- Foreword
- The Author
- The Old Year and the New, January 1
- Watch and Pray, January 2
- Understanding for All, January 3
- Fervent Prayer, January 4
- The Importance of Prayer, January 5
- Prayer Lessons From Elijah, January 6
- The Model Prayer, January 7
- Prevailing Prayer, January 8
- Rooted and Grounded in Christ, January 9
- Striking Examples of Prayer, January 10
- Prayers of Form and Prayers of Faith, January 11
- Bible Religion Is Practical, January 12
- Be Conformed to the Word, January 13
- God Hears Prayers, January 14
- Pray Without Ceasing, January 15
- The Power of Prayer, January 16
- God Speaks to Us, January 17
- Bible Study Strengthens Intellect, January 18
- Personal Study Is Essential, January 19
- Jesus Reveals the Father, January 20
- A Steward's Duty, January 21
- Lay Up Treasure in Heaven, January 22
- A New Mind Will I Give You, January 23
- A Time for Prevailing Prayer, January 24
- God's Word Our Light, January 25
- The Word in Human Form, January 26
- What the Word Is to Us, January 27
- In My Name, January 28
- God Will Not Turn Away From You, January 29
- Cheerful Giving, January 30
- The Prophetic Messenger Prays, January 31
- Holiness in the Lord, February 1
- What Do We Sacrifice for Heaven? February 2
- Grow in Grace, February 3
- Counterfeit Sanctification, February 4
- Winning Back the Erring, February 5
- The Secret of Spiritual Life, February 6
- A Living Church, February 7
- The Christian Race, February 8
- Faith Is the Victory, February 9
- Giving, a Habit Born of Love, February 10
- The Christian's Rest, February 11
- Developing a Godlike Character, February 12
- Led by the Spirit, February 13
- Adding and Multiplying, February 14
- United With Our Maker, February 15
- Heavenly Attributes, February 16
- God's Blessings and Our Responsibility, February 17
- Let Your Light Shine, February 18
- Our Need of the Holy Spirit, February 19
- Dare to Be a Daniel, February 20
- Becoming a Child of God, February 21
- Godliness With Contentment, February 22
- What Is Faith? February 23
- The Only Treasure, February 24
- God's Way, Not My Way, February 25
- Unquestioning Faith, February 26
- The Power of Song, February 27
- Truth Conquers Evil, February 28
- Sacrifice for the Cause of God, March 1
- God Uses Us to Help Others, March 2
- Deceitfulness of Riches, March 3
- Give to God What Is His, March 4
- Liberality and Love for God's Work, March 5
- The Joy of Advancing God's Work, March 6
- What God Values, March 7
- Trust the Word, Not Feelings, March 8
- The Word Became Flesh, March 9
- What Are We Reading? March 10
- True and False Sanctification, March 11
- The Royal Family, March 12
- Choose You This Day, March 13
- The Example of Liberality, March 14
- In Christ's Steps, March 15
- God Needs Our Talents, March 16
- Receiving to Give, March 17
- First Things First, March 18
- Christian Temperance, March 19
- God's Innumerable Bounties, March 20
- Jesus' Love Seen in the Clouds, March 21
- God Revealed in Nature and Jesus, March 22
- Hidden Treasure, March 23
- Christ Connects Heaven to Earth, March 24
- God and Mammon, March 25
- What Must I Do to Be Saved? March 26
- Gathering or Scattering, March 27
- Asking to Give, March 28
- For the Mission Fields, March 29
- Privilege of Giving, March 30
- They Shall See His Face, March 31
- The Great Supper, April 1
- Two Sons, April 2
- The Barren Fig Tree, April 3
- I Have Many Things to Say Unto You, April 4
- Wayside Hearers, April 5
- Stony-ground Hearers, April 6
- Thorny-ground Hearers, April 7
- Good-ground Hearers, April 8
- Opposition May Benefit Us, April 9
- The Rich Man, April 10
- The Laborers, April 11
- A Teacher of Righteousness, April 12
- Have You Oil in Your Lamps? April 13
- The Unfaithful Servant, April 14
- What Can Be, April 15
