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Letter to Marian Davis, 6Marian Davis worked for Mrs. White from 1879-1904, and assisted her in the preparation of many of her most important books. October 23, 1890 SVD 12

Dear Marian: It is time that you have a period of entire rest and I hope you will now regard my wishes and take it. While out to your father’s, do not try to write or fix manuscript. Just let the mind rest and be free, go anywhere you please, do anything you please and rest. Your wages shall go on just the same. This is my decided wish and then when I am through with this round of meetings, we will go into the preparation of the Life of Christ, fresh and earnest. Will you do it? SVD 12.3

I am writing a little, as I can, on the Life of Christ, but other topics come in with my labor to which I am obliged to give thought and trace upon paper….I am doing considerably more in the writing line than when at Battle Creek. I think the atmosphere is some better here [South Lancaster] than at Battle Creek.—Letter 108, 1890, pp. 1, 3. 7See p. 87 for a facsimile of the first page of this letter SVD 12.4