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INCONSTANTLY, adv. In an inconstant manner; not steadily. NWAD INCONSTANTLY.1

INCONSUMABLE, a. [in and consumable.] Not to be consumed; that cannot be wasted. NWAD INCONSUMABLE.1

INCONSUMMATE, a. [in and consummate.] NWAD INCONSUMMATE.1

Not consummate; not finished; not complete. NWAD INCONSUMMATE.2



1. Not to be spent, wasted or destroyed by fire. [Not used.] NWAD INCONSUMPTIBLE.2

2. Not to be destroyed. [Not used.] NWAD INCONSUMPTIBLE.3

INCONTESTABLE, a. Not contestable; not to be disputed; not admitting debate; too clear to be controverted; incontrovertible; as incontestable evidence, truth or facts. NWAD INCONTESTABLE.1

INCONTESTABLY, adv. In a manner to preclude debate; indisputably; incontrovertibly; indubitably. NWAD INCONTESTABLY.1

INCONTIGUOUS, a. [in and contiguous.] NWAD INCONTIGUOUS.1

Not contiguous; not adjoining; not touching; separate. NWAD INCONTIGUOUS.2

INCONTINENCE, INCONTINENCY, n. [L. incontinentia. See Continence.] NWAD INCONTINENCE.1

1. Want of restraint of the passions or appetites; free or uncontrolled indulgence of the passions or appetites, as of anger. NWAD INCONTINENCE.2

2. Want of restraint of the sexual appetite; free or illegal indulgence of lust; lewdness; used of either sex, but appropriately of the male sex. Incontinence in men is the same as unchastity in women. NWAD INCONTINENCE.3

3. Among physicians, the inability of any of the animal organs to restrain discharges of their contents, so that the discharges are involuntary; Also, the involuntary discharge itself; as an incontinence of urine in diabetes. NWAD INCONTINENCE.4

INCONTINENT, a. [L. incontinens.] Not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging lust without restraint or in violation of law; unchaste; lewd. NWAD INCONTINENT.1

1. Unable to restrain discharges. NWAD INCONTINENT.2

In the sense of immediate or immediately, Obs. NWAD INCONTINENT.3

INCONTINENT, n. One who is unchaste. NWAD INCONTINENT.4

INCONTINENTLY, adv. Without due restraint of the passions or appetites; unchastely. NWAD INCONTINENTLY.1

1. Immediately. NWAD INCONTINENTLY.2

INCONTRACTED, a. Not contracted; not shortened. NWAD INCONTRACTED.1


Not to be controlled; that cannot be restrained or governed; uncontrollable. NWAD INCONTROLLABLE.2

INCONTROLLABLY, adv. In a manner that admits of no control. NWAD INCONTROLLABLY.1


Indisputable; too clear or certain to admit of dispute. NWAD INCONTROVERTIBLE.2

INCONTROVERTIBLY, adv. In a manner or to a degree that precludes debate or controversy. NWAD INCONTROVERTIBLY.1

INCONVENIENCE, INCONVENIENCY, n. [L. inconveniens; in and convenio, conveniens.] NWAD INCONVENIENCE.1

1. Unfitness; unsuitableness; inexpedience. NWAD INCONVENIENCE.2

They plead against the inconvenience, not the unlawfulness of popish apparel. NWAD INCONVENIENCE.3

2. That which gives trouble or uneasiness; disadvantage; any thing that disturbs quiet, impedes prosperity, or increases the difficulty of action or success. Rain and bad roads are inconveniences to the traveler; want of utensils is a great inconvenience to a family; but the great inconvenience of human life is the want of money and the means of obtaining it. NWAD INCONVENIENCE.4


1. Incommodious; unsuitable; disadvantageous; giving trouble or uneasiness; increasing the difficulty of progress or success; as an inconvenient dress or garment; an inconvenient house; inconvenient customs; an inconvenient arrangement of business. NWAD INCONVENIENT.2

2. Unfit; unsuitable. NWAD INCONVENIENT.3

INCONVENIENTLY, adv. Unsuitably; incommodiously; in a manner to give trouble; unseasonably. NWAD INCONVENIENTLY.1

INCONVERSABLE, a. [in and conversable.] Not inclined to free conversation; incommunicative; unsocial; reserved. NWAD INCONVERSABLE.1

INCONVERSANT, a. Not conversant; not familiar; not versed. NWAD INCONVERSANT.1

INCONVERTIBILITY, n. [from inconvertible.] The quality of not being changeable or convertible into something else; as the inconvertibility of bank notes or other currency into gold or silver. NWAD INCONVERTIBILITY.1

