; Amos 3:7; Matthew 13:57; Matthew 23:37; TCR .Leaders.25

Names of Persons spoken of as TCR .Leaders.26

Aaron Exodus 7:1; TCR .Leaders.27

Abraham Genesis 20:7; TCR .Leaders.28

Agabus Acts 21:10; TCR .Leaders.29

Ahijah 1 Kings 11:29; TCR .Leaders.30

Amos Amos 1:1; TCR .Leaders.31

Balaam Numbers 22:5; TCR .Leaders.32

Daniel Matthew 24:15; TCR .Leaders.33

David Matthew 13:35; TCR .Leaders.34

Eldad Numbers 11:26; TCR .Leaders.35

Elijah 1 Kings 18:36; TCR .Leaders.36

Elisha 1 Kings 19:16; TCR .Leaders.37

Ezekiel Ezekiel 1:3; TCR .Leaders.38

Gad 1 Samuel 22:5; TCR .Leaders.39

Habakkuk Habakkuk 1:1; TCR .Leaders.40

Haggai Ezra 5:1; TCR .Leaders.41

Hananiah Jeremiah 28:17; TCR .Leaders.42

Hosea Hosea 1:1; TCR .Leaders.43

Iddo 2 Chronicles 13:22; TCR .Leaders.44

Isaiah 2 Kings 19:2; TCR .Leaders.45

Jehu 1 Kings 16:7; TCR .Leaders.46

Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:5; TCR .Leaders.47

Joel Joel 1:1; TCR .Leaders.48

John the Baptist Luke 7:28; TCR .Leaders.49

Joshua 1 Kings 16:34; TCR .Leaders.50

Jonah 2 Kings 14:25; TCR .Leaders.51

Malachi Malachi 1:1; TCR .Leaders.52

Medad Numbers 11:26; TCR .Leaders.53

Micah Jeremiah 26:18; TCR .Leaders.54

Micaiah 1 Kings 22:8; TCR .Leaders.55

Moses Deuteronomy 34:10; TCR .Leaders.56

Nahum Nahum 1:1; TCR .Leaders.57

Nathan 2 Samuel 7:2; TCR .Leaders.58

Obadiah Obadiah 1:1; TCR .Leaders.59

Obed 2 Chronicles 28:9; TCR .Leaders.60

Samuel 1 Samuel 3:20; TCR .Leaders.61

Shemaiah 2 Chronicles 12:5; TCR .Leaders.62

Zacharias Luke 1:67; TCR .Leaders.63

Zechariah Zechariah 1:1; TCR .Leaders.64

Zephaniah Zephaniah 1:1; TCR .Leaders.65

False TCR .Leaders.66

Prophets in the Christian Church Acts 11:27; Acts 13:1; 1 Corinthians 12:28; 1 Corinthians 14:29; Ephesians 4:11; TCR .Leaders.67

Called Seers 1 Samuel 9:9; 2 Samuel 15:27; 2 Samuel 24:11; 1 Chronicles 25:5; 1 Chronicles 29:29; 2 Chronicles 16:7; 2 Chronicles 19:2; 2 Chronicles 35:15; TCR .Leaders.68

Schools of 2 Kings 2:5; 2 Kings 4:38; 2 Kings 6:1; 2 Chronicles 17:9; Daniel 1:4; TCR .Leaders.69

Incognito Judges 6:8; 1 Samuel 2:27; 1 Kings 13:11; 1 Kings 20:35; TCR .Leaders.70

MEN OF GOD TCR .Leaders.71

Prophets and other Spiritual Men so called Deuteronomy 33:1; Judges 13:6; 1 Samuel 2:27; 1 Kings 12:22; 1 Kings 17:18; 1 Kings 20:28; 2 Kings 1:9; 2 Kings 4:7; 2 Kings 5:14; 2 Kings 6:10; 2 Kings 7:2; 2 Chronicles 8:14; Jeremiah 35:4; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17; TCR .Leaders.72

Men raised up as Deliverers of Israel Judges 2:16; Judges 3:9; Judges 3:31; Judges 9:17; Judges 13:5; 1 Samuel 9:16; Nehemiah 9:27; TCR .Leaders.73

Chosen Instruments to accomplish God's purposes Haggai 2:23; John 15:16; Acts 9:15; 1 Corinthians 1:27; 1 Corinthians 1:28; 1 Corinthians 1:29; TCR .Leaders.74

Sent as Divine Messengers Numbers 16:28; Isaiah 48:16; Jeremiah 25:4; Zechariah 2:8; Zechariah 4:9; Matthew 22:3; Luke 1:19; John 1:6; TCR .Leaders.75

HUMBLE LEADERS, examples of TCR .Leaders.76

Moses Exodus 3:11; TCR .Leaders.77

Gideon Judges 6:15; TCR .Leaders.78

King Saul 1 Samuel 9:21; TCR .Leaders.79

King David 1 Samuel 18:18; TCR .Leaders.80

King Solomon 1 Kings 3:7; TCR .Leaders.81

Isaiah Isaiah 6:5; TCR .Leaders.82

Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:6; TCR .Leaders.83

John the Baptist Matthew 3:14; TCR .Leaders.84

COURAGEOUS REFORMERS, rebuke sinful rulers TCR .Leaders.85

Nathan before King David 2 Samuel 12:7; TCR .Leaders.86

Elijah before King Ahab 1 Kings 21:20; TCR .Leaders.87

Micaiah before King Ahab 1 Kings 22:14; TCR .Leaders.88

Elisha before King Jehoram 2 Kings 3:14; TCR .Leaders.89

Daniel before King Belshazzar Daniel 5:22; TCR .Leaders.90

John the Baptist before Herod Matthew 14:4; TCR .Leaders.91

Peter and John before the Sanhedrin Acts 4:18-20; TCR .Leaders.92

Stephen before the Council Acts 7:51; TCR .Leaders.93

THE INCORRUPTIBILITY OF, in Refusing Gifts 1 Kings 13:8; 2 Kings 5:15; 2 Kings 5:16; Daniel 5:17; TCR .Leaders.94

ELDERS TCR .Leaders.95

Governmental Exodus 3:16; Exodus 4:29; Exodus 19:7; Exodus 24:1; Joshua 23:2; Judges 21:16; Ruth 4:2; 1 Kings 21:8; Proverbs 31:23; TCR .Leaders.96

Jewish Matthew 15:2; Matthew 21:23; Matthew 26:57; Mark 15:1; Acts 22:5; TCR .Leaders.97

Christian: TCR .Leaders.98

APOSTLES TCR .Leaders.99

General References to Luke 17:5; Luke 22:14; Acts 1:13; Acts 1:26; 1 Corinthians 4:9; 1 Corinthians 9:1; 2 Corinthians 11:5; Ephesians 2:20; Ephesians 4:11; Revelation 21:14; TCR .Leaders.100

Names of Matthew 10:2; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13; TCR .Leaders.101

Call Of to Special Work Mark 1:17; Mark 1:20; Mark 2:14; Luke 6:13; John 1:43; Acts 22:21; TCR .Leaders.102

