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HARVEST-FLY, n. A large four-winged insect of the cicada kind, common in Italy. NWAD HARVEST-FLY.1

HARVEST-HOME, n. The time of harvest. NWAD HARVEST-HOME.1

1. The song sung by reapers at the feast made at the gathering of corn, or the feast itself. NWAD HARVEST-HOME.2

2. The opportunity of gathering treasure. NWAD HARVEST-HOME.3

HARVESTING, ppr. Reaping and collecting, as ripe corn and other fruits. NWAD HARVESTING.1

HARVEST-LORD, n. The head-reaper at the harvest. NWAD HARVEST-LORD.1

HARVEST-MAN, n. A laborer in harvest. NWAD HARVEST-MAN.1

HARVEST-QUEEN, n. An image representing Ceres, formerly carried about on the last day of harvest. NWAD HARVEST-QUEEN.1

HASH, v.t. [Eng. to hack. See Hack.] To chop into small pieces; to mince and mix; as, to hash meat. NWAD HASH.1

HASH, n. Minced meat, or a dish of meat and vegetables chopped into small pieces and mixed. NWAD HASH.2

HASK, n. A case made of rushes or flags. [Not used.] NWAD HASK.1

HASLET, n. [See Harslet.] NWAD HASLET.1


1. A clasp that passes over a staple to be fastened by a padlock. NWAD HASP.2

2. A spindle to wind thread or silk on. NWAD HASP.3

H`ASP, v.t. To shut or fasten with a hasp. NWAD HASP.4

HASSOC, n. A thick mat or bass on which persons kneel in church. NWAD HASSOC.1

And knees and hassocs are well nigh divorc’d. NWAD HASSOC.2

HAST, the second person singular of have, I have, thou hast, contracted from havest. It is used only in the solemn style. NWAD HAST.1

HASTATE, HASTATED, a. [L. hastatus, from hasta, a spear.] In botany, spear-shaped; resembling the head of a halberd; triangular, hollowed at the base and on the sides, with the angles spreading; as a hastate leaf. NWAD HASTATE.1


1. Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals; never to other bodies. We never say, a ball flies with haste. NWAD HASTE.2

The king’s business required haste. 1 Samuel 21:8. NWAD HASTE.3

2. Sudden excitement of passion; quickness; precipitance; vehemence. NWAD HASTE.4

I said in my haste, all men are liars. Psalm 116:11. NWAD HASTE.5

3. The state of being urged or pressed by business; as, I am in great haste. NWAD HASTE.6

HASTE, HASTEN, v.t. To press; to drive or urge forward; to push on; to precipitate; to accelerate movement. NWAD HASTE.7

I would hasten my escape from the windy storm. Psalm 55:8. NWAD HASTE.8

HASTE, HASTEN, v.i. To move with celerity; to be rapid in motion; to be speedy or quick. NWAD HASTE.9

They were troubled and hasted away. Psalm 48:5. NWAD HASTE.10

HASTED, HASTENED, pp. Moved rapidly; accelerated; urged with speed. NWAD HASTED.1

HASTENER, n. One that hastens or urges forward. NWAD HASTENER.1

HASTING, HASTENING, ppr. Urging forward; pushing on; proceeding rapidly. NWAD HASTING.1

That state is hastening to ruin, in which no difference is made between good and bad men. NWAD HASTING.2

HASTILY, adv. [See Hasty.] In haste; with speed or quickness; speedily; nimbly. NWAD HASTILY.1

Half clothed, half naked, hastily retire. NWAD HASTILY.2

1. Rashly; precipitately; without due reflection. NWAD HASTILY.3

We hastily engaged in the war. NWAD HASTILY.4

2. Passionately; under sudden excitement of passion. NWAD HASTILY.5

HASTINESS, n. Haste; speed; quickness or celerity in motion or action, as of animals. NWAD HASTINESS.1

