- A Word to the Reader
- Monthly Topics
- A Light for My Path, January 1
- My Defense in Temptation, January 2
- Its Promises Are Mine, January 3
- Lesson Book for All Mankind, January 4
- The Bible From Heaven, January 5
- All the Bible Inspired, January 6
- An Infallible Revelation, January 7
- Mysteries We Cannot Fathom, January 8
- The Book That Endures, January 9
- The Evidence of Experience, January 10
- Christ the Living Word, January 11
- The Secret of Power, January 12
- Born of the Word, January 13
- Food for My Soul, January 14
- Life in God's Word, January 15
- A Table Set Before Me, January 16
- Linked to the Divine, January 17
- Origin by Creation, January 18
- Nature Speaks of God, January 19
- The Heavens Are Telling, January 20
- Creation Not Evolution, January 21
- All Nature Upheld by God, January 22
- The Crowning Act of Creation, January 23
- What Is Your Life? January 24
- Instituted at Creation, January 25
- A Holy Memorial, January 26
- A Special Sign, January 27
- Preparing for the Holy Day, January 28
- Sanctified for Worship, January 29
- Happiest Day of the Week, January 30
- To Be Kept in Eternity, January 31
- Our Loving Heavenly Father, February 1
- His Majesty and Greatness, February 2
- A Personal God, February 3
- Holy and Reverend Is His Name, February 4
- Faithful and True, February 5
- His Wonderful Love Expressed, February 6
- Perfect in All His Ways, February 7
- God's Gift to the Human Race, February 8
- His Eternal Pre-existence, February 9
- The Great “I AM,” February 10
- The Creator Incarnate, February 11
- His Blameless Life, February 12
- He Died for Us, February 13
- Jesus’ Resurrection and the New Life, February 14
- Third Person of the Godhead, February 15
- The Gift of God to You, February 16
- A Mysterious and Tender Presence, February 17
- Agent in Redemption, February 18
- Comforter and Teacher, February 19
- The Indwelling Spirit, February 20
- Grieve Not the Spirit, February 21
- God Is Love, February 22
- No Respecter of Persons, February 23
- Infinitely Wise and Good, February 24
- The Divine Presence With Us Always, February 25
- His Gentle, Loving Care, February 26
- The Saving Providences of God, February 27
- Lover of All Men, February 28
- The Uprising of Rebellion, March 1
- Ambition Brings Sorrow, March 2
- Pride Comes Before a Fall, March 3
- Guard Against Untruthfulness! March 4
- Sin—Exceedingly Sinful, March 5
- Life or Death? March 6
- Rebellion Will Be Put Down, March 7
- Waywardness of Man, March 8
- The Way of Transgressors, March 9
- First Promise of Redemption, March 10
- A Saviour From Eternity, March 11
- God's Plan to Ransom Man, March 12
- Man's Inability to Save Himself, March 13
- Our Angel Friends and Guardians, March 14
- God's Commandments Are Sure, March 15
- Tampering With the Commandments, March 16
- Man a Free Moral Agent, March 17
- In Harmony With Heaven, March 18
- Wondrous Things in God's Law, March 19
- Jesus’ Example in Law Keeping, March 20
- The Great Principle of the Law, March 21
- Our Helpless Condition in Sin, March 22
- The Gospel for Both Dispensations, March 23
- Abundant Grace for Obedience, March 24
- The Faith That Works, March 25
- How Faith Is Made Perfect, March 26
- Do We Contradict Our Profession? March 27
- Does Faith Cancel Obedience? March 28
- The Great Element of Saving Power, March 29
- Praying for a Larger Experience, March 30
- The Saving Power of Jesus, March 31
- The Saviour of Men, April 1
- The Sinner's Friend, April 2
- A Wellspring of Life, April 3
- My Guide and Pilot, April 4
- The Sacrificial Blood of Christ, April 5
- Justified by His Blood, April 6
- Peace Through the Cross, April 7
- A Glorious Substitution, April 8
- A Perfect Atonement, April 9
- Type Meets Antitype, April 10
- Redemption and Forgiveness, April 11
- Self-righteousness Insufficient, April 12
- Filled With His Righteousness, April 13
- The First Steps in Justification, April 14
- The Righteousness of Christ Sufficient, April 15
