- The Author
- Foreword
- Promise of Peace, January 1
- With One Accord, January 2
- Next Door to Heaven, January 3
- Cultivating the Soil, January 4
- Thou God Seest Me, January 5
- The Conflict Over, January 6
- Appreciating the Promises, January 7
- Christian Humility, January 8
- Beautiful Garments, January 9
- Antidote for Apathy, January 10
- Reconciliation First, January 11
- No Sleeping on the Job, January 12
- Agents for Heaven, January 13
- Have You Asked? January 14
- Help Is Promised, January 15
- Powerhouse of the Universe, January 16
- The Measure of Christianity, January 17
- Do All You Can Do, January 18
- One Day at a Time, January 19
- Heaven on My Side, January 20
- Brightest and Best, January 21
- Look at the Pattern, January 22
- Heavenly Dividends, January 23
- Perfect in Him, January 24
- Guidon of God, January 25
- Passport to Heaven, January 26
- Getting in Step, January 27
- Lord, You Know All About It! January 28
- The Christian's Rest, January 29
- Your Case Is Not Hopeless, January 30
- God Will Work With You, January 31
- What God Expects, February 1
- How to Make an Impact, February 2
- For the Fearful, Faint, and Feeble, February 3
- Help in Study, February 4
- Blessings Without Number, February 5
- A Thankful Heart, February 6
- The Heavenly Mirror, February 7
- Strength From Struggle, February 8
- The New Life, February 9
- Promise of His Presence, February 10
- God's Goodness Displayed, February 11
- Ambassadors, February 12
- Heart Service, February 13
- Co-Laborers With God, February 14
- Reasonable Service, February 15
- God Hates Deception, February 16
- Take Time to Be Holy, February 17
- Heaven Begins Here, February 18
- Peace in His Presence, February 19
- Even a Child Is Known, February 20
- Strong in His Strength, February 21
- Anywhere, Lord, February 22
- Nothing to Fear, February 23
- How to Get Rid of Guilt, February 24
- Trust and Obey, February 25
- Secret of Sanctification, February 26
- Right Thinking, February 27
- Under Shepherds, February 28
- In His Steps, February 29
- The Only Security, March 1
- Provoke to Love, March 2
- Acceptable Ambition, March 3
- Every Step of the Way, March 4
- More Than Words, March 5
- Open the Door, March 6
- Open the Top Windows! March 7
- What Love Does, March 8
- Follow the Directions, March 9
- Rule of Righteousness, March 10
- The Charming Christian, March 11
- Personal, Practical Piety, March 12
- Lighting the Path, March 13
- Birthright Blessings, March 14
- The Courteous Christian, March 15
- Assurance of Victory, March 16
- Talents Are for Use, March 17
- Price Tag of Sin, March 18
- Choosing and Doing, March 19
- Remedy for Ruin, March 20
- Contrition, Confession, Cooperation, March 21
- Probation and Perfection, March 22
- Behold His Solicitude! March 23
- The Consistent Christian, March 24
- Making Your Trial Balance, March 25
- Separating From Sin, March 26
- Settling Into Salvation, March 27
- His Abiding Presence, March 28
- Giving What You've Got, March 29
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp, March 30
- His Purchased Possession, March 31
- Meeting the Requirements, April 1
- Heavenly Evaluation, April 2
- Triumph of the Truth, April 3
- Indescribable Glory, April 4
- Heavenly Guarantee, April 5
- Rectifying Wrong, April 6
- Christ, the Magnet, April 7
- Witnessing Instructions, April 8
- Living the New Life, April 9
- Shield of Protection, April 10
- The Majesty of God, April 11
- Kindness, a Virtue, April 12
- Christ, the Bread of Life, April 13
- Be His Messenger, April 14
- I Will Keep Thee, April 15
- Give as You Have Received, April 16
- Strength for the Day, April 17
- Constant Communion With God, April 18
- Repentance and Reformation, April 19
- Study to Be Approved, April 20
- Destiny for Eternity, April 21
- Prescription for Unity, April 22
- Look on the Bright Side, April 23
- Laws of Nature and Life, April 24
- Ever Onward, April 25
- The Christian Soldier, April 26
- Vindication of Our Message, April 27
- Guide Book to Salvation, April 28
- Complete Commitment, April 29
- Divine Prescription, April 30
- Ellen White's Investments, May 1
- Achieving Through Christ, May 2
- Heavenly Invitation, May 3
- The Blessing of Labor, May 4
- Getting Rid of Sin, May 5
- Essentials of Salvation, May 6
- Recipe for Good Health, May 7
- Preparation for Heaven, May 8
- A Warning Dream, May 9
- Being Alive Unto God, May 10
- The Way, the Truth, the Life, May 11
- Ask, Believe, Claim, May 12
- Loving to Obey, May 13
- The Compassionate Christian, May 14
- Step by Step, May 15
- Unreserved Surrender, May 16
- Heart Holiness, May 17
- Fidelity to the Father's Family, May 18
- Obedience Is Sanctification, May 19
- Christ's Crowning Miracle, May 20
- Oneness With Christ, May 21
- The Purifying Process, May 22
- Securing Our Inheritance, May 23
- Zeal for Truth, May 24
- Sit in His Shadow, May 25
- Claiming the Privileges, May 26
- Rejoice in the Lord, May 27
- The Indwelling Christ, May 28
- Reverence the Cause, May 29
