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December 1, 1892
“Front Page” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Following is the reason for the new German Army Bill, as given in the preamble, and it also shows what is contemplated:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.1
“Of late years Germany has been numerically outpaced by France and Russia. The French army law, if put in practice, would giver her commanders the control of the army of 4,053,000 trained men, while Russia can put an army of about four and a half millions into the field. Against such arrays only one way to maintain the safety of the Empire can be suggested, and that is, that every able-bodied Germand must be capable of taking the field as a trained soldier.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.2
“Holding Forth the Word” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Holding Forth the Word.-After reading the article in this paper concerning how to understand the Word, some may inquire, “Since every one who reads may understand, if he will but consider the word, what is the use of having teachers?” If the teachers put themselves between the learner and the word of the Lord, and presume to be the guardians of it, so that none may expect to receive it except as they “interpret” it, there is no need of having them. The more such teachers there are in the world, the worse off the world is. But God has set teachers in the church, and that shows that there is a place for them; and they should know what that place is, and keep it. That place is to open the word, and direct the attention of the people to it. It is to lift up Christ before the people through His word. It is to hold forth the word of life. It is to speak, “not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth.” The greatest work that any man can do in this world is to direct the minds of men to the plain word of God, and to set them face to face with it, so that in it they will behold the face of Jesus Christ, and thus by it be transformed into the same image.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.3
“Present Truth” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Present Truth.-In 2 Peter 1:12 we read, “Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.” What is present truth? It is truth that is with us; and the revisers have given an exact rendering of the original in these words, “Wherefore I shall be ready always to put you in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and are established in the truth which is with you.” To whom is this addressed? “To them that have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.” That is, to all Christians in every age. What is this present truth, or this truth which is with us? Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” John 14:6. Moreover, He is always with us, for He says, “Lo, I am with you all way, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20. And He is always the same, for we read again, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8. This, then, is the present truth, the truth that is ever present with us. He who grows in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is growing in the knowledge of the truth. To hold up this truth is the sole object of this paper.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.4
“Christ Not Discouraged” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Christ Not Discouraged.-“Behold My Servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth; I have put My Spirit upon Him; He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, for lift up, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall He not break, and the smoking flax shall He not quench; He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth.” Isaiah 42:1-4. This is the work of Christ. What a world of comfort and encouragement there is in the statement of it, especially in the last verse. His work is to set judgment, or righteousness, and the earth. Righteousness can be set in the earth only by putting it into the hearts of men. Christ’s work is to take poor, weak, sinful men, and make righteous beings of them; to clothe them with the righteousness of God. Very poor material He has to work with, and no one knows this better than He. But He shall not fail nor be discouraged in this work. He knows how difficult the task is; but knowing man’s sinfulness and hardness of heart, He is not discouraged. Then what occasion is there for our being discouraged? If He is not discouraged with His task, need we be? Shall not we gather courage from His courage? We may be of good courage, for He has overcome the world, and in Him we shall do valiantly.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.5
“Christ the Bread of Life” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Jesus had gone over the Sea of Galilee with His disciples, and a great company of people had followed Him, because they had seen His power in the healing of disease. After He had finished His instruction for the day, He looked at the great multitude of people who had assembled, and said to Philip, “Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?” This He said to prove Philip, “for He Himself knew what He would do.” After the disciples had shown that they did not know what to do, Jesus had the people sit down on the grass. There was a lad present who had with him five barley loaves and two fishes, an amount of food so utterly inadequate to the needs of the people, that we are not surprised at Peter’s remark, “What are they among so many?” If all had been equally divided among the five thousand men present, there would have been scarcely as much as a crumb apiece. But read what followed:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.6
“And Jesus took the loaves; and when He had given thanks, He distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filled, He said unto His disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of five barley loaves which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.” John 6:11-13.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 369.7
What a wonderful miracle this was. It is certain that the five loaves with which they began would not nearly have filled twelve baskets; therefore we find that there was a good deal more left after feeding the five thousand than there was when they began. So that in reality the original amount of bread was not drawn upon at all. There was an act of creation performed by Christ, who is the Creator of all things. “In Him were all things created.” Creative power resides in Christ. As He took the bread in His hands, it multiplied. Therefore the bread which the people ate that day, came from Christ.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.1
All the miracles of Christ were done that we might believe that He is indeed the Christ, the Son of God, and that, believing, we might have life through His name. And no miracle that was ever performed shows more clearly than this how we may feed upon Him, and receive life thereby. We shall see that this was the lesson that Jesus intended to have us learn from it.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.2
The next day the people followed Jesus to Capernaum, and there He exhorted them, “Labour not for the meat that perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you; for Him hath God the Father sealed.” John 6:27. They rightly understood that this meat that would endure for ever consisted of acts of righteousness, and so they asked Him what they should do that they might work the works of God. “Jesus answered, and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.” Believing on Christ means appropriating Him. Therefore as the meat that endures unto everlasting life is righteousness, and that is obtained by believing or appropriating Christ, Jesus virtually said to them that He Himself was that food.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.3
With strange forgetfulness of the miracle that Jesus had wrought the day before, the people said: “What sign showest Thou then, that we may see, and believe Thee? what dost Thou work? Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.” Verses 30, 31. Jesus then proceeded to show them that the bread which their fathers ate in the desert was bread that God Himself gave to them, and that He Himself was the bread. See verses 32-35. So that the miracle by which they had been fed the day before, was but a repetition of the miracle of giving the manna.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.4
