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BESPATTERING, ppr. Spattering with water; soiling with dirt and water; aspersing. NWAD BESPATTERING.1

BESPAWL, v.t. [be and spawl.] To soil or make foul with spittle. NWAD BESPAWL.1

BESPEAAK, v.t. pret. bespoke; pp. bespoke, bespoken. [be and speak.] NWAD BESPEAAK.1

1. To speak for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak a seat in a public coach. NWAD BESPEAAK.2

My lade is bespoke. NWAD BESPEAAK.3

2. To forebode; to foretell. NWAD BESPEAAK.4

They started fears, and bespoke dangers, to scare the allies. NWAD BESPEAAK.5

3. To speak to; to address. This sense is mostly poetical. NWAD BESPEAAK.6

He thus the queen bespoke. NWAD BESPEAAK.7

4. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or appearances; as, his manners bespeak him a gentleman. NWAD BESPEAAK.8

BESPEAKER, n. One who bespeaks. NWAD BESPEAKER.1

BESPEAKING, ppr. Speaking for or ordering beforehand; foreboding; addressing; showing; indicating. NWAD BESPEAKING.1

BESPEAKING, n. A previous speaking or discourse, by way of apology, or to engage favor. NWAD BESPEAKING.2

BESPECKLE, v.t. [be and speckle.] To mark with speckles or spots. NWAD BESPECKLE.1

BESPICE, v.t. [be and spice.] To season with spices. NWAD BESPICE.1

BESPIRIT, BESPURT, v.t. To spurt out, or over; to throw out in a stream or streams. [Not used.] NWAD BESPIRIT.1

BESPIT, v.t. pret. bespit; pp. bespit, bespitten. [be and spit.] To daub or soil with spittle. NWAD BESPIT.1

BESPOKE, pret. and pp. of bespeak. NWAD BESPOKE.1

BESPOT, v.t. [be and spot.] To mark with spots. NWAD BESPOT.1

BESPOTTED, pp. Marked with spots. NWAD BESPOTTED.1

BESPOTTING, ppr. Marking with spots. NWAD BESPOTTING.1

BESPREAD, v.t. bespred’. pret. and pp. bespread. [be and spread.] To spread over; to cover over; as, to bespread with flowers. NWAD BESPREAD.1

BESPRINGKLE, v.t. [be and sprinkle.] To sprinkle over; to scatter over; as, to besprinkle with dust. NWAD BESPRINGKLE.1


BESPRINKLER, n. One that sprinkles over. NWAD BESPRINKLER.1


BEST, a. superlative. [Eng. but;] Literally, most advanced, Hence, NWAD BEST.1

1. Most good; having good qualities in the highest degree; applied indifferently to physical or moral subjects; as, the best man; the best road; the best cloth; the best abilities. This, like most, and other attributes, is often used without its noun, when the noun is obvious; as, men are all sinners; the best of them fail in the performance of duty. NWAD BEST.2

2. Most advanced; most accurate; as the best scholar. NWAD BEST.3

3. Most correct or complete; as the best view of a landscape, or of a subject. NWAD BEST.4

4. The best. This phrase is elliptical, and may be variously interpreted; as, the utmost power; the strongest endeavor; the most, the highest perfection; as, let a man do his best; let him do a thing to the best of his power. NWAD BEST.5

5. At best, in the best manner, in the utmost degree or extent, applicable to the case; as, life is at best very short. NWAD BEST.6

To make the best of, to carry to its greatest perfection; to improve to the utmost; as, to make the best of a sum of money, or a piece of land. Also, to permit the least possible inconvenience; as, to make the best of ill fortune or a bad bargain. NWAD BEST.7

The best of the way. We had made the best of our way to the city; that is, the most, the greatest part of the distance. [This is the primary sense of the word.] NWAD BEST.8

BEST, adv. In the highest degree; beyond all other; as, to love one best; to like this best; to please best. NWAD BEST.9

1. To the advantage; with the most ease; as,”which instrument can you best use?” NWAD BEST.10

2. With most profit or success; as, money is best employed in manufactures; this medicine will answer best in the present case. NWAD BEST.11

