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    MARCH 8, 1890. Hebrews 9:24-28

    1. With what were the earthly holies purified?SSW 32.1

    2. Whose office was it to cleanse the sanctuary?SSW 32.2

    3. Do the heavenly things need cleansing?SSW 32.3

    4. Where has our High Priest entered? Hebrews 9:24.SSW 32.4

    5. Why could not Christ act as priest in the earthly sanctuary? Chap. 8:4.SSW 32.5

    6. If the earthly was the pattern of the heavenly, must there not be two holy places in the heavenly? Hebrews 9:23, 24.SSW 32.6

    7. What does the word “true” mean in verse 24? Ans.—The true holy places-holy places understood.SSW 32.7

    8. Where are the true holy places? Verse 24.SSW 32.8

    9. How often did the high priest enter the most holy on earth? Verse 25.SSW 32.9

    10. How often does Christ enter the heavenly sanctuary for us?—Ib. See Verse 12.SSW 32.10

    11. What is meant by the end of the world, verse 26? Ans.—The last dispensation.SSW 32.11

    12. For what hath Christ appeared?—Ib.SSW 32.12

    13. Whose sins did he come to put away? Compare chap. 7:25.SSW 32.13

    14. Whose sins does he put away? Ans.—Only those who cease to sin. They who continue to transgress the law of God never have their sins put away; they retain them. Matthew 7:21.SSW 32.14

    15. How did he accomplish this work? Hebrews 9:26.SSW 33.1

    16. What is appointed to all men? Verse 27.SSW 33.2

    17. What comes after death?—Ib.SSW 33.3

    18. What is implied by introducing the judgment as following death? Ans.—That the judgment is consequent upon this life, and for one probation only.SSW 33.4

    19. What analogy is shown between our probation and the death of Christ? Ans.—As we die one, living but one life, having but one probation, so Christ once died to bear sins.SSW 33.5

    20. For how many did he die?—Ib. Compare chap. 2:9.SSW 33.6

    21. What is meant by the words, “He hath once appeared,” Hebrews 9:26? Ans.—He has made one advent to this world.SSW 33.7

    22. Will he appear again? Verse 28.SSW 33.8

    23. How will he appear?—Ib. See note.SSW 33.9

    24. For what purpose will he appear?—Ib.SSW 33.10

    25. To whom will he appear unto salvation?—Ib. See 2 Timothy 4:1, 8.SSW 33.11

    26. How will he appear to those who do not look for him, nor love his appearing? 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8; Revelation 6:15-17.SSW 33.12


    It is to be regretted that commentators have so generally overlooked the true intent of Hebrews 9:28, and construed it to mean “without a sin-offering.” The original word occurs seventy-three times in the New Testament, and is rendered “sinful,” once; “offense,” once; “sin,” seventy-one times. It is never claimed that it can bear the sense of sin-offering in the New Testament, except in 2 Corinthians 5:21, and Hebrews 9:28. And we are very confident that it does not in either of these texts. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 the contrast and the force are measurably lost by so rendering it. “He hath made him to be sin for us, who himself knew no sin.” Our iniquity was laid upon him; he was bruised for our sakes-in our stead. He bore our sin, and suffered as if he had actually been the sinner. The Scripture doctrine of substitution is entirely too strong and clear to admit of this text being changed into sin-offering. In Hebrews 9 there is presented a series of events, mostly in contrast with the things of the earthly service, each of which occurs without being repeated. He offered one sacrifice; he offered it but once; he entered once into the heavenly sanctuary. Man dies once (therefore there is but one probationary life); and after this one death, the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear sin; and he will once more (a second time) come, without sin. He was once offered to bear sin; he bore it on the cross; he bears our judgment-the iniquity of his priesthood-before the throne. As a priest he has continually taken sins, except from those who choose to retain them. But when he comes again, he will be separated from sin; he will bear sin no more. As it reads, it signifies that at his second coming his priesthood, his act of sin-bearing, is forever ended.SSW 33.13

    The difference is evident and material. He might come without a sin-offering, he might not renew his sacrifice, and yet not make an end of his priestly service. He has made but one offering in more than 1,850 years, and his priesthood has continued all these centuries by virtue of that one offering. And it mighty continue indefinitely, in the same manner, by that one and the same offering. All these centuries he has been receiving the sins of penitents. But he comes without sin, separate or apart from sin, as it really means. This indicates that he will bear sin no more; that he has put it from him. Then he that is unjust must so remain. Revelation 22:10-12.SSW 34.1

    The following remarks from Dr. Barnes on this text, concerning the coming again of our blessed Saviour, are interesting:—SSW 35.1

    There is a propriety that he should thus return. He came once to be humbled, despised, and put to death; and there is a fitness that he should come to be honored in his own world.SSW 35.2

    Every person on earth is interested in the fact that he will return, for ‘every eye shall see him.’ Revelation 1:7. All who are now in their graves, all who now live, and all who will hereafter live, will behold the Redeemer in his glory.SSW 35.3

    It will not be merely to gaze upon him, and to admire his magnificence, that they will see him. It will be for greater and more momentous purposes-with reference to an eternal doom.SSW 35.4

    The great mass of men are not prepared to meet him. They do not believe that he will return; they do not desire that he should appear; they are not ready for the solemn interview which they will have with him. His appearing now would overwhelm them with surprise and horror. There is nothing in the future which they less expect and desire than the second coming of the Son of God, and in the present state of the world his appearance would produce almost universal consternation and despair. It would be like the coming of the flood of waters on the old world; like the sheets of flame on Sodom and Gomorrah.SSW 35.5

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