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Section 9—As We Near the End 2SM 366

Introduction 2SM 366

In the preparation of a volume of miscellaneous counsels published decades after Ellen White's death, it is to be expected that some pages will be devoted to the coming crisis and the experience of the church as we near the time for the second coming of Christ. The counsels included in this section have been drawn largely from Ellen G. White articles as they have appeared in our various journals and from items published in Notebook Leaflets. 2SM 366.1

These stirring messages do not present anything startlingly new, and there is considerable repetition of thought; but to a people who are expecting to meet their Lord soon, each statement that has a bearing on the crisis before us will be read with eager interest. 2SM 366.2

The closing chapter, “the last messages to the General Conference,” represents the two formal statements Mrs. White prepared and sent to be read at the General Conference in session in 1913—the last held while she lived. Excerpts from these two messages have appeared elsewhere in print. It seems appropriate that the full statements should be included here, indicating, as they do, Mrs. White's confidence in the leaders of the church and its final triumph. 2SM 366.3

White Trustees.