- Foreword
- Unlock the Storehouse! January 1
- Where Wisdom Begins, January 2
- Who May Know God? January 3
- Superficial Knowledge Not Enough, January 4
- Christ the Eternal Word, January 5
- The Great I Am, January 6
- Co-Workers in Creation, January 7
- A Sad Day for the Universe, January 8
- The Mystery of Sin, January 9
- Divine Enmity in the Soul, January 10
- A Star of Hope, January 11
- God's Character Revealed, January 12
- Love So Amazing! January 13
- Isaac a Figure of Christ, January 14
- Christ the Mystic Ladder, January 15
- Christ's First Advent Prefigured, January 16
- The Smitten Rock, January 17
- The Living Water, January 18
- God in Human Flesh, January 19
- The Babe of Bethlehem, January 20
- A Light to the Young, January 21
- A Child in the Temple, January 22
- Keep the Saviour With You! January 23
- The Ideal for All Humanity, January 24
- The Meaning of Christ's Baptism, January 25
- The Wilderness Temptation, January 26
- A Life Without Sin, January 27
- Christ Suffered, Being Tempted, January 28
- Our Divine Redeemer, January 29
- Marvel of the Heavenly Hosts, January 30
- The Greatness of Humility, January 31
- Christ the Revelation of God, February 1
- Christ in the Home, February 2
- Lover of Little Children, February 3
- A Message for Boys and Girls, February 4
- Armies of Missionary Children, February 5
- Missionary to the Poor, February 6
- The Pattern Man, February 7
- Tender, Loving, Compassionate, February 8
- An Attribute We May Share, February 9
- The Compassionate Healer, February 10
- Bearer of Our Afflictions, February 11
- Sharing Heaven's Treasures, February 12
- The Greatest Teacher, February 13
- Teaching in Depth, February 14
- Christ the Good Shepherd, February 15
- In the Bosom of the Shepherd, February 16
- The Sons of God, February 17
- When Man Cooperates, February 18
- Will You Let Him In? February 19
- The Holy Spirit Our Helper, February 20
- A Hidden Treasure, February 21
- Have You Enrolled? February 22
- “What Manner of Love”! February 23
- “We Shall Be Like Him,” February 24
- Under the Great Teacher, February 25
- Redeemed by Christ's Blood, February 26
- The Weight of God's Wrath, February 27
- The Cross of Calvary, February 28
- “Despised and Rejected,” March 1
- “Wounded for Our Transgressions,” March 2
- Depths of Humiliation, March 3
- Calvary—God's Crowning Work, March 4
- Christ Our Divine Ransom, March 5
- Resurrection to New Life, March 6
- The Glorious Reunion in Heaven, March 7
- A Perfect Atonement, March 8
- A Conqueror Claiming His Victory, March 9
- Momentarily Offering Sacrifice, March 10
- An Advocate Clothed in Our Nature, March 11
- When Jesus Interposes, March 12
- Salvation to the Uttermost, March 13
- Safe in Every Storm, March 14
- Jesus Holds Us Fast! March 15
- The Mystery of Godliness, March 16
- A Bridge for the Gulf, March 17
- The Priceless Pearl, March 18
- Christ's Precious Jewels, March 19
- Life's Best Things, March 20
- The Most Profitable Investment, March 21
- Entrusted Capital, March 22
- The Life God Uses, March 23
- Monitor and Friend, March 24
- Fulfilling Life's Obligations, March 25
- The Highest Objects of Ambition, March 26
- Sowing and Reaping, March 27
- Life Not to Be Trifled With, March 28
- Molded After His Character, March 29
- How to Enjoy Heaven, March 30
- Provision for Every Emergency, March 31
- Source of All Light, April 1
- Christ's Blessings Universal, April 2
- Equality of Believers in Christ, April 3
- Linked in a Common Brotherhood, April 4
- One Plan for All Time, April 5
- Through Christ to God, April 6
- One Family in Christ, April 7
- The Sum and Substance, April 8
- Water for the Thirsty, April 9
- Bread for the Hungry, April 10
- Partakers of Christ, April 11
- A Change of Raiment, April 12
- Christ Our Peace and Righteousness, April 13
- Justified by Faith, April 14
- Our Perfect Pattern, April 15
- An All-sufficient Saviour, April 16
