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The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White - Contents
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    “With deep humility would I confess to the readers of the Review my errors and mistakes in opposing what I now regard as the work of God. For more than two years I have been engaged in open warfare against certain positions held by our seventh-day brethren. My object has been to tear down, to dishearten, discourage, and cause doubt and unbelief everywhere (so far as my influence extends,) among this people. I have also put forth my best efforts to prejudice and influence first-day Adventists against this people and their views. I now see my mistake, and deeply feel my wrong course in so doing. Nothing but Satan himself could induce me to engage in such an unholy warfare. I have been blinded by his dark influence, and controlled by his satanic power, while warring against the people of God. All this I frankly and humbly confess. I am guilty before God of a great sin, in uniting my influence and talents with the rebel hosts in opposing God’s chosen people, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. I humbly ask the forgiveness of God and my brethren for the wrongs I have committed while engaged in this rebellious work.VEGW 130.1

    “Especially do I feel the wrong done Bro. and Sr. White; and would again ask their forgiveness. I shall even hold them in grateful remembrance for their plain, cutting, and faithful testimonies to me, during their visit to our place last winter. They were instrumental, by the blessing of God, in rescuing me from the snare of the Devil. I bless God for sending his faithful servants this way, and for his Spirit which attended their faithful labors. The Lord worked with them in power, not only in reclaiming the erring and backslidden, but in the conversion of sinners to God. A great and good work commenced under their faithful labors, and is still going forward. To God be all the praise.VEGW 130.2

    “As it regards the testimonies of Sr. White, I became partially convinced, during their visit to our place, that they were from God. Since then my conviction has been widening and deepening, until I can truthfully say that I believe Sr. White is an humble, devoted, godly woman; and that her testimonies are from Heaven. I cannot, yea, I will not doubt, for darkness is sure to follow. It is the united testimony of all who have had any experience in the matter, that the more confidence they have in Sr. White and her testimonies, the more they enjoy the blessing of God. This has been my own experience. Now why is this? Does the Lord bless people more for believing error than truth? If so, the more confidence and faith we can get in the doctrine of modern spiritualism, or any other satanic delusion, the more of the blessing of Heaven we shall enjoy. What an idea!VEGW 131.1

    “Who are the most humble, devoted, self-sacrificing, godly persons to be found among Sabbath-keepers? Do they comprise that class who are doubting, halting, questioning, disbelieving, and fighting the visions? Certainly not. This class are noted for their selfishness, their worldly-mindedness, and their lack of consecration to God and his cause. They are the lukewarm, the halfhearted, the backslidden class, among Sabbath keepers. This fact alone should teach us that God is in this work, and no weapon raised against it can prosper. My own sad experience has taught me that it is spiritual death to doubt or oppose any part of this work. God’s hand is set to the work, and it is destined to triumph, although men and devils may oppose.VEGW 131.2

    “I feel very unworthy of a place or name among this people. My life, during the past two years, has been both an injury and a disgrace to the cause of God. I would, in view of my wrongs, deeply humble myself before God, and seek forgiveness for all my sins, while Jesus pleads the merits of his own precious blood in my behalf. I desire, as far as possible, to counteract my wrong influence, and shall labor to this end. My faith, sympathies, and interests are now with this people; and I hope never again to turn traitor, but find some humble place among them, where what little influence I may have shall not be to tear down, but to build up. I feel an earnest desire to enlist all my energies in righting my wrongs. And I hope, dear brethren and sisters, not only to obtain your forgiveness, but to have your prayers, that I may be kept from the deceptive power of Satan in these last days.VEGW 132.1

    “From your erring brother, “W.H.BALL. “Washington, N.H.”VEGW 132.2

    Having become fully convinced that the work in which he had been engaged was a work of wrong and error, like an honest man, Bro. B. immediately set about undoing as far as possible the influence that he had cast. To this end he wrote retractions to be inserted in the various papers in which his articles had appeared. The following was sent to the Voice of the West, the organ through which he had chiefly spoken, but was peremptorily refused admission, the editor promising to do him justice before his readers in a note of his own. Under the heading of “Change of Views,” Bro. B. wrote:VEGW 132.3

    “BRO. HIMES: I wish to say through the columns of the Voice, to its numerous readers who have read my attacks against the positions held by S. D. Adventists, and more especially my warfare against the visions, that my views have during the past six months undergone a happy change.VEGW 133.1

    “During the past winter Bro. and Sr. White visited our place, and I had the privilege of presenting my objections to the visions to Sr. W. in person. And the explanation I received upon many points was, I am happy to state, perfectly satisfactory. They were successful, by the blessing of God, in removing not only several objections, but a large amount of prejudice from my mind.VEGW 133.2

    “The Spirit and power of God which attended the labors of these faithful servants, is the best of evidence that God is with them of a truth. The Lord worked with them in great power, until nearly all the children of Sabbath-keepers enlisted in the service of God. No one, it would seem, could form even a short acquaintance with Sr. W. without being forced to the conclusion that she is a humble, devoted, godly woman, if there is one to be found upon the earth. And I feel that I am guilty before God of a great wrong in raising my voice against the testimonies of this humble instrument.VEGW 133.3

    “It is my settled conviction, not only from the sad experience I have had in this matter, but from daily observation, that no weapon raised against the testimonies of this godly woman, can prosper. God’s frown and not his blessing, will attend all such efforts. If others think they can fight the visions, and enjoy the favor of Heaven at the same time, they can try it. But for one I am satisfied with this kind of work. I pray God to forgive me my errors in this direction.VEGW 134.1

    “I also feel that I have committed a great wrong in holding up S. D. Adventists and their views to scorn and ridicule before their enemies. That my articles have partaken too much of the spirit of war, is too evident. What if our S. D. Adventist brethren do hold some errors! Where is there a people who do not? I am bold to affirm that there is no class of people to be found that have more truth than S. D. Adventists. There is no people to be found that are putting forth greater efforts to gain the immortal inheritance than S. D. Adventists. There is no people who are more zealous to get right in the sight of God, and keep all his commandments (the fourth not excepted), and get ready for translation, than S. D. Adventists. There is no people who are trying to conform to the laws of their being, so as to possess healthy bodies and clear minds, like S. D. Adventists. In short, there is no people I should be willing to cast in my interests with, but S. D. Adventists.VEGW 134.2

    “In view of these facts, how wicked and unchristian the act to take the faults of this people (if faults they have), and hold them up to the gaze of those who disregard the law of God, the great rule of right, the perfect standard by which men are to be judged in the last day. James 2:12.VEGW 134.3

    “I feel deeply my wrong in warring against my seventh-day brethren. I have been led on by Satan in this unholy work, until I fear my influence has turned souls away from the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. I wish to counteract, as far as possible, my wrong influence, and would deeply humble myself before God, and seek forgiveness for all my wrongs, while Jesus pleads in behalf of the sins and errors of his people. “W.H.BALL. “Washington, N.H.”VEGW 135.1

    Instead of the “justice” promised by the editor of the Voice, he gave in his next issue the following brief and indefinite paragraph:VEGW 135.2

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