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ENFORM, v.t. To form; to fashion. [See Form.] NWAD ENFORM.1

ENFOULDERED, a. Mixed with lightning. [Not in use.] NWAD ENFOULDERED.1

1. To make free of a city, corporation or state; to admit to the privileges of a freeman. The English colonies were enfranchised by special charters. NWAD ENFOULDERED.2

2. To free or release from custody. NWAD ENFOULDERED.3

3. To naturalize; to denizen; to receive as denizens; as, to enfranchise foreign words. NWAD ENFOULDERED.4

ENFRANCHISED, pp. Set free; released from bondage. NWAD ENFRANCHISED.1

1. Admitted to the rights and privileges of freemen. NWAD ENFRANCHISED.2

ENFRANCHISEMENT, n. Release from slavery or custody. NWAD ENFRANCHISEMENT.1

1. The admission of persons to the freedom of a corporation or state; investiture with the privileges of free citizens; the incorporating of a person into any society or body politic. NWAD ENFRANCHISEMENT.2

ENFRANCHISER, n. One who enfranchises. NWAD ENFRANCHISER.1

ENFRANCHISING, ppr. Setting free from slavery or custody; admitting to the rights and privileges of denizens or free citizens in a state, or to the privileges of a free man in a corporation. NWAD ENFRANCHISING.1

ENFROWARD, v.t. To make froward or perverse. [Not used.] NWAD ENFROWARD.1

ENFROZEN, a. Frozen; congealed. [Not used.] NWAD ENFROZEN.1


1. To make liable for a debt to a creditor; to bind one’s self as surety. NWAD ENGAGE.2

2. To pawn; to stake as a pledge. NWAD ENGAGE.3

3. To enlist; to bring into a party; as, to engage men for service; to engage friends to aid in a cause. NWAD ENGAGE.4

4. To embark in an affair; as, be not hasty to engage yourself in party disputes. NWAD ENGAGE.5

5. To gain; to win and attach; to draw to. NWAD ENGAGE.6

Good nature engages every one to its possessor. NWAD ENGAGE.7

To very duty he could minds engage. NWAD ENGAGE.8

6. To unite and bind by contract or promise. Nations engage themselves to each other by treaty. The young often engage themselves to their sorrow. NWAD ENGAGE.9

7. To attract and fix; as, to engage the attention. NWAD ENGAGE.10

8. To occupy; to employ assiduously. We were engaged in conversation. The nation is engaged in war. NWAD ENGAGE.11

9. To attack in contest; to encounter. The army engaged the enemy at ten o’clock. The captain engaged the ship, at point blank distance. NWAD ENGAGE.12

ENGAGE, v.i. To encounter; to begin to fight; to attack in conflict. The armies engaged at Marengo, in a general battle. NWAD ENGAGE.13

1. To embark in any business; to take a concern in; to undertake. Be cautious not to engage in controversy, without indispensable necessity. NWAD ENGAGE.14

2. To promise or pledge one’s word; to bind one’s self; as, a friend has engaged to supply the necessary funds. NWAD ENGAGE.15

ENGAGED, pp. or a. Pledged; promised; enlisted; gained and attached; attracted and fixed; embarked; earnestly employed; zealous. NWAD ENGAGED.1

ENGAGEDLY, adv. With earnestness; with attachment. NWAD ENGAGEDLY.1

ENGAGEDNESS, n. The state of being seriously and earnestly occupied; zeal; animation. NWAD ENGAGEDNESS.1

ENGAGEMENT, n. The act of pawning, pledging or making liable for debt. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.1

1. Obligation by agreement or contract. Men are often more ready to make engagements than to fulfil them. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.2

2. Adherence to a party or cause; partiality. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.3

3. Occupation; employment of the attention. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.4

Play, by too long or constant engagement, becomes like an employment or profession. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.5

4. Employment in fighting; the conflict of armies or fleets; battle; a general action; appropriately the conflict of whole armies or fleets, but applied to actions between small squadrons or single ships, rarely to a fight between detachments of land forces. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.6

5. Obligation; motive; that which engages. NWAD ENGAGEMENT.7

ENGAGER, n. One that enters into an engagement or agreement. NWAD ENGAGER.1

ENGAGING, ppr. Pawning; making liable for debt; enlisting; bringing into a party or cause; promising; binding; winning and attaching; encountering; embarking. NWAD ENGAGING.1

1. Winning; attractive; tending to draw the attention or the affections; pleasing; as engaging manners or address. NWAD ENGAGING.2