- Profession Not Enough, April 17
- The Righteousness That God Requires, April 18
- A Faith That Purifies the Life, April 19
- Simple Faith and Unquestioning Obedience, April 20
- The Measure of Character, April 21
- Children, Not Slaves, April 22
- The Loveliness of Christian Character, April 23
- The Rest Christ Offers, April 24
- Under Christ's Yoke, April 25
- The Grace of Humility, April 26
- A Heavenly Partnership, April 27
- Light for the Humble, April 28
- The Merits of Jesus’ Blood, April 29
- To God Be the Glory, April 30
- “The Spot of His Children,” May 1
- Live Up to Your Profession, May 2
- An Individual Work, May 3
- Perfection Through Christ's Merits, May 4
- The Science of Holiness, May 5
- Abiding in Christ, May 6
- Genuine Fruit Bearing, May 7
- Glorious Possibilities Before Us, May 8
- Limitless Heights to Reach, May 9
- The Preciousness of Christ, May 10
- Influence of Our Words, May 11
- A Holy Listener, May 12
- Our Example in Self-control, May 13
- Dignity Without Pride, May 14
- Cheerfulness With Sobriety, May 15
- “With Joy Unspeakable,” May 16
- Under God's Guardianship, May 17
- The Voice of Nature, May 18
- Tokens of God's Love Everywhere, May 19
- Evidences of God's Greatness, May 20
- On the Preparation Day, May 21
- Through Nature to Nature's God, May 22
- Honoring God in the Home, May 23
- In God's Workshop, May 24
- God's Spiritual Temple, May 25
- Soldiers of Christ, May 26
- The Proof of Our Discipleship, May 27
- Come Where the Light Shines, May 28
- A Life of Strength, May 29
- Imitating Christ, May 30
- Grace an Educator, May 31
- A New Song in Our Hearts, June 1
- No Standing Still, June 2
- Adding and Multiplying, June 3
- When You Are Growing, June 4
- Reaching the Stature of Christ, June 5
- Are You Growing Up? June 6
- Growth and Fruit Bearing, June 7
- Marks of True Sanctification, June 8
- Jesus Our All, June 9
- An Abiding Motive, June 10
- First Things First, June 11
- Fitting Up for Heaven, June 12
- “Stedfast Unto the End,” June 13
- The Coming of the Comforter, June 14
- Our Divine Credentials, June 15
- Oneness With Christ and the Father, June 16
- God's Measurement of My Character, June 17
- Holiness a Companion of Humility, June 18
- Why Be Lifted Up? June 19
- “Take Heed Unto Thyself,” June 20
- Revealing Christ in Character, June 21
- Tares Among the Wheat, June 22
- As We Are Forgiven, June 23
- How to Settle Your Troubles, June 24
- Look for the Good, June 25
- Sheep and Wolves, June 26
- A Time to Close the Mind, June 27
- Fragrant With Heaven's Blessing, June 28
- The Greatest Service, June 29
- Building Up One Another, June 30
- The Highest Learning, July 1
- Greatest Educator of All Time, July 2
- Facing the Light, July 3
- Opening the Mysteries of Redemption, July 4
- Object of the Oracles, July 5
- Wisdom From the Father of Light, July 6
- The Christian's Textbook, July 7
- Exploring the Mine of Truth, July 8
- A Voice From God, July 9
- Book of the Ages, July 10
- True Christian Culture, July 11
- Truths That Transform, July 12
- Truth a Divine Sentinel, July 13
- Golden Promises, July 14
- Springs of Comfort, July 15
- Loss That Is Gain, July 16
- The Peril of Neglect, July 17
- Rich Depths of Knowledge, July 18
- Human Versus Divine Wisdom, July 19
- Author and Teacher of Truth, July 20
- Central Theme of the Scriptures, July 21
- A Will of Your Own? July 22
- The Platform of Truth, July 23
- God's Appointed Signature, July 24
- Safety in the “Old Paths,” July 25
- The Garden of God, July 26
- To Which Party Do You Belong? July 27
- Noncommittal Christians, July 28
- Passing on the Light, July 29
- Light for Those Who Love Light, July 30
- Let God Manage You, July 31
- Subjects of the King! August 1
- In the Master's Stead, August 2
- Support of the Lord's Plan, August 3
- Beware of Satan's Snares, August 4
- A Safe Place for Our Treasures, August 5
- God's Treasure House of Supplies, August 6
