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CONFIGURATE, v.i. [L. See Configure.] To show like the aspects of the planets towards each other. NWAD CONFIGURATE.1


1. External form, figure, shape; the figure which bounds a body, and gives it its external appearance, constituting one of the principal differences between bodies. NWAD CONFIGURATION.2

2. Aspects of the planets; or the face of the horoscope, according to the aspects of the planets toward each other at any time. NWAD CONFIGURATION.3

3. Resemblance of one figure to another. NWAD CONFIGURATION.4

CONFIGURE, v.t. [L., to form, figure.] To form; to dispose in a certain form, figure or shape. NWAD CONFIGURE.1

CONFINABLE, a. That may be confined or limited. NWAD CONFINABLE.1

CONFINE, n. [L., at the end or border, adjoining; a limit; end, border, limit. See Fine.] Border; edge; exterior part; the part of any territory which is at or near the end or extremity. It is used generally in the plural, and applied chiefly to the countries, territory, cities, rivers, etc. We say, the confines of France, or of Scotland, and figuratively, the confines of light, of death, or the grave; but never, the confines of a book, table or small piece of land. NWAD CONFINE.1

CONFINE, a. Bordering on; lying on the border; adjacent; having a common boundary. NWAD CONFINE.2
CONFINE, v.i. To border on; to touch the limit; to be adjacent or contiguous, as one territory, kingdom or state to another; usually followed by on; sometimes by with. England confines on Scotland. Connecticut confines on Massachusets, New-York, Rhode Island and the sound. NWAD CONFINE.3
CONFINE, v.t. [See supra.] NWAD CONFINE.4

1. To bound or limit; to restrain within limits; hence, to imprison; to shut up; to restrain from escape by force or insurmountable obstacles, in a general sense; as, to confine horses or cattle to an inclosure; to confine water in a pond, to dam; to confine a garrison in a town; to confine a criminal in prison. NWAD CONFINE.5

2. To immure; to deep close, by a voluntary act; to be much at home or in retirement; as, a man confines himself to his studies, or to his house. NWAD CONFINE.6

3. To limit or restrain voluntarily, in some act or practice; as, a man may confine himself to the use of animal food. NWAD CONFINE.7

4. To tie or bind; to make fast or close; as, to confine air in a bladder, or corn in a bag or sack. NWAD CONFINE.8

5. To restrain by a moral force; as, to confine men by laws. The constitution of the United States confines the states to the exercise of powers of a local nature. NWAD CONFINE.9

CONFINED, pp. Restrained within limits; imprisoned; limited; secluded; close. NWAD CONFINED.1

CONFINELESS, a. Boundless; unlimited; without end. NWAD CONFINELESS.1


1. Restraint within limits; imprisonment; any restraint of liberty by force or other obstacle or necessity; as the confinement of a debtor or criminal to a prison, or of troops to a besieged town. NWAD CONFINEMENT.2

2. Voluntary restraint; seclusion; as the confinement of a man to his house, or to his studies. NWAD CONFINEMENT.3

3. Voluntary restraint in action or practice; as confinement to a particular diet. NWAD CONFINEMENT.4

4. Restraint from going abroad by sickness, particularly by child-birth. NWAD CONFINEMENT.5

CONFINER, n. He or that which limits or restrains. NWAD CONFINER.1


1. A borderer; one who lives on confines, or near the border of a country. NWAD CONFINER.3

2. He or that which is near the limit; a near neighbor; he or that which is adjacent or contiguous; as confiners in art; confiners between plants and animals, as oysters. NWAD CONFINER.4

CONFINING, ppr. Restraining; limiting; imprisoning. NWAD CONFINING.1

CONFINITY, n. [L.] Contiguity; nearness; neighborhood. NWAD CONFINITY.1

CONFIRM, v.t. [L., to make firm. See Firm.] NWAD CONFIRM.1

1. To make firm, or more firm; to add strength to; to strengthen; as, health is confirmed by exercise. NWAD CONFIRM.2

2. To fix more firmly; to settle or establish. NWAD CONFIRM.3

Confirming the souls of the disciples. Acts 14:22. NWAD CONFIRM.4

I confirm thee in the priesthood. Maccabees. NWAD CONFIRM.5

Confirm the crown to me and to mine heirs. NWAD CONFIRM.6

3. To make firm or certain; to give new assurance of truth or certainty; to put past doubt. NWAD CONFIRM.7

The testimony of Christ was confirmed in you. 1 Corinthians 1:6. NWAD CONFIRM.8

4. To fix; to radicate; as, the patient has a confirmed dropsy. NWAD CONFIRM.9

5. To strengthen; to ratify; as, to confirm an agreement, promise, covenant or title. NWAD CONFIRM.10

6. To make more firm; to strengthen; as, to confirm an opinion, a purpose or resolution. NWAD CONFIRM.11

7. To admit to the full privileges of a Christian, by the imposition of hands. NWAD CONFIRM.12

CONFIRMABLE, a. That may be confirmed, established or ratified; capable of being made more certain. NWAD CONFIRMABLE.1


