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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    Moses’ Call from the Burning Bush

    Moses himself could not have moved the Israelites to leave Egypt by simply saying to them, “As I was tending the flocks in the desert, I had thoughts of sympathy for you in your bondage, and I am now come down to lead you out of Egypt, as I assayed to do when I slew the Egyptian just before I fled to the land of Midian.”GSAM 198.3

    It took the burning bush that consumed not, and an audible voice proceeding from the midst of the flames, to convince even Moses that he was the one to “go and lead the people out of Egypt.” It was in this wonderful manner that he received his commission, his high and holy calling, a revelation of which would at once arrest the attention of his brethren, and prepare their minds for what should follow, and thus lead them to accept Moses, under God, as their leader.GSAM 199.1

    If ever there was a time since the Saviour’s resurrection when his sorrowing and disappointed followers needed to be comforted by his presence and cheering words, it was at that time when some of the sad and persecuted believers were holding on by steadfast faith after the “midnight cry” of 1844; and if in mercy God ever communicated directly to sorrowing souls, it would seem that it would certainly be at such a time, and to such a people.GSAM 199.2

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