June 5, 1899
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EGW Extras
June 5, 1899
“God’s Message to the World” The Bible Echo 14, 23, pp. 186, 187.
IN the book of Daniel there are four announcements, or proclamations, of God’s truth to the world, all by kings of the world. All this was brought about through the faithfulness of the people of God in captivity. And the people of God being in captivity was simply the consequence of their failure to be faithful out of captivity.BEST June 5, 1899, page 186.1
If the people of God had been as faithful in Judea as they were in Babylon, they never would have seen Babylon; and if the people of God being as faithful in Judea as they were in Babylon, the light shining through them in their faithfulness in Judea as in Babylon, God would never have needed to use the kings of the kingdoms aside from the special people of God to spread His truth to the world. That is true yet, and in this the book of Daniel is present truth now. It is, and has been, in the people always to be most faithful only under the greatest disadvantages.BEST June 5, 1899, page 186.2
Do not forget that God’s church and God’s people are the light of the world, whether they are free and in peace, and dwelling as He longs for them to do; or whether they are in the darkness and the gloom of a dungeon and captivity. They are the light of the world, and the light shines through them. If they will bedim it, if they will not let it shine during peace and quietness, and through all the advantages which He gives, and which He longs for us to enjoy; then it will shine anyhow, and it will have to shine through the disadvantages of distress and captivity. But it will shine; and it will reach the people of the world, whom it should reach; and they will receive it and glorify God. In captivity, whatever is done, is preaching the gospel, and is reaching souls. We have that comfort always. Yet we would do all that without the captivity if we were only as faithful to God out of captivity as we always will be in captivity.BEST June 5, 1899, page 187.1