1. Rashness; heedless eagerness; precipitation. Our hastiness to engage in the war caused deep regret. NWAD HASTINESS.2

2. Irritability; susceptibility of anger, warmth or temper. NWAD HASTINESS.3

HASTING-PEAR, n. An early pear, called also green chissel. NWAD HASTING-PEAR.1

HASTINGS, n. [from hasty.] Peas that come early. NWAD HASTINGS.1

HASTIVE, a. Forward; early; as fruit. [Not much used.] NWAD HASTIVE.1

HASTY, a. Quick; speedy; opposed to slow. NWAD HASTY.1

Be not hasty to go out of his sight. Ecclesiastes 8:3. NWAD HASTY.2

1. Eager precipitate; rash; opposed to deliberate. NWAD HASTY.3

Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? NWAD HASTY.4

There is more hope of a fool than of him. Proverbs 29:20. NWAD HASTY.5

2. Irritable; easily excited to wrath; passionate. NWAD HASTY.6

He that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. Proverbs 14:29. NWAD HASTY.7

3. Early ripe; forward; as hasty fruit. Isaiah 28:4. NWAD HASTY.8

HASTYPUDDING, n. A pudding made of the meal of maiz moistened with water and boiled, or of milk and flour boiled. NWAD HASTYPUDDING.1


1. A covering for the head; a garment made of different materials, and worn by men or women for defending the head from rain or heat, or for ornament. Hats for men are usually made of fur or wool, and formed with a crown and brim. Hats for females are made of straw or grass braid, and various other materials. Of these the ever varying forms admit of no description that can long be correct. NWAD HAT.2

2. The dignity of a cardinal. NWAD HAT.3

HAT-BAND, n. A band round the crown of a hat. NWAD HAT-BAND.1

HAT-BOX, HAT-CASE, n. A box for a hat. But a case for a lady’s hat is called a band-box. NWAD HAT-BOX.1

HATABLE, a. [from hate.] That may be hated; odious. NWAD HATABLE.1


1. To produce young from eggs by incubation, or by artificial heat. In Egypt, chickens are hatched by artificial heat. NWAD HATCH.2

The partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not. Jeremiah 17:11. NWAD HATCH.3

2. To contrive or plot; to form by meditation, and bring into being; to originate and produce in silence; as, to hatch mischief; to hatch heresy. NWAD HATCH.4

HATCH, v.t. To shade by lines in drawing and engraving. NWAD HATCH.5

Those hatching strokes of the pencil. NWAD HATCH.6

1. To steep. NWAD HATCH.7

HATCH, v.i. To produce young; to bring the young to maturity. Eggs will not hatch without a due degree and continuance of heat. NWAD HATCH.8
HATCH, n. A brood; as many chickens as are produced at once, or by one incubation. NWAD HATCH.9

1. The act of exclusion from the egg. NWAD HATCH.10

2. Disclosure; discovery. NWAD HATCH.11


1. Properly, the grate or frame of cross-bars laid over the opening in a ship’s deck, now called hatch-bars. The lid or cover of a hatchway is also called hatches. NWAD HATCH.13

2. The opening in a ship’s deck, or the passage from one deck to another, the name of the grate itself being used for the opening; but this is more properly called the hatchway. NWAD HATCH.14

3. A half-door, or door with an opening over it. NWAD HATCH.15

4. Floodgates. NWAD HATCH.16

5. In Cornwall, Eng. openings into mines, or in search of them. NWAD HATCH.17

6. To be under the hatches, to be confined, or to be in distress, depression or slavery. NWAD HATCH.18

HATCHEL, n. An instrument formed with long iron teeth set in a board, for cleaning flax or hemp from the tow, hards or coarse part. The hatchel is a large species of comb. NWAD HATCHEL.1

HATCHEL, v.t. To draw flax or hemp through the teeth of a hatchel, for separating the coarse part and broken pieces of the stalk from the fine fibrous parts. NWAD HATCHEL.2

