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Chapter 6—The Angel Brings a Message from God HMes 30

It is always hard to be disappointed, and it is hard to go back to what we have cast aside forever. How the hearts of the faithful believers ached as they realized that the Lord had not come at the time they had expected Him. HMes 30.1

Nothing had stood between them and their preparation for the great day. No provision had been made for “if the Lord doesn’t come.” But the faithful ones did not fear. They rejoiced that they had acted according to their faith. They must look to God to lead them, and they knew that He would have a plan for their future. HMes 30.2

Early the next morning after the Disappointment, Hiram Edson, a leader among the Adventists in western New York, went out into the field and knelt down to pray beside a shock of corn. He felt that the Lord was near him as he prayed. Suddenly the presence of the Lord became so real that he was almost overcome, and a voice seemed to speak to him, saying, “The sanctuary to be cleansed is in heaven.” He hurried to tell some of his brethren of his conviction, and they began with him to study the subject from the Bible. HMes 30.3

This new interpretation of the event to take place on the day of the Disappointment brought courage to many when they heard it. It was then clear to them that they had misunderstood what was to happen at the end of the 2300 days. Many others felt that they must have been mistaken in the exact time when the 2300 days should end. HMes 30.4

After the Disappointment the believers had to prepare for winter, but none were left in want. The man in New Hampshire who would not allow his neighbors to dig his potatoes, because he wished his unharvested crop to preach his faith in the second coming of Christ, was rewarded. That fall a potato rot destroyed the crops throughout New England. But the autumn was mild, and the potatoes that had been left in the ground did not freeze, and neither did they rot. The faithful man had an abundant supply for himself and for his neighbors. Others throughout the country had much the same experience. HMes 31.1

The people needed the presence of their Saviour with them at this time more than they ever had before, and He did not disappoint them. He chose to use a very special gift for the encouragement of the people—the gift of prophecy. Since Creation He had spoken to His children through this gift when they especially needed His help. HMes 31.2

Ellen Harmon, who had served the Lord with all her heart since she was a child, was chosen by the heavenly Father as His messenger. Within two months after this disappointment He spoke to her and gave her messages for the believers. HMes 31.3

Ellen was only seventeen years old at this time. She was still in very poor health, and her throat and lungs were so diseased that she could scarcely speak above a whisper. The doctors said that she might live only a short time. One morning at worship she was kneeling in prayer with four other women. All the others had prayed, and Ellen was praying in a whisper when the power of God was felt by all present. In a moment Ellen ceased praying and remained silent. She was hearing the voice of the angel of God as he spoke to her. It seemed to her that she was surrounded by a light and was rising higher and higher from the earth. She turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but she could not find them. Then a voice said, “Look a little higher.” When she looked up she saw a straight, narrow path high above the world, leading to the heavenly city beyond. On this path the Advent people were traveling. A light set up at the beginning of the path shone all along the way, lighting the feet of the travelers so that they would not stumble. “This light,” said the angel, “is the midnight cry.” HMes 31.4

In the front of the company, leading them to the city, was Jesus. As long as His followers kept their eyes fixed upon Him, they were safe, but some grew tired, and complained that the city was a great way off. Then Jesus raised His right arm, and from it a light shone back all along the path, and the little band of followers shouted with joy. But some lost sight of Jesus, and said that it was not God who had led them. The light behind them went out, and they were left in complete darkness. They stumbled in the dark and fell from the path down into the world below. HMes 32.1

Soon the company who were following Jesus heard the voice of God, which told them the day and hour of Jesus’ coming. They knew and understood the voice, but the people in the world below thought it was thunder and an earthquake. The faces of the little band of followers were lighted up by the glory of God and shone as did the face of Moses when he came down from Sinai after speaking there with God. HMes 32.2

Ellen Harmon was then shown the coming of the Saviour in the clouds of heaven. She heard the group of believers cry out, “Who shall be able to stand?” There was an awful silence. Then the voice of Jesus spoke, “Those who have clean hands and pure hearts shall be able to stand: My grace is sufficient for you.” At this, joy filled every heart. The angels’ songs rang through the air. She saw the dead raised from their graves, and saw their loved ones greet them with shouts of joy. Then those who were ready to meet the Lord were taken with Him into the cloud. When the company had reached the city of gold, she saw Jesus lay hold of the gate of pearl and swing it back on its glittering hinges, saying, “You who have washed your robes in My blood and stood stiffly for My truth, enter in.” HMes 32.3

After the vision was ended, Ellen realized that she was still kneeling in the parlor of the little home in South Portland, Maine. But how dark this world seemed to her! She had seen a better land. HMes 33.1

When Ellen told the members of the Portland church what God had shown her, she said, “While under the power of the Lord, I was filled with joy. I seemed to be surrounded by holy angels in the glorious courts of heaven, where all is peace and gladness.” HMes 33.2

The members of the church all believed that God had chosen this way to comfort and strengthen His people after the great disappointment they had suffered. How happy they all were to know that their heavenly Father was watching over and caring for them. HMes 33.3

An unspeakable awe filled Ellen that she, so young and feeble, should be chosen as the instrument by which God would give light to His people. HMes 33.4