- Without Spot, May 30
- Our Guardian Angels, May 31
- The Real Christian, June 1
- Our Magnanimous Lord, June 2
- The Door Is Still Open, June 3
- Let No Man Deceive You, June 4
- Individual Preparation, June 5
- The Cost of Salvation, June 6
- His Grace Is Sufficient, June 7
- Go Work Today, June 8
- Adorning the Gospel, June 9
- Harvesttime, June 10
- Persevering Prayer, June 11
- God's Care for His Church, June 12
- The Sustaining Spirit, June 13
- Guard the Approaches, June 14
- Immortal Inheritance, June 15
- The Wonder of the Cross, June 16
- Let Us Hold Fast, June 17
- Fidelity in Service, June 18
- Every Member a Missionary, June 19
- Glorious Heritage, June 20
- Invitation to All, June 21
- To Love Is to Serve, June 22
- God's Dealings With Men, June 23
- Guidance in Perplexity, June 24
- Healthful Living, June 25
- Working of the Spirit, June 26
- Prayer Power, June 27
- A Lamp to Our Path, June 28
- To Whom Shall We Go? June 29
- Christian Attitude and Ambitions, June 30
- A Sympathizing Saviour, July 1
- Ye All Are Brethren, July 2
- No Place for Pride, July 3
- Jesus Cares, July 4
- Truth Will Triumph, July 5
- Preach the Word, July 6
- The Fruits of Repentance, July 7
- Come Quickly, Lord, July 8
- A Standard Against the Enemy, July 9
- To God Be the Glory, July 10
- Spiritual Salt, July 11
- Matchless Love, July 12
- Work a Blessing, July 13
- Perfect Faith, July 14
- Foolish Fanaticisms, July 15
- Eating for Life, July 16
- A Life Like His, July 17
- Talents Entrusted for Service, July 18
- An Ever Present Help, July 19
- Eat for Strength, July 20
- Let Your Light Shine, July 21
- An Open Door, July 22
- Do You Know Your Lord? July 23
- Sow Beside All Waters, July 24
- Are You Building on the Rock? July 25
- According to Your Faith, July 26
- Little Men—Big Subjects, July 27
- Reward for Faithfulness, July 28
- God's Promise to Parents, July 29
- Promised: Strength for the Day, July 30
- How to Meet Opposition, July 31
- Partakers of the Divine Nature, August 1
- Jesus, Your Friend at Court, August 2
- The Power of Truth, August 3
- Words Are Important, August 4
- Covered by Christ's Righteousness, August 5
- God Honors Humility, August 6
- Discernment of Duty, August 7
- As the Stars Forever and Ever, August 8
- Mother Love, August 9
- Satan's Sophistries, August 10
- Walking With the Unseen God, August 11
- Look to the Light, August 12
- Never Talk Discouragement, August 13
- Noah's Time and Ours, August 14
- The Divine Substitute, August 15
- Can You Claim God's Seal? August 16
- Cherish the Spirit of Happiness, August 17
- Cultivate Tenderness in the Home, August 18
- Danger of Doublemindedness, August 19
- Through Nature to Nature's God, August 20
- Controlled by the Great Designer, August 21
- God's Claim on You, August 22
- The Test of Sincerity, August 23
- Take Hold of Divine Strength, August 24
- God's Law Is Immutable, August 25
- Beware the Occult, August 26
- In the World, But Not of It, August 27
- Copying Christ's Methods, August 28
- Christian Prudence, August 29
- Genuine Sanctification, August 30
- The Mystery of Spiritual Growth, August 31
- Receive That You May Give, September 1
- Written for Our Admonition, September 2
- More Privileged Than Angels, September 3
- Unseen Forces in Conflict, September 4
- Our Guide Into All Truth, September 5
- You Can Conquer, September 6
- Pride Goeth Before a Fall, September 7
- That Thy Faith Fail Not, September 8
- Consciousness of Sins Forgiven, September 9
- Christ Is Not Divided, September 10
- Keep on an Even Keel, September 11
- Christians Now, September 12
- Watch Your Words, September 13
- Cultivate Christlike Love, September 14
- If Judas Had Repented, September 15
- Take Jesus at His Word, September 16
- All Men Are Brothers, September 17
- Never Demean the Erring, September 18
- How to Have Heaven Here, September 19
- Christ Is the Way, September 20
- God Is a Person, September 21
- Have You Passed From Death to Life? September 22
- He Is Always With Me, September 23
- Partners With God, September 24
- Divine Grace, Our Greatest Need, September 25
- God's Constant Appeal, September 26
- Don't Neglect Little Things, September 27
- Press Toward the Mark, September 28
- Your Business Is God's Business, September 29
- A Great Work to Be Done, September 30
- Ye Are God's Instruments, October 1
- Be God's Minuteman, October 2
- The Power of Transforming Grace, October 3
- To Every Man His Work, October 4
- The Great Commandment, October 5
- Practice Run for Heaven, October 6
- Power to Overcome, October 7
- Set Your Affections on Heaven, October 8
- Imitating the Pattern, October 9
- The Banquet of God's Word, October 10
- The Child's First School, October 11
- Don't Shun the Cross, October 12
- The Divine Refiner, October 13
- The Judgment Is Coming, October 14
- The Divine Commission, October 15
- Empty of Pride and Self-esteem, October 16
- Lip Service Religion, October 17
- Think on These Things, October 18
- Life-giving Water, October 19