1. To tease or vex, by sarcasms or reproaches; a vulgar use of the word. NWAD HATCHEL.3

HATCHELED, pp. Cleansed by a hatchel; combed. NWAD HATCHELED.1

HATCHELER, n. One who uses a hatchel. NWAD HATCHELER.1

HATCHELING, ppr. Drawing through the teeth of a hatchel. NWAD HATCHELING.1

HATCHET, n. A small ax with a short handle, to be used with one hand. NWAD HATCHET.1

To take up the hatchet, a phrase borrowed from the natives of America, is to make war. NWAD HATCHET.2

To bury the hatchet, is to make peace. NWAD HATCHET.3

HATCHET-FACE, n. A prominent face, like the edge of a hatchet. NWAD HATCHET-FACE.1

HATCHETINE, n. A substance of the hardness of soft tallow, of a yellowish white or greenish yellow color, found in South Wales. NWAD HATCHETINE.1

HATCHMENT, n. [corrupted from achievement.] An armorial escutcheon on a herse at funerals, or in a church. NWAD HATCHMENT.1

HATCHWAY, n. In ships, a square or oblong opening in the deck, affording a passage from one deck, affording a passage from one deck to another, or into the hold or lower apartments. NWAD HATCHWAY.1

HATE, v.t. [L. odi, for hodi.] NWAD HATE.1

1. To dislike greatly; to have a great aversion to. It expresses less than abhor, detest, and abominate, unless pronounced with a peculiar emphasis. NWAD HATE.2

How long will fools hate knowledge? Proverbs 1:22. NWAD HATE.3

Blessed are ye when men shall hate you. Luke 6:22. NWAD HATE.4

The Roman tyrant was contented to be hated, if he was but feared. NWAD HATE.5

2. In Scripture, it signifies to love less. NWAD HATE.6

If any man come to me, and hate not father and mother, etc. Luke 14:26. NWAD HATE.7

He that spareth the rod, hateth his son. Proverbs 13:24. NWAD HATE.8

HATE, n. Great dislike or aversion; hatred. NWAD HATE.9

HATED, pp. Greatly disliked. NWAD HATED.1

HATEFUL, a. Odious; exciting great dislike, aversion or disgust. All sin is hateful in the sight of God and of good men. NWAD HATEFUL.1

1. That feels hatred; malignant; malevolent. NWAD HATEFUL.2

And, worse than death, to view with hateful eyes NWAD HATEFUL.3

His rival’s conquest. NWAD HATEFUL.4

HATEFULLY, adv. Odiously; with great dislike. NWAD HATEFULLY.1

1. Malignantly; maliciously. Ezekiel 23:29. NWAD HATEFULLY.2

HATEFULNESS, n. Odiousness; the quality of being hateful, or of exciting aversion or disgust. NWAD HATEFULNESS.1

HATER, n. One that hates. NWAD HATER.1

An enemy to God, and hater of all good. NWAD HATER.2

HATING, ppr. Disliking extremely; entertaining a great aversion for. NWAD HATING.1

HATRED, n. Great dislike or aversion; hate; enmity. Hatred is an aversion to evil, and may spring from utter disapprobation, as the hatred of vice or meanness; or it may spring from offenses or injuries done by fellow men, or from envy or jealousy, in which case it is usually accompanied with malevolence or malignity. Extreme hatred is abhorrence or detestation. NWAD HATRED.1

HATTED, a. [from hat.] Covered with a hat; wearing a hat. NWAD HATTED.1

HATTER, v.t. To harass. [Not in use.] NWAD HATTER.1

HATTOCK, n. [Erse, attock.] A shock of corn. [Not in use.] NWAD HATTOCK.1

HAUBERK, n. A coat of mail without sleeves. NWAD HAUBERK.1

HAUGHT, a. haut. [L. altus, that is, haltus, changed to haut.] NWAD HAUGHT.1

High; elevated; hence, proud; insolent. NWAD HAUGHT.2

HAUGHTILY, adv. hau’tily. [See Haught and Haughty.] NWAD HAUGHTILY.1

Proudly; arrogantly; with contempt or disdain; as, to speak or behave haughtily. NWAD HAUGHTILY.2