- His Righteousness Obtained by Faith, April 16
- Clothed in His Righteousness, April 17
- Proving the Will of God, April 18
- Faith Demonstrated by Works, April 19
- Sanctification the Work of a Lifetime, April 20
- A Hatred of Sin, April 21
- “If Any Man Sin—,” April 22
- The Test of Character, April 23
- The Ladder to Perfection, April 24
- Joy and Peace in the Holy Ghost, April 25
- What Is Faith? April 26
- Faith Comes Through the Promises, April 27
- The Good Fight of Faith, April 28
- The Just Shall Live by Faith, April 29
- Faith Is the Victory, April 30
- True Sorrow for Sin, May 1
- Sincere Confession Essential, May 2
- The Meaning of Forgiveness, May 3
- The Sons and Daughters of God, May 4
- Forgiven as We Forgive, May 5
- Restitution Is Required, May 6
- Come Just as You Are, May 7
- A Personal Pardon, May 8
- Union With Christ, May 9
- Help for the Poor in Spirit, May 10
- A Change of Heart Needed, May 11
- Blessings on the Humble Man, May 12
- A New Life Altogether, May 13
- Holiness of Life, May 14
- Strengthened by the Spirit, May 15
- Amazing Transformation of Character, May 16
- Our Lord's Example, May 17
- “This Is My Beloved Son,” May 18
- Born of Water and the Spirit, May 19
- Baptized Into His Death and Resurrection, May 20
- Walking in His Steps, May 21
- When Rebaptism Is Appropriate, May 22
- Our Lord's Command, May 23
- Changed by Beholding, May 24
- Taking Up Our Cross, May 25
- Developing Good Habits, May 26
- Unashamed of Jesus, May 27
- The Right Exercise of the Will, May 28
- The Sowing Time of Life, May 29
- Don't Get Discouraged! May 30
- A Life Insurance Policy for You, May 31
- Time a Precious Talent, June 1
- A Cure for Idleness, June 2
- The True Value of Money, June 3
- An Aroused Conscience, June 4
- A Living Benevolence, June 5
- Faithful in Little Things, June 6
- Source of All Life, June 7
- He Cares for Us Every Minute, June 8
- The Great Object of Life, June 9
- One Lease of Life, June 10
- Behind the Scenes of Life, June 11
- Live While You Have a Chance, June 12
- Seeking the Heavenly Treasure, June 13
- The Arrow of Death, June 14
- Light in the Shadows, June 15
- Our Blessed Dead, June 16
- Man a Mere Mortal, June 17
- Man's State in Death, June 18
- A Goodness in God's Justice, June 19
- The Portion of the Wicked, June 20
- Natural Immortality a Lie, June 21
- Now Is God's Time, June 22
- Christ the First Fruits, June 23
- Death Swallowed Up in Victory, June 24
- A Special Resurrection, June 25
- The Resurrection to Immortality, June 26
- The Resurrection to Damnation, June 27
- The Life-giver Is Coming, June 28
- Sorrow With Hope, June 29
- When Eternal Life Begins, June 30
- The Lord Is in This Place, July 1
- Keep Silence Before Him, July 2
- Purging From Sin, July 3
- The Spirit in the Soul Temple, July 4
- The Purpose of the Sanctuary, July 5
- A Temple Built by Sacrifice, July 6
- Strength and Beauty in His Sanctuary, July 7
- Redeemer, Priest, and King, July 8
- A Daily Consecration to God, July 9
- The Incense of Righteousness, July 10
- Christ Died for the Individual, July 11
- The Voluntary Sacrifice of Jesus, July 12
- The Blood Applied Continually, July 13
- Into the Holy Place, July 14
- The Very Center of His Work, July 15
- Appears in Heaven for Us, July 16
- Uttermost Salvation for His Children, July 17
- The True Mediator, July 18
- The Heavenly Things Purified, July 19
- Christ Before the Ancient of Days, July 20
- The Signal to Begin, July 21
- Our Eyes Fixed on Christ, July 22
- Judged From the Records, July 23
- Each Life Passes in Review, July 24
- The Blotting Out of Sins, July 25
- A Prior Judgment, July 26
- Time Is Running Out! July 27
- When Probation Closes, July 28
- The Saints Shall Judge the World, July 29
- Schemes of Satan, July 30
- Established in the Present Truth, July 31
- Jesus Our Perfect Pattern, August 1
- Religion to Be Supreme, August 2
- Separated From the World, August 3
- Security Only in Right Thinking, August 4