Heal TCR .Leaders.103

Persecution of TCR .Leaders.104

MINISTERS TCR .Leaders.105

Select Readings for Isaiah 56:10-12; Jeremiah 23:1-40; Ezekiel 3:17-21; Acts 20:17-35; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23; 2 Corinthians 6:1-10; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; 1 Timothy 6:11-21; 2 Timothy 2:1-20; 2 Timothy 4:1-8; TCR .Leaders.106

Divinely Appointed 2 Corinthians 3:6; 2 Corinthians 4:1; 2 Corinthians 5:18; Ephesians 3:7; Colossians 1:23; 1 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 1:11; TCR .Leaders.107

The Spirit which should Actuate Matthew 10:16; Matthew 20:26; Luke 22:26; Acts 20:24; 1 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 6:4; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:24; 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 5:2; TCR .Leaders.108

Characteristics of true Matthew 10:16; Matthew 20:26; 2 Corinthians 4:2; 2 Corinthians 6:4; 1 Thessalonians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 2 Thessalonians 3:9; 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:1; 2 Timothy 3:17; Titus 1:7; Titus 2:7; TCR .Leaders.109

Duties of the Church to Matthew 10:10; Romans 10:15; Romans 15:30; 1 Corinthians 16:16; Galatians 4:14; Philippians 2:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:7; TCR .Leaders.110

Support of TCR .Leaders.111

Unfaithful TCR .Leaders.112

Affliction of TCR .Leaders.113


Preaching TCR .Leaders.115

Examples of Matthew 3:1; Matthew 9:35; Mark 16:20; Luke 9:6; Acts 28:31; Ephesians 2:17; 1 Peter 3:19; 1 Peter 4:6; Revelation 14:6; TCR .Leaders.116

Preaching TCR .Leaders.117

Enjoined Matthew 10:7; Matthew 10:27; Mark 16:15; Luke 9:2; Luke 9:60; Acts 5:20; 2 Timothy 4:2; TCR .Leaders.118

Christ the Theme of Acts 4:2; Acts 8:5; Acts 8:35; Acts 9:20; Acts 10:36; Acts 17:3; 1 Corinthians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 4:5; TCR .Leaders.119

As Shepherds to Feed the Flock Jeremiah 3:15; Jeremiah 23:4; Ezekiel 34:23; John 21:17; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2; TCR .Leaders.120

Spiritual Watchmen Isaiah 62:6; Jeremiah 6:17; Ezekiel 3:17; Hebrews 13:17; TCR .Leaders.121

As Teachers of the Word Matthew 28:20; 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:2; 2 Timothy 2:25; TCR .Leaders.122

SOLEMN CHARGES given TCR .Leaders.123

Moses to Joshua Numbers 27:23; Deuteronomy 31:23; TCR .Leaders.124

David to Solomon 1 Kings 2:1; TCR .Leaders.125

Jehoshaphat to leaders of Judah 2 Chronicles 19:9; TCR .Leaders.126

Christ to the Disciples Matthew 10:5; TCR .Leaders.127

Paul to the Ephesian Elders Acts 20:28; TCR .Leaders.128

Paul to Timothy 1 Timothy 5:21; 1 Timothy 6:13; 2 Timothy 4:1; TCR .Leaders.129


Select Reading Ezekiel 3:1-17; Ezekiel 33:6; 2 Corinthians 2:16; Hebrews 13:17; James 3:1; TCR .Leaders.131

SUPPORT OF TCR .Leaders.132

Support of Priests under the Mosaic Law Leviticus 2:3; Leviticus 10:13; Leviticus 27:21; Numbers 3:48; Numbers 5:9; Numbers 18:9; Numbers 18:12; Numbers 18:21; Deuteronomy 18:3; 2 Kings 12:16; TCR .Leaders.133

In the Christian Church Matthew 10:10; 1 Corinthians 9:14; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 4:14; 1 Timothy 5:18; TCR .Leaders.134

Self-support as Practised by Paul Acts 18:3; Acts 20:34; Acts 28:30; 1 Corinthians 9:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8; TCR .Leaders.135

UNFAITHFUL MINISTERS, General References to Isaiah 56:10; Jeremiah 6:13; Jeremiah 23:11; Lamentations 2:14; Ezekiel 33:6; Micah 3:11; Philippians 1:15; TCR .Leaders.136

FALSE SHEPHERDS, characteristics of TCR .Leaders.137

Insentiate and Pleasure-loving Isaiah 56:10-12; TCR .Leaders.138

Scatter the Flock Jeremiah 23:2; TCR .Leaders.139

Lead the Sheep astray Jeremiah 50:6; TCR .Leaders.140

Prey upon the Flock instead of feeding it Ezekiel 34:2; Ezekiel 34:3; Zechariah 11:17; TCR .Leaders.141

Hirelings forsake the Sheep John 10:12; TCR .Leaders.142

FALSE PROPHETS, general references to Deuteronomy 13:5; Deuteronomy 18:22; Isaiah 9:15; Jeremiah 2:8; Jeremiah 5:31; Jeremiah 14:14; Jeremiah 23:16; Ezekiel 13:2; Ezekiel 22:28; Hosea 9:7; Micah 3:5; Zephaniah 3:4; Zechariah 13:3; Matthew 7:15; Matthew 24:11; Mark 13:22; TCR .Leaders.143

FALSE TEACHERS, warnings against Matthew 5:19; Matthew 15:9; 1 Timothy 1:7; 1 Timothy 4:2; 1 Timothy 6:3; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:11; 2 Peter 2:1; TCR .Leaders.144

CORRUPT PRIESTS Jeremiah 5:31; Ezekiel 22:26; Hosea 5:1; Hosea 6:9; Micah 3:11; Zephaniah 3:4; Matthew 27:20; Matthew 27:41; Mark 15:11; John 19:6; TCR .Leaders.145

Leadership TCR .Leadership.1

Call to, examples of TCR .Leadership.3

Abraham Genesis 12:1; TCR .Leadership.4

Moses Exodus 3:10; Exodus 28:1; Exodus 31:2; TCR .Leadership.5

Gideon Judges 6:14; TCR .Leadership.6

Elisha 1 Kings 19:19; TCR .Leadership.7

Isaiah Isaiah 6:8; Jeremiah 1:4; TCR .Leadership.8

Jnh 1:2 Acts 13:2; Acts 16:10; TCR .Leadership.9

Paul Acts 26:16; TCR .Leadership.10

Of the Spirit TCR .Leadership.11

Guides into All Truth John 16:13; Acts 8:39; TCR .Leadership.12

Controls the Movements of Believers Acts 10:19; Acts 10:20; TCR .Leadership.13

Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders Acts 13:2; TCR .Leadership.14

Chooses the Fields of Operation Acts 16:6; TCR .Leadership.15

Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18; TCR .Leadership.16

League TCR .League.1

Leah TCR .Leah.1

(daughter of Laban, married to Jacob) Genesis 29:25; Genesis 30:14; Genesis 30:17; Genesis 31:4; Genesis 33:2; Genesis 35:23; Genesis 49:31; TCR .Leah.3

Learning TCR .Learning.1

(Examples of men possessing learning) Daniel 1:17; Acts 7:22; Acts 22:3; TCR .Learning.3