- Captivating Words, April 16
- The Vine and the Branches, April 17
- The Pearl of Great Price, April 18
- How Often Shall I Forgive? April 19
- The Marriage of the King's Son, April 20
- The Wedding Garment, April 21
- The Lord's Vineyard, April 22
- How Jesus Taught Truth, April 23
- The Lost Sheep, April 24
- The Prodigal Son, April 25
- The Older Brother, April 26
- The Good Samaritan, Part I, April 27
- The Good Samaritan, Part 2, April 28
- The Unjust Judge, April 29
- The Pharisee and the Publican, April 30
- Compare the Sinner and the Righteous, May 1
- What Does the Christian Gain? May 2
- The Blessings of Benevolence, May 3
- Does God Ask Too Much? May 4
- True Christians Are Happy, May 5
- The Laodicean Church, May 6
- The Creation, May 7
- The Chance to Choose, May 8
- The Fall, May 9
- A Redeemer Is Promised, May 10
- God's Mirror, May 11
- Praise God! May 12
- A New Song, May 13
- A Short Time, May 14
- Come and Be Separate, May 15
- One Day at a Time, May 16
- Come Out From Among Them, May 17
- The Two Ways, May 18
- The Light of the World, May 19
- True Temperance Is Well-balanced Living, May 20
- Work Is a Blessing, May 21
- The Eye of the Lord Is Upon You, May 22
- Science and Revelation, May 23
- Cheerful Service, May 24
- Put God First, May 25
- A Living Church, May 26
- Rest in Christ, May 27
- Ordained to Bring Forth Fruit, May 28
- Be Separate From the World, May 29
- The Blood on the Doorpost, May 30
- There Is Work for Everyone, May 31
- Jesus Is God, June 1
- Enmity, God's Gift, June 2
- Experiencing Forgiveness, June 3
- Strong in Christ, June 4
- Sweet Thoughts, June 5
- Today's Assignment, June 6
- Slow to Learn, June 7
- The Great Source of Truth, June 8
- Cleansing the Temple, June 9
- Jesus Loves You, June 10
- Jesus, the Fulfillment of Prophecy, June 11
- The Uplifted Savior, June 12
- The Ordinances, June 13
- Principles in Business, June 14
- A Teacher Sent From God, June 15
- Beholding Christ, June 16
- The Only Source of Truth, June 17
- Secure in Jesus' Hands, June 18
- Jesus' Convincing Power, June 19
- As a Root Out of Dry Ground, June 20
- True Riches, June 21
- Will a Man Rob God? June 22
- Remedy for Soul Poverty, June 23
- Ministry of Comfort, June 24
- Meekness, a Fruit of the Spirit, June 25
- Hungering for Righteousness, June 26
- The Fruits of Mercy, June 27
- A Friend to the Pure in Heart, June 28
- Harmony, June 29
- Seek Peace, June 30
- Salvation Promised, July 1
- Cain and Abel Tested, July 2
- The Anger of Cain, July 3
- A More Excellent Sacrifice, July 4
- The First Promise of the Gospel, July 5
- Enoch, July 6
- Enoch and the Spirit of Prophecy, July 7
- Modern-day Enochs, July 8
- The Promise to Israel, July 9
- The Faith of Abraham, Part 1, July 10
- The Faith of Abraham, Part 2, July 11
- Heaven's Ladder, July 12
- The Lord Is in This Place, July 13
- An Example of Forgiveness, July 14
- Joseph, a Type of Christ, July 15
- Forty Years of Retraining, July 16
- The Unlearning Experience, July 17
- The Call of Moses, July 18
- Double Bondage, July 19
- God Will Surely Visit You, July 20
- God's Superior Power, July 21
- Let the Plagues Begin, July 22
- Now Lice and Flies, July 23
- Then Pestilence, Boils, and Hail, July 24
- A False Confession and Promise, July 25
- Locusts, July 26
- Darkness Over the Land, July 27
- Death of the Firstborn, July 28
- The Passover, July 29
- Christ, the Passover Lamb, July 30
- The Repairer of the Breach, July 31
- God Fulfilled His Promises, August 1
- One Equal With God, August 2
- An Unprepared People, August 3
- The Joyful News, August 4
- Where His Voice Was Heard, August 5
- Christ as a Child, August 6
- The Father's Business, August 7
- An Example of Love, August 8
- The Youthful Jesus, August 9
- A Model for the Young, August 10
