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Chapter 3—Lyceum and Literary Societies Can Be Constructive DPSDAI 13

If the human mind takes a low level it is generally because it is left to deal with common-place facts and not called out and exercised to grasp lofty, elevated truths, which are enduring as eternity. These literary societies and lyceums are almost universally exerting an influence entirely contrary to that which they claim, and are an injury to the youth. This need not be the case, but because unsanctified elements take the lead, because worldlings want matters to go to please themselves, their hearts are not in harmony with Jesus Christ, they are in the ranks of the Lord’s enemies, and they will not be pleased with that kind of entertainment which would strengthen and confirm the members of the society in spirituality. There is brought in low, cheap matters which are not elevating or instructive but which only amuse. DPSDAI 13.1

The way these societies have been conducted leads the mind away from serious reflection, away from God, away from heaven. By attending them religious thoughts and services have become distasteful. There is less desire for fervent prayer, for pure and undefiled religion. The thoughts and conversation are not on elevating themes, but dwelling upon the subjects brought up in these gatherings. What is the chaff to the wheat? The understanding will gradually bring itself down to the dimensions of the matters with which it is familiar, till the powers of the mind become contracted, showing what has been its food. DPSDAI 13.2