- How to Face Bereavement, October 20
- Channels of Blessing, October 21
- Do Not Doubt, October 22
- What to Do With Depression, October 23
- Put Self Out of Sight, October 24
- Importance of Home Religion, October 25
- The Final Battle, October 26
- We Are in the Enemy's Land, October 27
- Childlike Faith, October 28
- Spirit-led Christians, October 29
- Satan Is Not Dead, October 30
- Just Rest in the Lord, October 31
- Know for Yourself, November 1
- Things Wrought by Prayer, November 2
- Shining Christians, November 3
- As for Hidden Treasure, November 4
- Perfect—As He Is, November 5
- Dallying With Sin, November 6
- Heaven in Your Heart, November 7
- Stewards of God's Grace, November 8
- Follow on to Know the Lord, November 9
- Heaven Is Open to Us, November 10
- All Truth Radiates From Christ, November 11
- Into All the World, November 12
- No Time for Strife, November 13
- Let Christ Be Your Light, November 14
- Present Advantages and Future Benefits, November 15
- Our Refuge and Strength, November 16
- Our Special Work, November 17
- God Loves the Beautiful, November 18
- Cheerfulness Glorifies God, November 19
- A Foretaste of Heaven, November 20
- Preparing for Immortality, November 21
- How to Keep Love Alive, November 22
- Cunningly Devised Fables, November 23
- Honesty in Business Practices, November 24
- Hastening Christ's Coming, November 25
- School—Here and Hereafter, November 26
- Recipe for Health, November 27
- The Holy Spirit—The Gift of Gifts, November 28
- The Ministry of Heavenly Angels, November 29
- Daily Conversion, November 30
- Fear to Disobey God, December 1
- Gifts to Fit Our Need, December 2
- Thankful for Every Moment, December 3
- Cure for Covetousness, December 4
- Light Out of Darkness, December 5
- Giving as We Receive, December 6
- Eternal Loss, December 7
- Obstinacy—Barrier to All Improvement, December 8
- How God Sees Greatness, December 9
- Hearts Filled With Christ's Peace, December 10
- That Your Joy May Be Full, December 11
- The Lord's Philosophy, December 12
- The Greatness of Humility, December 13
- When Truth Controls the Life, December 14
- Man-made Yokes, December 15
- Oddities and Eccentricities, December 16
- Observing Christmas, December 17
- Let Christ Guide, December 18
- Choose You This Day, December 19
- Gather Up the Fragments, December 20
- Flickering Lights, December 21
- Love Fulfills the Law, December 22
- Water Into Wine, December 23
- How to Be a Success, December 24
- God's Unspeakable Gift, December 25
- Unity, December 26
- Work in Christ's Lines, December 27
- Under His Wings, December 28
- Perfect Conformity to God's Will, December 29
- Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, December 30
- Don't Let Anything Sidetrack You, December 31
Separating From Sin, March 26
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1, 2.TDG 94.1
The requirements of God are set plainly before us, and the question to be settled is, Will we comply with them? Will we accept the conditions laid down in His Word—separation from the world? This is not the work of a moment or of a day. It is not accomplished by bowing at the family altar, and offering up lip service, neither by public exhortation and prayer. It is a lifelong work. Our consecration to God must be a living principle, interwoven with the life, and leading to self-denial and self-sacrifice. It must underlie all our thoughts and be the spring of every action. This will elevate us above the world, and separate us from its polluting influence.TDG 94.2
All our actions are affected by our religious experience, and if this experience is founded on God and we understand the mysteries of godliness, if we are daily receiving of the power of the world to come, and hold communion with God, and have the fellowship of the Spirit, if we are each day holding with a firmer grasp the higher life, and drawing closer and still closer to the bleeding side of the Redeemer, we shall have inwrought in us principles that are holy and elevating. Then it will be as natural for us to seek purity and holiness and separation from the world, as it is for the angels of glory to execute the mission of love assigned them in saving mortals from the corrupting influence of the world. Every one who enters the pearly gates of the city of God will be a doer of the Word. He will be a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. It is our privilege to realize the fulness there is in Christ, and be blessed by the provision made through Him. Ample provision has been made that we should be raised from the lowlands of earth, and have our affections fastened upon God and heavenly things.TDG 94.3
Will this separation from the world in obedience to the divine command, unfit us for doing the work the Lord has left us? Will it hinder us from doing good to those around us? No; the firmer hold we have on heaven, the greater will be our power of usefulness in the world.—Manuscript 1, March 26, 1869, “Diligence in the Work of Preparation.”TDG 94.4