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The Farm as a Means of Support PH113 14

Do you not see that the glory of the Lord is at work here at Madison? You are not to fail, not be discouraged. Bring to your house the poor that are cast out; speak to them words of comfort. I know that you are trying to do this work, and I believe that God will continue to bless you, and that he will bless this school farm. PH113 14.1

Let us thank God for the privilege of being his light-bearers. This beautiful farm at Madison is a means of support; and it is not to hinder us from doing the very work that God has appointed us to do. And as you try to extend the influence of this school into the needy places beyond, you are doing the very work that God wants you to do. His blessing will be with every one who seeks to magnify the truth. Let not any living hand, of minister or layman, be laid upon you with the statement, “You cannot go here, you must not go there; we shall not support you if you do not go at our bidding; or if you do not give yourself to the work of bringing souls into the truth in some certain place designated by us.” God will bless you as you continue to search for lost souls in out-of-the-way places. PH113 14.2