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INGENUOUS, a. [L. ingenuus.] Open; frank; fair; candid; free from reserve, disguise, equivocation or dissimulation; used of persons or things. We speak of an ingenuous mind; an ingenuous man; an ingenuous declaration or confession. NWAD INGENUOUS.1

1. Noble; generous; as an ingenuous ardor or zeal; ingenuous detestation of falsehood. NWAD INGENUOUS.2

2. Of honorable extraction; freeborn; as ingenuous blood or birth. NWAD INGENUOUS.3

INGENUOUSLY, adv. Openly; fairly; candidly; without reserve or dissimulation. NWAD INGENUOUSLY.1

INGENUOUSNESS, n. Openness of heart; frankness; fairness; freedom from reserve or dissimulation; as, to confess our faults with ingenuousness. NWAD INGENUOUSNESS.1

1. Fairness; candidness; as the ingenuousness of a confession. NWAD INGENUOUSNESS.2

INGENY, n. Wit; ingenuity. NWAD INGENY.1

INGEST, v.t. [L. ingestus, from ingero; in and gero, to bear.] NWAD INGEST.1

To throw into the stomach. [Little used.] NWAD INGEST.2

INGESTION, n. The act or throwing into the stomach; as the ingestion of milk or other food. NWAD INGESTION.1

INGLE, n. [L. igniculus, ignis.] Flame; blaze. [Not in use.] NWAD INGLE.1

1. In Scottish, a fire, or fireplace. NWAD INGLE.2

INGLORIOUS, a. [L. inglorius; in and gloria.] NWAD INGLORIOUS.1

1. Not glorious; not bringing honor or glory; not accompanied with fame or celebrity; as an inglorious life of ease. NWAD INGLORIOUS.2

2. Shameful; disgraceful. He charged his troops with inglorious flight. NWAD INGLORIOUS.3

INGLORIOUSLY, adv. With want of glory; dishonorably; with shame. NWAD INGLORIOUSLY.1

INGOT, n. A mass or wedge of gold or silver cast in a mold; a mass of unwrought metal. NWAD INGOT.1

INGRAFT, v.t. [in and graff. The original word is ingraff or graff, but it is corrupted beyond recovery.] NWAD INGRAFT.1

1. To insert a cion of one tree or plant into another for propagation; as, to ingraft the cion of an apple-tree on a pear-tree, as its stock; to ingraft a peach on a plum. NWAD INGRAFT.2

2. To propagate by incision. NWAD INGRAFT.3

3. To plant or introduce something foreign into that which is native, for the purpose of propagation. NWAD INGRAFT.4

This fellow would ingraft a foreign name NWAD INGRAFT.5

Upon our stock. NWAD INGRAFT.6

4. To set or fix deep and firm. NWAD INGRAFT.7

Ingrafted love he bears to Caesar. NWAD INGRAFT.8

INGRAFTED, pp. Inserted into a stock for growth and propagation; introduced into a native stock; set or fixed deep. NWAD INGRAFTED.1

INGRAFTING, ppr. Inserting, as cions in stocks; introducing and inserting on a native stock what is foreign; fixing deep. NWAD INGRAFTING.1

INGRAFTMENT, n. The act of ingrafting. NWAD INGRAFTMENT.1

1. The thing ingrafted. NWAD INGRAFTMENT.2

INGRAIN, v.t. [in and grain.] To dye in the grain, or before manufacture. NWAD INGRAIN.1

INGRAINED, pp. Dyed in the grain or in the raw material; as ingrained carpets. NWAD INGRAINED.1

INGRAINING, ppr. Dyeing in the raw material. NWAD INGRAINING.1

INGRAPPLED, a. Grappled; seized on; entwined. NWAD INGRAPPLED.1

INGRATE, INGRATEFUL, a. [L. ingratus; in and gratus.] NWAD INGRATE.1

1. Ungrateful; unthankful; not having feelings of kindness for a favor received. NWAD INGRATE.2

2. Unpleasing to the sense. NWAD INGRATE.3

He gives no ingrateful food. NWAD INGRATE.4

INGRATE, n. An ungrateful person. NWAD INGRATE.5



INGRATIATE, v.t. ingra’shate. [L. in and gratia, favor.] NWAD INGRATIATE.1

1. To commend one’s self to another’s good will, confidence or kindness. It is always used as a reciprocal verb, and followed by with, before the person whose favor is sought. Ministers and courtiers ingratiate themselves with their sovereign. Demagogues ingratiate themselves with the populace. NWAD INGRATIATE.2