Her heavenly form too haughtily she prized. NWAD HAUGHTILY.3

HAUGHTINESS, n. hau’tiness. The quality of being haughty; pride mingled with some degree of contempt for others; arrogance. NWAD HAUGHTINESS.1

I will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. Isaiah 13:11. NWAD HAUGHTINESS.2

HAUGHTY, a. hau’ty. [from haught.] NWAD HAUGHTY.1

1. Proud and disdainful; having a high opinion of one’s self, with some contempt for others; lofty and arrogant; supercilious. NWAD HAUGHTY.2

His wife was a woman of a haughty and imperious nature. NWAD HAUGHTY.3

A haughty spirit goeth before a fall. Proverbs 16:18. NWAD HAUGHTY.4

2. Proceeding from excessive pride, or pride mingled with contempt; manifesting pride and disdain; as a haughty air or walk. NWAD HAUGHTY.5

3. Proud and imperious; as a haughty nation. NWAD HAUGHTY.6

4. Lofty; bold; of high hazard; as a haughty enterprise. NWAD HAUGHTY.7


1. To pull or draw with force; to drag; as, to haul a heavy body along on the ground; to haul a boat on shore. Haul is equivalent to drag, and differs sometimes from pull and draw, in expressing more force and labor. It is much used by seamen; as, to haul down the sails; haul in the boom; haul aft, etc. NWAD HAUL.2

2. To drag; to compel to go. NWAD HAUL.3

Lest he haul thee to the judge. Luke 12:58. NWAD HAUL.4

When applied to persons, haul implies compulsion or rudeness, or both. NWAD HAUL.5

To haul the wind, in seamanship, is to turn the head of the ship nearer to the point from which the wind blows, by arranging the sails more obliquely, bracing the yards more forward, hauling the sheets more aft, etc. NWAD HAUL.6

HAUL, n. A pulling with force; a violent pull. NWAD HAUL.7

1. A draft of a net; as, to catch a hundred fish at a haul. NWAD HAUL.8

HAULED, pp. Pulled with force; dragged; compelled to move. NWAD HAULED.1

HAULING, ppr. Drawing by force or violence; dragging. NWAD HAULING.1

HAULM, HAUM, n. [L. culmus, the stalk of corn.] NWAD HAULM.1

1. The stem or stalk of grain, of all kinds, or of peas, beans, hops, etc. NWAD HAULM.2

2. Straw; the dry stalks of corn, etc. in general. NWAD HAULM.3


1. The hip; that part of the body of man and of quadrupeds, which lies between the last ribs and the thigh. NWAD HAUNCH.2

2. The rear; the hind part. [Not used.] NWAD HAUNCH.3


1. To frequent; to resort to much or often, or to be much about; to visit customarily. NWAD HAUNT.2

Celestial Venus haunts Idalia’s groves. NWAD HAUNT.3

2. To come to frequently; to intrude on; to trouble with frequent visits; to follow importunately. NWAD HAUNT.4

You wrong me, Sir, thus still to haunt my house. NWAD HAUNT.5

Those cares that haunt the court and town. NWAD HAUNT.6

3. It is particularly applied to specters or apparitions, which are represented by fear and credulity as frequenting or inhabiting old, decayed and deserted houses. NWAD HAUNT.7

Foul spirits haunt my resting place. NWAD HAUNT.8

H`AUNT, v.i. To be much about; to visit or be present often. NWAD HAUNT.9

I’ve charged thee not to haunt about my door. NWAD HAUNT.10

H`AUNT, n. A place to which one frequently resorts. Taverns are often the haunts of tipplers. A den is the haunt of wild beasts. NWAD HAUNT.11

1. The habit or custom of resorting to a place. [Not used.] NWAD HAUNT.12

2. Custom; practice. NWAD HAUNT.13

HAUNTED, pp. Frequently visited or resorted to, especially by apparitions. NWAD HAUNTED.1

