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1. What made it impossible for God to talk face to face with man after sin was introduced into the world? APAY 31.7

2. Study carefully each of the methods of communication listed. Find as many additional examples of these methods as possible. After checking on several incidents under each heading, what conclusion do you reach as to the kind of circumstances under which this particular variety of communication was generally used? What does it seem that God was trying to accomplish in each instance? APAY 31.8

3. Compare the gift of prophecy with each of the other methods discussed. In what ways is it superior to the other methods as a means of communication? Make your comparison with each method separately. Do not generalize. APAY 32.1

4. Find additional examples of God’s use of a combination of the human and the divine in the working out of the plan of salvation. APAY 32.2

5. How far can God go toward bringing about a complete transformation in the mind of a man in his present life? APAY 32.3

6. In your opinion, have the prophets adequately fulfilled the purposes the Lord had in mind in calling them to their special work? APAY 32.4