2. To recommend; to render easy; used of things. NWAD INGRATIATE.3

INGRATIATING, ppr. Commending one’s self to the favor of another. NWAD INGRATIATING.1

INGRATIATING, n. The act of commending one’s self to another’s favor. NWAD INGRATIATING.2


1. Want of gratitude or sentiments of kindness for favors received; insensibility to favors, and want of a disposition to repay them; unthankfulness. NWAD INGRATITUDE.2

Ingratitude is abhorred by God and man. NWAD INGRATITUDE.3

No man will own himself guilty of ingratitude. NWAD INGRATITUDE.4

2. Retribution of evil for good. NWAD INGRATITUDE.5

Nor was it with ingratitude returned. NWAD INGRATITUDE.6

INGRAVE, v.t. To bury. [Not used.] NWAD INGRAVE.1

INGRAVIDATE, v.t. [L. gravidus.] To impregnate. NWAD INGRAVIDATE.1

INGREAT, v.t. To make great. [Not in use.] NWAD INGREAT.1

INGREDIENT, n. [L. ingrediens, entering into; ingredior; in and gradior. See Grade.] NWAD INGREDIENT.1

That which enters into a compound, or is a component part of any compound or mixture. It is particularly applied to the simples in medicinal compositions, but admits of a very general application. We say, an ointment or a decoction is composed of certain ingredients; and Addison wondered that learning was not thought a proper ingredient in the education of a woman of quality or fortune. NWAD INGREDIENT.2

INGRESS, n. [L. ingerssus, ingredior, supra.] NWAD INGRESS.1

1. Entrance; as the ingress of air into the lungs. It is particularly applied to the entrance of the moon into the shadow of the earth in eclipses, the sun’s entrance into a sign, etc. NWAD INGRESS.2

2. Power of entrance; means of entering. All ingress was prohibited. NWAD INGRESS.3

INGRESSION, n. [L. ingressio, ingredior.] NWAD INGRESSION.1

The act of entering; entrance. NWAD INGRESSION.2

INGUINAL, a. [L. inguen, the groin.] NWAD INGUINAL.1

Pertaining to the grain; as an inguinal tumor. NWAD INGUINAL.2

INGULF, v.t. [in and gulf.] To swallow up in a vast deep, gulf or whirlpool. NWAD INGULF.1

1. To cast into a gulf. NWAD INGULF.2

INGULFED, pp. Swallowed up in a gulf or vast deep; cast into a gulf. NWAD INGULFED.1

INGULFING, ppr. Swallowing up in a gulf, whirlpool or vast deep. NWAD INGULFING.1

INGURGITATE, v.t. [L. ingurgito; in and gurges, a gulf.] NWAD INGURGITATE.1

To swallow greedily or in great quantity. NWAD INGURGITATE.2

INGURGITATE, v.i. To drink largely; to swill. NWAD INGURGITATE.3

INGURGITATION, n. The act of swallowing greedily, or in great quantity. NWAD INGURGITATION.1

INGUSTABLE, a. [L. in and gusto, to taste.] NWAD INGUSTABLE.1

That cannot be tasted. [Little used.] NWAD INGUSTABLE.2

INHABILE, a. [L. inhabilis; in and habilis, apt, fit.] NWAD INHABILE.1

1. Not apt or fit; unfit; not convenient; as inhabile matter. NWAD INHABILE.2

2. Unskilled; unready; unqualified; used of persons. [Little used. See Unable.] NWAD INHABILE.3

INHABILITY, n. [from inhabile.] Unaptness; unfitness; want of skill. [Little used. See Inability.] NWAD INHABILITY.1

INHABIT, v.t. [L. inhabito; in and habito, to dwell.] NWAD INHABIT.1

To live or dwell in; to occupy as a place of settled residence. Wild beasts inhabit the forest; fishes inhabit the ocean, lakes and rivers; men inhabit cities and houses. NWAD INHABIT.2

