- Look Heavenward, January 1
- The Need for a Reformation, January 2
- Victors Through Christ, January 3
- In Search of Truth, January 4
- The Holy Spirit Agrees With the Word, January 5
- Light Versus Darkness, January 6
- Where Shall We Invest? January 7
- Prayer and Practice Must Be United, January 8
- God Stoops to Listen, January 9
- Keep the Pattern Before You, January 10
- The Choice Is Ours, January 11
- Christ, the Mighty Healer, January 12
- When Truth Is an Abiding Principle, January 13
- The Perfume of Christ's Character in You, January 14
- Consecrated Money, January 15
- The Results of Inner Renewal, January 16
- Love as Christ Loves, January 17
- Resist the Devil, January 18
- The Family a Symbol, January 19
- Help Only in Christ, January 20
- The Life That Lasts, January 21
- I Am a Child of God, January 22
- Infallible Assurance, January 23
- Gladness, Not Gloom, January 24
- Our Competent Saviour, January 25
- Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves, January 26
- Our Long-suffering God, January 27
- The Keeping Power of God, January 28
- Forgiving Freely, January 29
- Strength for Today, January 30
- Immortal Inheritance, January 31
- God's Plans Are Perfect, February 1
- Live in Harmony With Heaven, February 2
- Not My Will, but Thine, February 3
- Today Is the Day of Salvation, February 4
- Time to Wake Up! February 5
- Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide, February 6
- The Bible—God's Word to You, February 7
- Christ Is Our Only Hope, February 8
- Choose Ye Each Day, February 9
- Show Yourself a Man, February 10
- Yokes, February 11
- Christ's Life Touched People, February 12
- Laborers Needed for the Harvest, February 13
- Reformation in the Heart, February 14
- Faith and Action, February 15
- Recount God's Goodness, February 16
- A Living Connection With the Living God, February 17
- The Worth of a Soul, February 18
- Receiving His Righteousness, February 19
- Trials Will Come, February 20
- Genuine Christianity, February 21
- Christ Lived a Life of Humble Obedience, February 22
- Angel Companions, February 23
- Stand Fast in the Faith, February 24
- God's Standard Is Perfect, February 25
- Put on the Armor of Christ, February 26
- Exercise Increases Faith, February 27
- Walk by Faith, Not by Sight, February 28
- Who Is King? March 1
- Mix Faith With Hearing, March 2
- God Calls for Workers, March 3
- Let Them Grow Together, March 4
- Resurrection Power Now, March 5
- Work, for the Night Cometh, March 6
- Prayer—The Secret of Power, March 7
- Make God First, Last, and Best in Everything, March 8
- The Plan of Battle Revealed, March 9
- Let This Mind Be in You, March 10
- The Ministry of Angels, March 11
- God's Work—Our Commitment, March 12
- Searching the Scriptures, March 13
- God, the Guardian of Justice and Mercy, March 14
- Time for Action, March 15
- God's Grace Gives Power to Overcome, March 16
- We May Overcome as Christ Overcame, March 17
- Call for Workers, March 18
- Never Go Back on Your Commitment, March 19
- Jealousy and Avarice Rebuked, March 20
- Religion in the Home, March 21
- Seeing With Heavenly Insight, March 22
- God, the Revealer of Secrets, March 23
- Gifted With a Higher Nature, March 24
- Christ Taught From Nature, March 25
- Our Christian Experience Must Be Animated, March 26
- The Commission Is Ours, March 27
- God Is With His People, March 28
- Continual Advancement, March 29
- Our Study Now and in the Hereafter, March 30
- Christlike Love Blends Heart With Heart, March 31
- Form Characters for Heaven, April 1
- Live in Union With Christ, April 2
- Seek Divine, Not Human, Counsel, April 3
- How God Guides His Children, April 4
- Things Thou Knowest Not, April 5
- The Harvest of the Cross, April 6
- Seeing the Invisible, April 7
- Go Work in My Vineyard, April 8
- Sacrifice as Christ Sacrificed, April 9
- Shunning Satan's Snares, April 10
- The Influence of Mind on Mind, April 11
- Meeting and Mastering Difficulties, April 12
- We Have a Perfect Pattern, April 13
- Nature Is Our Lesson Book, April 14
- Turn to God While There Is Time, April 15
- Cultivating a Christlike Character, April 16
