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En route From Salamanca to Sands, Virginia, Tuesday, November 4, 1890 MR1033 20

We left Salamanca Tuesday, November 4, 1890, about eleven o'clock. The train was delayed and we were obliged to wait at the depot. It was very small and the company that was to take the cars was large. They were mostly our people returning from the meeting. All wished to speak with me and I was able to speak with them. The snow was falling. We were at last seated in the cars and were thankful to be moving. Oh, praise the Lord, I longed to be where I could write out the things that were opened to me the past night. It was the Lord ... [sentence apparently unfinished].[This is Ellen White's first mention of the vision God gave her at Salamanca. Note that she did not write it out at that time.]—Manuscript 44, 1890, 6 (Diary 16, p. 290). MR1033 20.3