“For the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world.” And then to leave no possible doubt as to what He meant, Jesus added, “I am the bread of life; he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” Again, “He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I give for the life of the world.” Verses 47-51.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.5
Here was a plain statement that just as their fathers had eaten manna in the desert, and they had eaten bread in the desert the day before, by which physical life had been preserved, so they were to eat of Christ the living bread, which would give them spiritual life for ever. But this was too much for them to believe. “The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us His flesh?” The same question is asked at this day. How is it possible that we can get righteousness and life, even the righteousness of God, and eternal life, just by believing on Christ? Jesus said that it is by eating Him. But that only makes it seem more absurd to unbelief. If the Jews had not been so blinded by unbelief, they would have thought how they had eaten bread from Christ the day before, and that would have answered their questions. And to-day He who doubts that one may eat of Jesus, and thereby get His life of everlasting righteousness, shows that he does not believe the record of the feeding of the five thousand.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.6
Jesus did not in any degree modify what He had said, to accommodate their unbelief. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you, whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is meat indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in Me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven; not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead; he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.” John 6:53-58.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.7
The Jews ate the manna in the wilderness, and if they had seen things by faith, they would at the same time have eaten Christ, who was signified by that manna. Thus they would have received eternal life. But because they had not faith, they were dead. Now the Bread of life was there in person before them. He had come down from heaven to give Himself for the life of the world. Whosoever will eat of Him shall have eternal life. But although men might eat of the manna, and of the natural bread that God gives them, without having any faith, no man can eat of the Bread of life without faith; for it is by faith that Christ is eaten.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.8
In this there is a lesson for all who come to the table of the Lord. The apostle Paul says: “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?” 1 Corinthians 10:16. Man may eat of the bread of the Lord’s Supper without any faith, but in that case they do not eat of Christ. He can be received only by faith. And He may be eaten at any time, and all the time, for the eating of the bread of the communion is only to symbolize the continual eating of Christ.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.9
But Jesus did not leave this matter in doubt. He Himself explained the figure which He used. He said: “It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you they are Spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63. “The flesh profiteth nothing.” Suppose that it were possible for the priest to change the bread of the mass into the actual body of Christ, as it is claimed that he does; that would not amount to anything. Suppose that all men should eat of that bread; nay, more, suppose that Christ’s physical body, as He was on the earth, had been divided up, and a piece given to every man, and that all had eaten it; that would have been to no profit. It is not physical meat that endures to everlasting life. That life is spiritual, and only spiritual food can supply it. So it is not worth while to dispute as to whether or not the priest can transform the wafer into the body of Christ, since if he could, he would be doing nothing towards supplying the needs of man.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.10
Christ is the Word. The Scriptures are from Him, and they are life. Their life is the life of God in Christ. Whosoever, therefore, eats them eats Christ. We eat them, by believing them, and allowing them to work their own righteousness in our life. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart; for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.11
Now the question will rise, “How is it possible that we can by believing the words of Christ, receive righteousness and life?” That is the very question that the Jews asked. No man can tell. We can only know the fact. We cannot so much as tell how the bread that we eat at our tables can become a part of our life. We know that it does so, and that satisfies us. No man was ever yet so foolish as to refuse to eat his breakfast because he could not tell how it was going to give him renewed life. He has proved that it does, and that is enough. That daily food comes direct from Christ. It is He that giveth us all things to enjoy. And as men eat the bread that comes from Him, and are refreshed, so He wants them to eat of His own body, by means of His word, the bread of everlasting life, that so their souls may be refreshed. This is the word that comes to us all: “O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 370.12
“Government Methods of Conversion” The Present Truth 8, 24.
The Daily Chronicle’s Odessa correspondent presents the following picture of the Russian method of converting men and women to the “orthodox” religion:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.1
“Shocking accounts continue to reach me from the district of Skvira, in the Government of Kief, as to the persecutions inflicted on the Stundists there. The chief of the district (Ispravnik) seems determined to force the schismatics to rejoin the Orthodox Church, and has given orders to the village elders and local commissaries of police to take all needful measures to bring about their conversion. These minor officials thereupon have commenced inflicting on their victims the most abominable treatment. The heads of Protestant families are kept away all day long from their homes at communal work, and at night are set on duty as night watchmen. Sentinels are placed over them to prevent their return home. Some of them who remonstrated had their ears twisted. In one village the elder and the police commissary assembled a crowd of peasants, and at the dead of night they entered the huts of the Stundists, frightening the children and inflicting the vilest treatment on the women. All the books found in Stundist houses have been confiscated.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.2
This is outrageous, but if State religion is the correct thing, then no fault can be found with such methods of “conversion.” They are inseparable from State religion when it is consistently carried out. This may easily be proved.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.3
In the first place, officers of the State religion must be very sure that their form of religion is the only true one before they can enforce it by the law. When it is admitted that the religion of the State is the only true religion, and that men may be made religious by law, then it inevitably follows that the State does not enforce that religion upon all within its jurisdiction, is not doing its duty by them. If civil Government were for the purpose of making men religious, and such a thing could be accomplished by law, then it would plainly be the duty of the State to secure the salvation of all the people within its borders. But it would doubtless find many people so obstinate and foolish that they would object to being saved, just as a spoiled child will refuse, when ill, to take the remedies that will make it well. As in such a case is the duty of the parent to administer the remedy, even against the child’s will, so in the case of the State holding the only true method of saving men, it is its duty to save them even if they object. So the use of force is inseparable from a perfect union of religion and the State. But force in matters of religion is persecution; and the more conscientious the rulers are, the more bitter will be the persecution. The cause of persecution does not lie in the fact that people who persecute are naturally worse or more cruel than others, but in the mistaken idea that civil government has anything whatsoever to do with religion, and that men can be saved by law.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.4
“Another Leaf from History” The Present Truth 8, 24.