3. Most intimately or particularly; most correctly; as, what is expedient is best known to himself. NWAD BEST.12

BEST-TEMPERED, a. Having the most kind or mild temper. NWAD BEST-TEMPERED.1

BESTAIN, v.t. [be and stain.] To mark with stains; to discolor, either the whole surface of a thing, or in spots. NWAD BESTAIN.1

BESTEAD, v.t. bested’ pret. and pp. bested. [be and stead.] To profit. NWAD BESTEAD.1

How little you bestead. NWAD BESTEAD.2

1. To accommodate. NWAD BESTEAD.3

They shall pass through it, hardly bestead. Isaiah 8:21. NWAD BESTEAD.4

That is, distressed; perplexed. NWAD BESTEAD.5

2. To dispose. NWAD BESTEAD.6

BESTIAL, a. [from beast.] NWAD BESTIAL.1

1. Belonging to a beast, or to the class of beasts. NWAD BESTIAL.2

2. Having the qualities of a beast; brutal; below the dignity of reason or humanity; carnal; as a bestial appetite. NWAD BESTIAL.3

BESTIALITY, n. The quality of beasts; the state or manners of man which resemble those of brutes. NWAD BESTIALITY.1

1. Unnatural connection with a beast. NWAD BESTIALITY.2

BESTIALIZE, v.t. To make like a beast. NWAD BESTIALIZE.1

BESTIALLY, adv. Brutally; in a manner below humanity. NWAD BESTIALLY.1

BESTICK, v.t. pret. and pp. bestuck. [be and stick.] NWAD BESTICK.1

To stick over, as with sharp points; to mark, by infixing points or spots here and there. NWAD BESTICK.2

Truth shall retire, bestuck with slanderous darts. NWAD BESTICK.3

BESTIR, v.t. bestur’ [be and stir.] To put into brisk or vigorous action; to move with life and vigor; usually with the reciprocal pronoun; as, rise and bestir yourselves. NWAD BESTIR.1

BESTIRRED, pp. Roused into vigorous action; quickened in action. NWAD BESTIRRED.1

BESTIRRING, ppr. Moving briskly; putting into vigorous action. NWAD BESTIRRING.1

BESTNESS, n. The state of being best. [Not used.] NWAD BESTNESS.1

BESTORM, v.i. [be and storm.] To storm; to rage. [Not used.] NWAD BESTORM.1

BESTOW, v.t. [be and stow, a place. See Stow. Literally, to set or place.] NWAD BESTOW.1

1. To give; to confer; to impart; with the sense of gratuity, and followed by on or upon. NWAD BESTOW.2

Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, that he may bestow on you a blessing. Exodus 32:29. NWAD BESTOW.3

Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor. 1 Corinthians 13:3. NWAD BESTOW.4

This word should never be followed by to. NWAD BESTOW.5

2. To give in marriage; to dispose of. NWAD BESTOW.6

I could have bestowed her upon a fine gentleman. NWAD BESTOW.7

3. To apply; to place for the purpose of exertion, or use; as, to bestow our whole force upon an object. NWAD BESTOW.8

4. To lay out, or dispose of; to give in payment for; as, to bestow money for what we desire. Deuteronomy 14:26. NWAD BESTOW.9

5. To lay up in store; to deposit for safe keeping; to stow; to place. NWAD BESTOW.10

I have no room where to bestow my fruits. Luke 12:17. NWAD BESTOW.11

BESTOWAL, n. A conferring; disposal. [Little used.] NWAD BESTOWAL.1

BESTOWED, ppr. Given gratuitously; conferred; laid out; applied; deposited for safe-keeping. NWAD BESTOWED.1

BESTOWER, n. One who bestows; a giver; a disposer. NWAD BESTOWER.1

BESTOWING, ppr. Conferring gratuitously; laying out; applying; depositing in store. NWAD BESTOWING.1

BESTOWMENT, n. The act of giving gratuitously; a conferring. NWAD BESTOWMENT.1

God the father had committed the bestowment of the blessings purchased, to his son. NWAD BESTOWMENT.2