- Trust Your Brethren, April 17
- Christ Loves the Sinner, April 18
- Draw With Christ, April 19
- True Sanctification, April 20
- The Word of God Your Guide, April 21
- True Love Cannot Be Hidden, April 22
- Learning From Christ, April 23
- Glorify God, Not Man, April 24
- Cultivate the Christian Virtues, April 25
- Follow the Lord's Directions, April 26
- God Has His Chosen People, April 27
- Take the Cup of Salvation, April 28
- Go Forward, April 29
- The Great Exemplar, April 30
- Satanic Subtlety, May 1
- Who Is the Greatest? May 2
- In the World But Not of the World, May 3
- Kept in the Love of the Truth, May 4
- The Christian's Legacy, May 5
- Right or Wrong Side—Which? May 6
- Christ Calls for Unity, May 7
- When Mistakes Are Made, May 8
- Pray for the Holy Spirit, May 9
- Take Christ at His Word, May 10
- Follow the Great Exemplar, May 11
- Practice Good Work Habits, May 12
- Counsel to Women, May 13
- There Is a Safe Path, May 14
- The Need for Unity, May 15
- Cure for Guilt and Depression, May 16
- Are You Preparing for Heaven? May 17
- Beware Seductive Theories, May 18
- Oneness With Christ, May 19
- By Their Fruits, May 20
- Christ Intercedes for You, May 21
- God in Nature, May 22
- How Is It With My Soul? May 23
- What Is the Source of Your Fire? May 24
- Behold Him! May 25
- More than a Prophet, May 26
- Read the Book of Daniel, May 27
- We Cannot Do Without God, May 28
- Make Home a Bit of Heaven, May 29
- To an Aged Sister, May 30
- Christ's Work and Our Work, May 31
- Never Yield Christian Principle, June 1
- Nature's Lesson Book, June 2
- Be Strong, June 3
- Light Comes in Bright Rays, June 4
- Why God Permits Unsettling Experiences, June 5
- Now Is the Time: Arise and Shine, June 6
- Called to Glory and Virtue, June 7
- All May Win, June 8
- The Divine Physician Prescribes, June 9
- God Requires the Whole Heart, June 10
- To Whom Shall I Confess? June 11
- God's Hand Is on the Wheel, June 12
- A Home of Everlasting Sunshine, June 13
- Every Man Is Given His Work, June 14
- Today, June 15
- Look to Jesus Christ, June 16
- Are You a Fruitful Branch? June 17
- Human Wisdom Is Foolishness, June 18
- We Are One With the Church in Heaven, June 19
- God Helps Us Accomplish His Will, June 20
- God Can Use “Inferior” Workers, June 21
- Let God Work His Will in You, June 22
- Lessons From the Barren Fig Tree, June 23
- Ye Visited Me, June 24
- Preparing for Heaven, June 25
- Christ's Love Cannot Be Measured, June 26
- For What Are You Preparing? June 27
- More Like Christ Every Day, June 28
- Power of the Gospel, June 29
- God's Plans Are Simple, June 30
- Standing by Principle, July 1
- Keep Climbing, July 2
- The Light of the World, July 3
- Our Sanctuary Doctrine, July 4
- Eternal Vigilance, July 5
- The Measure of Divine Attention, July 6
- Have You Found Your Bearings? July 7
- Revelations of the Judgment, July 8
- Developing Characters for Heaven, July 9
- Be a Faithful Householder, July 10
- Balanced Christian Development, July 11
- God Is in Every Place, July 12
- Seek Wisdom From Above, July 13
- Wonderful Transaction, July 14
- Sanctify to God the Talent of Speech, July 15
- Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord, July 16
- Our Merciful God, July 17
- Bring God's Word Unto the Very Life, July 18
- Christ's Minutemen, July 19
- Thy Word Is a Lamp, July 20
- Judge Not, July 21
- Christ Is Our Pattern, July 22
- Christian Perfection, July 23
- Forgiveness Full and Free, July 24
- No Peace at Any Price, July 25
- Obedience Is the Price, July 26
- Hope Thou in God, July 27
- Christ's Death Brings Life, July 28
- Eating the Leaves of the Tree of Life, July 29
- Love as Brethren, July 30
- I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, July 31
- Let the Holy Spirit Control, August 1
- Enoch Pleased God, August 2
- The Great Medical Missionary, August 3
- True Soldiers of Christ, August 4
- False Sanctification, August 5
- Written for Our Admonition, August 6
- Only One Light to Illuminate the Way, August 7
- What God Condemns Is Not Safe, August 8
- Follow Christ's Example of Sacrifice, August 9
- Gracious Words Needed, August 10
- Daily Consecration, August 11
