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Health institutions and medical workers 3AM 173

Health principles given to prepare a people for Christ’s return—I was again shown that the health reform is one branch of the great work which is to fit a people for the coming of the Lord. It is as closely connected with the third angel’s message as the hand is with the body. The law of Ten Commandments has been lightly regarded by man, but the Lord would not come to punish the transgressors of that law without first sending them a message of warning. The third angel proclaims that message. Had men ever been obedient to the law of Ten Commandments, carrying out in their lives the principles of those precepts, the curse of disease now flooding the world would not be.... 3AM 173.1

... To make plain natural law, and urge the obedience of it, is the work that accompanies the third angel’s message to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord.—Testimonies for the Church 3:161 (1872) 3AM 173.2

A special work connected to the three angels’ messages—Those who have had the privilege of hearing the truth are to give the trumpet a certain sound in proclaiming the third angel’s message, which embraces all included in the first and second messages. Special lines of work are to be taken up and carried practically, such as the medical missionary work. This work should be done in connection with the gospel message for this time.—Letter 37, 1899 (February 1) 3AM 173.3

Health reform is to stand out more prominently in the proclamation of the third angel’s message. The principles of health reform are found in the Word of God. The gospel of health is to be firmly linked with the ministry of the Word. It is the Lord’s design that the restoring influence of health reform shall be a part of the last great effort to proclaim the gospel message.—Manuscript 172, 1899 (Counsels on Diet and Foods, 75) 3AM 174.1

Health message an entering wedge for the gospel—I want to say that the third angel’s message is the gospel, and that the health reform is the wedge by which the truth may enter. There are to be no abrupt declarations of any phase of our truth, but the truth as it is in Jesus is to be preached, and all the brightness and special radiance of the Sun of Righteousness brought into the gospel.—Letter 56, 1896 (January 19) 3AM 174.2

When properly conducted, the health work is an entering wedge which will make an opening for other truths to find entrance to the heart. When the third angel’s message is received in all its fullness, health reform will be given its place in the counsels in the conference, in the work of the church, in the home, at the table, and in all the household arrangements. Then the right arm will work to serve and protect the body.... 3AM 174.3

The Lord desires His church to be a perfect body, not all arms, not all body without arms, but body and arms together, every member working as one great whole. As the right arm is connected with the body, so the health reform and medical missionary work is connected with the third angel’s message, and is to work efficiently as the right arm for the defense of the body of truth.—Letter 82, 1899 (May 8) 3AM 174.4

Prejudice removed through health ministry—Much of the prejudice that prevents the truth of the third angel’s message from reaching the hearts of the people, might be removed if more attention were given to health reform. When people become interested in this subject, the way is often prepared for the entrance of other truths. If they see that we are intelligent with regard to health, they will be more ready to believe that we are sound in Bible doctrines. 3AM 174.5

This branch of the Lord’s work has not received due attention, and through this neglect much has been lost. If the church would manifest a greater interest in the reforms through which God Himself is seeking to fit them for His coming, their influence would be far greater than it now is. God has spoken to His people, and He designs that they shall hear and obey His voice. Although the health reform is not the third angel’s message, it is closely connected with it. Those who proclaim the message should teach health reform also. It is a subject that we must understand, in order to be prepared for the events that are close upon us, and it should have a prominent place. Satan and his agents are seeking to hinder this work of reform, and will do all they can to perplex and burden those who heartily engage in it. Yet none should be discouraged at this, or cease their efforts because of it.—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 121, 122 (1890) 3AM 175.1

The gospel practiced—By the ministry of the Word the gospel is preached; by medical missionary work the gospel is practiced. The gospel is bound up with medical missionary work. Neither is to stand alone, bound up in itself. The workers in each are to labor unselfishly and unitedly, striving to save sinners.—Letter 55, 1903 (April 15) 3AM 175.2

The standard is to be uplifted, and the atonement of Christ presented as the grand, central truth. The medical missionary work is to the cause of God as the right arm of the body. The third angel’s message goes forth, proclaiming the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Medical missionary work is the gospel in practice. All lines of the work are to be blended in a complete whole in giving the invitation, “Come, for all things are now ready.” [Luke 14:17.]—Letter 55, 1898 (June 15) 3AM 175.3

Christ to be revealed in our health institutions—The purpose of our health institutions is not first and foremost to be that of hospitals. The health institutions connected with the closing work of the gospel in the earth stand for the great principles of the gospel in all its fullness. Christ is the one to be revealed in all the institutions connected with the closing work, but none of them can do it so fully as the health institution where the sick and suffering come for relief and deliverance from both physical and spiritual ailment. Many of these need, like the paralytic of old, the forgiveness of sin the first thing, and they need to learn how to “go, and sin no more.” 3AM 176.1

If a sanitarium connected with this closing message fails to lift up Christ, and the principles of the gospel as developed in the third angel’s message, it fails in its most important feature, and contradicts the very object of its existence.—The Review and Herald, October 29, 1914 3AM 176.2