If we consider this bestowment of gifts in this view. NWAD BESTOWMENT.3

Whatever may be the secret counsel of his will respecting his own bestowment of saving grace. NWAD BESTOWMENT.4

1. That which is conferred, or given; donation. NWAD BESTOWMENT.5

They strengthened his hands by their liberal bestowments on him and his family. NWAD BESTOWMENT.6

The free and munificent bestowment of the Sovereign Judge. NWAD BESTOWMENT.7

BESTRADDLE, v.t. To bestride. [See Straddle.] NWAD BESTRADDLE.1

BESTRAUGHT, a. Distracted; mad. [Not used.] NWAD BESTRAUGHT.1

BESTREW, v.t. pret. bestrewed; pp. bestrewed, bestrown. [be and strew.] To scatter over; to besprinkle; to strow. NWAD BESTREW.1


BESTRIDE, v.t. pret. bestrid; pp. bestrid, bestridden. [be and stride.] NWAD BESTRIDE.1

1. To stride over; to stand or sit with any thing between the legs, or with the legs extended across; as, to bestride the world, like a colossus; to bestride a horse. NWAD BESTRIDE.2

2. To step over; as, to bestride a threshold. NWAD BESTRIDE.3

Bestriding sometimes includes riding, or defending, as Johnson remarks; but the particular purposes to the act, which depend on the circumstances of the case, can hardly be reduced to definition. NWAD BESTRIDE.4

BESTRIDING, ppr. Extending the legs over any thing, so as to include it between them. NWAD BESTRIDING.1

BESTROWN, pp. of bestrew. Sprinkle over. NWAD BESTROWN.1

BESTUCK, pp. of bestick. Pierced in various places with sharp points. NWAD BESTUCK.1

BESTUD, v.t. [be and stud.] To set with studs; to adorn with bosses; as, to bestud with stars. NWAD BESTUD.1

BESTUDDED, pp. Adorned with studs. NWAD BESTUDDED.1

BESTUDDING, ppr. Setting with studs; adorning as with bosses. NWAD BESTUDDING.1

BESWIKE, v.t. beswik’. To allure. [Not used.] NWAD BESWIKE.1

BET, n. A wager; that which is laid, staked or pledges in a contest, to be won, either by the victorious party himself, or by another person, in consequence of his victory. At a race, a man lays a bet on his own horse, or on the horse of another man. NWAD BET.1

BET, v.t. To lay a bet; to lay a wager; to stake or pledge something upon the event of a context. NWAD BET.2
BET, the old participle of beat, is obsolete or vulgar. NWAD BET.3

BETAKE, v.t. pret. betook; pp. betaken. [be and take.] NWAD BETAKE.1

1. To take to; to have recourse to; to apply; to resort; with the reciprocal pronoun; as, to betake ourselves to arms, or to action. It generally implies a motion towards an object, as to betake ourselves to a shade grove; or an application of the mind or faculties, corresponding with such motion, as to betake ourselves to study or to vice. NWAD BETAKE.2

2. Formerly, to take or seize. NWAD BETAKE.3

BETAKEN, part. of betake. NWAD BETAKEN.1

BETAKING, ppr. Having recourse to; applying; resorting. NWAD BETAKING.1

BETAUGHT, pret. of betake. [Not used.] NWAD BETAUGHT.1

BETEEM, v.t. [be and teem.] To bring forth; to produce; to shed; to bestow. [Not used.] NWAD BETEEM.1

BETEL, BETLE, n. A species of pepper, the leaves of which are chewed by the inhabitants of the East Indies. It is a creeping or climbing plant like the ivy, the leaves somewhat resembling those of the citron. It is planted by a tree, or supported by props. In India, betel is taken after meals; during a visit, it is offered to friends when they meet, and when they separate; in short, nothing is to be done without betel. To correct the bitterness of the leaves, a little areca is wrapped in them with the chinam, a kind of burnt lime made of shells. NWAD BETEL.1