1. The act of confirming or establishing; a fixing, settling, establishing or making more certain or firm; establishment. NWAD CONFIRMATION.2

In the defense and confirmation of the gospel, ye are all partakers of my grace. Philippians 1:7. NWAD CONFIRMATION.3

2. The act of ratifying; as the confirmation of a promise, covenant, or stipulation. NWAD CONFIRMATION.4

3. The act of giving new strength; as the confirmation of health. NWAD CONFIRMATION.5

4. The act of giving new evidence; as the confirmation of opinion or report. NWAD CONFIRMATION.6

5. That which confirms; that which gives new strength or assurance; additional evidence; proof; convincing testimony; as, this fact or this argument is a confirmation of what was before alleged. NWAD CONFIRMATION.7

6. In law, an assurance of title, by the conveyance of an estate or right in esse, from one man to another, by which a voidable estate is made sure or unavoidable, or a particular estate is increased, or a possession made perfect. NWAD CONFIRMATION.8

7. In church affairs, the act of ratifying the election of an archbishop or bishop, by the king, or by persons of his appointment. NWAD CONFIRMATION.9

8. The act or ceremony of laying on of hands, in the admission of baptized person to the enjoyment of Christian privileges. The person to be confirmed brings his godfather and godmother, and takes upon himself the baptismal vows. This is practiced in the Greek, Roman, and Episcopal churches. NWAD CONFIRMATION.10

CONFIRMATIVE, a. Having the power of confirming; tending to establish. NWAD CONFIRMATIVE.1

CONFIRMATOR, n. He or that which confirms. NWAD CONFIRMATOR.1


1. That serves to confirm; giving additional strength, force or stability, or additional assurance or evidence. NWAD CONFIRMATORY.2

2. Pertaining to the rite of confirmation. NWAD CONFIRMATORY.3


1. Made more firm; strengthened; established. NWAD CONFIRMED.2

2. Admitted to the full privileges of the church. NWAD CONFIRMED.3


CONFIRMER, n. He or that which confirms, establishes or ratifies; one that produces new evidence; an attester. NWAD CONFIRMER.1

CONFIRMING, ppr. Making firm or more firm; strengthening; ratifying; giving additional evidence or proof; establishing. NWAD CONFIRMING.1

CONFIRMINGLY, adv. In a manner to strengthen or make firm. NWAD CONFIRMINGLY.1

CONFISCABLE, a. [See Confiscate.] That may be confiscated; liable to forfeiture. NWAD CONFISCABLE.1

CONFISCATE, v.t. [L., a basket, hamper or bag; hence, revenue or the Emperors treasure.] To adjudge to be forfeited to the public treasury, as the goods or estate of a traitor or other criminal, by way of penalty; or to condemn private forfeited property to public use. NWAD CONFISCATE.1

The estate of the rebels was seized and confiscated. NWAD CONFISCATE.2

CONFISCATE, a. Forfeited and adjudged to the public treasury, as the goods of a criminal. NWAD CONFISCATE.3

CONFISCATED, pp. Adjudged to the public treasury, as forfeited goods or estate. NWAD CONFISCATED.1

CONFISCATING, ppr. Adjudging to the public use. NWAD CONFISCATING.1

CONFISCATION, n. The act of condemning as forfeited, and adjudging to the public treasury; as the goods of a criminal who has committed a public offense. Ezra 7:26. NWAD CONFISCATION.1

CONFISCATOR, n. One who confiscates. NWAD CONFISCATOR.1

CONFISCATORY, a. Consigning to forfeiture. NWAD CONFISCATORY.1

CONFIT, n. A sweetmeat. [See Confect.] NWAD CONFIT.1

CONFITENT, n. [L. See Confess.] One who confesses his sins and faults. [Not much used.] NWAD CONFITENT.1