Thus saith the high and lofty One, that inhabiteth eternity-- Isaiah 57:15. NWAD INHABIT.3

INHABIT, v.i. To dwell; to live; to abide. NWAD INHABIT.4

They say wild beasts inhabit here. NWAD INHABIT.5

INHABITABLE, a. [from inhabit.] Habitable; that may be inhabited; capable of affording habitation to animals. The stars may be inhabitable worlds. Some regions of the earth are not inhabitable by reason of cold or sterility. A building may be too old and decayed to be inhabitable. NWAD INHABITABLE.1

1. Not habitable. [L. inhabitabilis.] [Not in use.] NWAD INHABITABLE.2

INHABITANCE, n. Residence of dwellers. [Little used.] NWAD INHABITANCE.1

INHABITANCY, n. Residence; habitancy; permanent or legal residence in a town, city or parish; or the domiciliation which the law required to entitle a pauper to demand support from the town, city or parish in which he lives, otherwise called a legal settlement, which subjects a town to support a person, if a pauper. NWAD INHABITANCY.1

INHABITANT, n. A dweller; one who dwells or resides permanently in a place, or who has a fixed residence, as distinguished from an occasional lodger or visitor; as the inhabitant of a house or cottage; the inhabitants of a town, city, county or state. So brute animals are inhabitants of the regions to which their natures are adapted; and we speak of spiritual beings, as inhabitants of heaven. NWAD INHABITANT.1

1. One who has a legal settlement in a town, city or parish. The conditions or qualifications which constitute a person an inhabitant of a town or parish, so as to subject the town or parish to support him, if a pauper, are defined by the statutes of different governments or states. NWAD INHABITANT.2

INHABITATION, n. The act of inhabiting, or state of being inhabited. NWAD INHABITATION.1

1. Abode; place of dwelling. NWAD INHABITATION.2

2. Population; whole mass of inhabitants. NWAD INHABITATION.3

[This word is little use.] NWAD INHABITATION.4

INHABITED, pp. Occupied by inhabitants, human or irrational. NWAD INHABITED.1

INHABITER, n. One who inhabits; a dweller; an inhabitant. NWAD INHABITER.1

INHABITING, ppr. Dwelling in; occupying as a settled or permanent inhabitant; residing in. NWAD INHABITING.1

INHABITRESS, n. A female inhabitant. NWAD INHABITRESS.1

INHALE, v.t. [L. inhalo; in and halo, to breathe.] NWAD INHALE.1

To draw into the lungs; to inspire; as, to inhale air; opposed to exhale and expire. NWAD INHALE.2

Martin was walking forth to inhale the fresh breeze of the evening. NWAD INHALE.3

INHALED, pp. Drawn into the lungs. NWAD INHALED.1

INHALER, n. One who inhales. NWAD INHALER.1

1. In medicine, a machine for breathing or drawing warm steam into the lungs, as a remedy for coughs and catarrhal complaints. NWAD INHALER.2

INHALING, ppr. Drawing into the lungs; breathing. NWAD INHALING.1


INHARMONIOUS, a. [in and harmonious.] NWAD INHARMONIOUS.1

Not harmonious; unmusical; discordant. NWAD INHARMONIOUS.2

INHARMONIOUSLY, adv. Without harmony; discordantly. NWAD INHARMONIOUSLY.1

INHERE, v.i. [L. inhoereo; in and hoereo, to hang.] NWAD INHERE.1

To exist or be fixed in something else; as, colors inhere in cloth; a dart inheres in the flesh. NWAD INHERE.2

INHERENCE, n. Existence in something; a fixed state of being in another body or substance. NWAD INHERENCE.1

INHERENT, a. Existing in something else, so as to be inseparable from it. NWAD INHERENT.1

Inherent baseness. NWAD INHERENT.2

1. Innate; naturally pertaining to; as the inherent qualities of the magnet; the inherent right of men to life, liberty and protection. NWAD INHERENT.3


INHERING, ppr. Existing or fixed in something else. NWAD INHERING.1

INHERIT, v.t. [L. hoeres, an heir. See Heir.] NWAD INHERIT.1

1. To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by succession, as the representative of the former possessor; to receive, as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease. The heir inherits the lands or real estate of his father; the eldest son of the nobleman inherits his father’s title, and the eldest son of a king inherits the crown. NWAD INHERIT.2