ENGAGINGLY, adv. In a manner to win the affections. NWAD ENGAGINGLY.1

ENGALLANT, v.t. To make a gallant of. [Not used.] NWAD ENGALLANT.1

ENGAOL, v.t. enja’le. To imprison. [not used.] NWAD ENGAOL.1

ENGARBOIL, v.t. To disorder. [Not in used.] NWAD ENGARBOIL.1

ENGARLAND, v.t. To encircle with a garland. NWAD ENGARLAND.1

ENGARRISON, v.t. To furnish with a garrison; to defend or protect by a garrison. NWAD ENGARRISON.1


ENGENDER, v.t. [L. gener, genero, geno, gigno. See Generate.] NWAD ENGENDER.1

1. To beget between the different sexes; to form in embryo. NWAD ENGENDER.2

2. To produce; to cause to exist; to cause to bring forth. Meteors are engendered in the atmosphere; worms are sometimes engendered in the stomach; intemperance engenders fatal maladies; angry words engender strife. NWAD ENGENDER.3

ENGENDER, v.i. To be caused or produced. NWAD ENGENDER.4

Thick clouds are spread, and storms engender there. NWAD ENGENDER.5

ENGENDERED, pp. Begotten; caused; produced. NWAD ENGENDERED.1

ENGENDERER, n. He or that which engenders. NWAD ENGENDERER.1

ENGENDERING, ppr. Begetting; causing to be; producing. NWAD ENGENDERING.1

ENGILD, v.t. To gild; to brighten. NWAD ENGILD.1

ENGINE, n. [L. ingenium.] NWAD ENGINE.1

1. In mechanics, a compound machine, or artificial instrument, composed of different parts, and intended to produce some effect by the help of the mechanical powers; as a pump, a windlas, a capstan, a fire engine, a steam engine. NWAD ENGINE.2

2. A military machine; as a battering ram, etc. NWAD ENGINE.3

3. Any instrument; that by which any effect is produced. An arrow, a sword, a musket is an engine of death. NWAD ENGINE.4

4. A machine for throwing water to extinguish fire. NWAD ENGINE.5

5. Means; any thing used to effect a purpose. NWAD ENGINE.6

6. An agent for another; usually in an ill sense. NWAD ENGINE.7

ENGINEER, n. In the military art, a person skilled in mathematics and mechanics, who forms plans of works for offense or defense, and marks out the ground for fortifications. Engineers are also employed in delineating plans and superintending the construction of other public works, as aqueducts and canals. The latter are called civil engineers. NWAD ENGINEER.1

1. One who manages engines or artillery. NWAD ENGINEER.2

ENGINERY, n. en’ginry. The act of managing engines or artillery. NWAD ENGINERY.1

1. Engines in general; artillery; instruments of war. NWAD ENGINERY.2

2. Machination. NWAD ENGINERY.3

ENGIRD, v.t. [See Gird.] To surround; to encircle; to encompass. NWAD ENGIRD.1

ENGIRDED, ENGIRT, pp. Surrounded; encompassed. NWAD ENGIRDED.1

ENGIRDING, ppr. Encircling; surrounding. NWAD ENGIRDING.1

ENGLAD, v.t. To make glad; to cause to rejoice. NWAD ENGLAD.1

ENGLAIMED, a. Furred; clammy. [Not used.] NWAD ENGLAIMED.1

ENGLAND, n. [See English.] NWAD ENGLAND.1

ENGLISH, a. ing’glish. [L. ango, from the sense of pressing, depression, laying, which gives the sense of level.] NWAD ENGLISH.1

Belonging to England, or to its inhabitants. NWAD ENGLISH.2

ENGLISH, n. The people of England. NWAD ENGLISH.3

1. The language of England or of the English nation, and of their descendants in India, America and other countries. NWAD ENGLISH.4

ENGLISH, v.t. To translate into the English language. NWAD ENGLISH.5

ENGLISHED, pp. Rendered into English. NWAD ENGLISHED.1

ENGLISHRY, n. The state or privilege of being an Englishman. [Not used.] NWAD ENGLISHRY.1

ENGLUT, v.t. [L. glutio.] NWAD ENGLUT.1

1. To swallow. NWAD ENGLUT.2

2. To fill; to glut. [This word is little used. See Glut.] NWAD ENGLUT.3

ENGORE, v.t. To pierce; to gore. [See Gore.] NWAD ENGORE.1

ENGORGE, v.t. engorj’. To swallow;; to devour; to gorge; properly, to swallow with greediness, or in large quantities. NWAD ENGORGE.1

ENGORGE, v.t. engorj’. To devour; to feed with eagerness or voracity. NWAD ENGORGE.2