CONFITURE, n. [L. This word is corrupted into comfit, which is now used.] A sweetmeat; confection; comfit. NWAD CONFITURE.1

CONFIX, v.t. [L., to fix, to thrust to or on. See Fix.] To fix down; to fasten. NWAD CONFIX.1

CONFIXED, pp. Fixed down or to; fastened. NWAD CONFIXED.1

CONFIXING, ppr. Fixing to or on; fastening. NWAD CONFIXING.1

CONFIXURE, n. The act of fastening. NWAD CONFIXURE.1

CONFLAGRANT, a. [L., to burn. See Flagrant.] Burning together; involved in a common flame. NWAD CONFLAGRANT.1


1. A great fire or the burning of any great mass of combustibles, as a house, but more especially a city or a forest. NWAD CONFLAGRATION.2

2. The burning of the world at the consummation of things, when the elements shall melt with fervent heat. NWAD CONFLAGRATION.3

CONFLATION, n. [L., to blow. See Blow.] NWAD CONFLATION.1

1. The act of blowing tow or more instruments together. NWAD CONFLATION.2

2. A melting or casting of metal. [Little used.] NWAD CONFLATION.3

CONFLEXURE, n. A bending. [Not used.] NWAD CONFLEXURE.1

CONFLICT, n. [L., to strike, to flog, to lick.] NWAD CONFLICT.1

1. A striking or dashing against each other, as of two moving bodies in opposition; violent collision of substances; as a conflict of elements, or waves; a conflict of particles in ebulltion. NWAD CONFLICT.2

2. A fighting; combat, as between men, and applicable to individuals or to armies; as, the conflict was long and desperate. NWAD CONFLICT.3

3. Contention; strife; contest. NWAD CONFLICT.4

In our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off. NWAD CONFLICT.5

4. Struggling with difficulties; a striving to oppose, or overcome. NWAD CONFLICT.6

The good man has a perpetual conflict with his evil propensities. NWAD CONFLICT.7

5. A struggling of the mind; distress; anxiety. Colossians 2:1. NWAD CONFLICT.8

6. The last struggle of life; agony; as the conflict with death. NWAD CONFLICT.9

7. Opposing operations; countervailing action; collision; opposition. NWAD CONFLICT.10

In exercising the right of freemen, the man of religion experiences no conflict between his duty and his inclination. NWAD CONFLICT.11


1. To strike or dash against; to meet and oppose, as bodies driven by violence; as conflicting waves or elements. NWAD CONFLICT.13

2. To drive or strike against, as contending men, or armies; to fight; to contend with violence; as conflicting armies. NWAD CONFLICT.14

3. To strive or struggle to resist and overcome; as men conflicting with difficulties. NWAD CONFLICT.15

4. To be in opposition or contradictory. NWAD CONFLICT.16

The laws of the United States and of the individual States, may, in some cases, conflict with each other. NWAD CONFLICT.17


1. Striking, or dashing together; fighting; contending; struggling to resist and overcome. NWAD CONFLICTING.2

2. Being in opposition; contrary; contradictory. NWAD CONFLICTING.3

In the absence of all conflicting evidence. NWAD CONFLICTING.4

CONFLUENCE, n. [L., to flow. See Flow.] NWAD CONFLUENCE.1

1. A flowing together; the meeting or junction of two or more streams of water, or other fluid; also, the place of meeting; as the confluence of the Tigris and the Frat, or of the Ohio and Mississippi. NWAD CONFLUENCE.2

2. The running together of people; the act of meeting and crowding in a place; a crowd; a concourse; the latter word is more generally used. NWAD CONFLUENCE.3

3. A collection; meeting; assemblage. NWAD CONFLUENCE.4


1. Flowing together; meeting in their course, as two streams; as confluent streams. NWAD CONFLUENT.2

2. In medical science, running together, and spreading over a large surface of the body; as the confluent small-pox. NWAD CONFLUENT.3

3. In botany, united at the base; growing in tufts, as confluent leaves; running into each other, as confluent lobes. NWAD CONFLUENT.4

CONFLUX, n. [L. See Confluence.] NWAD CONFLUX.1

1. A flowing together; a meeting of two or more currents of a fluid. NWAD CONFLUX.2

2. A collection; a crowd; a multitude collected; as a general conflux of people. NWAD CONFLUX.3

CONFLUXIBILITY, n. The tendency of fluids to run together. [Little used.] NWAD CONFLUXIBILITY.1

