Judicial Religious Legislation Exposed
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In the regular weekly meeting of the Secular League at Pythian Temple yesterday afternoon, Mr. Alonzo T. Jones gave an address on “Judicial Religious Legislation.” The speaker was followed with deep interest by the large audience present, who frequently gave open expression of their hearty approval of the principles set forth. At the close of Mr. Jones’ address there was an animated general discussion by a dozen or more members of the audience. A unanimous vote or thanks was extended to the speaker of the hour for his earnest work in behalf of individual and constitutional religious liberty in the District of Columbia and throughout the nation. The speaker said:JRLE 1.1
The particular judicial religious legislation to which I invite your attention is that which has been enacted by the courts in establishing Sunday laws in the United States, against the Protestant and Christian principle, and the American and constitutional principle, of the complete separation of religion and the civil power. For, beyond all question, Sunday laws are religious laws, and to sustain them is decidedly to maintain a union of the religious and the civil power.JRLE 1.2