The agitation of the Sunday question that is going on in the United States, especially in connection with the World’s Fair, furnishes much matter for thought. All who have read ecclesiastical history to any extent must see the similarity between these times and those when the church was begging the “protection” of heathen emperors, and thereby selling out to Paganism. For the benefit of the many who have not had the privilege of such reading, and of others who may have forgotten some of the incidents, a few quotations will be given.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.5
We shall first notice an editorial in the New York Independent, in referring to Bishop Potter’s proposition to have the exposition opened in the afternoon on Sundays, and closed in the forenoon. The editor says:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.6
“The obvious reason for excepting the morning is that the church is occupied with services. The advocates of the afternoon opening seem to think that while the morning is occupied the afternoon is free. Take that, they say in substance, and welcome.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.7
“But is the afternoon free? True, there are no preaching services; but what about the Sunday-school? They are just as legitimate, just as important, as the service which the sermon constitutes. God is worshipped as acceptably, the truth is presented as faithfully, souls are influenced as effectively, as in the morning. Expositions are just as attractive to those who sit in the classes as those who sit in the pews. The superintendents and teachers are as anxious to have every scholar in his place to receive the things provided for him as the preacher can possibly be. Why rob them of it? We have no sympathy with the compromise.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.8
Conscientious observers of the first day of the week are in no danger of being robbed of their rest or their worship by any number of open shows on Sunday. The admission is plain, however, that the great objection to having the Fair opened any part of Sunday, is that it will be so great a rival of the churches and Sunday-schools. The thoughtful reader can draw his own conclusions, while we present an extract from history. It is from Neander. Speaking of the days immediately following Constantine’s reign, he says:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.9
“Owing to the prevailing passion at that time, especially in the large cities, to run after the various public shows, it so happened that when the spectacles fell on the same days which have been consecrated by the church to some religious festival, they proved a great hindrance to the devotion of Christians, though chiefly, it must be allowed, to those whose Christianity was the least an affair of the life of the heart. Church teachers, such as Chrysostom, were, in truth, often forced to complain that in such competitions the theatre was vastly more frequented than the church. And among those who gave up the church for the theatre, many might be found not wholly and susceptible of right feelings, who if they had not been hurried along by the prevailing corruption, would have employed Sunday in a way more serious and more helpful for their inner life. Moreover, by the civil relations of those times, many were obliged, on account of their particular place among the citizens, to take part in the arrangements necessary for the support of the public shows, and so to be interrupted in their devotion even against their will. Hence, the North-African church received at an ecclesiastical convention held at Carthage in 401, to petition the emperor that public shows might be transferred from the Christian Sunday and from feast days, to some other days of the week. Owing to the prevailing passion for the shows, this petition could not be granted perhaps, without considerable difficulty. First, in the year 425, the exhibition of spectacles on Sunday, and on the principal feast days of the Christians, was forbidden, in order that the devotion of the faithful might be free from all disturbance. In this way the church received help from the State for the furtherance of her ends, which could not be obtained in the preceding period. But had it not been for that confusion of spiritual and secular interests, had it not been for the vast number of mere outward conversions thus brought about, she would have needed no such help.”-History of the Christian Religion and Church, vol. ii, section 3.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.10
In this Dr. Neander has not only given us the fact, but he has also set forth the true reason for that fact. The reason why the Sunday games and shows proved a hindrance to Christians, was because the religion was not an affair of the life and the heart. And had it not been for the fact that conversions were only outward, the church would not have needed the help that she craved from the State. That is an obvious conclusion. “Will a man leave the snow of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field? or from another place be forsaken?” Jeremiah 18:14. Will a man who has a Rothschild for his patron seek help from a labouring man? Will a church which has the power of God in it, seek support from earthly rulers?PTUK December 1, 1892, page 371.11
But let us have the testimony of another man, and celebrated alike for his learning and his piety Dean Milman says:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.1
“The Christians obtained a law from Theodosius, that games should be prohibited on the Lord’s day. The African bishops, and the fifth Council of Carthage, petitioned that this prohibition might be extended to all Christian holidays. They urged that many members of the corporate bodies were obliged officially to attend on these occasions, and prevented from fulfilling their religious duties. The law of Theodosius the Elder had inhibited the celebration of games on Sunday; one of the younger Theodosius added, at Christmas, the Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost, and directed that on those days the theatres should be closed, not only to the Christians, but to the impious Jews and superstitious Pagans. But notwithstanding this law, which must have been imperfectly carried into execution, the indignant preacher still denounced the rivalry of the games, which withdrew so many of their audience.”-History of Christianity, Book iv. chap. 2.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.2
All this took place in the formation of the Papacy. It was the means by which it grew. The Papal power is represented in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation as a beast with seven heads and ten horns, to which an image is made. The appeal of the churches in America for help from the Government and the carrying forward of their work, is a step in the formation of the image of the beast. And the granting of that help is the formation of that image. The Bible tells us that the friendship of this world is enmity with God. Therefore whenever the church makes an alliance with the world, and seeks aid from it, that fact is evidence that it is departing from the Lord. The only saving thing is that in the church now, as well as in ancient times, there are not a few who both by their lives and their voice, protest against exchanging the power of the Lord for that of the world.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.3
“‘The Holy Catholic Church’” The Present Truth 8, 1. The Present Truth 8, 24.