Attention drawn to the message through health restaurants and treatment rooms—I have been instructed that one of the principal reasons why hygienic restaurants and treatment rooms should be established in the centers of large cities is that by this means the attention of leading men will be called to the third angel’s message. Noticing that these restaurants are conducted in a way altogether different from the way in which ordinary restaurants are conducted, men of intelligence will begin to inquire into the reasons for the difference in business methods, and will investigate the principles that lead us to serve superior food. Thus they will be led to a knowledge of the message for this time.—Testimonies for the Church 7:122, 123 (1902) 3AM 176.3

The physician’s unique viewpoint—Those who are Christian physicians may do a precious work for God as medical missionaries. Too often so many things engage the minds of physicians, that they are kept from the work that God would have them do as evangelists. Let the medical workers present the important truths of the third angel’s message from the physician’s viewpoint. Physicians of consecration and talent can secure a hearing in large cities at times when other men would fail. As physicians unite with ministers in proclaiming the gospel in the great cities of the land, their combined labors will result in influencing many minds in favor of the truth for this time.—Manuscript 49, 1910 (Medical Ministry, 248) 3AM 177.1

Countless are the opportunities of the physician for warning the impenitent, cheering the disconsolate and hopeless, and prescribing for the health of mind and body. As he thus instructs the people in the principles of true temperance, and as a guardian of souls gives advice to those who are mentally and physically diseased, the physician is acting his part in the great work of making ready a people prepared for the Lord. This is what medical missionary work is to accomplish in its relation to the third angel’s message.—Testimonies for the Church 6:233 (1901) 3AM 177.2

Medical missionary workers—The world’s need today cannot be met fully by the ministry of God’s servants who have been called to preach the everlasting gospel to every creature. While it is well, so far as possible, for evangelical workers to learn how to minister to the necessities of the body as well as of the soul, thus following the example of Christ, yet they cannot spend all their time and strength in relieving those in need of help. The Lord has ordained that with those who preach the word shall be associated His medical missionary workers—Christian physicians and nurses who have received special training in the healing of disease and in soul winning.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 468 (1913) 3AM 177.3

Combine the medical missionary work with the proclamation of the third angel’s message.... Send into the church workers who will set the principles of health reform in their connection with the third angel’s message before every family and individual. Encourage all to take a part in work for their fellow men, and see if the breath of life will not quickly return to these churches.—Letter 54, 1898 (June 15) (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 416) 3AM 178.1

Medical missionary work is to be closely connected with the ministry of the Word, bound up with the third angel’s message, the last message of mercy and warning to be given to the guilty world. The work of health reform, is to be bound up with the gospel. These cannot be separated, for God has united them. When these parts of the work are carried forward on correct lines, the third angel’s message will be given in accordance with God’s purpose.—Manuscript 165, 1899 (December 26) 3AM 178.2

As closely connected to the message as the arm and hand to the body—We have been instructed by the Lord that the medical missionary work is to be to the work of the third angel’s message as the right hand to the body. The right hand is used to open doors through which the body may find entrance. This is the part the medical missionary work is to act. It is to largely prepare the way for the reception of the truth for this time.... In giving honor to the body, honor must also be given to the helping hands, which are agencies of such importance that without them the body can do nothing. Therefore the body which treats indifferently the right hand, refusing its aid, is able to accomplish nothing.—Manuscript 55, 1901 (July 1) 3AM 178.3

The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel’s message and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body. I saw that we as a people must make an advance move in this great work. Ministers and people must act in concert. God’s people are not prepared for the loud cry of the third angel. They have a work to do for themselves which they should not leave for God to do for them. He has left this work for them to do. It is an individual work; one cannot do it for another.—Testimonies for the Church 1:486 (1867) 3AM 179.1

God has shown that health reform is as closely connected with the third angel’s message as the hand is with the body. There is nowhere to be found so great a cause of physical and moral degeneracy as a neglect of this important subject. Those who indulge appetite and passion, and close their eyes to the light for fear they will see sinful indulgences which they are unwilling to forsake, are guilty before God. Whoever turns from the light in one instance hardens his heart to disregard the light upon other matters. Whoever violates moral obligations in the matter of eating and dressing prepares the way to violate the claims of God in regard to eternal interests. Our bodies are not our own. God has claims upon us to take care of the habitation He has given us, that we may present our bodies to Him a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. Our bodies belong to Him who made them, and we are in duty bound to become intelligent in regard to the best means of preserving them from decay.—Testimonies for the Church 3:62, 63 (1872) 3AM 179.2

The medical missionary work is as the right arm to the third angel’s message which must be proclaimed to a fallen world; and physicians, managers, and workers in any line, in acting faithfully their part, are doing the work of the message. Thus the sound of the truth will go forth to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. In this work the heavenly angels bear a part. They awaken spiritual joy and melody in the hearts of those who have been freed from suffering, and thanksgiving to God arises from the lips of many who have received the precious truth.—Testimonies for the Church 6:229 (1901) 3AM 179.3