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F. Bibliography PCO 173

Books Referring to Oakwood's History 1The inclusion of these volumes in this bibliography makes no claim to the accuracy or validity of the content therein.

Baker, Benjamin. Crucial Moments. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2005. PCO 173.1

Baker, Delbert. Telling the Story. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Printing Services, 1996. PCO 173.2

Brown, Walton J., compiler. Chronology of Seventh-day Adventist Education. Washington, D.C.: Department of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1972. PCO 173.3

Cadwallader, E.M. A History of Seventh-day Adventist Education. Lincoln, Nebraska: Union College Press, 1958. PCO 173.4

Dudley, Charles. Thou Who Hast Brought Us. Brushton, NY: Teach Services, Inc., 1997. PCO 173.5

Dudley, Charles. Thou Who Hast Brought Us Thus Far on Our Way. Mansfield, Ohio: Bookmasters Inc, 2000. PCO 173.6

Graybill, Ronald. E.G. White and Church Race Relations. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1970. PCO 173.7

Graybill, Ronald. Mission to Black America. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1971. PCO 173.8

Greenleaf, Floyd. In Passion for the World. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2005. PCO 173.9

Hilde, Reuben. Showdown: Can SDA Education Pass the Test? Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1980. PCO 173.10

Hodgen, Maurice. School Bells and Gospel Trumpets: A Documentary History of Seventh-day Adventist Education in North America. Loma Linda, Calif: Adventist Heritage Publications, Loma Linda University Press, 1978. PCO 173.11

Knight, George R. A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1999. PCO 173.12

Justiss, Jacob. Angels in Ebony. Toledo, Ohio: Jet Printing Services, 1975. PCO 173.13

Land, Gary. Adventism in America. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press: 1998. PCO 173.14

Land, Gary. Dictionary of Seventh-day Adventists. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.: 2005. PCO 173.15

Marshall, Norwida and Steven Norman III, eds. A Star Gives Light. Decatur, Georgia: Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989. PCO 173.16

Olsen, M.E. Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1925. PCO 173.17

Reynolds, Louis B. We Have Tomorrow. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1984. PCO 173.18

Rock, Calvin. Go On! Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1994. PCO 173.19

Rock, Calvin, ed. Perspectives. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. PCO 173.20

Schwarz, Richard. Light Bearers. Nampa, Indiana: Pacific Press, 2000. PCO 174.1

Sepulveda, Ciro, ed. Ellen White on the Color Line. Huntsville, AL: Biblos Press, 1997. PCO 174.2

Sepulveda, Ciro, ed. The Ladies of Oakwood. Huntsville, AL: Oakwood College Press, 2003. PCO 174.3

Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1976. PCO 174.4

Spalding, A.W. Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists, 4 vols. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1961. PCO 174.5

Spalding, A.W. Lights and Shades in the Black Belt. (unpublished book manuscript) Washington, D.C.: Ellen G. White Estate File: DF3471-1. PCO 174.6

Warren, Mervyn. Oakwood! A Vision Splendid. Collegedale, Tennessee: College Press, 1996. PCO 174.7

White, Arthur L. Ellen G. White, vols. 4-6. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1981-1986. PCO 174.8