Leaven TCR .Leaven.1

(general references to) Exodus 12:15; Exodus 12:19; Leviticus 2:11; Deuteronomy 16:4; Matthew 13:33; Matthew 16:6; Luke 13:21; Galatians 5:9; TCR .Leaven.3

Leaving All TCR .Leaving All.1

(Renunciations of All Things for Christ) TCR .Leaving All.3

Leaving Home and Friends Mark 10:28; Luke 5:11; TCR .Leaving All.4

Leaving Business Luke 5:27; Luke 5:28; TCR .Leaving All.5

A Condition of Discipleship Luke 14:33; TCR .Leaving All.6

Reward Promised Luke 18:29; Luke 18:30; TCR .Leaving All.7

Paul's Renunciation Philippians 3:8; TCR .Leaving All.8

Lebanon TCR .Lebanon.1

Mountain Deuteronomy 3:25; Judges 3:3; 1 Kings 5:14; Ezekiel 17:3; TCR .Lebanon.3

Cedars of 2 Kings 14:9; 2 Chronicles 2:8; Psalms 92:12; Isaiah 40:16; Hosea 14:5; TCR .Lebanon.4

Lebbaeus TCR .Lebbaeus.1

Leeks TCR .Leeks.1

Leeks Numbers 11:5; TCR .Leeks.2

Lees TCR .Lees.1

((dregs) of wine) Psalms 75:8; Isaiah 25:6; Jeremiah 48:11; Zephaniah 1:12; TCR .Lees.3

Legalism TCR .Legalism.1

Legalism Mark 2:24; Luke 6:2; Luke 13:14; John 5:10; Acts 15:5; Acts 16:3; Acts 21:20; Acts 22:3; Romans 10:2; Galatians 1:14; TCR .Legalism.2

Legion TCR .Legion.1

Of Angels Matthew 26:53; TCR .Legion.3

Of Devils Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30; TCR .Legion.4

Lending TCR .Lending.1

(enjoined) Deuteronomy 15:8; Psalms 37:26; Psalms 112:5; Matthew 5:42; Luke 6:35; TCR .Lending.3

Lentils TCR .Lentils.1

Lentils Genesis 25:34; 2 Samuel 17:28; 2 Samuel 23:11; Ezekiel 4:9; TCR .Lentils.2

Leopards TCR .Leopards.1

Leopards Song of Solomon 4:8; Isaiah 11:6; Jeremiah 5:6; Jeremiah 13:23; Hosea 13:7; Habakkuk 1:8; TCR .Leopards.2

Lepers TCR .Lepers.1

Lepers Leviticus 13:45; Leviticus 22:4; Numbers 5:2; Numbers 12:10; 2 Kings 5:1; 2 Kings 5:27; 2 Chronicles 26:21; Matthew 8:2; Luke 17:12; TCR .Lepers.2

Leprosy TCR .Leprosy.1

Leprosy Leviticus 13:2; Leviticus 14:2; Leviticus 14:34; Deuteronomy 24:8; 2 Chronicles 26:19; TCR .Leprosy.2

Lessons of Life TCR .Lessons of Life.1

Learned in the School of Affliction Psalms 119:71; TCR .Lessons of Life.3

Practical, Every Day Isaiah 1:16; Isaiah 1:17; TCR .Lessons of Life.4

The Great Teacher of says Matthew 11:29; TCR .Lessons of Life.5

All lead to Christ John 6:45; TCR .Lessons of Life.6

Truly learned, Purify the Soul Ephesians 4:20-23; TCR .Lessons of Life.7

Result in Perfect Contentment Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 5:4; TCR .Lessons of Life.8

Let Us TCR .Let Us.1

Fear Hebrews 4:1; TCR .Let Us.3

Labour Hebrews 4:11; TCR .Let Us.4

Come boldly Hebrews 4:16; TCR .Let Us.5

Go on Hebrews 6:1; TCR .Let Us.6

Draw near Hebrews 10:22; TCR .Let Us.7

Hold fast Hebrews 10:23; TCR .Let Us.8

Consider on another Hebrews 10:24; TCR .Let Us.9

Letters TCR .Letters.1

(the writing of) 2 Samuel 11:14; 1 Kings 21:8; 2 Kings 5:5; 2 Kings 10:1; 2 Kings 19:14; 2 Chronicles 32:17; Nehemiah 2:7; Esther 1:22; Acts 9:2; 2 Corinthians 10:9; Galatians 6:11; Hebrews 13:22; TCR .Letters.3

Levi, Son of Jacob TCR .Levi, Son of Jacob.1

(son of Jacob) Genesis 29:34; Genesis 35:23; Genesis 49:5; Exodus 6:16; TCR .Levi, Son of Jacob.3

The Apostle TCR .Levi, Son of Jacob.4

(Matthew or Levi, a publican who became an apostle of Christ) Matthew 9:9; Matthew 10:3; Luke 5:29; Acts 1:13; TCR .Levi, Son of Jacob.5

Leviathan TCR .Leviathan.1

Leviathan Job 41:1; Psalms 104:26; Isaiah 27:1; TCR .Leviathan.2

Levites TCR .Levites.1

(descendants of Levi, had charge of the Tabernacle, etc.) Exodus 32:26; Numbers 1:50; Numbers 3:6; Numbers 3:39; Numbers 8:18; Numbers 8:24; Numbers 18:3; Numbers 26:57; Numbers 35:2; Deuteronomy 12:19; Deuteronomy 14:27; 1 Chronicles 23:27; 2 Chronicles 11:13; 2 Chronicles 23:2; 2 Chronicles 29:34; Luke 10:32; TCR .Levites.3

Emoluments of TCR .Levites.4

Food of Exodus 29:32; Leviticus 6:16; Leviticus 7:6; Leviticus 7:15; Leviticus 8:31; Leviticus 10:12; Leviticus 10:17; Leviticus 24:9; Numbers 18:31; TCR .Levites.5

Support of Priests under the Mosaic Law Leviticus 2:3; Leviticus 10:13; Leviticus 27:21; Numbers 3:48; Numbers 5:9; Numbers 18:9; Numbers 18:12; Numbers 18:21; Deuteronomy 18:3; 2 Kings 12:16; TCR .Levites.6

Lewdness TCR .Lewdness.1

Liars TCR .Liars.1

(Condemned) Psalms 63:11; Proverbs 19:5; Proverbs 19:9; Isaiah 44:25; Revelation 21:8; Revelation 22:15; TCR .Liars.3

Liberality TCR .Liberality.1

Liberality Deuteronomy 26:1; Malachi 1:6-14; Malachi 3:4-12; Matthew 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 26:1-19; Malachi 1:6-14; Malachi 3:4-12; Matthew 6:1-4; TCR .Liberality.2

Gifts of Israel for the Tabernacle Exodus 35:22; TCR .Liberality.3

Over-plus of Gifts Exodus 36:5; TCR .Liberality.4

Offerings at the Dedication Numbers 7:3; TCR .Liberality.5

David's Gifts for the Temple 1 Chronicles 29:3; 1 Chronicles 29:4; TCR .Liberality.6

Gifts for the Repairing of God's House 2 Chronicles 24:10; TCR .Liberality.7

Offerings for the Rebuilding of the Temple Ezra 1:6; Ezra 2:69; Ezra 8:25; Nehemiah 7:70; Luke 19:8; TCR .Liberality.8

