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1. Why There Are New E. G. White Books EGWMR 92

New E. G. White books have been published to furnish counsel and instruction which otherwise would not be available to Seventh-day Adventist workers and laymen. Through a period of many years Mrs. White supplied articles rich in counsel and instruction almost weekly to the Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor, and Signs of the Times, as well as other denominational journals. Only a few of these articles could be used in the E. G. White books. Regarding these valuable Spirit of prophecy sources she admonished: EGWMR 92.6

“The articles that from week to week are printed in our papers are soon forgotten.... These articles are to be gathered together, reprinted in book form, and placed before believers and unbelievers.”—Letter 73, 1903. EGWMR 92.7

There were hundreds of personal testimonies to various workers, and especially the leading men in the denomination, bearing messages of encouragement and counsel regarding the work of God and sounding warnings against dangers and pitfalls. In the hands of the recipients these unpublished testimonies elevated our standards and molded our work. The younger men who trained immediately under these men also benefited. But through the lapse of time and the great expansion of the work, a break has come. Should the men now making the decisions, now laying the plans, and now meeting the crises of the rapidly enlarging work, be deprived of the precious counsel which meant so much to the work and workers of earlier years? EGWMR 92.8

The angel of the Lord answers this question as reported by Mrs. White when writing of a vision in which she seemed to be in a counsel meeting where “one of authority stood up and said: EGWMR 92.9

“Everything that has been given to ministers, to men in responsible positions, to teachers, to managers, to the different conferences is to be repeated and repeated.... We must work earnestly to bring this instruction before the people.”—Manuscript 101, 1905. EGWMR 92.10

This is why new E. G. White books have been published. EGWMR 92.11