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Of the first beast, which this power is said to make. Verse 14. “Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live.” An image to the Papal beast, must resemble that beast in some respects. As this verse contains testimony that clearly shows the form of government of the two-horned beast, we will now notice it. We should be led to conclude from the fact that this two-horned beast has no crowns, either on head or horns, that it was a different form of government from its predecessors. Our understanding of it would be that it was neither kingly nor imperial power. Verse 14 sets it forth clearly.TBUS 49.2
The two-horned beast says to them that dwell on the earth, Make an image. The dwellers on the earth, or the territory of this beast, it seems, have a part to act in this work. This clearly marks the United States as the scene of action. This is the manner in which laws are made here: by the representatives of the people. As all men by the declaration are declared to be “equal,” it became necessary that some course should be taken by which all could have equal privileges in the construction of the laws. If the whole mass were called together, there would be an endless discussion and no laws made. Therefore, the people were to elect such representatives as would carry out their principles; and they were to meet and make laws, which, when passed, should be considered the laws of the people. The image is to be formed by the people or their representatives.TBUS 49.3
But to return to the subject of the image. The Papal beast we have already seen was a church clothed with civil authority, having power to put to death heretics, (or those who would not obey its teachings.) We have seen by verse 12, that the two-horned beast is to “exercise all the power of the first beast.” A church or ecclesiastical body is again to have power to pass decrees to put the saints to death. But, peradventure, God may deliver his people just as the decrees of the beast are to be executed. The faith of God’s people will doubtless be tried as sorely as Abraham’s was, when he was called upon to offer his only son, Isaac. God delivered him; and he declares to the Philadelphia church, (this is the sixth state of the gospel church, which had heard the proclamation of the Lord’s coming; and before whom the open door of the Sanctuary was placed,) “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold I come quickly.” When the decree is out against God’s people, it will be a solemn and fearful hour, whether the decree formed is executed or not.TBUS 50.1
We do not understand that this image is yet completed, but that it is a work to be performed in the closing scenes of the career of the two-horned beast. Some doubtless start at the idea of such a work as this being done in these United States. But as we have already seen that the United States is the two-horned beast, we conclude with definiteness that the image will be formed here. Here will Protestants, notwithstanding their high profession, do the very work the prophecy states.TBUS 50.2
The observer of the movements of the United States for a few years past, with an understanding of the principles of the constitution, will not be startled at the idea advanced. Notwithstanding Protestants are so mild in their profession, we see they abuse power when in their hands. Who can tell unless guided by the prophecy, what Protestants would do with laws on their side. Look at the Puritans who themselves crossed the great water to flee oppression, persecuting the Quakers even unto death.TBUS 51.1
All organized religious bodies in these United States are tolerated by law, and government pledges them protection. All that is wanting to complete an image to Papacy, is simply a union of action in Church and State, and for the churches to have control of the laws so as to inflict penalties on heretics, or those who do not obey their sentiments. It may not appear strange to the reader that we look for such a union as we already see moves that point strongly in that direction. We have already shown, that in several States Sunday-keeping is established by law. The ministry will teach that Sunday is to be kept holy, and if you violate the Sabbath (Sunday) openly, you will be pointed to the law, and informed that if you do not rest you must suffer the penalty therein attached.TBUS 51.2
It seems from verse 14, on which we have already made remarks, that before the making of the image there is a saying among the people that one should be made. We understand such a saying is already before the people. A secret political organization has been working in our midst for a short time past whose object seems to be the suppression of Roman Catholics. Concerning the ground-work of this party’s organization we will not speak at length, but will give two quotations to illustrate the character of what they propose to accomplish. The first quotation is from Mr. Havens’ (an American) speech delivered in Erie Co., N. Y. He says:TBUS 51.3
“For my own part, I wait to see the day when a Luther shall spring up in this country who shall found a great American Catholic church instead of a great Roman Catholic church; and who shall teach men that they can be good Catholics without professing allegiance to a Pontiff on the other side of the Atlantic.”TBUS 52.1
The second quotation is from Mr. James L. Smith, said to be a gentleman of high respectability, who published in the Washington Union his renunciation of the American party, to which he had belonged. He says,TBUS 52.2
“My objections are that a union of politics and religion or Church and State never worked well.”TBUS 52.3
We do not claim from this that this political party will form an image to the beast, but their acts certainly look like desiring to unite Church and State.TBUS 52.4
DOCTOR DURBIN, in the Christian Advocate and Journal, seems to think there is a time coming when civil power will enforce the sentiments of the church at least by one law. “I infer therefore that the civil magistrate may not be called upon to enforce the observance of the Sabbath (Sunday) as required in the spiritual kingdom of Christ; but, when Christianity becomes the moral and spiritual life of the State, the State is bound through her magistrates to prevent the open violation of the holy Sabbath, as a measure of self preservation. She cannot without injuring her own vitality, and incurring the divine displeasure, be recreant to her duty in this matter.” When this time spoken of by the Dr. comes, we shall have an image to the beast surely.TBUS 52.5
It appears probable to us that this Sunday institution is the very point on which this union will finally be effected. Here is a point on which nearly all the Protestant sects can unite. A point which we may safely say is the important item in the faith of Protestants is their Sunday worship. And a thing which increases our suppositions concerning a union on this point is that we see the sects already reaching forward and urging the importance of more stringent laws for Sunday-keeping.TBUS 53.1
Verse 15. “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” From this text we may draw two conclusions:TBUS 53.2
1. The image of the beast is to be made in the same territory where the two-horned beast rules; for the two-horned beast can exercise that authority in no territory but its own.TBUS 53.3
2. That it already has it in its “power to give life to the image of the beast,” or cause the decree to be made and executed. Is it not in the power of the United States to pass such laws? They declare by their constitution, “all men shall be protected in worshiping God according to the dictates of their own consciences.” We see the mass hold the first day of the week as a holy day. If a memorial should be sent into congress with 1,000,000 names signed to it, declaring that their rights were infringed upon, and praying them to pass a solemn enactment that the first day should not be profaned by labor, how soon the result would be a law upon the point.TBUS 53.4
Were the United States as a body to pass a law that Sunday should be kept holy, or not profaned by labor, there would be, I conceive, an image to Papacy; for the law would then be in the hand of the church, and she could inflict penalties on those who did not obey the Sunday institution.TBUS 54.1
Matters are moving here similar to the way they moved in the formation of the Papal beast. In A. D., 321, laws were passed prohibiting labor in cities and towns; but in 538, when the Pope was made supreme head of all the churches, this law was made universal. We claim that then commenced the union of church and State. Here we already have several stringent State statutes, and in most of our incorporated cities laws as rigid. Read the following concerning the law of Texas.TBUS 54.2
“The legislature of Texas, has passed a bill to establish ‘the Christian Sabbath’ which provides for the punishment, by fine, or imprisonment of such persons as may perform any labor or procure any to be done on Sunday.”-Watchman and Reflector.TBUS 54.3
The American Baptist copies the above with the following note:TBUS 54.4
“An oppressive enactment corresponding in character with the legislation, or edicts which in some Catholic countries demand conformity to the dominant Religion. Laws to enforce the observance of the ‘Christian Sabbath’ are no less repugnant to the principles of religious liberty, and violative of the right of the people, upon whom they are imposed, than would be laws to enforce the observance of Easter, good Friday, or the practice of infant baptism.”TBUS 54.5
We understand that all that remains undone to form an image to the first beast is a universal law on Sunday keeping. This two-horned beast, as we see from the above, after completing the image is to enforce under severe penalties.TBUS 54.6