INCONVERTIBLE, a. [in and convertible.] Not convertible; that cannot be transmuted or changed into something else. One metal is inconvertible into another. Bank notes are sometimes inconvertible into specie. NWAD INCONVERTIBLE.1

INCONVINCIBLE, a. [in and convincible.] Not convincible; that cannot be convinced; not capable of conviction. NWAD INCONVINCIBLE.1

INCONVINCIBLY, adv. In a manner not admitting of conviction. NWAD INCONVINCIBLY.1

INCONY, a. or n. Unlearned; artless; an accomplished person, in contempt. NWAD INCONY.1

INCORPORAL, a. [in and corporal. Not consisting of matter or body; immaterial. Incorporeal is generally used.] NWAD INCORPORAL.1

INCORPORALITY, n. The quality of not consisting of matter; immateriality. NWAD INCORPORALITY.1

INCORPORALLY, adv. Without matter or a body; immaterially. NWAD INCORPORALLY.1

INCORPORATE, a. [in and corporate.] NWAD INCORPORATE.1

1. Not consisting of matter; not having a material body. [Little used.] NWAD INCORPORATE.2

2. Mixed; united in one body; associated. NWAD INCORPORATE.3

INCORPORATE, v.t. [L. incorporo; in and corpus, a body.] NWAD INCORPORATE.4

1. In pharmacy, to mix different ingredients in one mass or body; to reduce dry substances to the consistence of paste by the admixture of a fluid, as in making pills, etc. NWAD INCORPORATE.5

2. To mix and embody one substance in another; as, to incorporate copper with silver. NWAD INCORPORATE.6

3. To unite; to blend; to work into another mass or body; as, to incorporate plagiarisms into one’s own composition. NWAD INCORPORATE.7

4. To unite; to associate in another government or empire. The Romans incorporated conquered countries into their government. NWAD INCORPORATE.8

5. To embody; to give a material form to. NWAD INCORPORATE.9

The idolaters, who worshiped their images as gods, supposed some spirit to be incorporated therein. NWAD INCORPORATE.10

6. To form into a legal body, or body politic; to constitute a body, composed of one or more individuals, with the quality of perpetual existence or succession, unless limited by the act of incorporation; as, to incorporate the inhabitants of a city, town or parish; to incorporate the proprietors of a bridge, the stockholders of a bank, of an insurance company, etc. New Haven was incorporated in January 1784; Hartford in May 1784. NWAD INCORPORATE.11

INCORPORATE, v.i. To unite so as to make a part of another body; to be mixed or blended; to grow into, etc.; usually followed by with. NWAD INCORPORATE.12

Painters’ colors and ashes do better incorporate with oil. NWAD INCORPORATE.13

INCORPORATED, pp. Mixed or united in one body; associated in the same political body; united in a legal body. NWAD INCORPORATED.1

INCORPORATING, ppr. Mixing or uniting in one body or mass; associating in the same political body; forming a legal body. NWAD INCORPORATING.1

INCORPORATION, n. The act of incorporating. NWAD INCORPORATION.1

1. Union of different ingredients in one mass. NWAD INCORPORATION.2

2. Association in the same political body; as the incorporation of conquered countries into the Roman republic. NWAD INCORPORATION.3

3. Formation of a legal or political body by the union of individuals, constituting and artificial person. NWAD INCORPORATION.4

INCORPOREAL, a. [L. incorporalis, incorporeus.] NWAD INCORPOREAL.1

Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; immaterial. Spirits are deemed incorporeal substances. NWAD INCORPOREAL.2

INCORPOREALLY, adv. Without body; immaterially. NWAD INCORPOREALLY.1

INCORPOREITY, n. The quality of being not material; immateriality. NWAD INCORPOREITY.1

INCORPSE, v.t. incorps’. To incorporate. NWAD INCORPSE.1

INCORRECT, a. [in and correct.] Not correct; not exact; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. NWAD INCORRECT.1

The piece, you think, is incorrect. NWAD INCORRECT.2

1. Not according to truth; inaccurate; as an incorrect statement, narration or calculation. NWAD INCORRECT.3

2. Not according to law or morality. NWAD INCORRECT.4


INCORRECTLY, adv. Not in accordance with truth or other standard; inaccurately; not exactly; as a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated. NWAD INCORRECTLY.1

INCORRECTNESS, n. Want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy. Incorrectness may consist in defect or in redundance. NWAD INCORRECTNESS.1