ENGORGED, pp. Swallowed with greediness, or in large draughts. NWAD ENGORGED.1

ENGORGEMENT, n. engorj’ment. the act of swallowing greedily; a devouring with voracity. NWAD ENGORGEMENT.1

ENGORGING, ppr. Swallowing with voracity. NWAD ENGORGING.1

ENGRAFT, v.t. To ingraft, which see. NWAD ENGRAFT.1

ENGRAIL, v.t. In heraldry, to variegate; to spot as with hail; to indent or make ragged at the edges, as if broken with hail; to indent in curve lines. NWAD ENGRAIL.1

ENGRAILED, pp. Variegated; spotted. NWAD ENGRAILED.1

ENGRAIN, v.t. [from grain.] To dye in grain, or in the raw material to dye deep. NWAD ENGRAIN.1

ENGRAINED, pp. Dyed in the grain; as engrained carpets. NWAD ENGRAINED.1

ENGRAINING, ppr. Dyeing in the grain. NWAD ENGRAINING.1

ENGRAPPLE, v.t. [from grapple. To grapple; to seize and hold; to close in and hold fast. See Grapple, which is generally used.] NWAD ENGRAPPLE.1

ENGRASP, v.t. [from grasp.] To seize with a clasping hold; to hold fast by inclosing or embracing; to gripe. [See Grasp, which is generally used.] NWAD ENGRASP.1

ENGRAVE, v.t. pret. engraved; pp. engraved or engraven. NWAD ENGRAVE.1

Literally, to scratch or scrape. Hence, NWAD ENGRAVE.2

1. To cut, as metals, stones or other hard substances, with a chisel or graver; to cut figures, letters or devices, on stone or metal; to mark by incision. NWAD ENGRAVE.3

Thou shalt engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel. Exodus 28:11. NWAD ENGRAVE.4

2. To picture or represent by incisions. NWAD ENGRAVE.5

3. To imprint; to impress deeply; to infix. NWAD ENGRAVE.6

Let the laws of God and the principles of morality be engraved on the minds in early years. NWAD ENGRAVE.7

4. To bury; to deposit in the grave; to inter; to inhume. [Not now used.] NWAD ENGRAVE.8

ENGRAVED, ENGRAVEN, pp. Cut or marked, as with a chisel or graver; imprinted; deeply impressed. NWAD ENGRAVED.1

ENGRAVEMENT, n. Engraved work; act of engraving. NWAD ENGRAVEMENT.1

ENGRAVER, n. One who engraves; a cutter of letters, figures or devices, on stone, metal or wood; a sculptor; a carver. NWAD ENGRAVER.1

ENGRAVERY, n. The work of an engraver. [Little used.] NWAD ENGRAVERY.1

ENGRAVING, ppr. Cutting or marking stones or metals, with a chisel or graver; imprinting. NWAD ENGRAVING.1

ENGRAVING, n. The act or art of cutting stones, metals and other hard substances, and representing thereon figures, letters, characters and devices; a branch of sculpture. NWAD ENGRAVING.2

ENGRIEVE, v.t. To grieve; to pain. [See Grieve.] NWAD ENGRIEVE.1


1. Primarily, to make thick or gross; to thicken. [Not now used.] NWAD ENGROSS.2

2. To make larger; to increase in bulk. [Not used.] NWAD ENGROSS.3

3. To seize in the gross; to take the whole; as, worldly cares engross the attention of most men, but neither business nor amusement should engross our whole time. NWAD ENGROSS.4

4. To purchase, with a view to sell again, either the whole or large quantities of commodities in market, for the purpose of making a profit by enhancing the price. Engrossing does not necessarily imply the purchase of the whole of any commodity, but such quantities as to raise the price, by diminishing the supplies in open market, and taking advantage of an increased demand. NWAD ENGROSS.5

5. To copy in a large hand; to write a fair, correct copy, in large or distinct, legible characters, for preservation or duration; as records of public acts, on paper or parchment. NWAD ENGROSS.6

6. To take or assume in undue quantities or degrees; as, to engross power. NWAD ENGROSS.7

ENGROSSED, pp. Made thick; taken in the whole; purchased in large quantities for sale; written in large fair characters. NWAD ENGROSSED.1

ENGROSSER, n. He or that which takes the whole; a person who purchases the whole or such quantities of articles in a market as to raise the price. NWAD ENGROSSER.1

1. One who copies a writing in large, fair characters. NWAD ENGROSSER.2

ENGROSSING, ppr. Taking the whole; buying commodities in such quantities as to raise the price in market. NWAD ENGROSSING.1

