Brave words of good intentions, but soon forgotten. After they had caught their breath at the Ohio meeting, they were ready to go on. Wrote White: 2BIO 295.3
On the Ohio campground, the burden rolled upon us, and we have decided to hold camp meetings in Indiana and Kansas in the month of October. See appointments. 2BIO 295.4
We make the sacrifice in our much worn condition to hold these meetings for the good of perishing souls. Who wish to share with us? Such are invited to assist with their prayers and their means.—Ibid., September 27, 1870 2BIO 295.5
With renewed spirits they journeyed to Indiana and then Kansas, and entered wholeheartedly into the meetings. As the Kansas meeting, held near Fort Scott, seventy-five miles south of Kansas City, neared its close, James White, on Sunday, October 16, described the circumstances: 2BIO 295.6
Here are ten family tents, several covered wagons in which families live, a provision stand, and the Iowa large tent, of inestimable value to us during the heavy storm. A coal stove has been set up in the big tent, which has added much to our comfort during the storm. In fact, nearly all the tents are furnished with stoves. As far as we can learn, our people have been quite comfortable, even in the midst of the storm. All are cheerful, and enjoy the meeting very much.—Ibid., November 8, 1870 2BIO 295.7
He added, “Mrs. White has spoken on the health question in a manner to give entire satisfaction.” Of this more will be said. 2BIO 295.8
Instead of returning home to Battle Creek promptly as they had first planned, they felt sufficiently rejuvenated to hold a few meetings in Missouri. This swing to the south and west added five weeks to their 1870 camp meeting work. They reached home, Monday, November 7 (Ibid., November 15, 1870). 2BIO 296.1