CONFORM, a. [L., form.] Made to resemble; assuming the same form; like; resembling. [Little used.] NWAD CONFORM.1

CONFORM, v.t. [L., to form, or shape, form.] NWAD CONFORM.2

1. To make like, in external appearance; to reduce to a like shape, or form, with something else; with to; as, to conform any thing to a model. NWAD CONFORM.3

2. More generally, to reduce to a likeness or correspondence in manners, opinions or moral qualities. NWAD CONFORM.4

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son. Romans 8:29. NWAD CONFORM.5

Be not conformed to this world. Romans 12:2. NWAD CONFORM.6

3. To make agreeable to; to square with a rule or directory. NWAD CONFORM.7

Demand of them why they conform not themselves to the order of the church? NWAD CONFORM.8


1. To comply with or yield to; to live or act according to; as, to conform to the fashion or to custom. NWAD CONFORM.10

2. To comply with; to obey; as, to conform to the laws of the state. NWAD CONFORM.11


1. Correspondent; having the same or similar external form, or shape; like; resembling; as an edifice conformable to a model or draft. NWAD CONFORMABLE.2

2. Having the same or similar manners, opinions or moral qualities. NWAD CONFORMABLE.3

The Gentiles were not made conformable to the Jews, in that which was to cease at the coming of Christ. NWAD CONFORMABLE.4

3. Agreeable; suitable; consistent; as, nature is conformable to herself. NWAD CONFORMABLE.5

4. Compliant; ready to follow directions; submissive; obsequious; peaceable; disposed to obey. NWAD CONFORMABLE.6

I have been to you a true and humble wife, At all time to your will conformable. NWAD CONFORMABLE.7

It is generally followed by to, but good writers have used with. In its etymological sense, that may be conformed, capable of being conformed, it seems not to be used. NWAD CONFORMABLE.8

CONFORMABLY, adv. With or in conformity; suitably; agreeably. NWAD CONFORMABLY.1

Let us settle, in our own minds, what rules to pursue and act conformably. NWAD CONFORMABLY.2


1. The manner in which a body is formed; the particular texture or structure of a body, or disposition of the parts which compose it; form; structure; often with relation to some other body, and with adaptation to some purpose or effect. NWAD CONFORMATION.2

Light of different colors is reflected from bodies, according to their different conformation. Varieties of sound depend on the conformation of the organs. NWAD CONFORMATION.3

2. The act of conforming; the act of producing suitableness, or conformity; with to; as the conformation of our hearts and lives to the duties of true religion. NWAD CONFORMATION.4

3. In medical science, the particular make or construction of the body peculiar to an individual; as a good or bad conformation. NWAD CONFORMATION.5

CONFORMED, pp. Made to resemble; reduced to a likeness of; made agreeable to; suited. NWAD CONFORMED.1

CONFORMER, n. One who conforms; one who complies with established forms or doctrines. NWAD CONFORMER.1

CONFORMING, ppr. Reducing to a likeness; adapting; complying with. NWAD CONFORMING.1

CONFORMIST, n. One who conforms or complies; appropriately, one who complies with the worship of the church of England or of the established church, as distinguished from a dissenter, or nonconformist. NWAD CONFORMIST.1


1. Likeness; correspondence with a model in form or manner; resemblance; agreement; congruity with something else; followed by to or with. NWAD CONFORMITY.2

A ship is constructed in conformity to a model, or in conformity with a model. NWAD CONFORMITY.3

True happiness consists in conformity of life to the divine law. NWAD CONFORMITY.4

2. Consistency; agreement. NWAD CONFORMITY.5

Many instances prove the conformity of the essay with the notions of Hippocrates. NWAD CONFORMITY.6

3. In theology, correspondence in manners and principles; compliance with customs. NWAD CONFORMITY.7

Live no in conformity with the world. NWAD CONFORMITY.8

CONFORTATION, n. [See Comfort.] The act of comforting or giving strength. [Not used.] NWAD CONFORTATION.1

CONFOUND, v.t. [L., to pour out. Literally, to pour or throw together.] NWAD CONFOUND.1

1. To mingle and blend different things, so that their forms or natures cannot be distinguished; to mix in a mass or crowd, so that individuals cannot be distinguished. NWAD CONFOUND.2

