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zoolatry (n.) — zymurgy (n.) ETD zoolatry (n.).1

zoolatry (n.) ETD zoolatry (n.).1

"worship of animals or an animal," 1817, from zoo- "animal" + -latry "worship of." Related: Zoolater; zoolatrous. ETD zoolatry (n.).2

zoological (adj.) ETD zoological (adj.).1

1807, from zoology + -ical. ETD zoological (adj.).2

zoology (n.) ETD zoology (n.).1

"science of animals," 1660s, from Modern Latin zoologia, from Greek zoion "animal" (from PIE root *gwei- "to live") + -logia "study" (see -logy). ETD zoology (n.).2

zoologist (n.) ETD zoologist (n.).1

1660s, from zoology + -ist. ETD zoologist (n.).2

zoom (v.) ETD zoom (v.).1

1886, of echoic origin. Gained popularity c. 1917 as aviators began to use it. As a noun from 1917. The photographer's zoom lens is from 1936, from the specific aviation sense of zoom as "to quickly move closer." ETD zoom (v.).2

zoomorphic (adj.) ETD zoomorphic (adj.).1

"representative of animals," especially representative of a god in the form of an animal, 1872, from zoo- "animal" + morphē "shape," a word of uncertain etymology, + -ic. Related: Zoomorphism. ETD zoomorphic (adj.).2

zoon (n.) ETD zoon (n.).1

"animal form containing all elements of a typical organism of its group," 1864, from Greek zōon "animal," from PIE root *gwei- "to live." ETD zoon (n.).2

zoonosis (n.) ETD zoonosis (n.).1

"disease communicated to humans by animals," plural zoonoses, 1876, from Greek zōon "animal" (see zoo-) + nosos "disease" (see noso-). ETD zoonosis (n.).2

zoonotic (adj.) ETD zoonotic (adj.).1

1900, from zoonosis + -ic. ETD zoonotic (adj.).2

zoophagous (adj.) ETD zoophagous (adj.).1

"carnivorous," 1840, from zoo- "animal" + -phagous "eating." Related: Zoophagy; zoophage. ETD zoophagous (adj.).2

zoophilia (n.) ETD zoophilia (n.).1

"attraction to animals involving release of sexual energy," 1899, in a translation of Krafft-Ebing, from zoo- "animal" + -philia. "[F]ormerly not implying sexual intercourse or bestiality" [OED]. The meaning "sympathy or tender care for living creatures" is in the nativized formation zoophily (1886). ETD zoophilia (n.).2

zoophobia (n.) ETD zoophobia (n.).1

1901, from zoo- "animal" + -phobia. Related: Zoophobic; zoophobe. ETD zoophobia (n.).2

zooplankton (n.) ETD zooplankton (n.).1

1901, from zoo- "animal" + plankton. ETD zooplankton (n.).2

zoot suit (n.) ETD zoot suit (n.).1

1942, American English slang, the first element probably a nonsense reduplication of suit (compare reet pleat, drape shape from the same jargon). ETD zoot suit (n.).2

zooxanthella (n.) ETD zooxanthella (n.).1

plural zooxanthellae, yellow pigmentary particles found in nature, 1889, from German (Brandt, 1881), from Greek zoion "animal" (from PIE root *gwei- "to live") + xantho- "yellow" (see xantho-) + Latin suffix -ella. ETD zooxanthella (n.).2

zori (n.) ETD zori (n.).1

1823, from Japanese zori, from so "grass, (rice) straw" + ri "footwear, sole." ETD zori (n.).2

Zoroastrian (adj.) ETD Zoroastrian (adj.).1

1743, from Zoroaster, from Latin Zoroastres, from Old Persian Zarathushtra, 6c. or 7c. B.C.E. Persian religious teacher. The name appears to be literally "whose camels are old," from *zarant "old" (cognate with Greek geron, genitive gerontos "old;" see gerontology) + ushtra "camel." As a noun from 1811. ETD Zoroastrian (adj.).2

Zoroastrianism (n.) ETD Zoroastrianism (n.).1

1854, from Zoroastrian + -ism. ETD Zoroastrianism (n.).2

zorro (n.) ETD zorro (n.).1

1838, "South American fox-wolf," from Spanish zorro, masc. of zorra "fox," from Basque azaria "fox." The comic book hero, a variation on the Robin Hood theme set in old Spanish California, was created 1919 by U.S. writer Johnston McCulley (1883-1958). ETD zorro (n.).2

zoster (n.) ETD zoster (n.).1

kind of seaweed, c. 1600, Latin, from Greek zōstēr "girdle," originally "warrior's belt," from zōnnynai (see zone (n.)). Meaning "shingles" is from 1706; in the literal sense, "a belt or girdle, especially for men," from 1824. ETD zoster (n.).2