1. Troubled by frequent visits. NWAD HAUNTED.2

HAUNTER, n. One who frequents a particular place, or is often about it. NWAD HAUNTER.1

HAUNTING, ppr. Frequenting; visiting often; troubling with frequent visits. NWAD HAUNTING.1

HAUST, n. A dry cough. NWAD HAUST.1

HAUTBOY, n. ho’boy. A wind instrument, somewhat resembling a flute, but widening towards the bottom, and sounded through a reed. The treble is two feet long. The tenor goes a fifth lower, when blown open. It has only eight holes; but the base, which is five feet long, has eleven. NWAD HAUTBOY.1

HAUTEUR, n. Pride, haughtiness; insolent manner or spirit. NWAD HAUTEUR.1

HAUYNE, n. A mineral, called by Hauy latialite, occurring in grains or small masses, and also in groups of minute, shining crystals. Its color is blue, of various shades. It is found imbedded in volcanic rocks, basalt, clinkstone, etc. NWAD HAUYNE.1

HAVE, v.t. hav. pret. and pp. had. Present, I have, thou hast, he has; we, ye, they, have. [L. habeo.] NWAD HAVE.1

1. To possess; to hold in possession or power. NWAD HAVE.2

How many loaves have ye? Matthew 15:34. NWAD HAVE.3

He that gathered much had nothing over. Exodus 16:18. NWAD HAVE.4

I have a Levite to my priest. Judges 17:13. NWAD HAVE.5

To have and to hold, terms in a deed of conveyance. NWAD HAVE.6

2. To possess, as something that is connected with, or belongs to one. NWAD HAVE.7

Have ye a father? Have ye another brother? Genesis 43:7, and Genesis 44:19. NWAD HAVE.8

--Sheep that have no shepherd. 1 Kings 22:17. NWAD HAVE.9

3. To marry; to take for a wife or husband. NWAD HAVE.10

In the resurrection, whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. Matthew 22:28. NWAD HAVE.11

4. To hold; to regard. Thus, to have in honor, is to hold in esteem; to esteem; to honor. NWAD HAVE.12

To have in derision or contempt, to hold in derision or contempt; to deride; to despise. NWAD HAVE.13

5. To maintain; to hold in opinion. NWAD HAVE.14

Sometimes they will have them to be the natural heat; sometimes they will have them to be the qualities of the tangible parts. NWAD HAVE.15

6. To be urged by necessity or obligation; to be under necessity, or impelled by duty. NWAD HAVE.16

I have to visit twenty patients every day. NWAD HAVE.17

We have to strive against temptations. NWAD HAVE.18

We have to encounter strong prejudices. NWAD HAVE.19

The nation has to pay the interest of an immense debt. NWAD HAVE.20

7. To seize and hold; to catch. The hound has him. [The original, but now a vulgar use of the word.] NWAD HAVE.21

8. To contain. The work has many beauties and many faults. NWAD HAVE.22

9. To gain; to procure; to receive; to obtain; to purchase. I had this cloth very cheap. NWAD HAVE.23

He has a guinea a month. NWAD HAVE.24

He has high wages for his services. NWAD HAVE.25

Had rather, denotes wish or preference. NWAD HAVE.26

I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:10. NWAD HAVE.27

Is not this phrase a corruption of would rather? NWAD HAVE.28

To have after, to pursue. [Not much used, nor elegant.] NWAD HAVE.29

To have away, to remove; to take away. NWAD HAVE.30

To have at, to encounter; to assail; as, to have at him; to have at you. [Legitimate, but vulgar.] NWAD HAVE.31

To enter into competition with; to make trial with. NWAD HAVE.32

Dryden uses in a like sense, have with you; but these uses are inelegant. NWAD HAVE.33