- Christ Has Power for Us, August 12
- Remove the Rubbish of Criticism, August 13
- Need for Reformation, August 14
- Promise of Divine Help, August 15
- We Are Christ's Representatives, August 16
- Using Your Talent of Influence, August 17
- Faith That Distinguishes, August 18
- Let Us Be Overcomers Here, August 19
- Follow the Great Teacher, August 20
- Build on the Rock, August 21
- Get Acquainted With God, August 22
- Keep God's Glory in View, August 23
- Faithfulness in Little Things, August 24
- Depart From the Fog of Skepticism, August 25
- Christ Purges for a Reason, August 26
- Dare to Be Like Daniel, August 27
- The Third Angel's Message Is Sure, August 28
- Heaven Gave Its Most Costly Treasure, August 29
- Christ the Ladder, August 30
- Christ Holds the Standard High, August 31
- What Would Jesus Do? September 1
- The Uses of Adversity, September 2
- Mystery of the Incarnation, September 3
- Scenes of the Second Advent, September 4
- The Battle Over God's Law, September 5
- Insights Into the Easter Story, September 6
- Witnessing to Others, September 7
- Help for the Conflict Promised, September 8
- Courage in the Lord, September 9
- The Life of Continual Victory, September 10
- Keep Looking Up, September 11
- Self Must Die, September 12
- Avoid Debates and Sharp Thrusts, September 13
- The Unity Christ Is Looking For, September 14
- The Solemnity of the Final Judgment, September 15
- To Every Man His Work, September 16
- The Cities Are to Be Warned, September 17
- The Working Member, September 18
- Have Faith in God, September 19
- A Message for the World, September 20
- The God of Science and Revelation, September 21
- Stand Fast in God, September 22
- Jesus Listens to the Contrite, September 23
- God's Church a Temple, September 24
- How to Meet Temptation, September 25
- Preparation for the Latter Rain, September 26
- Holier, Holier Still, September 27
- Two Spirits in the World, September 28
- Let God's Spirit Do the Fashioning, September 29
- Get Ready for the Latter Rain, September 30
- Let Down Your Net, October 1
- Praise God in Spite of Trials, October 2
- Seek Divine Not Human Wisdom, October 3
- Our Accountability, October 4
- Service to God Begins on Earth, October 5
- How the Leaven of Evil Works, October 6
- Trust God's Words, Not Man's, October 7
- The Meaning of Communion With God, October 8
- Take No Glory to Self, October 9
- Prepared as the Morning, October 10
- Character Is Tested, October 11
- How God Looks at Sin, October 12
- No One Goes Alone to Heaven, October 13
- Justice Will Take the Throne, October 14
- Children Are God's Property, October 15
- Abide in Christ, October 16
- Have You Accepted the Invitation? October 17
- Christ, Our Example in Labor for Others, October 18
- Cheer Up! Speak Words of Courage, October 19
- Overcoming Power Promised, October 20
- He Must Increase, October 21
- The Gospel Is Powerful, October 22
- No Middle Path to Paradise, October 23
- Heaven, the Christian's Summer, October 24
- Believe and Receive, October 25
- Christ Spoke Truth, October 26
- Think Trust, Not Trouble, October 27
- Be Singular—For Christ's Sake, October 28
- Nature Imperfectly Reveals God, October 29
- Satan's Latter-day Sophistries, October 30
- God Does Not Change, October 31
- Accept the Saviour's Plan, November 1
- Blessed Assurance, November 2
- Take Your Stand on Christ's Side, November 3
- Heaven's Sun Shines Through His Followers, November 4
- Christ Came to Reveal God, November 5
- Be a Cheerful Christian, November 6
- Promise to the Overcomer, November 7
- The Great I Am, November 8
- Worship Nature's God, November 9
- Take the Cup of Salvation, November 10
- Look to Jesus, Not to Others, November 11
- Our Father's Business, November 12
- How Would You Have Answered? November 13
- Perfect Footprints, November 14
- In Full Assurance of Faith, November 15
- Leaders in the Invisible Conflict, November 16
- Cast Your Burdens on Jesus, November 17
- Nature Reveals God, November 18
- Walk by Faith, Not by Sight, November 19
- Be Wide Awake, November 20
- Allow God to Direct, November 21
- God and His Creation, November 22