- Transformed by Searching the Word, August 5
- Watch and Pray, August 6
- Heart Communion With God, August 7
- Fullness of Joy, August 8
- God's Dwelling Place, August 9
- Health the Reward of Right Habits, August 10
- Health in Obeying God's Law, August 11
- Eating for Health and Happiness, August 12
- Abstaining From Harmful Indulgences, August 13
- Blessing in Physical Activity, August 14
- Come Apart and Rest, August 15
- Friendship of Christ's Friends, August 16
- Your Influence Counts! August 17
- Words of Grace, August 18
- Something Better! August 19
- Closing the Door of Temptation, August 20
- Deposits in the Bank of Heaven, August 21
- God and Caesar, August 22
- Christian Youth and Their Books, August 23
- Melody in the Heart, August 24
- Beauty That Endures, August 25
- A Tenth for God, August 26
- The Offerings of Gratitude, August 27
- In the Channel of Blessing, August 28
- God's Helping Hand, August 29
- Keep Looking Up! August 30
- The Hand That Never Lets Go, August 31
- The Eden Home, September 1
- The First Marriage, September 2
- Blending of Two Lives, September 3
- A Union for Life, September 4
- Let God Control, September 5
- The Love That Lasts, September 6
- Far Above Rubies, September 7
- Love Stands the Test, September 8
- Sunshine or Shadows? September 9
- A Partnership That Works, September 10
- Kings and Queens, September 11
- The Crowning Treasure of the Home, September 12
- What Kind of Inheritance? September 13
- Pattern for Children and Youth, September 14
- The Grandest Work of All, September 15
- House-Band of the Family, September 16
- Holding the Reins of Government, September 17
- Silken Cords of Affection, September 18
- Working Together, September 19
- “I Will Save Thy Children,” September 20
- Little Children May Be Christians, September 21
- Feasting on God's Word, September 22
- Sweetest Hour of the Day, September 23
- Singing on Life's Way, September 24
- Day of Days, September 25
- The Royal Robe of Heaven, September 26
- A Place of Refuge, September 27
- An Ever-widening Circle, September 28
- A Bright and Holy Light, September 29
- A Welcome to the Heavenly Home, September 30
- Dear to the Heart of God, October 1
- A City of Refuge, October 2
- God Will Take Care of His Church, October 3
- The Judgment-Hour Message, October 4
- Light Through the Darkness, October 5
- Babylon Is Fallen, October 6
- The Last Solemn Warning, October 7
- Who Shall Receive God's Seal? October 8
- God's Ideal for His Church, October 9
- The Trial of the Church, October 10
- Elijah and the Modern Church, October 11
- A Sabbathkeeping Church, October 12
- The Gifts of the Spirit, October 13
- A Prophet's Voice in Our Time, October 14
- “Fear Thou Not ... I Am With Thee,” October 15
- The Testimony of Jesus, October 16
- Prove All Things, October 17
- The Servant of Man, October 18
- Jesus’ Example in Humility, October 19
- A Proof of Loyalty, October 20
- In Remembrance of Me, October 21
- “The New Testament in My Blood,” October 22
- As Oft as ye Eat and Drink, October 23
- Baptism and the Passion of Christ, October 24
- The Name the Lord Has Given Us, October 25
- Builders, Not Destroyers, October 26
- Riches for the Laodiceans, October 27
- A People Who Keep God's Law, October 28
- The Gospel to All the World, October 29
- Love Begets Love, October 30
- Built on the Rock, October 31
- For Such a Time as This! November 1
- Cruel Power of the Enemy, November 2
- The Device of Worldliness, November 3
- Testing the Voice of the Shepherds, November 4
- Prayer for the Sick, November 5
- The Spirit of True Heroism, November 6
- Testing Our Mettle, November 7
- Safety in Vigilance, November 8
- Mystic Voices of Today, November 9
- A Dangerous Form of Mind Cure, November 10
- “Science Falsely So Called,” November 11
- Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, November 12
- Are You in Danger? November 13
- Taking Hold of God's Strength, November 14