- Living the Truth, August 11
- Scripture Was Jesus' Guide, August 12
- Jesus Was From Nazareth, August 13
- By Words and by Example, August 14
- Overcoming As Christ Overcame, August 15
- Christ, the Way to Victory, August 16
- Rejected, August 17
- Revealing the Father, August 18
- Blinded by Prejudice, August 19
- Act When Opportunity Knocks, August 20
- Abundant Evidence for Faith, August 21
- The Blind Man Healed, August 22
- The Water of Life, August 23
- Quenching the Soul's Thirst, August 24
- Feeding the 5,000, August 25
- Receive to Give, August 26
- The Joy of Christ's Fellowship in Heaven, August 27
- Coworkers With Christ, August 28
- Gethsemane, August 29
- Calvary, August 30
- A Job Well Done, August 31
- Representative Men and Women, September 1
- The Wise Men, September 2
- Nicodemus, September 3
- Full Surrender, September 4
- The Call of Elisha, September 5
- Answering God's Call, September 6
- Never Look Back, September 7
- Timothy, September 8
- Joseph, God's Unwavering Witness, September 9
- Victorious Over Temptation, September 10
- Interpreter of Dreams, September 11
- The Call of Gideon, September 12
- Growing Confidence, September 13
- Righteousness Gains the Victory, September 14
- The Need for More Trust, September 15
- Qualifications of the Chosen, September 16
- Eavesdropping, September 17
- God's Overarching Love, September 18
- God's Victory, September 19
- God Provides, September 20
- Simple Faith, September 21
- Acting on Faith, September 22
- Simple Faith Rewarded, September 23
- Daniel's Commitment to God, September 24
- An Example of Trust and Prayer, September 25
- Miraculous Transformation, September 26
- Judas and John Contrasted, September 27
- Mary's Offering, September 28
- Learning From Peter's Experience, September 29
- Peter's Restoration, September 30
- A Twofold System of Law, October 1
- God's Eternal Law, October 2
- Glorifying God, October 3
- The Dynamic Duo, October 4
- Rest in Christ, October 5
- Onward and Upward, October 6
- Like Christ, October 7
- A New Creation, October 8
- The Purpose of Grace, October 9
- The Impact of Truth, October 10
- Christ in Light of the Law, October 11
- Walk in Christ, October 12
- Two Vital Lessons, October 13
- Would You Have Peace? October 14
- How Faith Works, October 15
- Be Honest With God, October 16
- Guided by the Holy Spirit, October 17
- Evidence of the Spirit's Work, October 18
- Lights Shining in Darkness, October 19
- Gifts of the Spirit, October 20
- Pentecost, October 21
- The Fruits of Pentecost, October 22
- Pray for God's Spirit, October 23
- The Coming Test, October 24
- Last-day Delusions, October 25
- Spiritualism and Its End, October 26
- Be on Guard, October 27
- Final Preparation, October 28
- Nearness of the End, October 29
- Fasten Your Eyes on the Future, October 30
- A Divine Command, October 31
- The Chosen of God, November 1
- A Peculiar People, November 2
- Separation From the World, November 3
- God's People Identified, November 4
- Christ's Representatives, November 5
- Working With Christ, November 6
- The Church to Advance God's Work, November 7
- An Enlightened Church, November 8
- Someone Is at the Door, November 9
- Unity Is Essential, November 10
- A Challenge to God's Church, November 11
- God's Final Warning, November 12
- Seal of God and Mark of the Beast, November 13
- Image to the Beast, November 14
- History Repeats Itself, November 15
- Victory at Last! November 16
- Channels for the Sun of Righteousness, November 17
- Source of All Truth, November 18
- The Proclamation of God's Remnant, November 19
- The Closing Work, November 20
- Forgiveness Is Not Impossible, November 21
- Work in the Cities, November 22
- Reject Speculation, November 23
- The Holy Spirit and the Remnant, November 24
