October 23, 1902
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EGW Extras
October 23, 1902
“Knowing by Faith” The Present Truth 18, 38, p. 673.
FAITH is not speculation. It is not a guessing at things. It is not a taking for granted that of which there is not, and cannot be, any certainty. Faith is the means of attaining to knowledge which cannot be reached in any other way. And it is absolute knowledge too. Instead of faith being the taking at a venture things of which there is no certainty, it is that which introduces us to the very certainties of the universe itself.PTUK October 23, 1902, page 673.1
If the world could see God or the things of God with worldly eyes, and could know God or the things of God by worldly knowledge, this would reduce God and all the things of God to the level of this world and the things of this world. And this would be only to confirm, by the sanction of God, this world for ever in its own ways as they are. But God wants to lift the world up to Himself and His ways, instead of having the world bring Him down to its own level to confirm its own wickedness. And in order that the world may be brought to God and His ways, it must see with other than worldly eyes and know with other than worldly knowledge. It must see with the eyes of God and know with the knowledge of God. And that it may do this, God has made to all the world the gift of faith.PTUK October 23, 1902, page 673.2
By faith we see that which without it cannot be seen, and by faith we know that which without it cannot be known. By faith we see Him who is invisible (Hebrews 11:27), and the things that are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). By faith we know Him who is the Author and Fountain of knowledge, and that which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19. So, while the world cannot receive the Spirit of God because it seeth Him not neither knoweth Him, they who are of faith can receive Him. And having received Him they see Him, though He be invisible, and know Him. To these He says, “Ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you and shall be in you.” And, “Ye see Me.” And, “I will manifest Myself to him.”PTUK October 23, 1902, page 673.3