BETHINK, v.t. pret. and pp. bethought. [be and think.] NWAD BETHINK.1

To call to mind; to recall or bring to recollection, reflection, or consideration; generally followed by a reciprocal pronoun, with of before the subject of thought. NWAD BETHINK.2

I have bethought myself of another fault. NWAD BETHINK.3

BETHINK, v.i. To have in recollection; to consider. NWAD BETHINK.4

BETHLEHEM, n. [Heb. the house of food or bread.] NWAD BETHLEHEM.1

1. A town or village in Judea, about six miles south-east of Jerusalem; famous for its being the place of Christ’s nativity. NWAD BETHLEHEM.2

2. A hospital for lunatics; corrupted into bedlam. NWAD BETHLEHEM.3

BETHLEMITE, n. An inhabitant of Bethlehem; a lunatic. NWAD BETHLEMITE.1

1. In church history, the Bethlemites were a sort of Monks, introduced into England in the year 1257, who were habited like the Dominicans, except that they wore a star with five rays, in memory of the comet or star which appeared over Bethlehem at the nativity of our Savior. There is an order of Bethlemites also in Peru. NWAD BETHLEMITE.2

BETHOUGHT, bethaut; pret. and pp. of bethink. NWAD BETHOUGHT.1

BETHRALL, v.t. [be and thrall.] To enslave; to reduce to bondage; to bring into subjection. [Little used.] NWAD BETHRALL.1

BETHUMP, v.t. [be and thump.] To beat soundly. [Little used.] NWAD BETHUMP.1

BETIDE, v.t. pret. betid, or betided; pp. betid. [be and tide.] NWAD BETIDE.1

To happen; to befall; to come to; used of good or evil. NWAD BETIDE.2

What will betide the few? NWAD BETIDE.3

BETIDE, v.i. To come to pass; to happen. NWAD BETIDE.4

What news else betideth here? NWAD BETIDE.5

Shakespeare has used it with of. What would betide of thee? but this is unusual or improper. NWAD BETIDE.6

BETIME, BETIMES, adv. [be and time, that is, by the time.] NWAD BETIME.1

1. Seasonably; in good season or time; before it is late. NWAD BETIME.2

To measure life learn thou betimes. NWAD BETIME.3

2. Soon; in a short time. NWAD BETIME.4

He tires betimes, that spurs too fast betimes. NWAD BETIME.5

BETOKEN, v.t. beto’kn. [be and token.] NWAD BETOKEN.1

1. To signify by some visible object; to show by signs. NWAD BETOKEN.2

A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a bow NWAD BETOKEN.3

Betokening peace from God. NWAD BETOKEN.4

2. To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something future by that which is seen or known; as, a dark cloud often betokens a storm. NWAD BETOKEN.5

BETOKENED, pp. Foreshown; previously indicated. NWAD BETOKENED.1

BETOKENING, ppr. Indicating by previous signs. NWAD BETOKENING.1

BETONY, n. [L. betonica.] A genus of plants of several species. The purple or wood betony grows in woods and shady places, and is deemed useful as a mild corroborant. NWAD BETONY.1

BETOOK, pret. of betake. NWAD BETOOK.1

BETORN, a. Torn in pieces. NWAD BETORN.1

BETOSS, v.t. [be and toss.] To toss; to agitate; to disturb; to put in violent motion. NWAD BETOSS.1

BETRAP, v.t. [from trap.] To entrap; to ensnare. [Not used.] NWAD BETRAP.1

BETRAY, v.t. [L. traho.] NWAD BETRAY.1

1. To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust; as, an officer betrayed the city. NWAD BETRAY.2

The son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men. Matthew 17:22. NWAD BETRAY.3

2. To violate by fraud, or unfaithfulness; as, to betray a trust. NWAD BETRAY.4

If the people of America ever betray their trust, their guilt will merit even greater punishment than other nations have suffered, and the indignation of heaven. NWAD BETRAY.5

3. To violate confidence by disclosing a secret, or that which was intrusted; to expose; followed by the person, or the thing; as, my friend betrayed me, or betrayed the secret. NWAD BETRAY.6