There seems to be a growing feeling of what might properly be called jealousy between the Church of Rome and professed Protestants over the possession of the name “Catholic.” It is claimed again and again that the former body has no exclusive right to the name, and that by applying it to itself an injustice is done to other professed Christians. It may strike some as strange that a name which is contended for so strongly, as though there were some virtue in a name, is not found in the Bible at all; but that is the fact.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.4
The word “Catholic” is formed from two Greek words meaning, literally, “through the whole,” or universal. According to the old canon, Catholic is that quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus creditum est, that is, “what has been believed always and everywhere, and by all.” A very little thought will suffice to show anyone that there has never been, and never can be, any such thing as a Catholic Church, and, least of all, a Christian Catholic Church.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.5
There is not anything in the world that has always, nor at any time, been believed by all the people. And from the very nature of man, there can never be such a time. There have been times when the great majority of the world held certain views in common, so much so that, roughly speaking, the belief in that thing was universal. But, nevertheless, there have always been some dissenters. So it will be in the future. Therefore, according to the definition, there is no such thing as a Catholic Church.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.6
But there has been, and will yet be, an approximation to a Catholic Church. Even that, however, is not a thing that is so desirable that men should boast of belonging to it. Let us see what the Scripture has to say about the belief of the majority. Christ says, “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13, 14. Wherever, therefore, the great majority are found, there we may know it is the way of death. Whoever would show that there can ever be such a thing as a Catholic Church, in the way of life, must first show that the Saviour’s words are untrue. But if that were done, then there would be no truth at all in which the professed Catholic Church could walk, for Christ Himself is all the truth there is. The claim for a Christian Catholic Church is, therefore, a denial of Christ.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.7
Christ did not say that you would find a way of life because He wanted it to be so, but because He knew men, and saw what they would do. Men are by nature the children of wrath. The gathering of them into one body of professors, whether by legal enactment or by their own profession, does not constitute them children of God. “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14. But as it has ever been, so will it still be, that the majority of men will resist the Holy Spirit. Thus it was in the days of Noah. When the flood came there were but eight persons in the whole world who feared the Lord. Thus it will be till the close of time, for “as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37, 38.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.8
The apostle John through the Spirit says, “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.” 1 John 5:19. The apostle Paul wrote thus: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:12, 13. But this could not be if there were a universal church walking in the way of right. Yet all this time there will be a professed Church of Christ, and it will be almost universal. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 372.9
That will be the condition of the “Catholic Church” of the last days. Not everyone who professes to belong to the Catholic Church in these days bears the character there described. God has people everywhere, and He knows them. His call to them is to come out from the world and be separate. The danger is that many will be so carried away with the idea that there must be a “Catholic” Church, that they will compromise with error, thinking that even though the majority of professors hold error, they must in time come out right. To warn some against the danger is the object of this little article.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.1
“Why Don’t They Rest?” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Why Don’t They Rest?- There was a mass meeting not long ago in the city of Chicago, to talk about the matter of closing the Columbian exposition on Sundays, and incidentally to urge the importance of a general law prohibiting all Sunday labour. Speeches were made by several ministers. The report says: “The addresses made by Mr. George Royal, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and by Mr. Coffin, of the Trainmen, if not so eloquent, were equally to the point. ‘Many a day,’ said Mr. Royal, but ‘in passing at rapid rate the churches, the music going up in glory to God, has my soul cried out, and how I have hoped that Sunday the Sabbath should be preserved to the railroad men.’”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.2
The question that must naturally arise in the minds of unprejudiced thinking persons, is, “If the trainmen want to rest on Sunday, why do they not do so?” There is no law compelling any man to work when he does not want to. Of course it will be said that if they should refuse to work on Sundays, some other men would take their places. That might be, but if so, what becomes of the statement that all labouring men desire the Sunday rest? If the other men wanted to rest on Sundays, too, there would be no danger that any would lose their places by refusing to work on that day. The question of Sunday railway travel would soon be settled if railway men had conscientious convictions in regard to Sunday labour, and had the courage of their convictions. The very fact that they work, shows that they want to. We know of hundreds of labouring men who do not work on Sunday, but who earn a living. And we personally know hundreds of men who live by their daily labour, who do not do any work on the seventh day of the week, and they do not start. They often suffer great inconvenience; but the man who is unwilling to suffer inconvenience, and even more, for his religion, has no religion of any consequence. The spectacle of men standing before an intelligent audience, and begging for laws to be enforced, by which it will be impossible for them to do what they profess to think is wrong, it is not a very edifying one. They say to the Government, “I am too weak or too cowardly to do what I think is right; please make me good.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.3
“The Object of the Sabbath” The Present Truth 8, 24.
“The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27. The Pharisees had laid down rigid rules as to how the Sabbath should be kept. There was no allowance for difference in circumstances, but these rules were to be carried out by everybody on every occasion. Being only human rules they could not be adapted to the condition of men. With them the Sabbath of their own making, not the Sabbath of the Lord, was everything and man was nothing. It was far better in their eyes to let a man die than to do anything for his relief on the Sabbath day. Thus they made the Sabbath a burden, whereas God gave it to man for a blessing.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.4
The Saviour’s statement that the Sabbath was made for man does not at all convey the idea that it is a plaything for man; that man can do as he pleases with it; but it does show that it is designed for man’s welfare. Man’s welfare is the great consideration. It is man that God cares for. He has not made institutions and arbitrarily commanded man to keep them, so that it makes no difference what the man may suffer, if only the institution be preserved intact. God is not a tyrant. It is true that he has made institutions, the Sabbath among them, and that he designs that they shall be kept; but only because the keeping of them is beneficial for man. God in his wisdom has devised such institutions that the observing of them just as he has commanded, is the only way in which man can attain the highest good, and experience its richest blessings.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.5
“The Sabbath was made for man.” Mark well the fact that this statement by the Saviour did not introduce a new order of things. He did not say that the Sabbath which God gave in the beginning had been a hard yoke, but that he had come to modify it, so that men might do with it as they chose, keeping it if convenient, and dispensing with it if they saw fit. No; “the Sabbath was made for man.” When God gave it to man in Eden, as well as when he spoke the fourth commandment upon Mount Sinai, it was designed as a blessing for mankind. God, who made man, knew what he needed, and in the Sabbath he gave him that which would lift him to the original possible place.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.6
It is true that Christ did tear away from the Sabbath the senseless and burdensome restrictions which the Jews had placed upon it, by which the Sabbath was broken instead of kept; but in so doing he merely let the institution shine forth just as God gave it. He did not in the least remove any of the sanctions which had been thrown around it by the Lord; for Christ “came not to destroy.” Men cannot make a rule so broad and comprehensive that it can cover every possible case; in very law of man there must be exceptions or else someone must suffer. But not so with God’s law; he knew how to make laws and institutions that would be applicable in every case, and yet work injustice to none. There cannot be any circumstances in which it is not the duty of man to keep the Sabbath day; yet in no case will the keeping of it work injury to anyone. On the contrary, it is only in the keeping of the Sabbath that the greatest blessings come to man.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.7