- A Never-failing Refuge, August 7
- A Progressive Faith, August 8
- A Dangerous Guest, August 9
- Conquering Our Doubts, August 10
- The Faith God Accepts, August 11
- Cultivating the Plant of Faith, August 12
- Much Faith, Much Peace, August 13
- Faith Sees Beyond the Darkness, August 14
- Take Time to Think, August 15
- A Holy Watcher, August 16
- The Mighty Deliverer, August 17
- The Sowing Time, August 18
- Under God's Searching Eye, August 19
- Mercy for the Repentant, August 20
- From Defeat to Victory, August 21
- A Strong Defense Against Temptation, August 22
- How to Get Rid of Guilt, August 23
- Under the Discipline of God, August 24
- The Sin God Cannot Forgive, August 25
- Trifling With God's Spirit, August 26
- How to Resist Satan, August 27
- Drawing Nigh to God, August 28
- No Excuse for Failure, August 29
- Battlefield of the Soul, August 30
- The Only Path of Safety, August 31
- My Lord and I, September 1
- Listen to God's Voice, September 2
- Watch for God's Guidance, September 3
- The March to Victory, September 4
- Those First Dangerous Steps, September 5
- The Deceitfulness of Sin, September 6
- The Conflict Is for Us, September 7
- Trust in Time of Trial, September 8
- And Jesus Prayed, September 9
- “Come Ye Yourselves Apart,” September 10
- Acceptable Prayer, September 11
- The Model Prayer, September 12
- What Is God Like? September 13
- A Tender, Merciful Father, September 14
- The Terms of Our Salvation, September 15
- The Power of Jesus’ Name, September 16
- I Pray for Guidance, September 17
- The Christian's Safeguard, September 18
- Quiet Rest in God, September 19
- Feeble Efforts Not Enough, September 20
- Fervent, Effectual Prayer, September 21
- Daniel's Example of Prayer and Confession, September 22
- The Preciousness of Secret Prayer, September 23
- Praise, Like Clear-flowing Streams, September 24
- A Jubilee for Jesus? September 25
- Suffering for the Truth's Sake, September 26
- Strength Through Trial, September 27
- The Glorious Fruits of Trial, September 28
- Why These Afflictions? September 29
- Bring Your Troubles to God, September 30
- Addressed to Me Personally, October 1
- Working the Heart's Soil, October 2
- Spiritual Muscle and Sinew, October 3
- “My Grace Is Sufficient for Thee,” October 4
- The Lord Is My Helper, October 5
- Feelings No Evidence of Rejection, October 6
- “I Have Prayed for Thee,” October 7
- The Price of Perfection, October 8
- Living Out God's Law, October 9
- God's Law Changeless and Eternal, October 10
- The Test of Our Actions, October 11
- Happiness in Obedience, October 12
- Power for Obedience, October 13
- Evidence of Our Allegiance, October 14
- Wonderful Simplicity of the Law, October 15
- God's Moral Looking Glass, October 16
- Privileges of the Obedient, October 17
- The Motive for Obedience, October 18
- Foundation of God's Government, October 19
- God's Law in the Heart, October 20
- The True Standard of Character, October 21
- The Game of Life, October 22
- Filled With His Fullness, October 23
- Distinct and Separate Ways, October 24
- The Challenge of the Difficult, October 25
- A Marked Distinction, October 26
- Christ's Representatives in the World, October 27
- Where Are You Pitching Your Tent? October 28
- Who Has Our Friendship? October 29
- God or Mammon? October 30
- The Condition of Sonship, October 31
- Shun the World's Pleasures, November 1
- The Adorning That Never Fades, November 2
- Daily Self-denial, November 3
- The Battle Against Intemperance, November 4
- The Christian Race, November 5
- An Example of the Believers, November 6
- God's Peculiar People, November 7
- Dare to Be Different! November 8
- Privileges Without Limit, November 9
- A Happy Walk With Jesus, November 10
- Count the Cost, November 11
- Cast Out Every Idol, November 12
- Threads in the Web of Humanity, November 13
- Trading on God's Gifts, November 14
- The Religion of Little Things, November 15
