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Keep on praying -
God’s love and power
In darkest hour
Of deep despair
Respond to prayer. HEVI 42.6

Keep on praying -
Be not afraid
To seek his aid
Who knows, indeed,
Thine every need. HEVI 42.7

Keep on praying -
In thy distress
He waits to bless;
To him reveal
All thou dost feel. HEVI 42.8

Keep on praying -
He’ll answer thee;
And it may be
His love will bring
Some better thing. HEVI 42.9

Keep on praying -
E’en though in death,
With parting breath,
He will forgive,
And bid thee live. HEVI 42.10

Keep on praying -
His heart divine
Will enter thine,
And lead the way
To blissful day. -Roger H. Lyon. HEVI 42.11