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THE sixteenth meeting of the General Conference was called at 10 A.M. Sunday, March 3, 1895. In the opening exercises, R. M. Kilgore led the Conference in prayer. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.3

After the reading and acceptance of the minutes, reports of committees were called for, and the call was responded to by the Committee on Distribution of Labor, which through its secretary, F. M. Wilcox, presented the following:— GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.4

42. That Elder G. B. Tripp, of Virginia, go to Zambesia, Interior Africa, to take charge of the mission work. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.5

43. That J. E. Evans, of Michigan, go to Texas to labor. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.6

44. That Elder V. H. Lucas, of Colorado, go to the New Mexico and Arizona mission field to connect in labor with Elder Matthew Larson, and that Watson Zeigler take the place on the Colorado Conference Committee made vacant by the removal of Elder V. H. Lucas. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.7

45. That J. J. Devereaux, of Nebraska, go to Colorado to take charge of the canvassing work. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.8

46. That Mrs. Rachel Flowers go to Guadalajara, Mexico, to assist in the work of the mission. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.9

47. That Frank Mosebar go to the Central American mission field, to labor under the direction of the superintendent of the same. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.10

48. That L. A. Smith, of England, return to this country to labor as the General Conference Committee may direct. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.11

49. That Chinese mission work be opened up in Honolulu, and that the Foreign Mission Board be requested to furnish workers for the same. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.12

50. That the Foreign Mission Board be instructed to secure a nurse for the work in Trinidad. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.13

51. That the eastern boundary of the North Pacific Conference be extended to the Klikotat River north of the Columbia River, and to the Des Chutes River south of the Columbia, as this territory is more naturally connected with that conference than with the Upper Columbia Conference. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.14

A. J. Breed requested that Recommendation 14, which was referred back to the Committee, be taken up and adopted. Motion was carried. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.15

The Chair then called up the report of the Committee on Resolutions, page 440 of the BULLETIN. Moved by A. F. Harrison, and seconded by Henry Shultz, that the resolutions be considered and adopted. H. P. Holser being called upon to speak in regard to the first resolution, said that this question of religious liberty was one of the most important that had been presented by our people, and he wished to encourage the study of our literature on this subject, that they may not only understand the subject of civil liberty, but that we may come to appreciate the liberty which we have in the gospel of Christ. He believed that this subject is leading us to a better knowledge of our position in every respect as Christians and as citizens. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.16

The reading of the following resolutions relating to this subject was called for. M. C. Wilcox raised the question as to whether the words “message itself” would be taken in their broadest sense. H. P. Holser replied that he understood that they would. M. C. Wilcox understood that the object of these resolutions was to give special emphasis to one special line of truth, and while he was willing to accede to the essential importance of the religious liberty work, he yet thought that the term in its technical sense did not necessarily embrace the features of the Third Angel’s Message, at least it would not be so understood by many who would read the resolution. He therefore moved an amendment to the resolution by substituting “which is the vital part of the message,” for “but is the giving of the message itself.” This motion received a second. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.17

Allen Moon thought that the attacks upon our positions in legislatures and other places would open the discussions upon our work as a whole, and the introduction of our religious liberty principles was a forcible introduction of the whole system of truth. The proposed amendment was discussed by L. D. Santee, A. T. Jones, M. C. Wilcox, H. E. Robinson, and others, and was lost. Other amendments were proposed, but the preamble and the resolutions were finally adopted as read. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.18

S. H. Lane inquired why the next Congress should be marked as an object of special attention. Allen Moon replied that the next House of Representatives would be very largely Republican, and many of the members had been elected upon the very issues at stake, and were pledged to their support. And from the knowledge that came to him he thought very strenuous efforts would be made to secure National Reform legislation. S. H. Lane heartily concurred in the opinion expressed, and believed the situation called for active efforts on our part. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.19

The resolution relating to the American Sentinel was then taken up and adopted. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.20

The Chair called up the report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, found on page 442, which was adopted without amendment. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.21

The report of the Committee on Nominations immediately following was considered. D. H. Oberholtzer moved the adoption, which was seconded, and the first section of the report was adopted without change or discussion. GCB March 4, 1895, page 463.22

Some inquiries were raised as to the functions of the Labor Bureau. The same being answered, the nominees were elected; and the other two sections of the report were then adopted without discussion. GCB March 4, 1895, page 464.1

A further report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor was then taken up. The Committee asked the privilege of withdrawing Recommendation 33, and that portion of Recommendation 41 which related to Elder W. T. Drummond. The request was granted. GCB March 4, 1895, page 464.2

On motion of J. H. Durland, seconded by Henry Shultz, the remainder of the report was adopted, after brief comments, without change. The report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, page 443, was then considered and passed, except that the names of Paul J. Deane and M. G. Kellogg were withdrawn. Further information being required with reference to the first name, and the fact that the latter had received credentials from the Australian Conference, was the cause of this action. Upon separate motions, the names of M. C. Wilcox and M. H. Brown, withdrawn by former action of the Conference, were again inserted in the report, and credentials were voted them. GCB March 4, 1895, page 464.3

Conference adjourned. GCB March 4, 1895, page 464.4