INCORRIGIBLE, a. [L. corrigo; con and rego.] NWAD INCORRIGIBLE.1

1. That cannot be corrected or amended; bad beyond correction; as incorrigible error. NWAD INCORRIGIBLE.2

2. Too depraved to be corrected or reformed; as an incorrigible sinner; an incorrigible drunkard. NWAD INCORRIGIBLE.3

INCORRIGIBLENESS, INCORRIGIBILITY, n. The quality of being bad, erroneous or depraved beyond correction; hopeless depravity in persons and error in things. NWAD INCORRIGIBLENESS.1

INCORRIGIBLY, adv. To a degree of depravity beyond all means of amendment. NWAD INCORRIGIBLY.1

INCORRUPT, INCORRUPTED, a. [L. incorruptus; in and corrumpo, corruptus; con and rumpo, to break.] Not corrupt; not marred, impaired or spoiled; not defiled or depraved; pure; sound; untainted; applicable to persons, principles or substances. NWAD INCORRUPT.1


The quality of being incapable of decay or corruption. NWAD INCORRUPTIBILITY.2


1. That cannot corrupt or decay; not admitting of corruption. Thus gold, glass, mercury, etc., are incorruptible. Spirits are supposed to be incorruptible. NWAD INCORRUPTIBLE.2

Our bodies shall be changed into incorruptible and immortal substances. NWAD INCORRUPTIBLE.3

2. That cannot be bribed; inflexibly just and upright. NWAD INCORRUPTIBLE.4

INCORRUPTIBLENESS, n. The quality of being incorruptible, or not liable to decay. NWAD INCORRUPTIBLENESS.1

INCORRUPTION, n. [in and corruption.] Incapacity of being corrupted. NWAD INCORRUPTION.1

It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption. 1 Corinthians 15:42. NWAD INCORRUPTION.2

INCORRUPTIVE, a. Not liable to corruption or decay. NWAD INCORRUPTIVE.1

INCORRUPTNESS, n. Exemption from decay or corruption. NWAD INCORRUPTNESS.1

1. Purity of mind or manners; probity; integrity; honesty. NWAD INCORRUPTNESS.2

INCRASSATE, v.t. [L. incrasso, incrassatus; in and crassus, thick.] NWAD INCRASSATE.1

1. To make thick or thicker; to thicken; the contrary to attenuate. NWAD INCRASSATE.2

2. In pharmacy, to make fluids thicker by the mixture of other substances less fluid, or by evaporating the thinner parts. NWAD INCRASSATE.3

Acids dissolve or attenuate; alkalies precipitate or incrassate. NWAD INCRASSATE.4

INCRASSATE, v.i. To become thick or thicker. NWAD INCRASSATE.5
INCRASSATE, INCRAS’SATED, a. In botany, thickened or becoming thicker towards the flower, as a peduncle. NWAD INCRASSATE.6

1. Fattened. NWAD INCRASSATE.7

INCRASSATED, pp. Made thick or thicker. NWAD INCRASSATED.1

INCRASSATING, ppr. Rendering thick or thicker; growing thicker. NWAD INCRASSATING.1

INCRASSATION, n. The act of thickening, or state of becoming thick or thicker. NWAD INCRASSATION.1

INCRASSATIVE, a. Having the quality of thickening. NWAD INCRASSATIVE.1

INCRASSATIVE, n. That which has the power to thicken. NWAD INCRASSATIVE.2

INCREASABLE, a. That may be increased. NWAD INCREASABLE.1

INCREASE, v.i. [L. incresco; in and cresco, to grow.] NWAD INCREASE.1

1. To become greater in bulk or quantity; to grow; to augment; as plants. Hence, to become more in number; to advance in value, or in any quality good or bad. Animal and vegetable bodies increase by natural growth; wealth increases by industry; heat increases, as the sun advances towards the meridian; a multitude increases by accession of numbers; knowledge increases with age and study; passion and enmity increase by irritation, and misery increases with vice. NWAD INCREASE.2

The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another. 1 Thessalonians 3:12. NWAD INCREASE.3

2. To become more violent; as, the fever increases; the pain increases; cold, wind or a storm increases. NWAD INCREASE.4

3. To become more bright or vivid; as, the light increases. NWAD INCREASE.5

4. To swell; to rise. NWAD INCREASE.6

The waters increased and bore up the ark. Genesis 7:17. NWAD INCREASE.7

5. To swell; to become louder, as sound. NWAD INCREASE.8

6. To become of more esteem and authority. NWAD INCREASE.9

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30. NWAD INCREASE.10

7. To enlarge, as the enlightened part of the moon’s disk. NWAD INCREASE.11

INCREASE, v.t. To augment or make greater in bulk, quantity or amount; as, to increase wealth or treasure; to increase a sum or value. NWAD INCREASE.12

