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    A Partner in God's Firm

    The cause of God is ever demanding. Industry is therefore required on the part of all, high and low, rich and poor, in order that due returns may be made to God, that there may be “meat” in His house, and that the servants whom He has called to do the work of communicating the truth to a perishing world may be supported.CS 299.2

    Not only does God require the tithe, but He requires that all we have be used to His glory. There must be no spendthrift habits; it is God's property that we are handling. Not one dollar or one shilling is our own. The squandering of money in luxuries deprives the poor of the means necessary to supply them with food and clothing. That which is spent for the gratification of pride in dress, in buildings, in furniture, and in decorations, would relieve the distress of many wretched, suffering families. God's stewards are to minister to the needy. This is the fruit of pure and undefiled religion. The Lord condemns men for their selfish indulgence while their fellow beings are suffering for the want of food and clothing....CS 299.3

    The Lord calls upon every one of His children to let heaven's light—the light of His own unselfish love— shine out amid the darkness of this degenerate age. If He sees you acknowledge Him as the possessor of yourself and all your possessions, if He sees you use your entrusted means as a faithful steward, He will register your name in the books of heaven as a laborer together with Him, a partner in His great firm, to work in behalf of your fellow men. And joy will be yours in the final day, as it is seen that the means wisely used in helping others has caused through you thanksgiving to God.—The Review and Herald, December 8, 1896.CS 299.4

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