2. To receive by nature from a progenitor. The son inherits the virtues of his father; the daughter inherits the temper of her mother, and children often inherit the constitutional infirmities of their parents. NWAD INHERIT.3

3. To possess; to enjoy; to take as a possession, by gift or divine appropriation; as, to inherit everlasting life; to inherit the promises. NWAD INHERIT.4

--That thou mayest live, and inherit the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee. Deuteronomy 16:20. NWAD INHERIT.5

The meek shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5. NWAD INHERIT.6

INHERIT, v.i. To take or have possession or property. NWAD INHERIT.7

--Thou shall not inherit in our father’s house. Judges 11:2. NWAD INHERIT.8

INHERITABLE, a. That may be inherited; transmissible or descendible from the ancestor to the heir by course of law; as an inheritable estate or title. NWAD INHERITABLE.1

1. That may be transmitted from the parent to the child; as inheritable qualities or infirmities. NWAD INHERITABLE.2

2. Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent. NWAD INHERITABLE.3

By attainder--the blood of the person attainted is so corrupted as to be rendered no longer inheritable. NWAD INHERITABLE.4


INHERITANCE, n. An estate derived from an ancestor to an heir by succession or in course of law; or an estate which the law casts on a child or other person, as the representative of the deceased ancestor. NWAD INHERITANCE.1

1. The reception of an estate by hereditary right, or the descent by which an estate or title is cast on the heir; as, the heir received the estate by inheritance. NWAD INHERITANCE.2

2. The estate or possession which may descend to an heir, though it has not descended. NWAD INHERITANCE.3

And Rachel and Leah answered and said, is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house? Genesis 31:14. NWAD INHERITANCE.4

3. An estate given or possessed by donation or divine appropriation. Numbers 26:53-55. NWAD INHERITANCE.5

4. That which is possessed or enjoyed. NWAD INHERITANCE.6

Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance. Psalm 2:8. NWAD INHERITANCE.7

INHERITED, pp. Received by descent from an ancestor; possessed. NWAD INHERITED.1

INHERITING, ppr. Taking by succession or right of representation; receiving from ancestors; possessing. NWAD INHERITING.1

INHERITOR, n. An heir; one who inherits or may inherit. NWAD INHERITOR.1

INHERITRESS, INHERITRIX, n. An heiress; a female who inherits or is entitled to inherit, after the death of her ancestor. NWAD INHERITRESS.1

INHERSE, v.t. inhers. [in and herse.] NWAD INHERSE.1

To inclose in a funeral monument. NWAD INHERSE.2

INHESION, n. s as z. [L. inhoesio, inhoereo.] NWAD INHESION.1

Inherence; the state of existing or being fixed in something. NWAD INHESION.2

INHIATION, n. [L. inhiatio.] A gaping after; eager desire. [Not used.] NWAD INHIATION.1

INHIBIT, v.t. [L. inhibeo; in and habeo, to hold, properly to rush or drive.] NWAD INHIBIT.1

1. To restrain; to hinder; to check or repress. NWAD INHIBIT.2

Their motions also are excited or inhibited--by the objects without them. NWAD INHIBIT.3

2. To forbid; to prohibit; to interdict. NWAD INHIBIT.4

All men were inhibited by proclamation at the dissolution so much as to mention a parliament. NWAD INHIBIT.5

INHIBITED, pp. Restrained; forbid. NWAD INHIBITED.1

INHIBITING, ppr. Restraining; repressing; prohibiting. NWAD INHIBITING.1


1. Prohibition; restraint; embargo. NWAD INHIBITION.2

2. In law, a writ to forbid or inhibit a judge from farther proceedings in a cause depending before him; commonly, a writ issuing from a higher ecclesiastical court to an inferior one, on appeal. NWAD INHIBITION.3

INHOLD, v.t. pret. and pp. inheld. [in and hold.] NWAD INHOLD.1

To have inherent; to contain in itself. [Little used.] NWAD INHOLD.2

INHOLDER, n. An inhabitant. NWAD INHOLDER.1

INHOOP, v.t. [in and hoop.] To confine or inclose in any place. NWAD INHOOP.1

INHOSPITABLE, a. [in and hospitable.] NWAD INHOSPITABLE.1

1. Not hospitable; not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously; declining to entertain guests, or entertaining them with reluctance; as an inhospitable person or people. NWAD INHOSPITABLE.2