zouave (n.) ETD zouave (n.).1

member of a French light infantry troop, 1848, from French, from Arabic Zwawa, from Berber Igawawaen, name of a Kabyle tribe in Algeria, from which the zouaves originally were recruited in 1831. The military units soon became exclusively French but served only in Algeria until 1854 and were "distinguished for their dash, intrepidity, and hardihood, and for their peculiar drill and showy Oriental uniform" [Century Dictionary]. Some Northern regiments in the American Civil War adopted the name and elements of the uniform. The women's fashionable zouave jacket (1859) also is based on the uniform. ETD zouave (n.).2

zouk (n.) ETD zouk (n.).1

Creole French, "party," from zouker "engage in unrestrained social activity." ETD zouk (n.).2

zounds (interj.) ETD zounds (interj.).1

c. 1600, oath of surprise or anger, altered from (by) God's wounds!, in reference to the wounds of Christ on the Cross. "One of the innumerable oaths having reference to Christ's passion" [Century Dictionary]. Compare gadzooks. ETD zounds (interj.).2

zowie (interj.) ETD zowie (interj.).1

expression of astonishment, c. 1913. ETD zowie (interj.).2

zucchetto (n.) ETD zucchetto (n.).1

small, round skull-cap worn by dignitaries in the Catholic Church, 1853, from Italian zucchetta "a cap," originally diminutive of zucca "gourd, head," perhaps from Late Latin cucutia, of unknown origin. ETD zucchetto (n.).2

zucchini (n.) ETD zucchini (n.).1

1915 in English cookery books, 1910 in travel books about Italy as an Italian word (defined as "an odd kind of little squash, very tender and palatable"), from Italian, plural of zucchino, diminutive of zucca "gourd, squash," perhaps from Late Latin cucutia, which is of unknown origin. ETD zucchini (n.).2

zugzwang (n.) ETD zugzwang (n.).1

1904, in chess, from German Zugzwang, literally "move-compulsion," from Zug "move (in chess), a drawing, pulling, a stretch," from Old High German ziohan "to pull," from Proto-Germanic *teuhan, from PIE root *deuk- "to lead." ETD zugzwang (n.).2

Zulu (n.) ETD Zulu (n.).1

one of a Bantu people of South Africa, 1824, a native name. As radio code word for -z- from 1960. ETD Zulu (n.).2

Zuni (n.) ETD Zuni (n.).1

native people and language of New Mexico, 1834, from Spanish, from a local native word. ETD Zuni (n.).2

Zurich ETD Zurich.1

city and lake in Switzerland, German Zürich, said to be ultimately from Celtic root *dur- "water." ETD Zurich.2

zwieback (n.) ETD zwieback (n.).1

1894, from German Zweiback "biscuit," literally "twice-baked," from zwei "two, twice" + backen "to bake;" loan-translation of Italian biscotto (see biscuit). ETD zwieback (n.).2

Zwinglian (adj.) ETD Zwinglian (adj.).1

1532, after Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531), Swiss Protestant reformer who revolted from the Roman communion in 1516 but who differed from Luther on theological points relating to the real presence in the Eucharist. ETD Zwinglian (adj.).2

zydeco (n.) ETD zydeco (n.).1

1949, perhaps from Creole French pronunciation of French les haricots "the beans," part of the title of a popular dance tune ("les haricots sont pas salés"). ETD zydeco (n.).2

zygoma (n.) ETD zygoma (n.).1

"bony arch of the cheek," plural zygomata, 1680s, Modern Latin, from Greek zygoma, from zygon "yoke" (from PIE root *yeug- "to join"). So called because it connects the bones of the face with those of the skull about the ear. ETD zygoma (n.).2

zygomatic (adj.) ETD zygomatic (adj.).1

"pertaining to the zygoma," 1709, from Latin zygomaticus, from Greek zygoma (see zygoma). ETD zygomatic (adj.).2

zygote (n.) ETD zygote (n.).1

1880, coined 1878 by German cytologist Eduard Strasburger (1844-1912), the widespread attribution to William Bateson being apparently erroneous; from Greek zygotos "yoked," from zygon "yoke" (from PIE root *yeug- "to join"). ETD zygote (n.).2

Zyklon (n.) ETD Zyklon (n.).1

type of fumigant used to kill rats in enclosed spaces, such as holds of ships, boxcars, etc., 1926, from German Zyklon, commercial name of a type of hydrogen cyanide, said to be of unknown etymology, but it is the usual German form of the word cyclone. There were at least three varieties, A, B, and C, Zyklon-B being the one notoriously used in the Nazi death camps. ETD Zyklon (n.).2

zymurgy (n.) ETD zymurgy (n.).1

branch of chemistry which deals with wine-making and brewing, 1868, from Greek zymo-, combining form of zymē "a leaven" (from PIE root *yeue-; see juice) + -ourgia "a working," from ergon "work" (from PIE root *werg- "to do"). ETD zymurgy (n.).2

The last word in many standard English dictionaries (and this one); but Century Dictionary ends with Zyxomma ("A genus of Indian dragon-flies") and in the OED [2nd ed.] the last word is zyxt, an obsolete Kentish form of the second person singular of see (v.). ETD zymurgy (n.).3