4. To disclose, or permit to appear, what is intended to be kept secret, or what prudence would conceal. NWAD BETRAY.7

Be swift to hear, but cautions of your tongue, lest you betray your ignorance. NWAD BETRAY.8


5. To mislead or expose to inconvenience not foreseen; as, great confidence betrays a man into errors. NWAD BETRAY.10

6. To show; to discover; to indicate what is not obvious at first view, or would otherwise be concealed. NWAD BETRAY.11

Nor, after length of years, a stone betray NWAD BETRAY.12

The place where once the very ruins lay. NWAD BETRAY.13

This river betrays its original in its name. NWAD BETRAY.14

All the names in the country betray great antiquity. NWAD BETRAY.15

7. To fail, or deceive. NWAD BETRAY.16

But when I rise, I shall find my legs betraying me. NWAD BETRAY.17

BETRAYED, pp. Delivered up in breach of trust; violated by unfaithfulness; exposed by breach of confidence; disclosed contrary to expectation or intention; made known; discoverd. NWAD BETRAYED.1

BETRAYER, n. One who betrays; a traitor. NWAD BETRAYER.1

BETRAYING, ppr. Delivering up treacherously; violating confidence; disclosing contrary to intention; exposing; discovering. NWAD BETRAYING.1

BETRIM, v.t. [be and trim.] To deck; to dress; to adorn; to grace; to embellish; to beautify; to decorate. NWAD BETRIM.1

BETRIMMED, pp. Adorned; decorated. NWAD BETRIMMED.1

BETRIMMING, ppr. Decking; adorning; embellishing. NWAD BETRIMMING.1

BETROTH, v.t. [be and troth, truth, faith. See Truth and Troth.] NWAD BETROTH.1

1. To contract to any one, in order to a future marriage; to promise or pledge one to be the future spouse of another; to affiance; used of either sex. “The father betroths his daughter.” NWAD BETROTH.2

2. To contract with one for a future spouse; to espouse; as, a man betroths a lady. NWAD BETROTH.3

3. To nominate to a bishopric, in order to consecration. NWAD BETROTH.4

BETROTHED, pp. Contracted for future marriage. NWAD BETROTHED.1

BETROTHING, ppr. Contracting to any one, in order to a future marriage, as the father or guardian; contracting with one for a future wife, as the intended husband; espousing. NWAD BETROTHING.1

BETROTHMENT, n. A mutual promise or contract between two parties, for a future marriage between the persons betrothed; espousals. NWAD BETROTHMENT.1

BETRUST, v.t. [be and trust.] To entrust; to commit to another in confidence of fidelity; to confide. This is less used than entrust. NWAD BETRUST.1

BETRUSTED, pp. Entrusted; confided; committed in trust. NWAD BETRUSTED.1

BETRUSTING, ppr. Entrusting; committing in trust. NWAD BETRUSTING.1

BETRUSTMENT, n. The act of entrusting; the thing entrusted. NWAD BETRUSTMENT.1

BETSO, n. The smallest Venetian coin. NWAD BETSO.1

BETTER, a comp. of bet. [See Best.] NWAD BETTER.1

1. Having good qualities in a greater degree than another; applied to physical, acquired or moral qualities; as a better soil, a better man, a better physician, a better house, a better air, a better harvest. NWAD BETTER.2

2. More advantageous. NWAD BETTER.3

Were it not better for us to return to Egypt: Numbers 14:3. NWAD BETTER.4

3. More acceptable. NWAD BETTER.5

To obey is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22. NWAD BETTER.6

4. More safe. NWAD BETTER.7

It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8, 9. NWAD BETTER.8

5. Improved in health; less affected with disease; as, the patient is better. NWAD BETTER.9

6. To be better off, to be in a better condition. Beddoes, Hygeia. This is a very common phrase; but ought not off, to be of? It is not elegant. NWAD BETTER.10

7. To have the better, is to have the advantage or superiority, followed by of before him or that over which the advantage is enjoyed; as, the English had the better of the Spaniards. NWAD BETTER.11