2. Affording no conveniences, subsistence or shelter to strangers; as inhospitable desserts or rocks. NWAD INHOSPITABLE.3

INHOSPITABLY, adv. Unkindly to strangers. NWAD INHOSPITABLY.1

INHOSPITABLENESS, INHOSPITALITY, n. Want of hospitality or kindness to strangers; refusal or unwillingness to entertain guests or strangers without reward. NWAD INHOSPITABLENESS.1

INHUMAN, a. [L. inhumanus; in and humanus, humane.] NWAD INHUMAN.1

1. Destitute of the kindness and tenderness that belong to a human being; cruel; barbarous; savage; unfeeling; as an inhuman person or people. NWAD INHUMAN.2

2. Marked with cruelty; as an inhuman act. NWAD INHUMAN.3

INHUMANITY, n. Cruelty in disposition; savageness of heart; used of persons. NWAD INHUMANITY.1

1. Cruelty in act; barbarity; used of actions. NWAD INHUMANITY.2

INHUMANLY, adv. With cruelty; barbarously. NWAD INHUMANLY.1

INHUMATE, INHUME, v.t. [L. inhumo, humo, to bury.] NWAD INHUMATE.1

1. To bury; to inter; to deposit in the earth, as a dead body. NWAD INHUMATE.2

2. To digest in a vessel surrounded with warm earth. NWAD INHUMATE.3

INHUMATION, n. The act of burying; interment. NWAD INHUMATION.1

1. In chimistry, a method of digesting substances by burying the vessel containing them in warm earth, or a like substance. NWAD INHUMATION.2

INHUMED, pp. Buried; interred. NWAD INHUMED.1

INHUMING, ppr. Burying; interring. NWAD INHUMING.1

INIMAGINABLE, a. Unimaginable; inconceivable. NWAD INIMAGINABLE.1

INIMICAL, a. [L. inimiens; in and amicus, a friend.] NWAD INIMICAL.1

1. Unfriendly; having the disposition or temper of an enemy; applied to private enmity, as hostile is to public. NWAD INIMICAL.2

2. Adverse; hurtful; repugnant. NWAD INIMICAL.3

--Savage violences inimical to commerce. NWAD INIMICAL.4

INIMITABILITY, n. [from inimitable.] The quality of being incapable of imitation. NWAD INIMITABILITY.1

INIMITABLE, a. [L. inimitabilis; in and imitabilis, from imitor, to imitate.] That cannot be imitated or copied; surpassing imitation; as inimitable beauty or excellence; an inimitable description; inimitable eloquence. NWAD INIMITABLE.1

INIMITABLY, adv. In a manner not to be imitated; to a degree beyond imitation. NWAD INIMITABLY.1

Charms such as thine, inimitably great. NWAD INIMITABLY.2

INIQUITOUS, a. [See Iniquity.] Unjust; wicked; as an iniquitous bargain; an iniquitous proceeding. [It is applied to things rather than to persons, but may be applied to persons.] NWAD INIQUITOUS.1

INIQUITY, n. [L. iniquitas; in and oequitas, equity.] NWAD INIQUITY.1

1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade. NWAD INIQUITY.2

2. Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author. NWAD INIQUITY.3

3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. NWAD INIQUITY.4

Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Isaiah 59:2. NWAD INIQUITY.5

4. Original want of holiness or depravity. NWAD INIQUITY.6

I was shapen in iniquity. Psalm 51:5. NWAD INIQUITY.7

INQUOUS, a. Unjust. [Not used.] NWAD INQUOUS.1

INIRRITABILITY, n. [in and irritability.] The quality of being inirritable, or not susceptible of contraction by excitement. NWAD INIRRITABILITY.1

INIRRITABLE, a. [in and irritable.] Not irritable; not susceptible of irritation, or contraction by excitement. NWAD INIRRITABLE.1

INIRRITATIVE, a. Not accompanied with excitement; as an inirritative fever. NWAD INIRRITATIVE.1

INISLE, v.t. ini’le. [in and isle.] To surround; to encircle. [Not in use.] NWAD INISLE.1