The Poor Widow's Offering Luke 21:1-4; TCR .Liberality.9

Liberality in the Early Church Acts 4:34; Acts 4:35; Acts 11:29; 2 Corinthians 8:2; Philippians 4:16; TCR .Liberality.10

Of Women TCR .Liberality.11

Promise for TCR .Liberality.12

Liberality of women Exodus 35:25; Proverbs 31:20; Luke 8:2; Luke 8:3; Luke 21:2-4; John 12:3; Acts 9:39; TCR .Liberality.13

Promises Concerning TCR .Liberality.14

To the Liberal Psalms 41:1; Proverbs 3:9; Proverbs 3:10; Proverbs 11:25; Proverbs 22:9; Proverbs 28:27; Ecclesiastes 11:1; Isaiah 58:10; Luke 6:38; Luke 14:14; 2 Corinthians 9:7; TCR .Liberality.15

Liberality-Parsimony TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.1

LIBERALITY Deuteronomy 26:1; Malachi 1:6-14; Malachi 3:4-12; Matthew 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 26:1-19; Malachi 1:6-14; Malachi 3:4-12; Matthew 6:1-4; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.3

Gifts of Israel for the Tabernacle Exodus 35:22; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.4

Over-plus of Gifts Exodus 36:5; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.5

Offerings at the Dedication Numbers 7:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.6

David's Gifts for the Temple 1 Chronicles 29:3; 1 Chronicles 29:4; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.7

Gifts for the Repairing of God's House 2 Chronicles 24:10; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.8

Offerings for the Rebuilding of the Temple Ezra 1:6; Ezra 2:69; Ezra 8:25; Nehemiah 7:70; Luke 19:8; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.9

The Poor Widow's Offering Luke 21:1-4; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.10

Liberality in the Early Church Acts 4:34; Acts 4:35; Acts 11:29; 2 Corinthians 8:2; Philippians 4:16; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.11

Of Women TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.12

Promise for TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.13

BENEFICENCE, examples of TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.14

Boaz Ruth 2:15; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.15

Elisha 2 Kings 6:22; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.16

The Children of Ephraim 2 Chronicles 28:15; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.17

The Inhabitants of Tema Isaiah 21:14; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.18

The Good Samaritan Luke 10:34; Luke 10:35; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.19

BENEVOLENCE TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.20

The Duty of TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.21

Moses Injunction Deuteronomy 15:12-14; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.22

The Wise Man's Advice Proverbs 25:21; Ecclesiastes 11:1; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.23

The Prophet's Words Isaiah 58:7; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.24

Christ's Commands Matthew 5:42; Luke 3:11; Luke 12:33; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.25

Paul's Exhortation Acts 20:35; Romans 12:13; Galatians 6:10; 1 Timothy 6:18; Hebrews 13:16; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.26

Encouragement to 2 Chronicles 31:10; Psalms 112:9; Proverbs 11:25; Proverbs 22:9; Isaiah 32:8; Isaiah 58:10; Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.27

COLLECTIONS 2 Chronicles 24:6; 1 Corinthians 16:1; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.28

GIVING TO GOD, general references to Exodus 25:2; Exodus 35:5; Numbers 31:50; 2 Samuel 8:10; 2 Samuel 8:11; 1 Chronicles 29:9; 2 Chronicles 15:18; Ezra 8:28; Proverbs 3:9; Micah 4:13; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.29


According to Income Deuteronomy 16:17; Matthew 5:42; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.31

Without Ostentation Matthew 6:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.32

Freely Matthew 10:8; Luke 6:38; Luke 12:33; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.33

With Simplicity Romans 12:8; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.34

Regularly, Every Week 1 Corinthians 16:2; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.35

Cheerfully 2 Corinthians 9:7; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.36

GIVING ACCORDING TO ABILITY Leviticus 14:30; Leviticus 27:8; Deuteronomy 16:17; Ezra 2:69; Nehemiah 5:8; Acts 11:29; 2 Corinthians 8:12; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.37

GIVING OF TITHES Genesis 14:20; Genesis 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21; Deuteronomy 12:6; Deuteronomy 14:28; Deuteronomy 26:12; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Nehemiah 10:38; Nehemiah 12:44; Nehemiah 13:12; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 23:23; Luke 18:12; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.38

MUNIFICENT GIVING, examples of Numbers 7:13; 1 Kings 3:4; 1 Kings 8:63; 1 Kings 10:10; 2 Kings 5:5; 2 Kings 8:9; 1 Chronicles 28:14; 1 Chronicles 29:3; 2 Chronicles 1:6; 2 Chronicles 5:6; 2 Chronicles 7:5; 2 Chronicles 9:9; Ezra 6:9; Mark 12:43; 2 Corinthians 8:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.39

GIVING OF PRESENTS Genesis 24:53; Genesis 45:22; 1 Samuel 9:8; 1 Samuel 25:27; 1 Samuel 30:26; 1 Kings 10:10; 1 Kings 10:13; 1 Kings 14:3; 2 Kings 8:9; Job 42:11; Matthew 2:11; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.40

ALMSGIVING, general advice concerning Leviticus 25:35; Deuteronomy 15:7; Proverbs 31:20; Matthew 6:1; Matthew 19:21; Luke 11:41; Luke 12:33; Luke 18:22; Luke 19:8; 1 Corinthians 13:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.41

PARSIMONY TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.42

General References to Proverbs 11:24; Proverbs 21:13; Proverbs 28:27; Ecclesiastes 5:13; Isaiah 43:23; Malachi 3:8; Matthew 26:7; Matthew 26:8; John 12:5; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.43

In Withholding Offerings 2 Chronicles 29:7; Nehemiah 13:10; Isaiah 43:24; Malachi 3:8; Acts 5:1; Acts 5:2; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.44

COVETOUSNESS TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.45

Condemned Exodus 20:17; Psalms 10:3; Proverbs 28:16; Jeremiah 6:13; Ezekiel 33:31; Micah 2:2; Habakkuk 2:9; Luke 12:15; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Timothy 3:3; Hebrews 13:5; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.46

Natural Fruits of TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.47

Oppression Genesis 31:41; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.48

Theft Joshua 7:21; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.49

Disobedience 1 Samuel 15:9; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.50

Robbery 1 Kings 20:6; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.51

Meanness 1 Kings 21:2; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.52

Unscrupulousness 2 Kings 5:20; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.53

Scoffing Luke 16:14; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.54

AVARICE, general references to the results of TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.55

Family Trouble Proverbs 15:27; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.56

Disappointment Ecclesiastes 5:10; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.57

Folly Jeremiah 17:11; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.58

Apostasy 1 Timothy 6:10; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.59

Misery James 5:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.60

AVARICIOUS MEN, examples of TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.61

Achan Joshua 7:21; Isaiah 56:11; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.62

The Jews Amos 2:7; Micah 3:11; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.63

The People of Tyre Zechariah 9:3; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.64

Judas Matthew 26:15; Matthew 26:16; John 12:6; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.65

The Masters of the Philippian damsel Acts 16:19; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.66

Governor Felix Acts 24:26; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.67