8. To get or gain the better, is to obtain the advantage, superiority or victory; as, to get the better of an enemy. NWAD BETTER.12

9. For the better, is for the advantage or improvement. NWAD BETTER.13

BETTER, adv. In a more excellent manner; with more skill and wisdom, virtue, advantage or success; as, to perform work better; to plan a scheme better; land better cultivated; laws better executed; government better administered. NWAD BETTER.14

1. More correctly, or fully; as, to understand a subject better than another. NWAD BETTER.15

2. With superior excellence; as, to write or speak better than another. NWAD BETTER.16

3. With more affection; in a higher degree; as, to love one better than another. NWAD BETTER.17

It is not easy to specify and exemplify the various applications of better. In general, it implies what is more excellent, advantageous, useful, or virtuous, than something else. NWAD BETTER.18


1. To improve; to meliorate; to increase the good qualities of; as, manure betters land; discipline may better the morals. NWAD BETTER.20

2. To surpass; to exceed. NWAD BETTER.21

The works of nature do always aim at that which cannot be bettered. NWAD BETTER.22

Qu. is not the sense, made better: NWAD BETTER.23

3. To advance; to support; to give advantage to; as, to better a party; to better a cause. NWAD BETTER.24

BETTER, n. A superior; one who has a claim to precedence on account of his rank, age, or office; as, give place to your betters. It is generally or always used in the plural. NWAD BETTER.25

BETTERED, pp. Improved; meliorated; made better. NWAD BETTERED.1

BETTERING, ppr. Making better; improving. NWAD BETTERING.1

BETTERING-HOUSE, n. A house for the reformation of offenders. NWAD BETTERING-HOUSE.1

BETTOR, n. [from bet.] One who bets or lays a wager. NWAD BETTOR.1

BETTY, n. [Supposed to be a cant word from the name of a maid; but qu. is it not from the root of beat or L. peto?] NWAD BETTY.1

An instrument to break open doors. NWAD BETTY.2

BETUMBLED, a. [be and tumble.] Rolled about; tumbled; disordered. NWAD BETUMBLED.1


1. In the intermediate space, without regard to distance; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia; the Delaware river runs between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. NWAD BETWEEN.2

2. From one another; passing from one to another, noting exchange of actions or intercourse; as, things go well between the parties. NWAD BETWEEN.3

3. Belonging to two or more, in common or partnership; as, two friends have but one soul between them; twenty proprietors own a tract of land between them. We observe that between is not restricted to two. NWAD BETWEEN.4

4. Having mutual relation to two or more; as, discords exist between the families. NWAD BETWEEN.5

5. Noting difference, or discrimination of one from another; as, to distinguish between right and wrong. NWAD BETWEEN.6


1. Between; in the space that separates two persons or things; as, betwixt two oaks. NWAD BETWIXT.2

2. Passing between; from one to another, noting intercourse. [See Between.] NWAD BETWIXT.3


Among masons, carpenters, joiners, etc., an instrument, or kind of square, one leg of which is frequently crooked, according to the sweep of an arch or vault. It is movable on a point or center, and so may be set to any angle. An angle that is not square is called a bevel angle, whether obtuse or acute. NWAD BEVEL.2

1. A curve or inclination of a surface from a right line; as, the proper bevel of a piece of timber. NWAD BEVEL.3

BEVEL, a. Crooked; awry; oblique. NWAD BEVEL.4
BEVEL, v.t. To cut a bevel angle. NWAD BEVEL.5
BEVEL, v.i. To curve; to incline towards a point, or from a direct line. NWAD BEVEL.6

BEVELED, pp. Formed to a bevel angle. NWAD BEVELED.1

BEVELING, ppr. Forming to a bevel angle. NWAD BEVELING.1

BEVELING, a. Curving; bending from a right line. NWAD BEVELING.2
BEVELING, n. A hewing of timber with a proper and regular curve, according to a mold laid on one side of its surface. NWAD BEVELING.3

1. The curve or bevel of timber. NWAD BEVELING.4