- A Holy People, November 25
- A Perfected Church, November 26
- A Reflection of Christ, November 27
- Separate From the World, November 28
- God's Temple, November 29
- Coworkers With the Church in Heaven, November 30
- A Colorado Sunset, December 1
- John the Baptist's Example, December 2
- A Voice in the Wilderness, December 3
- Forerunner of Christ, December 4
- As in the Days of Noah, December 5
- Build an Ark, Noah, December 6
- Noah's Unwavering Obedience, December 7
- The End of Patience, December 8
- God's Sabbath, December 9
- The Sabbath in the Gospel Dispensation, December 10
- Biblical Foundation for the Sabbath, December 11
- What Is Lawful on the Sabbath? December 12
- Preparation for Jesus' Coming, December 13
- Present Duty, December 14
- Reflectors of Christ, December 15
- Decisive Action, December 16
- Heaven-filled Lives, December 17
- Honor the Giver of Gifts, December 18
- Individually Responsible, December 19
- The Latter Rain, December 20
- Accept the Invitation, December 21
- To All Nations, December 22
- The First and Second Advent, December 23
- What a Christmas Present! December 24
- The Promise Fulfilled, December 25
- A Resolution, December 26
- Change in Raiment, December 27
- Use What You Have, December 28
- The Blessed Hope, December 29
- Preparing for Heaven, December 30
- Heaven Below and Heaven Above, December 31
Spiritualism and Its End, October 26
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world. Revelation 16:14.FH 311.1
The great power that attends spiritualism has its origin in the great leading rebel, Satan, the prince of devils. It is through his artifice that evil angels have been able to substitute themselves for the dead, and through lying hypocrisy they have led men and women to have communion with devils. Those who commune with the supposed spirits of the dead are communing with those who will have a corrupting, demoralizing power upon the mind. Christ commanded that we should have no communion with sorcerers and with those who have familiar spirits....FH 311.2
For years spiritualism has been growing in strength and gaining in popularity by advocating a certain kind of faith in Christ, and thus many Protestants are becoming infatuated with this mystery of iniquity. It is little wonder that they are deluded when they persistently retain the error that, as soon as the breath leaves the body, the spirit goes immediately to heaven or hell. Through the hold this doctrine has upon them, the way is prepared for the delusive working of the prince of the power of the air....FH 311.3
As the Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from the earth, Satan's power will be more and more manifest. The knowledge that he had through being in connection with God as a covering cherub, he will now use to subordinate his subjects who fell from their high estate. He will use every power of his exalted intellect to misrepresent God and to instigate rebellion against Jesus Christ, the Commander of heaven. In the synagogue of Satan he brings under his scepter and into his counsels those agents whom he can use to promote his worship. It is not a strange matter to find a species of refinement and a manifestation of intellectual greatness in the lives and characters of those who are inspired by fallen angels. Satan can impart scientific knowledge and give people chapters upon philosophy. He is conversant with history and versed in worldly wisdom....FH 311.4
Satan will use his agencies to carry out diabolical devices to overpower the saints of God, ... yet the people of God can look calmly at the whole array of evil and come to the triumphant conclusion that because Christ lives, we shall live also.... The confederacy of evil will finally be destroyed.—Signs of the Times, May 28, 1894.FH 311.5