Balaam 2 Peter 2:15; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.68

GREED, general references to 1 Samuel 8:3; Proverbs 1:13; Proverbs 1:19; Proverbs 15:27; Proverbs 21:26; Isaiah 56:11; Micah 3:11; 1 Timothy 6:10; TCR .Liberality-Parsimony.69

Liberator, Christ As TCR .Liberator, Christ As.1

Liberator, Christ As Luke 11:14; Romans 8:2; Galatians 5:1; TCR .Liberator, Christ As.2

Liberty TCR .Liberty.1

General references to Civil Leviticus 25:10; Isaiah 9:4; Isaiah 10:27; Isaiah 14:25; Jeremiah 34:8; 1 Corinthians 7:21; TCR .Liberty.3

Spiritual, a Mark of the New Dispensation Isaiah 42:7; TCR .Liberty.4

The Mission of Christ to Proclaim Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; TCR .Liberty.5

The Truth the Instrumentality John 8:32; Romans 6:18; TCR .Liberty.6

A New Law of Life Sets Free Romans 8:2; TCR .Liberty.7

The Bondage of Sin Broken Romans 8:21; TCR .Liberty.8

The Presence of the "Spirit" Secures 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 2:4; TCR .Liberty.9

The Abuse of, Warnings against 1 Corinthians 8:9; Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 2:16; TCR .Liberty.10

Limitations of 1 Corinthians 6:12; 1 Corinthians 9:19; 1 Corinthians 10:23; TCR .Liberty.11

Liberty-Bondage TCR .Liberty-Bondage.1

LIBERTY TCR .Liberty-Bondage.3

General references to Civil Leviticus 25:10; Isaiah 9:4; Isaiah 10:27; Isaiah 14:25; Jeremiah 34:8; 1 Corinthians 7:21; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.4

Spiritual, a Mark of the New Dispensation Isaiah 42:7; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.5

The Mission of Christ to Proclaim Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.6

The Truth the Instrumentality John 8:32; Romans 6:18; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.7

A New Law of Life Sets Free Romans 8:2; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.8

The Bondage of Sin Broken Romans 8:21; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.9

The Presence of the "Spirit" Secures 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 2:4; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.10

The Abuse of, Warnings against 1 Corinthians 8:9; Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 2:16; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.11

EMANCIPATION, of Hebrew Servants Leviticus 25:10; 2 Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 1:3; Isaiah 61:1; Jeremiah 34:9; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.12

BONDAGE, PHYSICAL TCR .Liberty-Bondage.13

Of Israel TCR .Liberty-Bondage.14

Men under the Power of Genesis 21:10; Leviticus 19:20; Leviticus 25:42; 1 Kings 9:21; Esther 7:4; Galatians 4:31; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.15

Sold under Sin 1 Kings 21:20; 2 Kings 17:17; Isaiah 50:1; Isaiah 52:3; Romans 7:14; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.16

BONDAGE, SPIRITUAL TCR .Liberty-Bondage.17

(General References to the Bondage of Sin) Proverbs 5:22; John 8:34; Acts 8:23; Romans 6:16; Romans 7:23; 2 Timothy 2:26; 2 Peter 2:19; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.18

STOCKS, men confined in Job 13:27; Proverbs 7:22; Jeremiah 20:3; Jeremiah 29:26; Acts 16:24; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.19

SUBJECTION, examples of Genesis 25:23; Genesis 27:40; Genesis 37:9; Genesis 47:25; Genesis 49:15; Joshua 10:24; 1 Kings 20:4; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.20

PRISONS, general references to Genesis 40:3; Numbers 15:34; Judges 16:21; 2 Kings 17:4; Isaiah 42:22; Jeremiah 52:11; Acts 16:26; TCR .Liberty-Bondage.21

Libnah TCR .Libnah.1

(a city of Canaan) Joshua 10:29; Joshua 21:13; 2 Kings 8:22; 2 Kings 19:8; Isaiah 37:8; TCR .Libnah.3

Libya TCR .Libya.1

(a country west of Egypt) Jeremiah 46:9; Ezekiel 30:5; Daniel 11:43; Acts 2:10; TCR .Libya.3

Licentiousness TCR .Licentiousness.1

Life TCR .Life.1

Of Man from God Genesis 2:7; 1 Samuel 2:6; Job 27:3; Psalms 104:30; Acts 17:25; TCR .Life.3

Brief TCR .Life.4

Life Brief, Figurative Allusions to the Brevity of Genesis 47:9; TCR .Life.5

Like a Shadow 1 Chronicles 29:15; TCR .Life.6

Like a Flying Shuttle Job 7:6; Job 8:9; TCR .Life.7

Like Hurrying Messengers Job 9:25; Job 14:2; TCR .Life.8

Only a Handbreadth in Extent Psalms 39:5; Psalms 89:47; Psalms 90:9; Psalms 102:11; Ecclesiastes 6:12; TCR .Life.9

Like a Weaver's Web Isaiah 38:12; TCR .Life.10

Like a Vanishing Vapour James 4:14; TCR .Life.11

Of the Spirit TCR .Life.12

Spiritual TCR .Life.13

Sustained by the Word of God Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55:3; TCR .Life.14

Secured through Faith John 5:24; John 20:31; Romans 6:11; Romans 8:10; TCR .Life.15

Necessitates Death to Sin and Self 2 Corinthians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20; TCR .Life.16

Christ the Supreme Object of Philippians 1:21; 1 Peter 4:6; TCR .Life.17

Love the Demonstration of 1 John 3:14; TCR .Life.18

Righteousness Tendeth to Deuteronomy 32:47; Proverbs 4:22; Proverbs 11:19; Proverbs 12:28; Proverbs 19:23; Ezekiel 20:11; Ezekiel 33:19; Luke 10:27; Luke 10:28; Romans 10:5; Galatians 3:12; TCR .Life.19

Christ, the TCR .Life.20

Radiant Life John 1:4; John 5:26; TCR .Life.21

Abundant Life John 10:10; TCR .Life.22

Life for the Dead John 11:25; TCR .Life.23

The Way, The Truth, The Life John 14:6; TCR .Life.24

Life Everlasting Romans 5:21; TCR .Life.25

Death Abolished 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 John 1:2; TCR .Life.26

The Only Source of Life 1 John 5:12; TCR .Life.27

Consistent Life Philippians 1:27; 1 Thessalonians 4:12; 1 Timothy 3:7; James 3:13; 2 Peter 3:11; TCR .Life.28

Conspicuous Matthew 5:14; Luke 11:33; 1 Corinthians 4:9; TCR .Life.29

Continuous Mark 9:4; Mark 12:27; Luke 23:43; John 8:51; John 11:26; 2 Timothy 1:10; TCR .Life.30

Deeper Psalms 1:2; Daniel 2:22; Luke 6:48; Luke 10:39; 1 Corinthians 2:10; Ephesians 3:18; Ephesians 3:19; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:3; TCR .Life.31

Eternal TCR .Life.32

General References to Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46; John 6:27; John 10:28; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:22; 1 Timothy 6:19; Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:25; Jude 1:21; TCR .Life.33

