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Result of Wrong Training BHB 64

1 Samuel 2:27-34. The priesthood was taken from the family of Eli because he failed to control his children. BHB 64.13

1 Samuel 2:23-25. Eli reported his sons for their wrong course; but reproof alone is not sufficient. BHB 64.14

1 Samuel 3:13. Parents must “restrain” and control their children as well as reprove the. Testimonies for the Church 5:323, 324. BHB 64.15

1 Samuel 2:29. It is dishonoring to God for parents to allow their children to grow up disobedient. BHB 65.1

Proverbs 29:15. Disobedient children bring their parents to shame. BHB 65.2

1 Samuel 8:1-5. The disobedience of Samuel’s sons caused the office of judge to pass from Samuel’s family. BHB 65.3

2 Kings 19:37. Uncontrolled children will even slay their parents. BHB 65.4

Proverbs 17:25. A “foolish son” brings grief and bitterness to parents. BHB 65.5