- A Day of Reckoning, November 16
- Putting Our Gifts to Work, November 17
- Instruments of Righteousness, November 18
- For the Master's Use, November 19
- Work Where You Are, November 20
- “Faithful in That Which Is Least,” November 21
- No Room for Shirkers, November 22
- Serve the Lord Heartily, November 23
- “Bear Ye One Another's Burdens,” November 24
- Sweet Music in Heaven, November 25
- Channels of Light and Blessing, November 26
- Repeating Christ's Invitation, November 27
- An Inexhaustible Storehouse, November 28
- Christ Is Our Message! November 29
- Fullness of the Godhead, November 30
- Exalting the Man of Calvary, December 1
- Now Is the Time to Shine, December 2
- Light for a World in Darkness, December 3
- Pledge of Divine Power, December 4
- Revealing Christ in the Crisis, December 5
- Fortress of the Soul, December 6
- Brighter and Brighter Still, December 7
- He Is Coming Again! December 8
- Why the Lord Delays, December 9
- The Revelation of Character, December 10
- Watch! Watch! Watch! December 11
- Standing Firm in Days of Peril, December 12
- Qualifications of Heavenly Citizenship, December 13
- Crisis of the Ages, December 14
- A Safe Hiding Place, December 15
- It Will Not Be Long, December 16
- The Best Specification We Can Have, December 17
- A Constant Readiness, December 18
- The Day of Final Settlement, December 19
- Fear Not, Child of God, December 20
- Robed in His Perfection, December 21
- On the Threshold of Eternity, December 22
- An Abiding Place for You, December 23
- We Shall See His Face, December 24
- Mysteries Yet to Be Unfolded, December 25
- Triumph of God's Love, December 26
- The Fulfillment of God's Purpose, December 27
- The Joy Set Before Him, December 28
- The Results of Christ's Travail, December 29
- Eternity Before Us, December 30
- Home at Last! December 31
A Hidden Treasure, February 21
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Matthew 13:44.TMK 58.1
Without the kingdom of God we are lost ... and are without hope in the world, but salvation has been provided for us through faith in Jesus Christ. He is the treasure, and when the rubbish of the world is swept away, we are enabled to discern His infinite value....TMK 58.2
The divinity of Christ was as a hidden treasure. At times when He was upon earth divinity flashed through humanity, and His true character was revealed. The God of heaven testified to His oneness with His Son. At His baptism the heavens were opened and the glory of God in the similitude of a dove like burnished gold hovered over the Saviour, and a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). But the nation to whom Christ came, though professing to be the peculiar people of God, did not recognize the heavenly treasure in the person of Jesus Christ....TMK 58.3
The Majesty of heaven was not discerned in the disguise of humanity. He was the divine Teacher sent from God, the glorious Treasure given to humanity. He was fairer than the sons of men, but His matchless glory was hidden under a cover of poverty and suffering. He veiled His glory in order that divinity might touch humanity, and the treasure of immense value was not discerned by the human race....TMK 58.4
“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The treasure indeed is hidden under the garb of humanity. Christ is the unsearchable riches, and he who finds Christ finds heaven. The human agent who looks upon Jesus, who dwells by faith on His matchless charms, finds the eternal treasure.27The Youth's Instructor, August 22, 1895 .TMK 58.5
Christ does not use this parable to commend the man who hides the treasure until he can buy the field, but His object in using this illustration is to convey to our mind the value of spiritual things. To obtain worldly treasure, the man would make a sacrifice of his all, and how much more should we give for the priceless, heavenly treasure! 28The Youth's Instructor, April 26, 1894.TMK 58.6