Conditions of Receiving TCR .Life.34

Renunciation of the World Luke 18:28-30; TCR .Life.35

Faith in Christ John 3:14; John 3:15; John 3:36; John 4:14; TCR .Life.36

Spiritual Service John 4:35; John 4:36; John 5:24; John 6:40; TCR .Life.37

Self-sacrifice John 12:25; TCR .Life.38

Knowledge of God John 17:3; TCR .Life.39

Sowing in the Spirit Galatians 6:8; TCR .Life.40

Everlasting TCR .Life.41

General References to Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46; John 6:27; John 10:28; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:22; 1 Timothy 6:19; Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:25; Jude 1:21; TCR .Life.42

Conditions of Receiving TCR .Life.43

Renunciation of the World Luke 18:28-30; TCR .Life.44

Faith in Christ John 3:14; John 3:15; John 3:36; John 4:14; TCR .Life.45

Spiritual Service John 4:35; John 4:36; John 5:24; John 6:40; TCR .Life.46

Self-sacrifice John 12:25; TCR .Life.47

Knowledge of God John 17:3; TCR .Life.48

Sowing in the Spirit Galatians 6:8; TCR .Life.49

Hated Job 7:16; Ecclesiastes 2:17; TCR .Life.50

Lessons of TCR .Life.51

Learned in the School of Affliction Psalms 119:71; TCR .Life.52

Practical, Every Day Isaiah 1:16; Isaiah 1:17; TCR .Life.53

The Great Teacher of says Matthew 11:29; TCR .Life.54

All lead to Christ John 6:45; TCR .Life.55

Truly learned, Purify the Soul Ephesians 4:20-23; TCR .Life.56

Result in Perfect Contentment Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 5:4; TCR .Life.57

Old, The TCR .Life.58

(of sin) Romans 6:6; Ephesians 4:22; Colossians 3:9; 1 Peter 4:3; 2 Peter 1:9; TCR .Life.59

Manifested Matthew 7:20; Luke 8:17; John 2:11; 2 Timothy 3:9; 1 John 3:10; TCR .Life.60

Out of Death Luke 9:24; John 12:24; Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 15:36; 2 Corinthians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 4:12; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3; Colossians 3:4; Revelation 1:18; TCR .Life.61

Pilgrimage, a TCR .Life.62

(life as a) Genesis 47:9; Exodus 6:4; 1 Chronicles 29:15; Psalms 39:12; Psalms 119:19; Hebrews 11:13; Hebrews 13:14; 1 Peter 2:11; TCR .Life.63

Precious, regarded by Christ as Matthew 6:25; Matthew 10:31; Matthew 16:26; Luke 9:25; TCR .Life.64

Probation, a TCR .Life.65

(man's earthly life a) Genesis 2:17; Genesis 15:16; Deuteronomy 8:2; Judges 3:1; 1 Kings 3:14; Luke 13:8; Luke 19:13; John 6:6; 1 Timothy 3:10; TCR .Life.66

Spiritual TCR .Life.67

Sustained by the Word of God Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55:3; TCR .Life.68

Secured through Faith John 5:24; John 20:31; Romans 6:11; Romans 8:10; TCR .Life.69

Necessitates Death to Sin and Self 2 Corinthians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20; TCR .Life.70

Christ the Supreme Object of Philippians 1:21; 1 Peter 4:6; TCR .Life.71

Love the Demonstration of 1 John 3:14; TCR .Life.72

Spotless, general references to Job 11:15; Song of Solomon 4:7; Ephesians 5:27; James 1:27; 2 Peter 3:14; TCR .Life.73

Tested, by the Lord TCR .Life.74

The Inward Life Tried Psalms 17:3; TCR .Life.75

The Refining Process Zechariah 13:9; Malachi 3:3; TCR .Life.76

The Test of the Storm Luke 6:48; TCR .Life.77

The Final Test 1 Corinthians 3:13; James 1:12; TCR .Life.78

Tree of Genesis 2:9; Genesis 3:22; Proverbs 3:18; Proverbs 11:30; Ezekiel 47:7; Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 2:7; Revelation 22:2; TCR .Life.79

Uncertainty of physical TCR .Life.80

Life Brief, Figurative Allusions to the Brevity of Genesis 47:9; TCR .Life.81

Like a Shadow 1 Chronicles 29:15; TCR .Life.82

Like a Flying Shuttle Job 7:6; Job 8:9; TCR .Life.83

Like Hurrying Messengers Job 9:25; Job 14:2; TCR .Life.84

Only a Handbreadth in Extent Psalms 39:5; Psalms 89:47; Psalms 90:9; Psalms 102:11; Ecclesiastes 6:12; TCR .Life.85

Like a Weaver's Web Isaiah 38:12; TCR .Life.86

Like a Vanishing Vapour James 4:14; TCR .Life.87

Of the Spirit TCR .Life.88

Unfading, of the righteous Psalms 1:3; Psalms 92:14; Psalms 103:5; Jeremiah 17:8; Ezekiel 47:12; Hosea 14:8; TCR .Life.89

Weariness of Genesis 27:46; Job 3:20; Job 6:11; Job 7:6; Job 10:1; Ecclesiastes 2:17; Ecclesiastes 4:1; Ecclesiastes 4:2; TCR .Life.90

Jnh 4:8 TCR .Life.91

Life's Purpose TCR .Life's Purpose.1

The service of God Joshua 24:15; TCR .Life's Purpose.3

Seeking God's kingdom Matthew 6:33; TCR .Life's Purpose.4

Doing the Father's will John 4:34; TCR .Life's Purpose.5

Finishing the divine task John 17:4; TCR .Life's Purpose.6

Completing the course joyfully Acts 20:24; TCR .Life's Purpose.7

Attaining Christlikeness Philippians 3:13; Philippians 3:14; TCR .Life's Purpose.8

Life, Christ The TCR .Life, Christ The.1

Radiant Life John 1:4; John 5:26; TCR .Life, Christ The.3

Abundant Life John 10:10; TCR .Life, Christ The.4

Life for the Dead John 11:25; TCR .Life, Christ The.5

The Way, The Truth, The Life John 14:6; TCR .Life, Christ The.6

Life Everlasting Romans 5:21; TCR .Life, Christ The.7

Death Abolished 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 John 1:2; TCR .Life, Christ The.8

The Only Source of Life 1 John 5:12; TCR .Life, Christ The.9

Life, Eternal TCR .Life, Eternal.1

General References to Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46; John 6:27; John 10:28; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:22; 1 Timothy 6:19; Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:25; Jude 1:21; TCR .Life, Eternal.3

Conditions of Receiving TCR .Life, Eternal.4

Renunciation of the World Luke 18:28-30; TCR .Life, Eternal.5

Faith in Christ John 3:14; John 3:15; John 3:36; John 4:14; TCR .Life, Eternal.6

Spiritual Service John 4:35; John 4:36; John 5:24; John 6:40; TCR .Life, Eternal.7

Self-sacrifice John 12:25; TCR .Life, Eternal.8

Knowledge of God John 17:3; TCR .Life, Eternal.9

Sowing in the Spirit Galatians 6:8; TCR .Life, Eternal.10

Life, Water Of TCR .Life, Water Of.1

The BROOK for the pilgrim (intermittent in its flow) Psalms 110:7; TCR .Life, Water Of.3