2. To throw into disorder. NWAD CONFOUND.3

Let us go down, and there confound their language. Genesis 11:7. NWAD CONFOUND.4

3. To mix or blend, so as to occasion a mistake of one thing for another. NWAD CONFOUND.5

A fluid body and a wetting liquor, because they agree in many things, are wont to be confounded. NWAD CONFOUND.6

Men may confound ideas with words. NWAD CONFOUND.7

4. To perplex; to disturb the apprehension by indistinctness of ideas or words. NWAD CONFOUND.8

Men may confound each other by unintelligible terms or wrong application of words. NWAD CONFOUND.9

5. To abash; to throw the mind into disorder; to cast down; to make ashamed. NWAD CONFOUND.10

Be thou confounded and bear thy shame. Ezekiel 16:52. NWAD CONFOUND.11

Saul confounded the Jews at Damascus. Acts 9:22. NWAD CONFOUND.12

6. To perplex with terror; to terrify; to dismay; to astonish; to throw into consternation; to stupefy with amazement. NWAD CONFOUND.13

So spake the Son of God; and Satan stood a while as mute confounded what to say. NWAD CONFOUND.14

The multitude came together and were confounded. Acts 2:6. NWAD CONFOUND.15

7. To destroy; to overthrow. NWAD CONFOUND.16

So deep a malice to confound the race of mankind in one root. NWAD CONFOUND.17


1. Mixed or blended in disorder; perplexed; abashed; dismayed; put to shame and silence; astonished. NWAD CONFOUNDED.2

2. Enormous; as a confounded tory. [Vulgar.] NWAD CONFOUNDED.3

CONFOUNDEDLY, adv. Enormously; greatly; shamefully; as, he was confoundedly avaricious. [A low word.] NWAD CONFOUNDEDLY.1

CONFOUNDEDNESS, n. The state of being confounded. NWAD CONFOUNDEDNESS.1

CONFOUNDER, n. One who confounds; one who disturbs the mind, perplexes, refutes, frustrates and puts to shame or silence; one who terrifies. NWAD CONFOUNDER.1

CONFOUNDING, ppr. Mixing and blending; putting into disorder; perplexing; disturbing the mind; abashing, and putting to shame and silence; astonishing. NWAD CONFOUNDING.1

CONFRATERNITY, n. [L., fraternity, brother.] A brotherhood; a society or body of men, united for some purpose or in some profession; as the confraternity of Jesuits. NWAD CONFRATERNITY.1

CONFRICATION, n. [L., to rub. See Friction.] A rubbing against; friction. NWAD CONFRICATION.1

CONFRIER, n. One of the same religious order. NWAD CONFRIER.1


1. To stand face to face in full view; to face; to stand in front. NWAD CONFRONT.2

He spoke and then confronts the bull. NWAD CONFRONT.3

2. To stand in direct opposition; to oppose. NWAD CONFRONT.4

The East and West churches did both confront the Jews, and concur with them. NWAD CONFRONT.5

3. To set face to face; to bring into the presence of; as a accused person and a witness, in court, for examination and discovery of the truth; followed by with. NWAD CONFRONT.6

The witnesses are confronted with the accused, the accused with one another, or the witnesses with one another. NWAD CONFRONT.7

4. To set together for comparison; to compare one thing with another. NWAD CONFRONT.8

When I confront a medal with a verse, I only show you the same design executed by different hands. NWAD CONFRONT.9

CONFRONTATION, n. The act of bringing two persons into the presence of each other for examination and discovery of truth. NWAD CONFRONTATION.1

CONFRONTED, pp. Set face to face, or in opposition; brought into the presence of. NWAD CONFRONTED.1

CONFRONTING, ppr. Setting or standing face to face, or in opposition, or in presence of. NWAD CONFRONTING.1

CONFUSE, v.t. [L. See Confound.] NWAD CONFUSE.1

1. To mix or blend things, so that they cannot be distinguished. NWAD CONFUSE.2

Stunning sounds and voices all confused. NWAD CONFUSE.3

Every battle of the warrior is with confused noise. Isaiah 9:5. NWAD CONFUSE.4

2. To disorder; as, a sudden alarm confused the troops; a careless bookkeeper has confused the accounts. NWAD CONFUSE.5

3. To perplex; to render indistinct; as, the clamor confused his ideas. NWAD CONFUSE.6

4. To throw the mind into disorder; to cast down or abash; to cause to blush; to agitate by surprise, or shame; to disconcert. NWAD CONFUSE.7

A sarcastic remark confused the gentleman and he could not proceed in his argument. NWAD CONFUSE.8

