- Foreword
- For the Common People, January 1
- Food for the Soul, January 2
- Only Rule of Faith, January 3
- Behold Wondrous Things, January 4
- Live in the Atmosphere of Heaven, January 5
- A Transcript of God’s Will, January 6
- The Plan of Salvation Made Plain, January 7
- Hearing Jesus’ Voice, January 8
- The Keys of Heaven, January 9
- Without Rival, January 10
- Creative Energy, January 11
- Death of the Earthly Nature, January 12
- A Fortress Against Temptation, January 13
- Dig Deep, January 14
- Side by Side, January 15
- The Bible’s Central Theme, January 16
- The Great Controversy in Scripture, January 17
- Verse by Verse, January 18
- God’s Hand in History, January 19
- Why Doubt? January 20
- Good-Ground Hearers, January 21
- Get Acquainted With Truth, January 22
- Example of the Bereans, January 23
- Have an Elevating Influence, January 24
- The Great Educator, January 25
- The Science of Salvation, January 26
- Science and the Bible, January 27
- Keep Your Eyes on Christ, January 28
- Last Day Deceptions, January 29
- The Scriptures Our Safeguard, January 30
- Our First Duty, January 31
- A Voluntary Sacrifice, February 1
- An Unbreakable Tie, February 2
- Greater Works, February 3
- Divinity Needed Humanity, February 4
- The Divine Teacher, February 5
- Self-Renouncing Love, February 6
- Lucifer Exposed, February 7
- Selfishness Cannot Understand Love, February 8
- God Understands, February 9
- The Story of Bethlehem, February 10
- Understanding His Mission, February 11
- “My Father’s Business,” February 12
- Family Problems, February 13
- Patience, February 14
- Stay Focused on Christ, February 15
- Love Stronger Than Death, February 16
- The Good Shepherd, February 17
- The Test of Christ’s Divinity, February 18
- Triumphal Entry, February 19
- Jesus Came to Glorify God, February 20
- The Gospel to the World, February 21
- You Are Clean, February 22
- The Penitent Thief, February 23
- It Is Finished, February 24
- He Is Risen, February 25
- He Is the King of Glory, February 26
- Christ’s Coronation and Its Results, February 27
- The Intercession of Christ, February 28
- Christ’s Heavenly Ministry, February 29
- Just as We Are, March 1
- Perfection, March 2
- By Grace Alone, March 3
- It’s Your Choice, March 4
- It’s Either Or, March 5
- No Excuse for Sinning, March 6
- The Greatest Battle We Face, March 7
- Preparation for the Time of Trouble, March 8
- The Self-Righteous, March 9
- What God Can Do With You, March 10
- The Gospel Is for Everyone, March 11
- The Work of the Holy Spirit, March 12
- Spiritual Healing, March 13
- Cleansing the Temple, March 14
- Holiness Is ...! March 15
- Righteousness Is ...! March 16
- Sanctification Is ...! March 17
- Sanctification Is a Bible Doctrine, March 18
- Repentance Is ...! March 19
- Reaching Out After God, March 20
- An Example of Repentance, March 21
- The First Step in Acceptance, March 22
- Ask for Repentance, March 23
- What’s Wrong With Procrastination? March 24
- The Power of the Will, March 25
- The New Birth, March 26
- Believe What God Says, March 27
- In the Shadow of the Cross, March 28
- Grace From the Saviour, March 29
- An Example of True Sanctification, March 30
- Conformed to God’s Will, March 31
- The Keynote of Victory, April 1
- Lowliness Gives Victory, April 2
- Victory in God Alone, April 3
- Foundation for Victory, April 4
- Temptation Can Result in Victory, April 5
- In Safe Paths, April 6
- Satan Can’t Make You Sin, April 7
- God Must Have Your Consent, April 8
- Stepping Over the Line, April 9
- Learn to Distrust Self, April 10
- Stay Focused on Jesus, April 11
- You Are Not Alone, April 12
- Fortresses for God, April 13
- Heart Obedience, April 14
- Be True to Principle, April 15
- How Do We Deny Jesus? April 16
- How Do We See Ourselves? April 17
- Do We Sense Our Need? April 18
- A New Life, April 19