The WELL (local in its refreshment) Isaiah 12:3; TCR .Life, Water Of.4

The INWARD WELL (of spiritual experience) John 4:14; TCR .Life, Water Of.5

The INWARD WELL becomes a Flowing River of blessing after the baptism of the Holy Spirit John 7:38; John 7:39; TCR .Life, Water Of.6

The River gives life wherever it flows Ezekiel 47:9; TCR .Life, Water Of.7

Life-Death TCR .Life-Death.1


Of Man from God Genesis 2:7; 1 Samuel 2:6; Job 27:3; Psalms 104:30; Acts 17:25; TCR .Life-Death.4

Life Brief, Figurative Allusions to the Brevity of Genesis 47:9; TCR .Life-Death.5

Like a Shadow 1 Chronicles 29:15; TCR .Life-Death.6

Like a Flying Shuttle Job 7:6; Job 8:9; TCR .Life-Death.7

Like Hurrying Messengers Job 9:25; Job 14:2; TCR .Life-Death.8

Only a Handbreadth in Extent Psalms 39:5; Psalms 89:47; Psalms 90:9; Psalms 102:11; Ecclesiastes 6:12; TCR .Life-Death.9

Like a Weaver's Web Isaiah 38:12; TCR .Life-Death.10

Like a Vanishing Vapour James 4:14; TCR .Life-Death.11

Of the Spirit TCR .Life-Death.12

Righteousness Tendeth to Deuteronomy 32:47; Proverbs 4:22; Proverbs 11:19; Proverbs 12:28; Proverbs 19:23; Ezekiel 20:11; Ezekiel 33:19; Luke 10:27; Luke 10:28; Romans 10:5; Galatians 3:12; TCR .Life-Death.13

LIFE TESTED, by the Lord TCR .Life-Death.14

The Inward Life Tried Psalms 17:3; TCR .Life-Death.15

The Refining Process Zechariah 13:9; Malachi 3:3; TCR .Life-Death.16

The Test of the Storm Luke 6:48; TCR .Life-Death.17

The Final Test 1 Corinthians 3:13; James 1:12; TCR .Life-Death.18

LIFE HATED Job 7:16; Ecclesiastes 2:17; TCR .Life-Death.19

LIFE, PRECIOUS, regarded by Christ as Matthew 6:25; Matthew 10:31; Matthew 16:26; Luke 9:25; TCR .Life-Death.20


Radiant Life John 1:4; John 5:26; TCR .Life-Death.22

Abundant Life John 10:10; TCR .Life-Death.23

Life for the Dead John 11:25; TCR .Life-Death.24

The Way, The Truth, The Life John 14:6; TCR .Life-Death.25

Life Everlasting Romans 5:21; TCR .Life-Death.26

Death Abolished 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 John 1:2; TCR .Life-Death.27

The Only Source of Life 1 John 5:12; TCR .Life-Death.28

LIFE, SPIRITUAL, General References to TCR .Life-Death.29

Sustained by the Word of God Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55:3; TCR .Life-Death.30

Secured through Faith John 5:24; John 20:31; Romans 6:11; Romans 8:10; TCR .Life-Death.31

Necessitates Death to Sin and Self 2 Corinthians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20; TCR .Life-Death.32

Christ the Supreme Object of Philippians 1:21; 1 Peter 4:6; TCR .Life-Death.33

Love the Demonstration of 1 John 3:14; TCR .Life-Death.34

REGENERATION, the teaching concerning TCR .Life-Death.35

Birth of a New Spirit Ezekiel 36:26; TCR .Life-Death.36

Of Divine Origin John 1:13; TCR .Life-Death.37

Essential to Spiritual Vision John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 3:3; TCR .Life-Death.38

A New Creation 2 Corinthians 5:17; TCR .Life-Death.39

Necessary to Salvation Titus 3:5; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:3; TCR .Life-Death.40

By the Word of God 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:9; 1 John 4:7; TCR .Life-Death.41

Obtained by Faith 1 John 5:1; TCR .Life-Death.42

LIFE, UNFADING, of the righteous Psalms 1:3; Psalms 92:14; Psalms 103:5; Jeremiah 17:8; Ezekiel 47:12; Hosea 14:8; TCR .Life-Death.43

LIFE, ETERNAL TCR .Life-Death.44

General References to Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46; John 6:27; John 10:28; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:22; 1 Timothy 6:19; Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:25; Jude 1:21; TCR .Life-Death.45

Conditions of Receiving TCR .Life-Death.46

Renunciation of the World Luke 18:28-30; TCR .Life-Death.47

Faith in Christ John 3:14; John 3:15; John 3:36; John 4:14; TCR .Life-Death.48

Spiritual Service John 4:35; John 4:36; John 5:24; John 6:40; TCR .Life-Death.49

Self-sacrifice John 12:25; TCR .Life-Death.50

Knowledge of God John 17:3; TCR .Life-Death.51

Sowing in the Spirit Galatians 6:8; TCR .Life-Death.52

DEATH TCR .Life-Death.53

Universality of 2 Samuel 14:14; Job 30:23; Psalms 49:10; Psalms 89:48; Ecclesiastes 3:19; Ecclesiastes 8:8; Romans 5:12; Hebrews 9:27; TCR .Life-Death.54

Compared to as Sleep Deuteronomy 31:16; Job 7:21; Daniel 12:2; Mark 5:39; John 11:11; Acts 13:36; 1 Corinthians 15:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13; TCR .Life-Death.55

Vanquished TCR .Life-Death.56

Of the Righteous TCR .Life-Death.57

Greatly Desired Numbers 23:10; TCR .Life-Death.58

Fearless Psalms 23:4; TCR .Life-Death.59

Precious Psalms 116:15; TCR .Life-Death.60

Hopeful Proverbs 14:32; TCR .Life-Death.61

Triumphant Luke 16:22; TCR .Life-Death.62

Divine Element in Romans 14:8; TCR .Life-Death.63

Great Gain Philippians 1:21; TCR .Life-Death.64

Faith Illuminates Hebrews 11:13; TCR .Life-Death.65

Blessing Pronounced upon Revelation 14:13; TCR .Life-Death.66

Sought as a Relief from Trouble TCR .Life-Death.67

Death Spiritual TCR .Life-Death.68

Of the Wicked Psalms 37:36; Proverbs 5:23; Ecclesiastes 8:10; Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 16:4; Ezekiel 18:23; Luke 12:20; TCR .Life-Death.69

Of Christ TCR .Life-Death.70

Preparation for 2 Kings 20:1; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Ecclesiastes 11:8; Matthew 24:44; Luke 12:35; John 9:4; 1 Peter 1:17; TCR .Life-Death.71

DEATH, SPIRITUAL, general references to Genesis 2:17; Proverbs 8:36; Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 6:23; Romans 8:6; James 1:15; James 5:20; Revelation 21:8; TCR .Life-Death.72

DEAD IN SIN, the state of the sinner Proverbs 21:16; Matthew 8:22; Luke 15:32; John 6:53; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 5:14; Colossians 2:13; 1 Timothy 5:6; Revelation 3:1; TCR .Life-Death.73

Lifting Up Hands TCR .Lifting Up Hands.1

(in prayer and praise) Psalms 28:2; Psalms 63:4; Psalms 134:2; Psalms 141:2; Psalms 143:6; Lamentations 2:19; 1 Timothy 2:8; TCR .Lifting Up Hands.3