Confused and sadly she at length replied. NWAD CONFUSE.9


1. Mixed; blended, so that the things or persons mixed cannot be distinguished. NWAD CONFUSED.2

Some cried one thing, and some another; for the assembly was confused. Acts 19:32. NWAD CONFUSED.3

2. Perplexed by disorder, or want of system; as a confused account. NWAD CONFUSED.4

3. Abashed; put to the blush or to shame; agitated; disconcerted. NWAD CONFUSED.5

CONFUSEDLY, adv. In a mixed mass; without order or separation; indistinctly; not clearly; tumultuously; with agitation of mind; without regularity or system. NWAD CONFUSEDLY.1

CONFUSEDNESS, n. A state of being confused; want of order, distinction or clearness. NWAD CONFUSEDNESS.1

The cause of the confusedness of our notions is want of attention. NWAD CONFUSEDNESS.2


1. In a general sense, a mixture of several things promiscuously; hence, disorder; irregularity; as the confusion of tongues at Babel. NWAD CONFUSION.2

2. Tumult; want of order in society. NWAD CONFUSION.3

The whole city was filled with confusion. Acts 19:29. NWAD CONFUSION.4

God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33. NWAD CONFUSION.5

3. A blending or confounding; indistinct combination; opposed to distinctness or perspicuity; as a confusion of ideas. NWAD CONFUSION.6

4. Abashment; shame. NWAD CONFUSION.7

O Lord, let me never be put to confusion. Psalm 71:1. NWAD CONFUSION.8

We lie in shame and our confusion covereth us. Jeremiah 3:25. NWAD CONFUSION.9

5. Astonishment; agitation; perturbation; distraction of mind. NWAD CONFUSION.10

Confusion dwelt in every face. NWAD CONFUSION.11

6. Overthrow; defeat; ruin. NWAD CONFUSION.12

The makers of idols shall go to confusion together. Isaiah 45:16. NWAD CONFUSION.13

7. A shameful blending of natures, a shocking crime. Leviticus 18:23; Leviticus 20:12. NWAD CONFUSION.14

CONFUTABLE, a. [See Confute.] That may be confuted, disproved or overthrown; that may be shown to be false, defective or invalid; as, an argument or a course of reasoning is confutable. NWAD CONFUTABLE.1

CONFUTANT, n. One who confutes or undertakes to confute. NWAD CONFUTANT.1

CONFUTATION, n. The act of confuting, disproving, or proving to be false, or invalid; refutation; overthrow; as of arguments, opinions, reasoning, theory, or error. NWAD CONFUTATION.1


1. To disprove; to prove to be false, defective or invaled; to overthrow; as, to confute arguments, reasoning, theory, error. NWAD CONFUTE.2

2. To prove to be wrong; to convict of error, by argument or proof; as, to confute an advocate at the bar; to confute a writer. NWAD CONFUTE.3

CONFUTED, pp. Disproved; proved to be false, defective or unsound; overthrown by argument, fact or proof. NWAD CONFUTED.1

CONFUTER, n. One who disproves, or confutes. NWAD CONFUTER.1

CONFUTING, ppr. Disproving; proving to be false, defective or invalid; overthrowing by argument or proof. NWAD CONFUTING.1


1. Leave; farewell; parting ceremony. NWAD CONGE.2

2. The act of respect performed at the parting of friends. Hence, the customary act of civility, on other occasions; a bow or a courtesy. NWAD CONGE.3

The captain salutes you with conge profound. NWAD CONGE.4

CONGE, v.i. To take leave with the customary civilities; to bow or courtesy. The preterite congeed is tolerable in English; but congeing will not be admitted, and congeeing is an anomaly. NWAD CONGE.5

Conge delire, in ecclesiastical affairs, the kings license or permission to a dean and chapter, to choose a bishop; or to an abbey or priory of his own foundation, to choose their abbot or prior. The king of Great Britain, as sovereign patron, had formerly the appointment of all ecclesiastical dignities; investing by crosier and ring, and afterwards by letters patent. But now the king, on demand, sends, his conge delire to the dean and chapter, with a letter missive, containing the name of the person he would have them elect, and if they delay the election twelve days, the nomination devolves on the king, who may appoint by letters patent. NWAD CONGE.6

CONGE, n. In architecture, a mold in form of a quarter round, or a cavetto, which serves to separate two members from one another; such as that which joins the shaft of the column to the cincture, called also apophyge. Also, a ring or ferrule, formerly used on the extremities of columns to keep them from splitting; afterwards imitated in stone-work. NWAD CONGE.7