1. To advance in quality; to add to any quality or affection; as, to increase the strength of moral habits; to increase love, zeal or passion. NWAD INCREASE.13

2. To extend; to lengthen; as, to increase distance. NWAD INCREASE.14

3. To extend; to spread; as, to increase fame or renown. NWAD INCREASE.15

4. To aggravate; as, to increase guilt or trespass. NWAD INCREASE.16

INCREASE, n. Augmentation; a growing larger; extension. NWAD INCREASE.17

Of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end. Isaiah 9:7. NWAD INCREASE.18

1. Increment; profit; interest; that which is added to the original stock. NWAD INCREASE.19

Take thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God. Leviticus 25:36. NWAD INCREASE.20

2. Produce, as of land. NWAD INCREASE.21

Then shall the earth yield her increase. Psalm 67:6. NWAD INCREASE.22

3. Progeny; issue; offspring. NWAD INCREASE.23

All the increase of thy house shall die in the flower of their age. 1 Samuel 2:33. NWAD INCREASE.24

4. Generation. NWAD INCREASE.25

5. The waxing of the moon; the augmentation of the luminous part of the moon, presented to the inhabitants of the earth. NWAD INCREASE.26

Seeds, hair, nails, hedges and herbs will grow soonest, if set or cut in the increase of the moon. NWAD INCREASE.27

6. Augmentation of strength or violence; as increase of heat, love or other passion; increase of force. NWAD INCREASE.28

7. Augmentation of degree; as increase of happiness or misery. NWAD INCREASE.29

INCREASED, pp. Augmented; made or grown larger. NWAD INCREASED.1

INCREASEFUL, a. Abundant of produce. NWAD INCREASEFUL.1

INCREASER, n. He or that which increases. NWAD INCREASER.1

INCREASING, ppr. Growing; becoming larger; advancing in any quality, good or bad. NWAD INCREASING.1

INCREATE, INCREATED, a. Uncreated, which see. [The latter is the word mostly used.] NWAD INCREATE.1

INCREDIBILITY, n. [See Incredible.] The quality of surpassing belief, or of being too extraordinary to admit of belief. NWAD INCREDIBILITY.1

INCREDIBLE, a. [L. incredibilis; in and credibilis, credible.] NWAD INCREDIBLE.1

That cannot be believed; not to be credited; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief. NWAD INCREDIBLE.2

Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead? Acts 26:8. NWAD INCREDIBLE.3

INCREDIBLENESS, n. Incredibility, which see. NWAD INCREDIBLENESS.1

INCREDIBLY, adv. In a manner to preclude belief. NWAD INCREDIBLY.1

INCREDULITY, n. The quality of not believing; indisposition to believe; a withholding or refusal of belief. NWAD INCREDULITY.1

Of every species of incredulity, religious unbelief is infinitely the most irrational. NWAD INCREDULITY.2

INCREDULOUS, a. [L. incredulus; in and credulus; credo, to believe.] Not believing; indisposed to admit the truth of what is related; refusing or withholding belief. NWAD INCREDULOUS.1


INCREMABLE, a. [L. in and cremo.] That cannot be burnt. [not used.] NWAD INCREMABLE.1

INCREMENT, n. [L. incrementum, from incresco. See Increase.] NWAD INCREMENT.1

1. Increase; a growing in bulk, quantity, number, value or amount; augmentation. NWAD INCREMENT.2

2. Produce; production. NWAD INCREMENT.3

3. Matter added; increase. NWAD INCREMENT.4

4. In mathematics, the quantity by which a variable quantity increases; a differential quantity. NWAD INCREMENT.5

INCREPATE, v.t. [L. increpo.] To chide; to rebuke. [Not in use.] NWAD INCREPATE.1

INCREPATION, n. A chiding or rebuking; rebuke; reprehension. NWAD INCREPATION.1

INCRESCENT, a. [L. increscens. See Increase.] growing; augmenting; swelling. NWAD INCRESCENT.1

INCRIMINATE, v.t. [L. in and criminor, to accuse. See Crime.] NWAD INCRIMINATE.1

To accuse; to charge with a crime or fault. NWAD INCRIMINATE.2

INCRUENTAL, a. [L. incruentus.] Unbloody; not attended with blood. [Not in use.] NWAD INCRUENTAL.1