“And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.” Genesis 2:3. God does not ask man to make the day holy; he did that himself. God blessed the seventh day. It is asked, “How could God bless a day, so that it would be any more holy than another day?” That we cannot tell. One might as well ask us how God could create the world. We know nothing about how the thing was done; all we know is the fact. Of that we are very sure, because the Bible tells us. The seventh day,-not simply the Sabbath institution,-is blessed. It and it alone, of all the days of the week, has a blessing placed upon it. It is different from all the other days of the week. Therefore in the keeping of the Sabbath there is a blessing to be found.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.8
We do not mean that people may not be blessed upon other days of the week, for not only the Christian, but even the ungodly, will receive blessing from God on very day of the week. The Christian may, and often does, receive a large measure of the Spirit on any working day; but all that does not take the blessing of the Sabbath. On the seventh day, which it is observed as God designs, there is a blessing to be obtained, that cannot be obtained on any other day.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.9
It is quite commonly taught that if men keep another day than the seventh, they will experience the same blessing. As evidence of this, we are told by strict observers of the first day of the week that they have all the blessing on that day that they could possibly have on the seventh day. But this they cannot know, because they have never kept the seventh day. That they do experience a blessing in their worship, need not be denied, but that they do not experience the blessing of the Sabbath, is as sure as the Bible.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 373.10
The reason why is very simple. A thing can never be found where it is not. A man cannot be found in London if he is in Liverpool. One may go to the Cape of Good Hope in search of the North Cape, but he will never find it there. He will find a cape, but it will not be the North Cape. Now the Lord has blessed the Sabbath day, the seventh day. He has never blessed any other day. The blessing which he placed on the seventh day in the beginning has never been taken off. It could not by any possibility be taken off. Therefore if one wants to find the blessing of the Sabbath day he must find it in the keeping, according to the commandment, of the seventh day. Many will not believe this; they think that it is foolish to suppose that there is any difference in days. But whoever tries it, not in form merely, but in Spirit, keeping in reality the Sabbath of the Lord, will know that it is so.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.1
It was Christ who blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Since it was by Him that all things were created, it is evident that He must also have rested at the close of the six days of creation. He created, He rested, He blessed, and He sanctified. Therefore the blessing of the Sabbath day is the blessing of Christ. The blessing of Christ is to turn man away from iniquity. Acts 3:26. The Sabbath, therefore, is for the purpose of turning man away from their sins-not simply from the sin of Sabbath breaking, but from all sin. How can this be? A few words will indicate the answer, which will be treated further in another paper.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.2
The Sabbath is the memorial of creation. The Sabbath was made for the reason that in “six days the Lord made heaven and earth and all that in them is.” Exodus 20:11. And from the fact that every day man may see something of the works of the Creator, the Sabbath is given for the especial purpose of keeping God in mind as the great Creator. But for the Sabbath rest, men would forget God. And forgetting God, they fail to avail themselves of His power, in overcoming sin. So we have the words of the Lord as to why the Sabbath was given: “Moreover also, I gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them.” Ezekiel 20:12. God sanctified the Sabbath for man, that man might know that he is the One that sanctifies from sin.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.3
It was Christ that blessed the Sabbath, and sanctified it, so that the seventh day is the Lord’s day. The blessing of the Sabbath is the blessing of Christ, and that is sanctification, for Christ is “of God made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30. Here again we see that the Sabbath means sanctification.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.4
The Sabbath is the memorial of creation, but redemption is creation. David prayed “Create in me a clean heart.” Psalm 51:1. “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. The Gospel “is the power of God unto salvation,” (Romans 1:16), and the power of God is seen only in the things that he has made. Verse 29. So the power of the Gospel is the power that created the worlds. Therefore, the Sabbath, in commemoration of creation, makes known to man the power of God to save from sin. As it calls to remembrance the power of God as shown in the works of his hands, it reminds us of the words of the apostle: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:8-10.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.5
This, and this alone, is the object of the Sabbath. This object can be gained only by the keeping of the Sabbath in just the way that God designed from the beginning that it should be kept. More in this line may be given in the next paper.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.6
“How to Understand the Bible” The Present Truth 8, 24.
We read that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. The psalmist says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105. And again, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Verse 11. He says also, “Princes did sit and speak against me; but Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes.” Verse 23. All these texts show the necessity of understanding the word of God.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.7
The exhortation to study the word, and a statement of what will be gained by so doing, is found in Proverbs 6:20-23: “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother; bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” All this is on the supposition that the word is studied. No benefit can be derived from a guide-book that is not consulted. The Scriptures are to be meditated upon; but no one can meditate in that which he has not in his mind.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.8
But who are they who are expected to have the Scriptures stored up in their minds? We are told that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Not one man, nor merely one class of men, are to live by the word of God, but all men. They are to live by the word. That does not mean just a small portion of the time, but all the time. A person’s life is all that he is; all he thinks, and speaks, and does. Therefore the word of God dwelling in the heart is to be to the guide in all the affairs of life. It will thoroughly furnished the man unto all good works. There is no situation in life, no combination of circumstances, in which the Bible will not tell us what to do, if we but learn to know and heed its teachings.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.9
When Christ was upon earth He spoke to all classes of people, and it is recorded that “the common people heard Him gladly.” Among the marks that His mission was Divine, and that He was really the Son of God was this, that “to the poor the Gospel is preached.” Luke 7:22. The poor are those who have the least opportunity of acquiring the learning of the school; therefore it was to the uneducated that the Gospel was preached. And they understood it, too, because they flocked to hear His teaching. But the Scriptures, as a whole, are but the words of Christ, and therefore may be understood as well as the words which He spoke when He was on the earth. Take, for instance, the epistles. They were mostly written to the churches. In those churches there were but few learned men. “For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.” 1 Corinthians 1:26. In the churches, therefore, there were labouring man, and farmers, and tradespeople. They all had to work for their living. They were the class of people who, in these days, say that they “have no time to study the Bible.” Yet the fact the epistles were written to them shows that it was expected that they would understand them. The epistles were simply letters written for their instruction, correction, and comfort. Since the common people who lived in the days when the epistles were written could understand them, surely the people who live in these days can also understand them.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.10