1. Writing correct copies in large, fair characters. NWAD ENGROSSING.2

ENGROSSMENT, n. The act of engrossing; the act of taking the whole. NWAD ENGROSSMENT.1

1. The appropriation of things in the gross, or in exorbitant quantities; exorbitant acquisition. NWAD ENGROSSMENT.2

ENGUARD, v.t. [See Guard.] To guard; to defend. NWAD ENGUARD.1

ENGULF, v.t. To throw or to absorb in a gulf. NWAD ENGULF.1

ENGULFED, pp. Absorbed in a whirlpool, or in a deep abyss or gulf. NWAD ENGULFED.1

ENGULFMENT, n. An absorption in a gulf, or deep cavern, or vortex. NWAD ENGULFMENT.1

ENHANCE, v.t. enh`ans. NWAD ENHANCE.1

1. To raise; to lift; applied to material things by Spenser, but this application is entirely obsolete. NWAD ENHANCE.2

2. To raise; to advance; to highthen; applied to price or value. War enhances the price of provisions; it enhances rents, and the value of lands. NWAD ENHANCE.3

3. To raise; applied to qualities, quantity, pleasures, enjoyments, etc. Pleasure is enhanced by the difficulty of obtaining it. NWAD ENHANCE.4

4. To increase; to aggravate. The guilt of a crime may be enhanced by circumstances. NWAD ENHANCE.5

ENH`ANCE, v.i. enh`ans. To be raised; to swell; to grow larger. A debt enhances rapidly by compound interest. NWAD ENHANCE.6

ENHANCED, pp. Raised; advanced; highthened; increased. NWAD ENHANCED.1

ENHANCEMENT, n. Rise; increase; augmentation; as the enhancement of value, price, enjoyment, pleasure, beauty. NWAD ENHANCEMENT.1

1. Increase; aggravation; as the enhancement of evil, grief, punishment, guilt or crime. NWAD ENHANCEMENT.2

ENHANCER, n. One who enhances; he or that which raises price, etc. NWAD ENHANCER.1

ENHANCING, ppr. Raising; increasing; augmenting; aggravating. NWAD ENHANCING.1

ENHARBOR, v.i. To dwell in or inhabit. NWAD ENHARBOR.1

ENHARDEN, v.t. To harden; to encourage. NWAD ENHARDEN.1

ENHARMONIC, a. [from harmonic, harmony.] In music, an epithet applied to such species of composition, as proceed on very small intervals, or smaller intervals that the diatonic and chromatic. An enharmonic interval is the eighth of a tone. NWAD ENHARMONIC.1

ENIGMA, n. [L. oenigma; Gr. to hint.] A dark saying, in which some known thing is concealed under obscure language; an obscure question; a riddle. A question, saying or painting, containing a hidden meaning, which is proposed to be guessed. NWAD ENIGMA.1

ENIGMATIC, ENIGMATICAL, a. Relating to or containing a riddle; obscure; darkly expressed; ambiguous. NWAD ENIGMATIC.1

1. Obscurely conceived or apprehended. NWAD ENIGMATIC.2

ENIGMATICALLY, adv. In an obscure manner; in a sense different from that which the words in common acceptation imply. NWAD ENIGMATICALLY.1

ENIGMATIST, n. A maker or dealer in enigmas and riddles. NWAD ENIGMATIST.1

ENIGMATIZE, v.i. To utter or form enigmas; to deal in riddles. NWAD ENIGMATIZE.1

ENIGMATOGRAPHY, ENIGMATOLOGY, n. The art of making riddles; or the art of solving them. NWAD ENIGMATOGRAPHY.1

ENJOIN, v.t. [L. injungo. See Join. We observe that the primary sense of join is to set, extend or lay to, to throw to or on; otherwise the sense of order or command could not spring from it. To enjoin is to set or lay to or on.] NWAD ENJOIN.1

1. To order or direct with urgency; to admonish or instruct with authority; to command. Says Johnson, “this word is more authoritative than direct, and less imperious than command.” It has the force of pressing admonition with authority; as, a parent enjoins on his children the duty of obedience. But it has also the sense of command; as the duties enjoined by God in the moral law. NWAD ENJOIN.2

2. In law, to forbid judicially; to issue or direct a legal injunction to stop proceedings. NWAD ENJOIN.3

This is a suit to enjoin the defendants from disturbing the plaintiffs. NWAD ENJOIN.4

ENJOINED, pp. Ordered; directed; admonished with authority; commanded. NWAD ENJOINED.1