CONGEAL, v.t. [L., to freeze, has the elements of cool, but it may be a different word.] NWAD CONGEAL.1

1. To change from a fluid to a solid sate, as by cold, or a loss of heat, as water in freezing, liquid metal or wax in cooling, blood in stagnating or cooling, etc.; to harden into ice, or into a substance of less solidity. Cold congeals water into ice, or vapor into hoar frost or snow, and blood into a less solid mass, or clot. NWAD CONGEAL.2

2. To bind or fix with cold. Applied to the circulating blood, it does not signify absolutely to harden, but to cause a sensation of cold, a shivering, or a receding of the blood from the extremities; as, the frightful scene congealed his blood. NWAD CONGEAL.3

CONGEAL, v.i. To grow hard, stiff or thick; to pass from a fluid to a solid state; to concrete into a solid mass. Melted lead congelas; water congeals; blood congeals. NWAD CONGEAL.4

CONGEALABLE, a. That may be congealed; capable of being converted from a fluid to a solid state. NWAD CONGEALABLE.1

CONGEALED, pp. Converted into ice, or a solid mass, by the loss of heat or other process; concreted. NWAD CONGEALED.1

CONGEALING, ppr. Changing from a liquid to a solid state; concreting. NWAD CONGEALING.1

CONGEALMENT, n. A clot or concretion; that which is formed by congelation. Also, congelation. NWAD CONGEALMENT.1

CONGELATION, n. [L.] The process of passing, or the act of converting, from a fluid to a solid state; or the state of being congealed; concretion. It differ from crystalization in this; in congelation the whole substance of a fluid may become solid; in crystalization, when a salt is formed, a portion of liquid is left. But the congelation of water is a real crystalization. NWAD CONGELATION.1

CONGENER, n. [L., kind, race.] A thing of the same kind or nature. NWAD CONGENER.1

The cherry tree has been often grafted on the laurel, to which it is a congener. NWAD CONGENER.2

CONGENER, CONGENEROUS, a. Of the same kind or nature; allied in origin or cause; as congenerous bodies; congenerous diseases. NWAD CONGENER.3

CONGENERACY, n. Similarity of origin. NWAD CONGENERACY.1

CONGENERIC, a. Being of the same kind or nature. NWAD CONGENERIC.1

CONGENEROUSNESS, n. The quality of being from the same original, or of belonging to the same class. NWAD CONGENEROUSNESS.1


1. Partaking of the same genus, kind or nature; kindred; cognate; as congenial souls. NWAD CONGENIAL.2

2. Belonging to the nature; natural; agreeable to the nature; usually followed by to; as, this severity is not congenial to him. NWAD CONGENIAL.3

3. Natural; agreeable to the nature; adapted; as a soil congenial to a plant. NWAD CONGENIAL.4

CONGENIALITY, CONGENIALNESS, n. Participation of the same genus, nature or original; cognation; natural affinity; suitableness. NWAD CONGENIALITY.1

CONGENITE, CONGENITAL, a. [L., born, to beget, to be born.] Of the same birth; born with another; connate; begotten together. NWAD CONGENITE.1

Many conclusions of moral and intellectual truths seem to be congenite with us. NWAD CONGENITE.2

Native or congenital varieties of animals. NWAD CONGENITE.3

CONGER, n. [L., Gr.] The sea-eel; a large species of eel, sometimes growing to the length of ten feet, and weighing a hundred pounds. In Cornwall, England, it is an article of commerce, being shipped to Spain and Portugal. NWAD CONGER.1

CONGERIES, n. [L., to bring together, to amass; to bear.] A collection of several particles or bodies in one mass or aggregate. NWAD CONGERIES.1

CONGEST, v.t. [L., to bear.] To collect or gather into a mass or aggregate. NWAD CONGEST.1

CONGESTIBLE, a. That may be collected into a mass. NWAD CONGESTIBLE.1

CONGESTION, n. [L.] A collection of humors in an animal body, hardened into a tumor. An accumulation of blood in a part. NWAD CONGESTION.1

CONGIARY, n. [L.] Properly, a present made by the Roman emperors to the people; originally in corn or wine measured out to them in a congius, a vessel holding a gallon or rather more. In present usage, a gift or a donative represented on a medal. NWAD CONGIARY.1