But how are the common people to understand the Bible? Is it by their own reading? or by having somebody read it for them, and give them the meaning? Evidently the former; for if the common people were not to understand the words of Christ for themselves, He would not have spoken to them, and the apostles would not have written to them. For any one to say that common people cannot understand the Scriptures without some interpreter to tell them what it means, is to say that Christ is a respecter of persons, or else that He cannot speak simply enough to be understood by the unlearned. It is to say that God is dependent upon men to make Himself understood. It is also the same as saying that some men are greater than God, in that they can do what God cannot do. In short, that idea exalts a certain class of people to the place of God. This is the characteristic of the Papacy, for the Papacy arose by means of this very idea. Of this we shall speak more in another place.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 374.11
“And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them; and His disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:13-15. “At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Matthew 11:25, 26. So it seems that instead of one having to be learned in the wisdom of this world, in order to understand the Bible, it is necessary for him to come down to the level of a little child. The wise man who trusts in his wisdom, and who thinks to understand the Scriptures by it, does not stand so good a chance as the child. This effectively settles the question as to whether or not poor and ignorant people may understand the Bible.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.1
What is the wisdom of childhood? It is simple belief. A child, before it has been deceived by its parents or others, knows nothing of doubt. It is simple enough to believe all that is told it. And this is its only hope of learning. If a child of four years had the doubt that is sometimes boasted of by older people, he would never learn anything. Unfortunately, this confidence is too often abused, and the child learns that people do not always mean what they say. Yet it takes a great deal of deceit to drive the Spirit of belief entirely from the heart of a child. But God never deceives. He “cannot lie.” Therefore every one may depend upon His word just as implicitly as the child naturally does upon the word of its mother. And this is the only way in which the truth of God may be known. This is what the Lord meant when He said that whosoever did not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, could not enter therein.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.2
This is the secret of understanding the Bible. Take it just as it reads, and believe that it means just what it says. When the Bible makes a plain declaration, accept it for just what it says, and do not go somewhere else, to some other book, or to some man, to find out what it means. When the writer was a boy he often used to read the New Testament aloud to some older persons. Very naturally he would ask what certain texts meant. The text would then be “explained.” But occasionally the answer would be, “That means what it says.” And thus the idea was conveyed that sometimes the Bible means what it says, but that most commonly it means something different. It took a long time to recover from the effects of such teaching, and to learn that when the Lord speaks He always means just what He is. It is true that there is always in every text a great deal more meaning than we can perceive, for the word of the Lord is infinite, and sometimes we cannot at first perceive any meaning whatever; but it is there in the words that God has caused to be written, and the meaning cannot be found anywhere else.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.3
There are two principle causes why people find the Bible difficult, even after they give assent to the fact that it means what it says, and think that they believe in it. The first is the power of preconceived opinions. They come to the study of the Bible with certain fixed ideas, and they think that they must find those ideas in it. When they read a certain passage that conflicts in any degree with their ideas, they modify the statement to agree with their ideas. This they do unconsciously. But they do not mean to put their ideas in the place of the Bible statement, but they are so firmly persuaded that their ideas are according to Scripture that they think the passage in question must be toned down a little to agree with some other text. This suggests a principle that must be grasped and firmly adhered to before one can hope to get any real benefit from the Bible; and it is this: The Bible means just what it says in every text. No text can modify another, so as to make it mean less, or anything different from its plain reading. True, no one text tells all that may be said upon any subject, or else there would not be another one written on the same subject; but every text must be allowed to stand just as it is written. “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” Proverbs 30:5, 6.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.4
The other cause is the impatience of the reader. He cannot wait for an understanding of the text. He must know at once. So he rushes off to a commentary, or to some man in whom he has confidence, and inquires for the meaning. Having received an answer, he thinks that he knows the meaning; but he does not. Even though the exact truth be told him, he does not know it. By and by some other commentator or friend will give him another explanation of the same text, and then his doubt is greater than before. The poor man sees that learned men differ, and he wonders, “How am I to know which is right?” He could not know, if we were to depend on the testimony of men, for he would never know what man to depend on. But he may know for a certainty, if he will let the Lord tell him.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.5
“For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6. The knowledge of God is found in His word, and He alone can give the understanding. We do not get light upon the word of God, but we get light from it. The word itself is light. If at the first we do not perceive the light, that is no evidence that it is not there. It will be revealed to us if we look long enough. The Holy Spirit is given to all who ask for it, and it makes known the things that are freely given to us by the Lord. And here is the rule which the Spirit has given by the mouth of the apostle Paul: “Consider what I say; for the Lord shall give thee understanding in all things.” 2 Timothy 2:7. Who will with prayerful patience give himself wholly to the consideration of the words of the Lord, and receive that wisdom which will be his guide in this life, and his surety for the life to come?PTUK December 1, 1892, page 375.6
“Brothers and Sisters” The Present Truth 8, 24.
Has God given you brothers and sisters? If so, thank Him for so precious a gift. What a help you and they may be in your home! No matter how young, you may bring in sunlight and joy.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 381.1
The reason that many homes are so dark and unhappy is because the brothers and sisters do not shed the sunshine of love around them. They act beautifully when in the home of a schoolmate or when with some other one’s brothers or sisters. They are polite, thoughtful of others’ comfort, and count nothing too hard to do, if they can but make friends of this other person’s brothers and sisters. They remember that “he that hath friends must show himself friendly.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 381.2
But look at them as they rush up the steps at home, with dirty feet, and shut the door with a bang that wakes the baby and startles everyone in the house. Watch them as they toss their things on a chair or in the corner, snatch a look from the hands of brother or sister, and with cross words and perhaps a slap say, “I do wish you ever could learn to leave my things alone.” Ah, they do not stop to think what gloom and heartache they have brought into their house, or they could not do it so easily. If one would have friends he must show himself friendly, was all forgotten on the road home. In fact, the thought had never entered their heads that they needed to have friends, or could have friends, at home. They always have been in the habit of seeking for them somewhere else. What a sad mistake!PTUK December 1, 1892, page 381.3
If they would only stop a moment and think, perhaps they would see that their very best friends on earth might be found right there in their own house, if they would but take the same pains to win them that they do to win other friends. But the bright, tender plants of friendship and love will not grow and blossom in their home unless they care for them there as faithfully as when in their neighbour’s home. They are plants that must be watered and tended every day. If they would be but as unselfish, self-forgetful, thoughtful, kind, tender, patient, helpful, if they would be but as friendly and loving to their own brothers and sisters as they are to some other person’s brothers and sisters, they would soon find that the friendliest, happiest, and best place in the whole world for them would be among their own dear ones at home. No longer would the rooms look bare and gloomy and lonely. Love would fill them with brightest sunshine and people them with the dearest friends.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.1
Try it. Let the love of Jesus into your own heart, and then let it shine upon your father and mother and brothers and sisters. Watch for opportunities to do kindnesses. Guard against whatever would wound or cause pain. Forget self and live for others, and see if you do not taste of purer joys and more perfect happiness than ever before in all your lives.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.2
“Interesting Items” The Present Truth 8, 1. The Present Truth 8, 24.
