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Abundance of Health Literature SHM 430

As a great aid in the conduct of health educational work, there has been a continuous stream of health literature from the presses of the denomination. From the beginning, in 1866, The Health Reformer—the name later changed to Good Health—served as the leading denominational health exponent until about 1904, when it passed from Seventh-day Adventist control. About that time the Pacific Health Journal, which for two decades had been published in California, was transferred to the East and renamed Life and Health. Its monthly visits to scores of thousands of homes continue to be a major factor in keeping before the minds of its readers the importance of giving proper attention to the laws of health. In 1932 another meritorious journal, bearing the name of Health, was initiated in California. This periodical was issued monthly until it was merged with Life and Health in 1948. In the latter part of the same year the magazine Listen, a quarterly publication, appeared under the auspices of the American Temperance Society to give added impetus to its program of mass education in temperance. Inestimable is the important role played by these publications, together with leaflets, books, and booklets sent out by the denominational publishing houses on the subject of health and missionary work. SHM 430.1

The health principles as opened up to Mrs. Ellen G. White in vision, and set forth in the forty-page article entitled “Health,” which appeared in 1864, and the six articles from her pen published in the six pamphlets under the title “How to Live,” reached the larger number of Adventist homes of the early days. SHM 430.2

As during succeeding years there were opened up to Mrs. White at different times various phases of the health message and the health work, counsels from her pen appeared in Testimonies for the Church, besides articles in various periodicals, including the health journals. SHM 431.1

In the year 1890 there was published in Battle Creek, Michigan, a volume of joint authorship, entitled Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene. The Christian temperance part was written by Mrs. White; the second part, dealing with Bible hygiene, by Elder James White. SHM 431.2

In 1896 a little volume entitled Healthful Living was compiled from the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White by Dr. David Paulson. Its many paragraphs, drawn from Mrs. White’s writings, set forth in terse form the outstanding health principles as they had been enunciated in the Spirit of prophecy writings. SHM 431.3

Late in 1905 Mrs. White brought out her most comprehensive health work, The Ministry of Healing, which sets forth in general terms the great health principles that had been opened up to her in vision during the years. This book has attained a wide general circulation, and its message has been carried to many hundreds of thousands of people in various languages. SHM 431.4

In order to make available the specific instruction to Seventh-day Adventist physicians, nurses, and institutional workers, Counsels on Health was published in the year 1923, being material gathered from published sources and compiled by those who carried the responsibility of the custody of the Ellen G. White writings. SHM 431.5