INCRUST, v.t. [L. incrusto; in and crusto, to crust.] NWAD INCRUST.1

To cover with a crust or with a hard coat; to form a crust on the surface of any substance; as iron incrusted with oxyd or rust; a vessel incrusted with salt. NWAD INCRUST.2

INCRUSTATE, v.t. To incrust. [Less frequently used.] NWAD INCRUSTATE.1


1. A crust or rough coat of any thing on the surface of a body. NWAD INCRUSTATION.2

2. A covering or lining of marble or other stone. NWAD INCRUSTATION.3


That will not crystalize; that cannot be formed into crystals. NWAD INCRYSTALIZABLE.2

INCUBATE, v.i. [L. incubo; in and cubo, to lie down.] To sit, as on eggs for hatching. NWAD INCUBATE.1

INCUBATION, n. [L. incubatio.] The act of sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young. NWAD INCUBATION.1

INCUBATURE, n. Incubation. [Not used.] NWAD INCUBATURE.1

INCUBUS, n. [L. incubo, to lie on.] NWAD INCUBUS.1

1. The nightmare; an oppression of the breast in sleep, or sense of weight, with an almost total loss of the power of moving the body, while the imagination is frightened or astonished. NWAD INCUBUS.2

2. A demon; an imaginary being or fairy. NWAD INCUBUS.3

INCULCATE, v.t. [L. inculco, to drive or force on; in and calco, to tread, calx, the heel.] To impress by frequent admonitions; to teach and enforce by frequent repetitions; to urge on the mind. Our Savior inculcates on his followers humility and forgiveness of injuries. NWAD INCULCATE.1

INCULCATED, pp. Impressed or enforced by frequent admonitions. NWAD INCULCATED.1

INCULCATING, ppr. Impressing or enforcing by repeated instruction. NWAD INCULCATING.1

INCULCATION, n. The action of impressing by repeated admonitions. NWAD INCULCATION.1

INCULPABLE, a. [L. in and culpabilis, from culpa, a fault.] NWAD INCULPABLE.1

Without fault; unblamable; that cannot be accused. NWAD INCULPABLE.2


INCULPABLY, a. Unblamably; without blame. NWAD INCULPABLY.1

INCULT, a. [L. incultus; in and cultus, from colo.] NWAD INCULT.1

Untilled; uncultivated. NWAD INCULT.2

INCULTIVATED, a. Not cultivated; uncultivated. NWAD INCULTIVATED.1

INCULTIVATION, n. Neglect or want of cultivation. NWAD INCULTIVATION.1

INCULTURE, n. Want or neglect of cultivation. NWAD INCULTURE.1

INCUMBENCY, n. [from incumbent.] A lying or resting on something. NWAD INCUMBENCY.1

1. The state of holding or being in possession of a benefice, or of an office. NWAD INCUMBENCY.2

These fines are to be paid to the bishop, only during his incumbency. NWAD INCUMBENCY.3

There is no test of the tenure, but incumbency on the part of the king. NWAD INCUMBENCY.4

INCUMBENT, a. [L. incumbens, incumbo; in and cumbo, to lie down.] NWAD INCUMBENT.1

1. Lying or resting on. NWAD INCUMBENT.2

And when to move th’incumbent load they try. NWAD INCUMBENT.3

2. Supported; buoyed up. NWAD INCUMBENT.4

And fly incumbent on the dusky air. NWAD INCUMBENT.5

3. Leaning on, or resting against; as incumbent stamens or anthers, in botany. NWAD INCUMBENT.6

4. Lying on, as duty or obligation; imposed and emphatically urging or pressing to performance; indispensable. NWAD INCUMBENT.7

All men, truly zealous, will perform those good works which are incumbent on all christians. NWAD INCUMBENT.8

INCUMBENT, n. The person who is in present possession of a benefice, or of any office. [It is applied to civil officers as well as to ecclesiastical.] NWAD INCUMBENT.9

INCUMBER, v.t. To burden with a load; to embarrass. [See Encumber, and its derivatives.] NWAD INCUMBER.1

INCUMBRANCE, n. A burdensome and troublesome load; any thing that impedes motion or action, or renders it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment; embarrassment. NWAD INCUMBRANCE.1

1. A legal claim on the estate of another. NWAD INCUMBRANCE.2

INCUMBRANCER, n. One who has an incumbrance, or some legal claim on an estate. NWAD INCUMBRANCER.1