- From Victory to Victory, April 20
- Sin No Longer Attractive, April 21
- Race for the Crown, April 22
- Abiding Peace, April 23
- Share What You Receive, April 24
- Victory Through the Merits of Christ, April 25
- Victorious Over Trials, April 26
- Crowns and Robes, April 27
- Look Up, Not Down, April 28
- Talk About God’s Blessings, April 29
- Finally: a Position Above Angels, April 30
- What Do You Talk to God About? May 1
- The Key in the Hand of Faith, May 2
- The Science of Prayer, May 3
- Another Condition, May 4
- Faith and Secret Prayer, May 5
- Your Very First Work, May 6
- Include Prayer Meeting, May 7
- Pray Like Jacob, May 8
- You Cannot Wear God Out, May 9
- Prayer Enhances Spiritual Growth, May 10
- Study With Earnest Prayer, May 11
- What We Need to Learn About Prayer, May 12
- Prayer Moves the Arm of Omnipotence, May 13
- No Prayer Lost, May 14
- Beautiful Prayers, May 15
- Christ’s Remedy for Lifeless Prayers, May 16
- Live Your Prayers, May 17
- Promises and Prayer, May 18
- Power of Secret Prayer, May 19
- God-inspired Prayers, May 20
- What Should We Pray For? May 21
- The Importance of Family Worship, May 22
- Prayer for the Sick, May 23
- May God’s Will Be Done, May 24
- No Prosy Prayer Meetings, May 25
- Daniel’s Example in Prayer, May 26
- Golden Moments, May 27
- Nights in Prayer, May 28
- Pray With Bible in Hand, May 29
- Prayer and Moral Courage, May 30
- Prayer and a Revived Church, May 31
- God’s Law, June 1
- The Sabbath a Test, June 2
- Obedience, a Condition for Happiness, June 3
- God’s Shield, June 4
- On Probation, June 5
- The Law Is Holy, June 6
- Law of Love, June 7
- God’s Law Is Eternal, June 8
- The Source of All Laws, June 9
- Exalting the Law, June 10
- What Does It Mean to Keep God’s Commandments? June 11
- Obedience Is the Fruit of Love, June 12
- The Ten Commandments, With Sabbath at the Center, June 13
- Sabbath, the Seal of God’s Law, June 14
- The Sabbath Created by Christ, June 15
- Worship the Creator, June 16
- The Lord’s Day, June 17
- Sabbath and the World of Nature, June 18
- An Expression of Thanks, June 19
- The Creation Week, June 20
- Faith in Inspired History, June 21
- Sabbath Preparations, June 22
- Double Manna, June 23
- A Perpetual Covenant, June 24
- A Joyous Work, June 25
- Satan’s Attack on the Sabbath, June 26
- Standing for God’s Honor, June 27
- The Line in the Sand, June 28
- Sabbath Reform, June 29
- God’s Law and Sabbath Vindicated, June 30
- God Is Owner, July 1
- How Does Money Impact You? July 2
- An Education in Stewardship, July 3
- Avoid Debt, July 4
- Remember the Poor, July 5
- Remember God in Your Will, July 6
- Stewards of God’s Grace, July 7
- The World’s Greatest Want, July 8
- God Is Speaking, July 9
- Help One Another to Grow, July 10
- Choose Wisely, July 11
- Prove Yourself, July 12
- God’s Ideal, July 13
- Enlist in Christ’s Army, July 14
- Character Building, July 15
- Lessons From the Rise and Fall of Nations, July 16
- Gaining a Knowledge of God, July 17
- Mind and Body, July 18
- Our Influence Is Vital, July 19
- Power to Think and Do, July 20
- The Power of Temperance, July 21
- The Example of John the Baptist, July 22
- Parental Commitment, July 23
- Appetite Cannot Be Trusted, July 24
- Be Consistent, July 25
- Touch Not, Taste Not, July 26
- The Highway to Drunkenness, July 27
- Offensive to Others, July 28
- Dangerous Theories, July 29
- Effects of Gratitude and Praise, July 30
- The Danger of Self-Trust, July 31
- God’s Chosen, August 1
- God’s Fortress, August 2
- Unity of the Faith, August 3
- A Channel of Light, August 4
- Working Together, August 5
- An Example of Church Unity, August 6
- Church Order, August 7
- The Mission of the Church, August 8
- Power in the Church, August 9
- Abide in Christ, August 10
- Emptied of Self, August 11
- Self-Sacrifice in the Church, August 12
- God Leads His People, August 13
