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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    Growth of the Health Work

    In the The Medical Missionary, January, 1894, is a brief statement setting forth interesting facts respecting the growth of the health work. It reads as follows:GSAM 370.6

    “The Health Reform Institute was organized in 1866.... A modest frame house was purchased, a private residence in a pleasant and healthful location on the higher grounds of Battle Creek, one of the growing cities of Michigan. Two doctors, two bath attendants, one nurse (untrained), three or four helpers, one patient, and any amount of inconveniences, and a great deal of faith in the future of the institution and the principles on which it was founded this was the beginning of the present enterprise. It was known as the Health Reform Institute.GSAM 371.1

    “On the site of the original cottage there now stands a building 312 feet long and 100 feet deep, six stories high, which accommodates three hundred guests, furnished with every appliance that modern science can suggest for the care and restoration of the sick. Ten physicians, most of whom are specialists in their respective lines, constitute the medical faculty. Nurses and other helpers form a family of more than three hundred, and the patronage of the institution represents every State in the Union, and many guests from other lands. Its doors are always open to the missionary, home or foreign, of whatever name, and the family is rarely without one or more of these guests.GSAM 371.2

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