- Revelations of God's Will, November 23
- How to Witness for Your Faith, November 24
- Use the Talents Entrusted, November 25
- While the Sanctuary Is Being Cleansed, November 26
- Seek the Lord, November 27
- Drop Self Into God's Hands, November 28
- God Is Not Nature, but Nature's God, November 29
- Look to God for Help, November 30
- The Invisible Conflict, December 1
- Prayer in the Night Season, December 2
- Be First in Good Works, December 3
- God's Word Is True, December 4
- The Meaning of Christian Perfection, December 5
- Divine Compassion Continues to Flow, December 6
- Where Is Your Treasure? December 7
- Your Redemption Draweth Nigh, December 8
- The Price of Our Redemption, December 9
- Blend in Unity, December 10
- Be Sunshiny Christians, December 11
- Bring a Return to God, December 12
- God's Amazing Love, December 13
- Move Forward, December 14
- Obedience to the Heavenly Vision, December 15
- God's Concern for His People, December 16
- As a Thief in the Night, December 17
- Weed Your Own Garden, December 18
- The Gift Christ Desires, December 19
- Search the Scriptures, December 20
- God Gives Us What We Need, December 21
- Build on the Solid Rock, December 22
- Look to God Alone, December 23
- Shine With Living Brightness, December 24
- Living Stones for a Heavenly Temple, December 25
- Resolutions for the New Year, December 26
- Pray, Thy Will Be Done, December 27
- Educate Yourself to Believe, December 28
- We Are Objects of Infinite Love, December 29
- Fig Leaves or Christ's Robe? December 30
- Stewards of God's Grace, December 31
Search the Scriptures, December 20
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11.UL 368.1
It is of little advantage to skim over the surface of the Scriptures. If we would understand fully the words of Christ, thought must be brought into the searching of the Scriptures. We should open the Scriptures with great reverence, and not in a slothful, lazy manner. The word of Christ is spirit and life to the receiver. The words of Christ to the Pharisees were, “[Ye] search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). They were searching the Scriptures for evidence of Christ's appearing, gathering up every evidence in regard to the manner in which they supposed He would come, while Christ was in their midst, and they did not discern Him by the use of faith....UL 368.2
In this our day, as in Christ's day, there will be a misreading and misinterpreting of the Scriptures. If the Jews had studied the Scriptures with earnest, prayerful, humble hearts, their searching would have been rewarded with a true knowledge of the time, and not only the time, but also the manner of Christ's first appearing. They would not have ascribed the glories of the second appearing of Christ to His first advent. They had the testimony of Daniel; they had the testimony of Isaiah and other prophets; they had the teaching of Moses; and here was Christ Himself in their midst, and still they were searching the Scriptures for evidence in regard to His coming. They were doing to Christ, at the same time, the very things that it had been prophesied they would do. They were so blinded that they knew not the time of His visitation, or what they were doing. Thus they were fulfilling the Scripture.UL 368.3
Many are doing the same thing today ... because they have not had experience in the testing message comprehended in the first, second, and third angels’ messages. There are those who are searching the Scriptures for proof that these messages are still in the future. They gather together the truthfulness of the messages, but they fail to give them their proper place in prophetic history. Therefore such are in danger of misleading the people in regard to locating the messages. They do not see and understand the time of the end, or when to locate the messages.... The watchman is to know the time of the night. Everything is now clothed with a solemnity that all who believe the truth should feel and sense.... All the little things of life are but a mote now. Those that pertain to eternity are of great consequence.—Manuscript 41a, December 20, 1896, untitled manuscript.UL 368.4