Light, Physical TCR .Light, Physical.1

(general references to) Genesis 1:3; Genesis 1:17; Exodus 10:23; Job 36:30; TCR .Light, Physical.3

Light, Spiritual TCR .Light, Spiritual.1

Reflected from Believers Judges 5:31; Isaiah 60:3; Isaiah 62:1; Matthew 5:14; Acts 13:47; Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:5; TCR .Light, Spiritual.3

General References to 2 Samuel 22:29; Psalms 36:9; Isaiah 58:10; Acts 26:18; 1 Peter 2:9; TCR .Light, Spiritual.4

Believers' Duty Performed in TCR .Light, Spiritual.5

Worshipping 2 Chronicles 5:13; 2 Chronicles 5:14; TCR .Light, Spiritual.6

Working John 9:4; TCR .Light, Spiritual.7

Warring Romans 13:12; TCR .Light, Spiritual.8

Walking Ephesians 5:8; TCR .Light, Spiritual.9

Witnessing Philippians 2:15; TCR .Light, Spiritual.10

Watching 1 Thessalonians 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; TCR .Light, Spiritual.11

Christ the Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 42:6; Matthew 4:16; Luke 1:79; John 1:4; John 1:9; John 8:12; John 12:35; John 12:46; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 5:14; 1 John 2:8; Revelation 21:23; TCR .Light, Spiritual.12

God a Psalms 27:1; Psalms 36:9; Psalms 84:11; Psalms 118:27; Isaiah 60:20; Micah 7:8; Habakkuk 3:4; 1 John 1:5; Revelation 22:5; TCR .Light, Spiritual.13

God's Word a TCR .Light, Spiritual.14

(Furnishes a Light in Darkness) Psalms 19:8; Psalms 119:105; Psalms 119:130; Proverbs 6:23; 2 Peter 1:19; TCR .Light, Spiritual.15

Promised TCR .Light, Spiritual.16

To the Obedient Job 22:28; Psalms 97:11; TCR .Light, Spiritual.17

To the Upright Psalms 112:4; TCR .Light, Spiritual.18

To the Just Proverbs 4:18; TCR .Light, Spiritual.19

To the Benevolent Isaiah 58:8; TCR .Light, Spiritual.20

To the Church of the Future Isaiah 60:20; TCR .Light, Spiritual.21

To the Followers of Christ John 8:12; 1 John 2:10; TCR .Light, Spiritual.22

Sons of TCR .Light, Spiritual.23

Sons of Light Luke 16:8; John 12:36; Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5; TCR .Light, Spiritual.24

For other Titles TCR .Light, Spiritual.25

Universal John 1:9; John 3:19; Romans 1:20; Romans 2:15; TCR .Light, Spiritual.26

Light-Darkness TCR .Light-Darkness.1

LIGHT, PHYSICAL, general references to Genesis 1:3; Genesis 1:17; Exodus 10:23; Job 36:30; TCR .Light-Darkness.3

LIGHT, SPIRITUAL TCR .Light-Darkness.4

Reflected from Believers Judges 5:31; Isaiah 60:3; Isaiah 62:1; Matthew 5:14; Acts 13:47; Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:5; TCR .Light-Darkness.5

General References to 2 Samuel 22:29; Psalms 36:9; Isaiah 58:10; Acts 26:18; 1 Peter 2:9; TCR .Light-Darkness.6

CHRIST THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 42:6; Matthew 4:16; Luke 1:79; John 1:4; John 1:9; John 8:12; John 12:35; John 12:46; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 5:14; 1 John 2:8; Revelation 21:23; TCR .Light-Darkness.7

GOD A LIGHT Psalms 27:1; Psalms 36:9; Psalms 84:11; Psalms 118:27; Isaiah 60:20; Micah 7:8; Habakkuk 3:4; 1 John 1:5; Revelation 22:5; TCR .Light-Darkness.8

LIGHT PROMISED TCR .Light-Darkness.9

To the Obedient Job 22:28; Psalms 97:11; TCR .Light-Darkness.10

To the Upright Psalms 112:4; TCR .Light-Darkness.11

To the Just Proverbs 4:18; TCR .Light-Darkness.12

To the Benevolent Isaiah 58:8; TCR .Light-Darkness.13

To the Church of the Future Isaiah 60:20; TCR .Light-Darkness.14

To the Followers of Christ John 8:12; 1 John 2:10; TCR .Light-Darkness.15

Believers' Duties Performed in the Light TCR .Light-Darkness.16

Worshipping 2 Chronicles 5:13; 2 Chronicles 5:14; TCR .Light-Darkness.17

Working John 9:4; TCR .Light-Darkness.18

Warring Romans 13:12; TCR .Light-Darkness.19

Walking Ephesians 5:8; TCR .Light-Darkness.20

Witnessing Philippians 2:15; TCR .Light-Darkness.21

Watching 1 Thessalonians 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; TCR .Light-Darkness.22

DAWN, SPIRITUAL, the Coming of Christ ushers in the Isaiah 21:12; Isaiah 60:1; Malachi 4:2; Luke 1:78; Romans 13:12; 2 Peter 1:19; 1 John 2:8; TCR .Light-Darkness.23

RADIANT LIVES, of the saints Job 11:17; Psalms 34:5; Ecclesiastes 8:1; Isaiah 62:1; Daniel 12:3; John 5:35; Acts 6:15; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 2:15; Revelation 21:11; TCR .Light-Darkness.24

SHINING FACES, general references to Exodus 34:30; Ecclesiastes 8:1; Matthew 17:2; Matthew 28:3; Acts 6:15; 2 Corinthians 3:7; TCR .Light-Darkness.25

ENLIGHTENMENT, spiritual Psalms 18:28; Psalms 119:130; Proverbs 29:13; Isaiah 29:18; Isaiah 60:19; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 1:18; 1 Peter 2:9; TCR .Light-Darkness.26

DARKNESS TCR .Light-Darkness.27

Physical Genesis 1:2; Genesis 1:18; Job 3:6; Job 38:19; Psalms 104:20; Amos 4:13; TCR .Light-Darkness.28

Supernatural Exodus 10:22; Psalms 105:28; Matthew 27:45; Revelation 6:12; TCR .Light-Darkness.29

Figurative of Punishment Job 18:5; Proverbs 20:20; Matthew 8:12; Matthew 22:13; 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 1:6; TCR .Light-Darkness.30

DARKNESS, SPIRITUAL, General References to Isaiah 9:2; Micah 3:6; Matthew 6:23; John 1:5; John 3:19; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:4; TCR .Light-Darkness.31

WALKING IN DARKNESS, the experience of the wicked Deuteronomy 28:29; Psalms 35:6; Psalms 82:5; Proverbs 2:13; Proverbs 4:19; Isaiah 59:9; Jeremiah 23:12; Zephaniah 1:17; Matthew 15:14; John 11:10; 1 John 1:6; TCR .Light-Darkness.32

Lightning TCR .Lightning.1

Lightning Exodus 19:16; Exodus 20:18; 2 Samuel 22:15; Job 37:3; Job 38:35; Psalms 18:14; Nahum 2:4; Matthew 24:27; Revelation 4:5; TCR .Lightning.2