- Seen and Unseen Foes, November 15
- Revivals True and Counterfeit, November 16
- Tears and Conflict, November 17
- Physical Attacks of Satan, November 18
- In the Hour of Decision, November 19
- Hard Days of Persecution, November 20
- Safety Only in Obedience, November 21
- Another Pentecost Coming! November 22
- The Early Rain of God's Spirit, November 23
- Outpouring of the Latter Rain, November 24
- Loud Cry of the Third Angel, November 25
- Unmoved in the Shaking Time, November 26
- Prepare to Meet Thy God, November 27
- The Strange Act of God, November 28
- “A Time of Trouble,” November 29
- Seven Last Plagues, November 30
- As It Was in Noah's Day, December 1
- The Criers of Peace, December 2
- Signs by Land and Sea, December 3
- Signs in the Heavens, December 4
- Study the Prophecies, December 5
- The Crowning Act of Deception, December 6
- Saved From Violence, December 7
- “Even So, Come, Lord Jesus,” December 8
- The King Appears in Person, December 9
- Preparation for Translation, December 10
- This Same Jesus Shall Return, December 11
- A Crown for Every Saint, December 12
- The Captivity of Satan, December 13
- We Shall Judge Angels, December 14
- Descent of the New Jerusalem, December 15
- The Supremacy of Jesus, December 16
- Satan and the Wicked Destroyed, December 17
- The Justice of God, December 18
- The Eternal Weight of Glory, December 19
- Living the Life of Eden, December 20
- Bright Beams of Glory, December 21
- No More Death—Ever! December 22
- The Metropolis of the World, December 23
- Two Worlds Compared, December 24
- The Blessedness of Heaven, December 25
- Speculations About the Future Life, December 26
- Heaven Begins on Earth, December 27
- Heaven a Real Place, December 28
- The Race for Eternal Life, December 29
- Reward for Soul Winners, December 30
- The Knowledge of God Covers the Earth, December 31
Redemption and Forgiveness, April 11
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7.FLB 107.1
The grace of Christ is freely to justify the sinner without merit or claim on his part. Justification is a full, complete pardon of sin. The moment a sinner accepts Christ by faith, that moment he is pardoned. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to him, and he is no more to doubt God's forgiving grace.FLB 107.2
There is nothing in faith that makes it our saviour. Faith cannot remove our guilt. Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe. The justification comes through the merits of Jesus Christ. He has paid the price for the sinner's redemption. Yet it is only through faith in His blood that Jesus can justify the believer.FLB 107.3
The sinner cannot depend upon his own good works as a means of justification. He must come to the point where he will renounce all his sin, and embrace one degree of light after another as it shines upon his pathway. He simply grasps by faith the free and ample provision made in the blood of Christ. He believes the promises of God, which through Christ are made unto him sanctification and righteousness and redemption. And if he follows Jesus, he will walk humbly in the light, rejoicing in the light and diffusing that light to others.46SDA Bible Commentary 6:1071.FLB 107.4
Let the repenting sinner fix his eyes upon “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” ... When we see Jesus, a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief, working to save the lost, slighted, scorned, derided, driven from city to city till His mission was accomplished; when we behold Him in Gethsemane, sweating great drops of blood, and on the cross dying in agony—when we see this, self will no longer clamor to be recognized. Looking unto Jesus, we shall be ashamed of our coldness, our lethargy, our self-seeking. We shall be willing to be anything or nothing, so that we may do heart service for the Master. We shall rejoice to bear the cross after Jesus, to endure trial, shame, or persecution for His dear sake.47The Desire of Ages, 439, 440.FLB 107.5