-Switzerland annually exports condensed milk valued at over £500,000, nearly all of which is sent to Great Britain.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.3
-The bishops of London and Rochester are taking active part in a movement for the training of working men as evangelists.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.4
-Dr. Geike’s work, “The Life of Christ,” is being translated into Russian by one of the dignitaries of the Cathedral in Moscow.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.5
-Because the Anarchist Francois has been returned to France by the British Government, the Paris Anarchists have threatened to blow up the British Embassy.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.6
-Of 27,096 tons of meat delivered at the Central Meat Market in October, twenty-one tons were seized, how much bad meat escaped seizure is not known.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.7
-The quantity of yarn spun in the thirty-three cotton mills of Japan during a recent month amounted to 6,375,308lbs., giving employment to 21,530 persons.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.8
-During the past year the revenue derived from the three-half penny stamp placed upon patent medicines amounted to £240,062, an increase of £14,361 over the sum paid in the preceding twelve months.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.9
-By a law recently promulgated in France, criminal sentences, hitherto reckoned from the date of there being pronounced, will count from the date of the arrest if there has been imprisonment before trial.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.10
-The statistics of Wesleyan Methodism in Canada show 560,720 full and accredited church members at home and abroad; 50,820 on trial; 2,222 ordained ministers in full work; 384 on trial and 371 supernumaries.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.11
-The Sultan of Morocco has placed in Italy orders for 50,000 rifles and a large quantity of cartridges and other war material. The rifles will be made in the Government factories, and are to be delivered within eight months.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.12
-It is positively affirmed that some of the large banks and commercial houses of Paris are paying from 100 francs to 500 francs a month to Anarchists, who in return guarantee that they shall be exempt from outrage by dynamite.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.13
-Among the clauses in the concession granted to the English company that is about to construct a railway between A and Damascus is one authorizing it to establish navigation, and reviving the fishing industry of the Sea of Galilee.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.14
-An Arizona correspondent of Iron asserts that the Salvation Army are working a claim on the south slope of the Huachuca Mountain, and making it pay. It is said that a scheme is being devised to establish a Salvationist colony at the mine.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.15
-A special Vienna correspondent of Reuter enters into details respecting a new rifle lately invented by Herr von Mannlicher, which he describes as a weapon of terrible destructiveness. As many as 120 rounds per minute have fired from it.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.16
-During five months the death-rate in one district of Russia has exceeded the birth-rate by 3,000, where as in ordinary seasons the birth-rate is 2,000 in excess of the death-rate. And the prospects are that the famine will increase rather than diminish.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.17
-According to the latest statistical report, Germany has 31,026,810 Protestant subjects; 17,674,921 Roman Catholics; 145,540 other Christians; 567,884 Jews; 562 adherents of other religions, and 12,753 without any religious profession. The total population is 49,428,470.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.18
-The British and Foreign Bible Society is accomplishing slowly the task of getting a complete Bible to the Afghans in their vernacular, Pashtu. The additions already issued are re-produced by the photo process from original manuscript copies, with finely decorated titles made by Afghan scribes.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.19
-The total production of gold and silver in the world for the year ending with June last is put at 6,102,803 fine ounces of gold and 142,994,000 of silver.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.20
-Denmark exports 80,000,000 pounds of butter to England every year, and has appointed an Agricultural Commissioner to this country to enforce the Margarine Act. A betterman who had mixed in three parts of margarine with two parts of butter, and called it “finest Danish,” has been fined £10, and £10 12s. costs.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.21
-Eastbourne Town Council has expressed their regret at a letter just received from the Home Secretary-that the Privy Council has declined to sanction a new bye-law for the district, to the effect that none but the military and naval forces should “blow any horn or sound or play any musical instrument on a Sunday.” Why military and naval bands should be given special privileges does not appear. A queer thing about this Sunday business is, that what is counted sinful for some people is perfectly right for others. This inconsistency shows the entirely human origin of the institution.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.22
-An instrument named the hydrophone, designed for coast defence, the invention of Captain M’Evry, a well-known submarine mining expert, has lately been tested by collaborative and prolonged experiment. The instrument is sunk in the water in a suitable locality, and connected by electric cable with the shore, and it gives warning of the approach of a man-of-war within a mile, and of a torpedo boat within half a mile. The inventor thinks it may also be utilized as a means of warning shipping approaching dangerously near the shore in thick weather.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.23
-Dr. Nansen, a Norwegian explorer, is fitting out an expedition for the North Pole. His theory is that north of Siberia there is a current setting northward, and crossing the pole. He expects to go as far north as possible during the summer, and then to allow his ship to become locked in the ice, when he expects that the current will carry ice, ship and all to the pole. He is making preparations for a five years’ trip. The prevailing opinion seems to be that at the end of five years, if he remains away so long, he will not be far from where he goes into “winter quarters” at the beginning.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.24
-In the course of an article on “Murder in the United States,” the Chautauquan presents the following figures:-We have reached very high figures, and figures evidently destined to go higher. In 1890 the number of murders in the United States was stated by statisticians to be about 4,000; in 1891 it was close upon 6,000. Now, as to the punishment of the men who commit these crimes, the men who commit these murders, the great majority of them are at large. This is shown by the fact that at the time of the tenth census there were 4,608 persons in prison charged with homicide, and in the eleventh census 7,351. This seems enormous, especially in view of the fact that here is an increase of persons held for murder of over 59 per cent., while the increase in population has been less than 25 per cent.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.25
-Aluminium horse-shoes are said to have been tried with remarkably successful results in the Russian Army. According to a note translated by Captain E. Lambart from the Invalide Russe, a few horses in the Finland Dragoons were first chosen and shod with one aluminum shoe and three iron shoes each; the former being on the fore feet in some cases, and on the hind in others. The experiments lasted six weeks, and showed that the aluminum shoes lasted longer and preserved the foot better than the iron ones. No aluminum shoes broke, and they were used over again for re-shoeing. The horses, moreover, were worked over hard and very stony ground. The most important fact of all is that aluminum horse-shoes are only one-third to one-fourth the weight of iron shoes. Their cost is admittedly greater; but, on the other hand, very little charcoal is required in shoeing, there is no loss in weight, and the value of the old metal is the same as that of fresh.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 362.26
“Back Page” The Present Truth 8, 24.
