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7. Does it matter whether God created our earth in seven literal, contiguous 24-hour periods, or over millions of years? JTL12 5

Creating through predation over millions of years would mean that the God we worship is cruel, brutal and willing to create life through suffering, violence, catastrophe, and death. The Bible portrays a God who notes the falling of a sparrow, who is compassionate, merciful, and life-giving. JTL12 5.1

Romans 5:12 states that death entered our world through sin. The entrance of sin into Planet Earth is described in Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and subsequently suffered its penalty—death. Today, instead of the clear biblical teaching that death came about because of humanity’s sin, revisionists are presenting death as a means through which God creates by an upward evolutionary trajectory! JTL12 5.2

Since the first temptation of Eve in her garden home, Satan has continually tried to misrepresent the character of God. Let’s consider the character of God in terms of “creative process.” If God did indeed create over millions of years, at what point did moral consciousness evolve and humanity become morally responsible? At what point in history did God let humanity know that He is a God who cares and can be trusted? JTL12 5.3

The character of a God of love and life is preserved in the literal Creation narrative in contrast to the severely maligned portrait of God’s character emerging from “deep time” theories. JTL12 5.4