- The Influence of Perfect Harmony, August 14
- Duty of the Church, August 15
- Dealing With Misunderstandings, August 16
- Dealing With an Offender, August 17
- Press Together, Now, August 18
- The Church Is to Follow the Saviour’s Rule, August 19
- The Gospel Net, August 20
- Christ’s Love in the Church, August 21
- The Church Is Not One Man’s Opinion, August 22
- God’s Spirit and Unity in the Church, August 23
- Unity Begets Strength, August 24
- The Danger of Self-Confidence, August 25
- Warnings to the Church, August 26
- Set on a Hill, August 27
- The Church Can Hasten Jesus’ Return, August 28
- A Stormy Future, August 29
- Robes for the Remnant, August 30
- Advance as a Church United, August 31
- The Beginning of the Home, September 1
- A Little Heaven on Earth, September 2
- The Family Circle, September 3
- True Joy, September 4
- The Role of the Christian Home, September 5
- A Light in the Neighborhood, September 6
- Members of the Royal Family, September 7
- Parents, Set the Right Example, September 8
- Make Christianity Attractive, September 9
- Think Twice Before Marrying, September 10
- Like Parents, Like Children, September 11
- The Mother, September 12
- The Father, September 13
- The Family and Decisive Battles, September 14
- Parents, It’s Up to You, September 15
- What Is “Family Religion”? September 16
- Home, the Base for Future Missionaries, September 17
- Homes Where Angels Will Linger, September 18
- True Love Is a Holy Principle, September 19
- The Power of Love, September 20
- The Honor Due Parents, September 21
- Home Missions, September 22
- A Sympathetic Hand, September 23
- Refinement in the Home, September 24
- Family Worship, September 25
- Family Recreation, September 26
- Appeal to Unsaved Family Members, September 27
- Introduce Jesus to Neighbors, September 28
- The Influence of Jesus in the Home, September 29
- The Home’s Only Safeguard, September 30
- The Central Pillar of Adventism, October 1
- The Correct Understanding of the Heavenly Sanctuary, October 2
- In the Holy of Holies, October 3
- A Figure of the Heavenly, October 4
- The Sanctuary and Judgment Must Be Clearly Understood, October 5
- Christ’s Intercession Essential, October 6
- Two Sanctuaries, October 7
- The Meaning of the Sanctuary Services, October 8
- Access to God, October 9
- The True Mediator, October 10
- The Work in the First Apartment, October 11
- The Work in the Second Apartment, October 12
- The Union of Justice and Mercy, October 13
- Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh, October 14
- A Period of Trial, October 15
- Before the Ancient of Days, October 16
- The Standard of Judgment, October 17
- The Books of Record in Heaven, October 18
- Pardoned, October 19
- The Giving of Rewards, October 20
- End of Jesus’ Work as Priest and Mediator, October 21
- Words of Approval, October 22
- Rescue Souls Before Jesus Ends His Ministry, October 23
- The Close of Probation, October 24
- Satan Fell Like Lightning, October 25
- Jesus’ Pleasure in His People, October 26
- From the Earthly to the Heavenly Temple, October 27
- Working With Our High Priest, October 28
- Jesus Does Not Forget His Church, October 29
- Jesus, a Righteous Judge, October 30
- A Perfect Atonement, October 31
- The Origin of Sin Is Unexplainable, November 1
- Selfishness, the Root of Sin, November 2
- Lucifer Ejected, November 3
- Hostilities, November 4
- Implanted Grace, November 5
- No Sinful Act Without Consent, November 6
- Vindication of God’s Character, November 7
- Satan’s Claim, November 8
- A Perpetual Safeguard, November 9
- Satan's Plan of Attack, November 10
- Satan Is a Destroyer, November 11
- The Push for a Sunday Law, November 12
- The Crowning Act of Deception, November 13
- God’s People Not Deceived, November 14
- Troublers of the People, November 15
- The Gospel Commission, November 16