ENJOINER, n. One who enjoins. NWAD ENJOINER.1

ENJOINING, ppr. Ordering; directing. NWAD ENJOINING.1

ENJOINMENT, n. Direction; command; authoritative admonition. NWAD ENJOINMENT.1


1. To feel or perceive with pleasure; to take pleasure or satisfaction in the possession or experience of. We enjoy the dainties of a feast, the conversation of friends, and our own meditations. NWAD ENJOY.2

I could enjoy the pangs of death, NWAD ENJOY.3

And smile in agony. NWAD ENJOY.4

2. To possess with satisfaction; to take pleasure or delight in the possession of. NWAD ENJOY.5

Thou shalt beget sons, but thou shalt not enjoy them. Deuteronomy 28:41. NWAD ENJOY.6

3. To have, possess and use with satisfaction; to have, hold or occupy, as a good or profitable thing, or as something desirable. We enjoy a free constitution and inestimable privileges. NWAD ENJOY.7

That the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers. Numbers 36:8. NWAD ENJOY.8

The land shall enjoy her sabbaths. Leviticus 26:34. NWAD ENJOY.9

To enjoy one’s self, is to feel pleasure or satisfaction in one’s own mind, or to relish the pleasures in which one partakes; to be happy. NWAD ENJOY.10

ENJOY, v.i. To live in happiness. [Unusual.] NWAD ENJOY.11

ENJOYABLE, a. Capable of being enjoyed. NWAD ENJOYABLE.1

ENJOYED, pp. Perceived with pleasure or satisfaction; possessed or used with pleasure; occupied with content. NWAD ENJOYED.1

ENJOYER, n. One who enjoys. NWAD ENJOYER.1

ENJOYING, ppr. Feeling with pleasure; possessing with satisfaction. NWAD ENJOYING.1

ENJOYMENT, n. Pleasure; satisfaction; agreeable sensations; fruition. NWAD ENJOYMENT.1

1. Possession with satisfaction; occupancy of any thing good or desirable; as the enjoyment of an estate; the enjoyment of civil and religious privileges. NWAD ENJOYMENT.2

ENKINDLE, v.t. [from kindle.] To kindle; to set on fire; to inflame; as, to enkindle sparks into a flame. In this literal sense, kindle is generally used. NWAD ENKINDLE.1

1. To excite; to rouse into action; to inflame; as, to enkindle the passions into a flame; to enkindle zeal; to enkindle war or discord, or the flames of war. NWAD ENKINDLE.2

ENKINDLED, pp. Set on fire; inflamed; roused into action; excited. NWAD ENKINDLED.1

ENKINDLING, ppr. Setting on fire; inflaming; rousing; exciting. NWAD ENKINDLING.1

ENLARD, v.t. To cover with lard or grease; to baste. NWAD ENLARD.1

ENLARGE, v.t. enlarj. [from large.] To make greater in quantity or dimensions; to extend in limits, breadth or side; to expand in bulk. Every man desires to enlarge his possessions; the prince, his dominions. and the landholder, his farm. The body is enlarged by nutrition, and a good man rejoices to enlarge the sphere of his benevolence. NWAD ENLARGE.1

God shall enlarge Japhet. Genesis 9:27. NWAD ENLARGE.2

1. To dilate; to expand; as with joy or love. NWAD ENLARGE.3

O ye, Corinthians, our mouth is open to you, our heart is enlarged. 2 Corinthians 6:11. NWAD ENLARGE.4

2. To expand; to make more comprehensive. Science enlarges the mind. NWAD ENLARGE.5

3. To increase in appearance; to magnify to the eye; as by a glass. NWAD ENLARGE.6

4. To set at liberty; to release from confinement or pressure. NWAD ENLARGE.7

5. To extend in a discourse; to diffuse in eloquence. NWAD ENLARGE.8

They enlarged themselves on this subject. NWAD ENLARGE.9

In this application, the word is generally intransitive. NWAD ENLARGE.10

6. To augment; to increase; to make large or larger, in a general sense; a word of general application. NWAD ENLARGE.11

To enlarge the heart, may signify to open and expand in good will; to make free, liberal and charitable. NWAD ENLARGE.12

ENL`ARGE, v.i. enlarj. To grow large or larger; to extend; to dilate; to expand. A plant enlarges by growth; an estate enlarges by good management; a volume of air enlarges by rarefaction. NWAD ENLARGE.13

1. To be diffuse in speaking or writing; to expatiate. I might enlarge on this topic. NWAD ENLARGE.14

2. To exaggerate. NWAD ENLARGE.15

ENLARGED, pp. Increased in bulk; extended in dimension; expanded; dilated; augmented; released from confinement or straits. NWAD ENLARGED.1

ENLARGEDLY, adv. With enlargement. NWAD ENLARGEDLY.1