The verdict of death caused by “exhaustion due to want of proper nourishment,” is becoming quite frequent in London. The unprofessional name for it is starvation.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.1
In the discussion of the affairs of the Panama Canal Company, in the French Chamber of Deputies, M. Delehaye charged 150 members with having received bribes to the amoung of 3,000,000 francs.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.2
The result of the election in the United States was an overwhelming defeat for the Republican party. Mr. Cleveland, the Democractic candidate for President, has been elected by a large majority.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.3
When the proposed reorganization of the German army shall have been effected, Germany will have a war footing of 4,000,000 men, and the number of men under arms in Russia, France, and Germany, will be over 13,000,000.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.4
An official notice has been issued, declaiming that Hamburg and its environs are free from cholera, and a service of thanksgiving has been held. During the twelve weeks in which the epidemic prevailed, there were 21,000 cases and over 11,000 deaths.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.5
There are in Russia 876 gaols, which are built to accommodate 570,000 prisoners; but there are at the present time 960,000 prisoners confined in them. Of this number ten per cent are women and children. Their condition may be imagined from the “accommodations” previded.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.6
The condition of affairs in Europe is amply disclosed in one sentence in the speech of Count Von Caprivi, in introducing the new Military Bill before the German Reichstag. Said he: “Our whole position among the nations depends upon our military capacity.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.7
On Friday last, Miss Anna Gordon of Alleghany, Pennsylvania, sailed on the steamship Pashawur of the Peninsular and Oriental Line, for Bombay. We formed a pleasant, though brief, acquaintance with this Christian lady who goes at the Master’s call to give her life to mission work in India.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.8
Recently Professor E. B. Miller and wife spend a few weeks in London while on their way to South Africa to take the supervision of our school which is to open the first of February, 1893. Two teachers who will assist them in the work, Professor Harmon Lindsay and Miss Peck, accompanied them to the Cape. Mr. H. M. Morrison sailed at the same time to South Africa in the interests of the colporteus work in that field.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.9
Six “officers” of the Salvation Army in Basle have been sentenced to imprisonment for endeavouring to make use of new “barracks,” in spite of the prohibition of the authorities. The police had decided that the Salvation Army had enough meeting places, and the Army did not think so; hence the collision.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.10
“Chief Rabbi Winer and M. Schneider, warden of the Moscow Synagogue, have been expelled from that city by the Russian authorities for allowing a marriage to be celebrated in a building not formally licensed as a place of public worship.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.11
This is only one more instance of the tyranny that is the natural outcome of ecclesiastical control of secular affairs. In fact, Church interference in civil matters is itself tyranny, for it is the exercise of unwarranted power.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.12
In a recent interview with a Chronicle reporter, Mrs. Annie Besant gave the following answer to the question if Theosophy could be described in a sentence or two:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.13
“Certainly. It consists of three affirmations: First, the universe is fundamentally spiritual, and matter is only an expression of spirit. Second, law reigns everywhere, in morals as much as in physical nature. That is, every act and every thought produces its inevitable result, against which no prayer and no vicarious atonement is of the least avail. Third, the doctrine of reincarnation, declaring the existence of intelligence which passes from life to life, thus gathering experience as it goes, and ever building up a higher type of life.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.14
From this it will readily be seen that Theosophy is but another name for Spiritualism, which is Paganism.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.15
The members of the Cumice party in the German Reichstag are said to be drawing up for presentation to that body, a measure in favour of the establishment of a tribunal of arbitration and disarmament under the presidency of the Pope. The Pope, it is said, warmly approves the scheme. Undoubtedly; to be in a position to exercise control over the affairs of Europe is the one object of his life.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.16
The Pope expects to keep the reins of government in his hands for some time to come. While others are speculating as to who will be the next Pope, he himself is unconcerned. He is reported to have said in a recent convocation: “They talk of my successor, and of the chance such and such a cardinal has of occupying the chair of Peter. As for myself, I feel so vigorous that, without boasting, I sincerely believe that the future Pope is not yet a member of the Sacred College.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.17
The question of opening museums, art galleries, etc., on Sundays is being quite extensively agitated at present, and some matter for thought is often presented in the newspaper discussions. In the Echo of November 11, F. W. Newman, who, by the way, is a brother of the late Cardinal, has the following concerning the inconsistency of calling Sunday the Sabbath:-PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.18
“I have never met an Evangelical who, after pretending that the apostles changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, had any reply (I will not now say to the New Testament, for I know you do not wish to open yourself to Scriptural discussion), but who had any reply at all to the historical remarks that if the apostles had done what is gratuitously pretended, the word Sabat in Greek, in Italian, in Arabic, and in French (where it is corrupted into Samadi), would not have continued to exist for eighteen centuries to this day.”PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.19
It is worthy of note that not a few of the clergy are in favour of Sunday opening.PTUK December 1, 1892, page 384.20