- Truth Will Conquer the World, November 17
- Help From the Holy Spirit, November 18
- The Power of the Latter Rain, November 19
- Come Out of Babylon, November 20
- God’s Answer to Satan’s Charges, November 21
- Babylon’s Sins Laid Open, November 22
- Statesmen Won to Truth, November 23
- Know Why You Believe What You Believe, November 24
- The Close of Probation, November 25
- The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, November 26
- God Is Our Defense, November 27
- Prayers Will Be Answered, November 28
- Under the Lord’s Banner, November 29
- Victory in the Great Controversy, November 30
- Christ Could Have Come Before This, December 1
- God’s Jewels, December 2
- The Shout of Victory, December 3
- Two Special Resurrections, December 4
- Secure at Last, December 5
- God’s Grace Is Sufficient, December 6
- The Special Resurrection of the Lost, December 7
- The Destiny of the False Shepherds, December 8
- The Resurrection of the Righteous, December 9
- The Translation of the Righteous Living, December 10
- The Restoration of Adam, December 11
- The 144,000, December 12
- The Joy of the Heirs of God, December 13
- A Study That Lasts Through Eternity, December 14
- Angel Interventions Revealed, December 15
- Satan’s Imprisonment, December 16
- Work of the Redeemed During the Millennium, December 17
- The Ranks of the Redeemed, December 18
- The Cleansing of the Earth, December 19
- Eden Restored, December 20
- Mansions for the Redeemed, December 21
- A View of Other Worlds, December 22
- Heaven-Granted Opportunities, December 23
- Beyond the Power of Evil, December 24
- The Crown of Life, December 25
- Red Borders, December 26
- Sharing Jesus’ Glory, December 27
- Songs to Be Sung, December 28
- Visions of Glory, December 29
- Heaven Begins in the Soul, December 30
- The Controversy Ended, December 31
Mansions for the Redeemed, December 21
In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.—John 14:2.HB 386.1
Christ, by His sacrifice paying the penalty of sin, would not only redeem mankind, but recover the dominion which they had forfeited. All that was lost by the first Adam will be restored by the second. The prophet says, “O Tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, to thee shall it come, even the first dominion.” And Paul points forward to the “redemption of the purchased possession.” God created the earth to be the abode of holy, happy beings. That purpose will be fulfilled when, renewed by the power of God, and freed from sin and sorrow, it shall become the eternal home of the redeemed.HB 386.2
A fear of making the future inheritance seem too material has led many to spiritualize away the very truths which lead us to look upon it as our home. Christ assured His disciples that He went to prepare mansions for them in the Father’s house. Those who accept the teachings of God’s Word will not be wholly ignorant concerning the heavenly abode. And yet “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” Human language is inadequate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory of the paradise of God.HB 386.3
In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called a country. There the heavenly Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of life yields its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the service of the nations. There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those living streams, God’s people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home. . . .HB 386.4
All the paternal love which has come down from generation to generation through the channel of human hearts, all the springs of tenderness which have opened in the souls of men and women, are but as a tiny rill to the boundless ocean, when compared with the infinite, exhaustless love of God.—Review and Herald, October 22, 1908.HB 386.5