To have in, to contain. NWAD HAVE.34

To have on, to wear; to carry; as raiment or weapons. NWAD HAVE.35

He saw a man who had not on a wedding garment. Matthew 22:11. NWAD HAVE.36

To have out, to cause to depart. 2 Samuel 13:9. NWAD HAVE.37

To have a care, to take care; to be on the guard, or to guard. NWAD HAVE.38

To have pleasure, to enjoy. NWAD HAVE.39

To have pain, to suffer. NWAD HAVE.40

To have sorrow, to be grieved or afflicted. NWAD HAVE.41

With would and should. NWAD HAVE.42

He would have, he desires to have, or he requires. NWAD HAVE.43

He should have, he ought to have. NWAD HAVE.44

But the various uses of have in such phrases, and its uses as an auxiliary verb, are fully explained in grammars. As an auxiliary, it assists in forming the perfect tense, as I have formed, thou hast formed, he hath or has formed, we have formed, and the prior-past tense, as I had seen, thou hadst seen, he had seen. NWAD HAVE.45

HAVELESS, a. hav’les. Having little or nothing. [Not in use.] NWAD HAVELESS.1

HAVEN, n. ha’vn. NWAD HAVEN.1

1. A harbor; a port; a bay, recess or inlet of the sea, or the mouth of a river which affords good anchorage and a safe station for ships; any place in which ships can be sheltered by the land from the force of tempests and a violent sea. NWAD HAVEN.2

2. A shelter; an asylum; a place of safety. NWAD HAVEN.3

HAVENER, n. The overseer of a port; a harbor-master. [Not used.] NWAD HAVENER.1

HAVER, n. One who has or possesses; a possessor; a holder. [Little used.] NWAD HAVER.1

HAVER, n. [L. avena.] Oats; a word of local use in the north of England; as haverbread, oaten bread. NWAD HAVER.2

HAVERSACK, n. A soldier’s knapsack. NWAD HAVERSACK.1

HAVING, ppr. [from have.] Possessing; holding in power or possession; containing; gaining; receiving; taking. NWAD HAVING.1

HAVING, n. Possession; goods; estate. [Not in use.] NWAD HAVING.2

1. The act or state of possessing. NWAD HAVING.3

HAVOCK, n. Waste; devastation; wide and general destruction. NWAD HAVOCK.1

Ye gods! what havock does ambition make NWAD HAVOCK.2

Among your works. NWAD HAVOCK.3

As for Saul, he made havock of the church. Acts 8:3. NWAD HAVOCK.4

HAVOCK, v.t. To waste; to destroy; to lay waste. NWAD HAVOCK.5

To waste and havock yonder world. NWAD HAVOCK.6


1. The berry and seed of the hawthorn, that is, hedge-thorn. NWAD HAW.2

2. A small piece of ground adjoining a house; a small field; properly, an inclosed piece of land, from hedge, like garden, which also signifies an inclosure. NWAD HAW.3

3. In farriery, an excrescence resembling a gristle, growing under the nether eyelid and eye of a horse. NWAD HAW.4

4. A dale. NWAD HAW.5

HAW, v.i. [corrupted from hawk, or hack.] To stop in speaking with a haw, or to speak with interruption and hesitation; as, to hem and haw. NWAD HAW.6

HAWFINCH, n. A bird, a species of Loxia. NWAD HAWFINCH.1

HAWHAW, n. [duplication of haw, a hedge.] A fence or bank that interrupts an alley or walk, sunk between slopes and not perceived till approached. NWAD HAWHAW.1

HAWING, ppr. Speaking with a haw, or with hesitation. NWAD HAWING.1

HAWK, n. A genus of fowls, the Falco, of many species, having a crooked beak, furnished with a cere at the base, a cloven tongue, and the head thick set with feathers. Most of the species are rapacious, feeding on birds or other small animals. Hawks were formerly trained for sport or catching small birds. NWAD HAWK.1

HAWK, v.i. To catch or attempt to catch birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose, and let loose on the prey; to practice falconry. NWAD HAWK.2

