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Chapter 4—Centers of Influence in the Southern States SpTB08 16

“A good beginning has been made in the Southern field. In the forward march of events, the Lord has wrought most wonderfully for the advancement of His work. Battles have been fought, victories won. Favorable impressions have been made; much prejudice has been removed. SpTB08 16.1

“In the night season I was taken by my Guide from place to place, from city to city, in the South. I saw the great work to be done,—that which ought to have been done years ago. We seemed to be looking at many places. Our first interest was for the places where the work has already been established, and for those where the way has opened for a beginning to be made.”—Testimonies for the Church 7:231. SpTB08 16.2

“I have encouraged our brethren in the South to arise in the strength of God, and with faith and courage enter His opening providences. SpTB08 16.3

“The Lord has set the seal of His approval on the effort to establish memorials to His name in the city of Nashville. He has signified that from this important center, the light of the truth for this time shall radiate to every part of the Southern field. Nashville is a natural center for our work in the South. And the influence of the various educational and publishing institutions established there makes the city a favorable place in which to carry on the various phases of our work.... SpTB08 16.4