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How Everyone Will Judge Himself 3TC 30

At the cross of Calvary, love and selfishness stood face to face. Christ had lived only to comfort and bless, and by putting Him to death, Satan showed his hatred against God. The real purpose of his rebellion was to dethrone God and to destroy Jesus, through whom God was showing His love. 3TC 30.1

The life and death of Christ also reveal the thoughts of men and women. Jesus’ life called everyone to self-surrender and to fellowship in suffering. All who were listening to the Holy Spirit were drawn to Him. Those who worshiped self belonged to Satan’s kingdom. In their attitude toward Christ, all would show on which side they stood. In this way, everyone passes judgment on himself. 3TC 30.2

In the day of final judgment, the Cross will be presented, and every mind will understand its real significance. Sinners will stand condemned before the vision of Calvary with its mysterious Victim. All will see what their choice has been. Every question in the controversy will have been made plain. God will stand clear of blame for the existence or continuance of evil. It will be proven that there was no defect in God’s government, no cause for dissatisfaction. Both the loyal and the rebellious will declare, 3TC 30.3

“Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the saints! ...
Your judgments have been manifested.”
Revelation 15:3, 4 3TC 30.4