He that hawks at larks and sparrows. NWAD HAWK.3

A falc’ner Henry is, when Emma hawks. NWAD HAWK.4

1. To fly at; to attack on the wing; with at. NWAD HAWK.5

To hawk at flies. NWAD HAWK.6

HAWK, v.i. To make an effort to force up phlegm with noise; as, to hawk and spit. NWAD HAWK.7

To hawk up, transitively; as, to hawk up phlegm. NWAD HAWK.8

HAWK, n. An effort to force up phlegm from the throat, accompanied with noise. NWAD HAWK.9
HAWK, v.t. [L. auctio, auction, a sale by outcry.] To cry; to offer for sale by outcry in the street, or to sell by outcry; as, to hawk goods or pamphlets. NWAD HAWK.10

HAWKED, pp. Offered for sale by outcry in the street. NWAD HAWKED.1

1. Crooked; curving like a hawk’s bill. NWAD HAWKED.2

HAWKER, n. One who offers goods for sale by outcry in the street; a peddlar. NWAD HAWKER.1

1. A falconer. NWAD HAWKER.2

HAWKEYED, a. Having acute sight; discerning. NWAD HAWKEYED.1

HAWKING, ppr. Catching wild birds by hawks. NWAD HAWKING.1

1. Making an effort to discharge phlegm. NWAD HAWKING.2

2. Offering for sale in the street by outcry. NWAD HAWKING.3

HAWKING, n. The exercise of taking wild fowls by means of hawks. NWAD HAWKING.4

HAWKNOSED, a. Having an aquiline nose. NWAD HAWKNOSED.1

HAWKWEED, n. The vulgar name of several species of plants, of the genera, Hieracium, Crepis, Hyoseris, and Andryala. NWAD HAWKWEED.1

HAWSE, n. hawz. [See Halser.] The situation of a ship moored with two anchors from the bows, one on the starboard, the other on the larboard bow; as, the ship has a clear hawse, or a foul hawse. A foul hawse is when the cables cross each other or are twisted together. NWAD HAWSE.1

HAWSE-HOLE, n. A cylindrical hole in the bow of a ship through which a cable passes. NWAD HAWSE-HOLE.1

HAWSE-PIECE, n. One of the foremost timbers of a ship. NWAD HAWSE-PIECE.1

HAWSER, n. [See Halser.] A small cable; or a large rope, in size between a cable and a tow-line. NWAD HAWSER.1

HAWTHORN, n. A shrub or tree which bears the haw, of the genus Crataegus; the white-thorn. The hawthorn is much used for hedges, and for standards in gardens. It grows naturally in all parts of Europe. NWAD HAWTHORN.1

HAWTHORN-FLY, n. An insect so called. NWAD HAWTHORN-FLY.1

HAY, n. Grass cut and dried for fodder; grass prepared for preservation. NWAD HAY.1

Make hay while the sun shines. NWAD HAY.2

To dance the hay, to dance in a ring. NWAD HAY.3

HAY, v.t. To dry or cure grass for preservation. NWAD HAY.4
HAY, n. A hedge. NWAD HAY.5

1. A net which incloses the haunt of an animal. NWAD HAY.6

HAY, v.t. To lay snares for rabbits. NWAD HAY.7

HAYBOTE, n. Hedge-bote. In English law, an allowance of wood to a tenant for repairing hedges or fences. NWAD HAYBOTE.1

HAYCOCK, n. A conical pile or heap of hay, in the field. NWAD HAYCOCK.1

HAYKNIFE, n. A sharp instrument used in cutting hay out of a stack or mow. NWAD HAYKNIFE.1

HAYLOFT, n. A loft or scaffold for hay, particularly in a barn. NWAD HAYLOFT.1

HAYMAKER, n. One who cuts and dries grass for fodder. NWAD HAYMAKER.1

HAYMAKING, n. The business of cutting grass and curing it for fodder. NWAD HAYMAKING.1

HAYMARKET, n. A place for the sale of hay. NWAD HAYMARKET.1

HAYMOW, n. A mow or mass of hay laid up in a barn for preservation. NWAD HAYMOW.1